public function __construct($controller, $name)
     $this->controller = $controller;
     $userSubmissionHolder = $this->controller->data();
     $editableFormFields = $userSubmissionHolder->Fields()->filter(array('EnableOnSearchForm' => true));
     $fields = new FieldList();
     foreach ($editableFormFields as $editableFormField) {
         $field = $this->getFormFieldFromEditableFormField($editableFormField);
         if ($field) {
     $willCreateKeywordsField = $userSubmissionHolder->Fields()->find('UseInKeywordSearch', true);
     if ($willCreateKeywordsField) {
         $fields->unshift($field = TextField::create('Keywords', 'Keywords'));
     $actions = new FieldList($submitButton = FormAction::create('doSearch', 'Search')->setUseButtonTag($this->config()->submit_use_button_tag)->addExtraClass($this->config()->submit_classes));
     $validator = UserSubmissionSearchFormValidator::create();
     $validator->fields = $fields;
     parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions, $validator);
     // Retain search text and selections for pagination pages
     // (as pagination doesn't trigger the httpSubmission function)
     // note(Jake): Probably the perfect way to extend the form. Leaving commented until real use case arises.
  * Set if the existing password should be required
  * @param bool $show Flag to show or hide this field
  * @return $this
 public function setRequireExistingPassword($show)
     // Don't modify if already added / removed
     if ((bool) $show === $this->requireExistingPassword) {
         return $this;
     $this->requireExistingPassword = $show;
     $name = $this->getName();
     $currentName = "{$name}[_CurrentPassword]";
     if ($show) {
         $confirmField = PasswordField::create($currentName, _t('Member.CURRENT_PASSWORD', 'Current Password'));
     } else {
         $this->children->removeByName($currentName, true);
     return $this;
  * @return FieldList
 public function Actions()
     if (!$this->getCanAddInline()) {
         return new FieldList();
     if ($this->actions) {
         return $this->actions;
     // Setup default actions
     $this->actions = new FieldList();
     $this->actions->unshift($inlineAddButton = FormAction::create('AddInlineRecord', 'Add')->addExtraClass('multirecordfield-addinlinebutton js-multirecordfield-add-inline')->setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off')->setUseButtonTag(true));
     $this->actions->unshift($classField = DropdownField::create('ClassName', ' ')->addExtraClass('multirecordfield-classname js-multirecordfield-classname')->setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off')->setEmptyString('(Select section type to create)'));
     $inlineAddButton->addExtraClass('ss-ui-action-constructive ss-ui-button');
     $inlineAddButton->setAttribute('data-icon', 'add');
     // NOTE(Jake): add 'updateActions' here if needed later.
     // Update FormAction fields with button classes
     // todo(Jake): Find a better location for applying this
     return $this->actions;
  * @param Controller     $controller
  * @param String         $name
  * @param GroupedProduct $product
 public function __construct($controller, $name, GroupedProduct $product)
     $fields = new FieldList();
     // add quantity etc fields
     // TODO: These should probably be cleaned up and put in composite fields or something
     foreach ($product->ChildProducts() as $child) {
         if (!$child->hasExtension('GroupedCartFormChildHooks')) {
             user_error('Child Products must have GroupedCartFormChildHooks applied.');
         $vars = $child->hasMethod('Variations') ? $child->Variations() : null;
         if ($vars && $vars->count() > 0) {
             foreach ($child->getVariationFields() as $f) {
     $actions = new FieldList(array(FormAction::create('addtocart', _t('GroupedCartForm.ADD', 'Add to Cart'))));
     // integrate with wishlist module
     if (class_exists('WishList')) {
         $actions->unshift(FormAction::create('addtowishlist', _t('GroupedCartForm.ADDTOWISHLIST', 'Add to Wish List')));
     parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions);
  * Add a new child field to the beginning of the set.
  * @param FormField
 public function unshift(FormField $field)
 function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields)
     $fields->unshift(CheckboxField::create('Published', _t('CMSPublishableDataExtension.PUBLISHED', 'Published')));
     return $fields;
  * Test pushing a field to the beginning of a set.
  * This tests {@link FieldList->unshift()}.
 public function testPushFieldToBeginningOfSet()
     $fields = new FieldList();
     /* A field named Country is added to the set */
     $fields->unshift(new TextField('Country'));
     /* We only have 1 field in the set */
     $this->assertEquals(1, $fields->Count());
     /* Another field called Email is added to the set */
     $fields->unshift(new EmailField('Email'));
     /* There are now 2 fields in the set */
     $this->assertEquals(2, $fields->Count());
     /* The most recently added field is at the beginning of the set */
     $this->assertEquals('Email', $fields->First()->getName());
     // Test that pushing a composite field without a name onto the set works
     $fields->unshift(new CompositeField(new TextField('Test1'), new TextField('Test2')));
     $this->assertEquals(3, $fields->Count());
 public function getCMSFields()
     $fields = new FieldList($this->getCMSFieldsForVideo());
     $fields->unshift(new TextField('Title', 'Title/Label (optional)'));
     return $fields;
  * Adds a UI message to indicate whether you're editing in the default locale or not
  * @param  FieldList $fields
  * @return $this
 protected function addLocaleIndicatorMessage(FieldList $fields)
     if (Fluent::config()->disable_current_locale_message) {
         return $this;
     // If the field is already present, don't add it a second time
     if ($fields->fieldByName('CurrentLocaleMessage')) {
         return $this;
     $localeNames = Fluent::locale_names();
     $isDefaultLocale = Fluent::default_locale() === Fluent::current_locale();
     $messageClass = $isDefaultLocale ? 'good' : 'notice';
     $message = $isDefaultLocale ? _t('Fluent.DefaultLocale', 'This is the default locale') : _t('Fluent.DefaultLocaleIs', 'The default locale is') . ' ' . $localeNames[Fluent::default_locale()];
     $fields->unshift(LiteralField::create('CurrentLocaleMessage', sprintf('<p class="message %s">' . _t('Fluent.EditingIn', 'Please note: You are editing in') . ' %s. %s.</p>', $messageClass, $localeNames[Fluent::current_locale()], $message)));
     return $this;