Example #1
    public function PageLoad()
        $config = Configuration::Instance();
        $feed = new FeedWriter(ATOM);
        $title = $config->GetKey(ConfigKeys::APP_TITLE);
        $feed->setTitle("{$title} Reservations");
        $url = $config->GetScriptUrl();
        $feed->setChannelElement('updated', date(DATE_ATOM, time()));
        $feed->setChannelElement('author', array('name' => $title));
        foreach ($this->reservations as $reservation) {
            /** @var FeedItem $item */
            $item = $feed->createNewItem();
            $item->setDescription(sprintf('<div><span>Start</span> %s</div>
										  <div><span>End</span> %s</div>
										  <div><span>Organizer</span> %s</div>
										  <div><span>Description</span> %s</div>', $reservation->DateStart->ToString(), $reservation->DateEnd->ToString(), $reservation->Organizer, $reservation->Description));
Example #2
  * Generate a enclosure element in the current feed
  * @access public
  * @param $title string The title of the element
  * @param $link  string The link to the element
  * @param $pubDate DateTime the date of the publication
  * @param $description string The description of the element
  * @param $enclosure array An array with the enclosure
  * @return void
 public function addEnclosureContent($title, $link, $pubDate, $description, $enclosure = array())
     $item = $this->_feed->createNewItem();
     $item->setEncloser($enclosure["url"], $enclosure["length"], $enclosure["type"]);
Example #3
 public function displayMain()
     $postFeed = new FeedWriter(RSS2);
     $postFeed->setDescription('This is test of creating a RSS 2.0 feed Universal Feed Writer');
     $postFeed->setImage('Testing the RSS writer class', 'http://www.ajaxray.com/projects/rss', 'http://www.rightbrainsolution.com/images/logo.gif');
     $posts = CMSHelper::getNewCMS(50);
     foreach ($posts as $row) {
         $newItem = $postFeed->createNewItem();
Example #4
 function rss()
     global $REQUEST_ASSOC, $TPA;
     if ($node = $this->_tree->getNodeInfo($REQUEST_ASSOC['id'])) {
         Common::inc_module_factory('feedWriter', true);
         //Creating an instance of FeedWriter class.
         //The constant RSS2 is passed to mention the version
         $feed = new FeedWriter();
         //Setting the channel elements
         //Use wrapper functions for common channel elements
         $feed->setTitle(CHOST . ' - ' . $node['basic']);
         //Image title and link must match with the 'title' and 'link' channel elements for RSS 2.0
         //$TestFeed->setImage('Testing the RSS writer class','http://www.ajaxray.com/projects/rss','http://www.rightbrainsolution.com/images/logo.gif');
         //Use core setChannelElement() function for other optional channels
         $node['params']['lang'] = 'ru';
         $feed->setChannelElement('language', $node['params']['lang']);
         if ($interval = $this->_common_obj->select_news_interval($node_id, 0, 10, '', '', false, $active = 1)) {
             foreach ($interval as $news) {
                 //Create an empty FeedItem
                 $newItem = $feed->createNewItem();
                 //Add elements to the feed item
                 //Use wrapper functions to add common feed elements
                 $newItem->setLink($TPA->page_link . '/~shownews/' . $news['id']);
                 //The parameter is a timestamp for setDate() function
                 $date = strtotime($news['sortdate']);
                 $newItem->addElement('author', '*****@*****.**');
                 //Attributes have to passed as array in 3rd parameter
                 $newItem->addElement('guid', 'http://www.ajaxray.com', array('isPermaLink' => 'true'));
                 //Now add the feed item
include "FeedWriter.php";
//Creating an instance of FeedWriter class.
//The constant RSS1 is passed to mention the version
$TestFeed = new FeedWriter(RSS1);
//Setting the channel elements
//Use wrapper functions for common elements
//For other optional channel elements, use setChannelElement() function
$TestFeed->setTitle('Testing the RSS writer class');
$TestFeed->setDescription('This is test of creating a RSS 1.0 feed by Universal Feed Writer');
//It's important for RSS 1.0
//Adding a feed. Genarally this protion will be in a loop and add all feeds.
//Create an empty FeedItem
$newItem = $TestFeed->createNewItem();
//Add elements to the feed item
//Use wrapper functions to add common feed elements
$newItem->setTitle('The first feed');
//The parameter is a timestamp for setDate() function
$newItem->setDescription('This is test of adding CDATA Encoded description by the php <b>Universal Feed Writer</b> class');
//Use core addElement() function for other supported optional elements
$newItem->addElement('dc:subject', 'Nothing but test');
//Now add the feed item
//Adding multiple elements from array
//Elements which have an attribute cannot be added by this way
$newItem = $TestFeed->createNewItem();
$newItem->addElementArray(array('title' => 'The 2nd feed', 'link' => 'http://www.google.com', 'description' => 'This is test of feedwriter class'));
Example #6
  * Filter tickets by certain condition
 public function actionFilterIssues($type, $id, $alias, $rss = null)
     // Initiate Criteria
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $pages = new CPagination();
     $pages->route = '/issues/' . $type . '/' . $id . '/' . $alias;
     switch ($type) {
         case 'status':
             $criteria->condition = 't.ticketstatus=:status';
             $criteria->params = array(':status' => $id);
         case 'type':
             $criteria->condition = 't.tickettype=:type';
             $criteria->params = array(':type' => $id);
         case 'priority':
             $criteria->condition = 't.priority=:priority';
             $criteria->params = array(':priority' => $id);
         case 'category':
             $criteria->condition = 't.ticketcategory=:category';
             $criteria->params = array(':category' => $id);
         case 'version':
             $criteria->condition = 't.ticketversion=:version';
             $criteria->params = array(':version' => $id);
         case 'fixedin':
             $criteria->condition = 't.fixedin=:fixedin';
             $criteria->params = array(':fixedin' => $id);
         case 'milestone':
             $criteria->condition = 't.milestone=:milestone';
             $criteria->params = array(':milestone' => $id);
     // Initiate Pager
     $count = Tickets::model()->count($criteria);
     $pages->pageSize = Yii::app()->params['ticketsPerPage'];
     // Load them
     $tickets = Tickets::model()->with(array('reporter', 'assigned', 'status', 'type', 'category', 'ticketpriority', 'version', 'fixed', 'ticketmilestone'))->byDate()->findAll($criteria);
     // Did we wanted to see the rss
     if ($rss && in_array($rss, array('rss', 'atom'))) {
         // Load the feed writer
         $feedWriter = new FeedWriter($rss == 'atom' ? ATOM : RSS2);
         $channelElems = array('title' => Yii::t('tickets', 'Tickets Feed'), 'link' => Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('/tickets'), 'charset' => Yii::app()->charset, 'description' => Yii::t('tickets', 'Tickets Feed'), 'author' => Yii::app()->name, 'generator' => Yii::app()->name, 'language' => Yii::app()->language, 'ttl' => 10);
         // Set channel elements
         if ($tickets) {
             foreach ($tickets as $r) {
                 $newItem = $feedWriter->createNewItem();
                 $itemElems = array('title' => htmlspecialchars($r->title), 'link' => Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('/issue/' . $r->id . '/' . $r->alias), 'charset' => Yii::app()->charset, 'description' => htmlspecialchars(substr(strip_tags($r->content), 0, 100)), 'author' => $r->reporter ? $r->reporter->username : Yii::app()->name, 'generator' => Yii::app()->name, 'language' => Yii::app()->language, 'guid' => $r->id, 'content' => htmlspecialchars($r->content));
                 //Now add the feed item
         // Display & end
         echo $feedWriter->genarateFeed();
     // Load the quick moderation form
     $moderation = new TicketsQuickModeration();
     // Title
     $this->pageTitle[] = Yii::t('tickets', 'Viewing Issues');
     // Render
     $this->render('ticketslist', array('total' => $count, 'tickets' => $tickets, 'pages' => $pages, 'moderation' => $moderation));
Example #7

 * Create a rss of the recorded programs.
 * @license     GPL
 * @package     MythWeb
 * @subpackage  TV
$Feed = new FeedWriter(RSS2);
$Feed->setTitle('MythWeb - ' . t('Recorded Programs'));
$Feed->setDescription('MythWeb - ' . t('Recorded Programs'));
foreach ($All_Shows as $show) {
    $item = $Feed->createNewItem();
    $item->setTitle($show->title . (strlen($show->subtitle) > 0 ? ' - ' . $show->subtitle : ''));
    $item->setLink(root_url . 'tv/detail/' . $show->chanid . '/' . $show->recstartts);
Example #8
usort($pages, '_sort_pages');
/** Start Feed Output **/
$last_updated_at = null;
$feed = new FeedWriter(RSS2);
$feed->setLink(url_for("/", IS_ABSOLUTE_URL));
$feed->setChannelElement('language', 'zh-cn');
// get flat pages
foreach ($pages as $page) {
    $page_updated_at = $page->getLastUpdatedAt();
    if (!$last_updated_at || $page_updated_at > $last_updated_at) {
        $last_updated_at = $page_updated_at;
    $render = new SimpieView($page->getPageFilePath(), '../templates/layout/feed.php');
    $feed_item = $feed->createNewItem();
    $feed_item->addElement('author', 'TIPI-Team');
// set the last modify time
$feed->setChannelElement('pubDate', date(DATE_RSS, $last_updated_at));
// fix html entriy problem in feedwriter
$xml = ob_get_clean();
$xml = str_replace('&raquo;', '&#187;', $xml);
echo $xml;
Example #9
$coddb = new sql_db($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_db, false);
if (!$coddb->db_connect_id) {
    die("Could not connect to the database");
//Detriving informations from database addin feeds
$query = "SELECT {$t['b3_clients']}.name, {$t['b3_clients']}.time_edit, {$t['players']}.id, kills, deaths, ratio, skill, winstreak, losestreak, rounds, fixed_name, ip\n    FROM {$t['b3_clients']}, {$t['players']}\n    WHERE ({$t['b3_clients']}.id = {$t['players']}.client_id)\n    AND (({$t['players']}.kills > {$minkills})\n      OR ({$t['players']}.rounds > {$minrounds}))\n    AND ({$t['players']}.hide = 0)\n    AND ({$current_time} - {$t['b3_clients']}.time_edit  < {$timelimit})";
if ($clan_name != "") {
    $query .= " AND ({$t['b3_clients']}.name like '%%{$clan_name}%%')";
$query .= " ORDER BY {$sortby} {$direction} \n    LIMIT 0, {$limit}";
$result = $coddb->sql_query($query);
$timestamp = time();
$count = 1;
while ($row = $coddb->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
    //Create an empty FeedItem
    $newItem = $XLRfeed->createNewItem();
    if ($use_localtime == 1) {
        $time_edit = date("j F Y, G:i T", $row['time_edit'] + date("Z"));
    } else {
        $time_edit = date("j F Y, G:i", $row['time_edit']) . " GMT";
    $tname = $row['fixed_name'] ? $row['fixed_name'] : $row['name'];
    $name = "#" . $count . ": " . $tname;
    $link = httplink() . "?config=" . $currentconfignumber . "&func=player&playerid=" . $row['id'];
    //$time_edit = $row['time_edit'];
    if ($sortby == "kills") {
        $description = "<strong>[Kills: " . $row['kills'] . "]</strong> [Skill: " . $row['skill'] . "] [Ratio: " . $row['ratio'] . "] [Deaths: " . $row['deaths'] . "] [Last seen: " . $time_edit . " ]";
    } elseif ($sortby == "ratio") {
        $description = "<strong>[Ratio: " . $row['ratio'] . "]</strong> [Skill: " . $row['skill'] . "] [Kills: " . $row['kills'] . "] [Deaths: " . $row['deaths'] . "] [Last seen: " . $time_edit . " ]";
    } else {
        $description = "<strong>[Skill: " . $row['skill'] . "]</strong> [Ratio: " . $row['ratio'] . "] [Kills: " . $row['kills'] . "] [Deaths: " . $row['deaths'] . "] [Last seen: " . $time_edit . " ]";
Example #10
function projects_rss()
    global $clerk, $project;
    $feed = new FeedWriter(RSS2);
    $title = $clerk->getSetting("site", 1);
    $feed->setTitle($title . ' / Projects Feed');
    $feed->setDescription('Live feed of projects on ' . $title);
    $feed->setChannelElement('pubDate', date(DATE_RSS, time()));
    $projects = $clerk->query_select("projects", "", "WHERE publish= 1 ORDER BY id DESC");
    while ($project = $clerk->query_fetchArray($projects)) {
        $newItem = $feed->createNewItem();
        $desc = projectThumbnail();
        $desc = call_anchor("projectsRssDescription", $desc);
        $newItem->setDescription('' . $desc . '');
        $newItem->addElement('guid', linkToProject($project['id']), array('isPermaLink' => 'true'));
        $count = 0;
        $desc = "";
Example #11
function blog_rss()
    global $clerk, $blog;
    $feed = new FeedWriter(RSS2);
    $title = $clerk->getSetting("site", 1);
    $feed->setTitle($title . ' / Blog Feed');
    $feed->setDescription('Live feed of blog posts on ' . $title);
    $feed->setChannelElement('pubDate', date(DATE_RSS, time()));
    $get = $clerk->query_select("secretary_blog", "", "ORDER BY date DESC");
    while ($blog = $clerk->query_fetchArray($get)) {
        $newItem = $feed->createNewItem();
        $newItem->setLink(html_entity_decode(linkToPost(false, $blog['id'])));
        $desc = postImage() . '<br />' . postText();
        $desc = call_anchor("blogRssDescription", $desc);
        $newItem->setDescription('' . $desc . '');
        $newItem->addElement('guid', linkToPost(), array('isPermaLink' => 'true'));
        $count = 0;
        $desc = "";
Example #12

$arrAllArticles = $ogArticleManager->pullTokens(0, "", "id", "DESC");
$oFeedWriter = new FeedWriter(RSS2);
$oFeedWriter->setTitle($ogContentManager->getContent("RSSTitle", "Site RSS Feed"));
$oFeedWriter->setLink($ogContentManager->getContent("RSSLink", $fusebox['urlBase']));
$oFeedWriter->setDescription("RSSDescription", "Site RSS Feed Description");
$oFeedWriter->setImage($ogContentManager->getContent("RSSTitle", "Site RSS Feed"), $ogContentManager->getContent("RSSLink", "Site RSS Link"), $fusebox['urlAssets'] . 'images/rss.png');
foreach ($arrAllArticles as $a) {
    $oItem = $oFeedWriter->createNewItem();
    $oItem->setLink($fusebox['urlBase'] . $a['token'] . ".page");
Example #13
  * Generate RSS feeds for current user
  * @param $token
  * @param $user_id
  * @param $tag_id if $type is 'tag', the id of the tag to generate feed for
  * @param string $type the type of feed to generate
  * @param int $limit the maximum number of items (0 means all)
 public function generateFeeds($token, $user_id, $tag_id, $type = 'home', $limit = 0)
     $allowed_types = array('home', 'fav', 'archive', 'tag');
     $config = $this->store->getConfigUser($user_id);
     if ($config == null) {
         die(sprintf(_('User with this id (%d) does not exist.'), $user_id));
     if (!in_array($type, $allowed_types) || !isset($config['token']) || $token != $config['token']) {
         die(_('Uh, there is a problem while generating feed. Wrong token used?'));
     $feed = new FeedWriter(RSS2);
     $feed->setTitle('wallabag — ' . $type . ' feed');
     $feed->setChannelElement('pubDate', date(DATE_RSS, time()));
     $feed->setChannelElement('generator', 'wallabag');
     $feed->setDescription('wallabag ' . $type . ' elements');
     if ($type == 'tag') {
         $entries = $this->store->retrieveEntriesByTag($tag_id, $user_id);
     } else {
         $entries = $this->store->getEntriesByView($type, $user_id);
     // if $limit is set to zero, use all entries
     if (0 == $limit) {
         $limit = count($entries);
     if (count($entries) > 0) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < min(count($entries), $limit); $i++) {
             $entry = $entries[$i];
             $newItem = $feed->createNewItem();
             $newItem->setSource(Tools::getPocheUrl() . '?view=view&amp;id=' . $entry['id']);
Example #14
 protected function rss()
     global $onpub_disp_rss, $onpub_disp_updates_num, $onpub_disp_friendly_urls;
     if ($this->website && $onpub_disp_rss) {
         // See the following OnpubAPI tutorial for more info:
         // http://onpub.com/index.php?s=20&a=78
         // This example is based on an example by Anis uddin Ahmad, the author of
         // Universal Feed Writer.
         //Creating an instance of FeedWriter class.
         //The constant RSS2 is passed to mention the version
         $feed = new FeedWriter(RSS2);
         //Setting the channel elements
         //Use wrapper functions for common channel elements
         //Image title and link must match with the 'title' and 'link' channel elements for RSS 2.0
         if ($this->website->image) {
             $feed->setImage($this->website->name, addTrailingSlash($this->website->url), addTrailingSlash($this->website->imagesURL) . $this->website->image->fileName);
         } else {
             $feed->setImage($this->website->name, addTrailingSlash($this->website->url), null);
         //Use core setChannelElement() function for other optional channels
         $feed->setChannelElement('language', 'en-us');
         $feed->setChannelElement('pubDate', date(DATE_RSS, time()));
         $qo = new OnpubQueryOptions();
         $qo->includeContent = true;
         $qo->includeAuthors = true;
         $qo->orderBy = 'created';
         $qo->order = 'DESC';
         $qo->rowLimit = $onpub_disp_updates_num;
         $articles = $this->articles->select($qo, null, $this->website->ID);
         //Adding a feed. Genarally this portion will be in a loop and add all feeds.
         foreach ($articles as $article) {
             // Get the article's authors.
             $authors = $article->authors;
             //Create an empty FeedItem
             $newItem = $feed->createNewItem();
             //Add elements to the feed item
             //Use wrapper functions to add common feed elements
             // Use the OnpubArticle object to set the various properties of the FeedItem.
             $samaps = $this->samaps->select(null, null, $article->ID);
             if ($onpub_disp_friendly_urls) {
                 $newItem->setLink(addTrailingSlash($this->website->url) . $this->generateFriendlyURL(NULL, $article, $samaps[0]->sectionID));
             } else {
                 $newItem->setLink(addTrailingSlash($this->website->url) . 'index.php?s=' . $samaps[0]->sectionID . '&a=' . $article->ID);
             //The parameter is a timestamp for setDate() function
             if (sizeof($authors)) {
                 //Use core addElement() function for other supported optional elements
                 $newItem->addElement('author', $authors[0]->displayAs);
             //Now add the feed item
         //OK. Everything is done. Now genarate the feed.
Example #15
  * RSS que mostra les activitats que vindran en 7 dies.  
  * */
 public function executeRSS(sfWebRequest $request)
     require_once '../lib/vendor/rss/FeedWriter.php';
     require_once '../lib/vendor/rss/FeedItem.php';
     $IDS = $request->getParameter('IDS', 0);
     $OS = SitesPeer::retrieveByPK($IDS);
     if ($OS instanceof Sites) {
         $Feed = new FeedWriter(ATOM);
         $Feed->setTitle('Canal RSS del site: ' . $OS->getNom());
         $Feed->setDescription('En aquest canal veurà les activitats a 7 dies vista del site: ' . $OS->getNom());
         $temps = strtotime('+7 day', time());
         $data = date('Y-m-d', $temps);
         $LACT = ActivitatsPeer::getActivitatsDia($IDS, $data, 1, "activitats");
         foreach ($LACT->getResults() as $OA) {
             $newItem = $Feed->createNewItem();
             //Mirem que sigui el primer horari... si ho és el mostrem...
             if ($OA->getPrimeraData() == $data) {
                 if ($IDS == 1) {
                     $newItem->setLink('http://www.casadecultura.org/activitats/0/' . $OA->getActivitatid() . '/' . $OA->getNomForUrl());
                 } else {
                     $newItem->setLink('http://www.hospici.cat/detall_activitat/' . $OA->getActivitatid() . '/' . $OA->getNomForUrl());
                 //Regstrem els horaris que s'usaran
                 $PH = $OA->getPrimerHorari();
                 $UH = $OA->getUltimHorari();
                 $horaris = "Del dia " . $PH->getDia('d/m') . ' al ' . $UH->getDia('d/m');
                 if ($PH->getDia() == $UH->getDia()) {
                     $horaris = "El dia " . $PH->getDia('d/m');
                 $A_E = $PH->getArrayEspais();
                 $horaris .= ' a ' . $A_E[0];
                 $image = '<p>
                             <img class="center" src="http://www.hospici.cat/images/activitats/A-' . $OA->getActivitatid() . '-L.jpg"  alt="Imatge"/>
                             <br /><b>' . $horaris . '</b>
                 $D = $image . $OA->getDmig();
                 //Now add the feed item
     return sfView::NONE;
Example #16
  * Generate RSS feed
 public function generateRSS()
     include 'FeedWriter.php';
     include 'FeedItem.php';
     $feed = new FeedWriter(RSS2);
     $wall = $this->getContent();
     $title = !empty($this->domain) ? $this->domain : $this->owner_id;
     $feed->setTitle('vk.com/' . $title);
     $feed->setLink('http://vk.com/' . $title);
     $feed->setDescription('wall from vk.com/' . $title);
     $feed->setChannelElement('language', 'ru-ru');
     $feed->setChannelElement('pubDate', date(DATE_RSS, time()));
     foreach (array_slice($wall->response, 1) as $post) {
         $newItem = $feed->createNewItem();
         $description = $post->text;
         if (isset($post->copy_text)) {
             # additional content in re-posts
             $description .= (empty($description) ? '' : self::VERTICAL_DELIMITER) . $post->copy_text;
         if (isset($post->attachment->photo->text) and !empty($post->attachment->photo->text)) {
             $description .= (empty($description) ? '' : self::VERTICAL_DELIMITER) . $post->attachment->photo->text;
         if (isset($post->attachment->video->text) and !empty($post->attachment->video->text)) {
             $description .= (empty($description) ? '' : self::VERTICAL_DELIMITER) . $post->attachment->video->text;
         if (isset($post->attachment->link)) {
             $description .= (empty($description) ? '' : self::VERTICAL_DELIMITER) . $post->attachment->link->title . '<br/>' . $post->attachment->link->description;
         if (!is_null($this->include) && preg_match('/' . $this->include . '/iu', $description) !== 1) {
         if (!is_null($this->exclude) && preg_match('/' . $this->exclude . '/iu', $description) !== 0) {
         $hashTags = array();
         $description = preg_replace('/\\[[^|]+\\|([^\\]]+)\\]/u', '$1', $description);
         // remove internal vk links
         preg_match_all('/#([\\d\\w_]+)/u', $description, $hashTags);
         if (isset($post->attachments)) {
             foreach ($post->attachments as $attachment) {
                 switch ($attachment->type) {
                     case 'photo':
                         $description .= "<br><img src='{$attachment->photo->src_big}'/>";
                         /*case 'audio': {
                             $description .= "<br><a href='http://vk.com/wall{$owner_id}_{$post->id}'>{$attachment->audio->performer} &ndash; {$attachment->audio->title}</a>";
                     /*case 'audio': {
                         $description .= "<br><a href='http://vk.com/wall{$owner_id}_{$post->id}'>{$attachment->audio->performer} &ndash; {$attachment->audio->title}</a>";
                     case 'doc':
                         $description .= "<br><a href='{$attachment->doc->url}'>{$attachment->doc->title}</a>";
                     case 'link':
                         $description .= "<br><a href='{$attachment->link->url}'>{$attachment->link->title}</a>";
                         /*case 'video': {
                             $description .= "<br><a href='http://vk.com/video{$attachment->video->owner_id}_{$attachment->video->vid}'><img src='{$attachment->video->image_big}'/></a>";
         $newItem->addElement('title', $this->getTitle($description));
         $newItem->addElement('guid', $post->id);
         foreach ($hashTags[1] as $hashTag) {
             $newItem->addElement('category', $hashTag);
// count number of items added to full feed
$item_count = 0;
foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
    $do_content_extraction = true;
    debug('Processing feed item ' . sprintf('%02d', $item_count + 1) . '.');
    $extraction_successful = false;
    $text_sample = null;
    $permalink = $urls[$key];
    debug("Item URL: {$permalink}");
    $extracted_title = '';
    $feed_item_title = $item->get_title();
    if ($feed_item_title !== null) {
        $feed_item_title = strip_tags(htmlspecialchars_decode($feed_item_title));
    $newitem = $output->createNewItem();
    if (isset($permalink) && is_string($permalink)) {
    } else {
        $permalink = $item->get_permalink();
    if (isset($permalink) && is_string($permalink) && strlen($permalink) < 9) {
    //if ($permalink && ($response = $http->get($permalink, true)) && $response['status_code'] < 300) {
    // Allowing error codes - some sites return correct content with error status
    // e.g. prospectmagazine.co.uk returns 403
    $cached_page = is_cached($permalink);
    if ($cached_page) {
Example #18
 $GetItemRequest = null;
 $GetItemRequest->ItemShape->BaseShape = "AllProperties";
 $GetItemRequest->ItemIds->ItemId->Id = $appt->ItemId->Id;
 $GetItemRequest->ItemIds->ItemId->ChangeKey = $appt->ItemId->ChangeKey;
 if ($scriptdebug) {
     $debuglog .= "<hr><p>Appt used to build GetItem Request</p><pre>" . print_r($appt, true);
     $debuglog .= "</pre><hr><p>Appt Info</p><pre>";
     $debuglog .= "ItemId - Id = [" . $appt->ItemId->Id . "]\n";
     $debuglog .= "ItemId - ChangeKey = [" . $appt->ItemId->ChangeKey . "]\n";
     $debuglog .= "</pre><hr><p></p>\n<p>GetItem pre-call</p><pre>";
     $debuglog .= print_r($GetItemRequest, true);
     $debuglog .= "</pre>";
 $apptResult = $client->GetItem($GetItemRequest);
 $apptDetails = $apptResult->ResponseMessages->GetItemResponseMessage->Items->CalendarItem;
 $ApptItem = $CalFeed->createNewItem();
 $itemDetails = $apptDetails->ItemId;
 if ($scriptdebug) {
     $debuglog .= "<hr><p>GetItem Appt Result</p><pre>" . print_r($appt, true);
     $debuglog .= "</pre><hr><p>Appt Info</p><pre>";
     $debuglog .= "ItemId - Id = [" . $appt->ItemId->Id . "]\n";
     $debuglog .= "ItemId - ChangeKey = [" . $appt->ItemId->ChangeKey . "]\n";
     $debuglog .= "</pre><hr>\n<p>ApptResult</p><pre>";
     $debuglog .= print_r($apptResult, true);
     $debuglog .= "</pre>";
 $ApptItem->setLink($cfg_option['urlpath'] . "/getappt/" . $userfeedtogen . "/" . rawurlencode($apptDetails->ItemId->Id));
 $start = rtrim($apptDetails->Start, 'zZ');
 $ApptSummary = "<em>When:</em><b> " . date("D M j Y g:ia", strtotime($apptDetails->Start)) . " to " . date("D M j Y g:ia", strtotime($apptDetails->End)) . "(" . date_default_timezone_get() . ")</b>\n<br>";