/** * Outputs an overview of all filters. * * @since 0.4 */ public function faf_filters_overview() { echo "<h2>" . __("Feedwordpress Advanced Filters Overview", "faf") . "</h2>"; _e("This page will display the filters from all feeds in the order they will be executed on the posts", "faf"); $faf = new FeedwordpressAdvancedFilters(); $cat_id = FeedWordpress::link_category_id(); $links = get_bookmarks(array("category" => $cat_id)); foreach ($links as $l => $link) { $Slink = new SyndicatedLink($link); $filter_array = $faf->get_filter_tree($Slink); echo "<a name='#" . $link->link_name . "' ></a>"; echo "<hr /><h3>" . $link->link_name . "</h3>"; foreach ($filter_array as $context => $filters) { if (count($filters) > 0) { foreach ($filters as $filter) { $name = $filter["filter_name"]; $args = $filter["filter_args"]; // echo "<div class='faf_filterSetting'><ul>"; $av_filters = $faf->get_available_filters(); $filter_function = $av_filters[$context][$name]["filter_function"]; if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.3.0", "<")) { $desc = call_user_func($filter_function . '::get_description'); } else { $desc = $filter_function::get_description(); } echo "<div class='faf_filterBox'><h4>{$desc}</h4>"; //$filterObj = new $filter_function(array(),$args); //$filterObj->display(); // $filter_function::getDisplay($args); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.3.0", "<")) { call_user_func_array($filter_function . '::getDisplay', array($args, $filter_function)); } else { $filter_function::getDisplay($args); } /* foreach($args as $arg_name => $arg_value) { if ($arg_value == 1) $arg_value = "yes"; echo "<li>$arg_name :: $arg_value</li>"; } */ // echo "</ul></div></p>"; echo "</div>"; } } } } echo "<div class='faf_small'><a href=\"http://www.weblogmechanic.com/plugins/feedwordpress-advanced-filters/\" target=\"_blank\">Feedwordpress Advanced Filters</a> \t\tversion " . FAF_VERSION . " by Bas Schuiling</div>"; }
/** Uninstall plugin * * Called with Wordpress uninstall plugin hook. Cleans up database and removes plugin settings * @since 0.4 */ function faf_uninstall() { $cat_id = FeedWordpress::link_category_id(); $links = get_bookmarks(array("category" => $cat_id)); foreach ($links as $l => $link) { $Slink = new SyndicatedLink($link); unset($Slink->settings["faf_advanced_filters_options"]); $Slink->save_settings(); } delete_option("faf_advanced_filters_options"); global $wpdb; $table = $wpdb->prefix . "faftemp"; $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$table}"; $wpdb->query($sql); }