Example #1

//Change the include path to point to your application directory
ini_set('include_path', '../application:' . ini_get('include_path'));
//Change the include path of fango if you need
require_once '../../../fango.php';
require_once 'controllers/default.php';
//Just to show how plugins work
require_once 'plugins/stupid.php';
new StupidPlugin();
FangoDB::connect('mysql:dbname=fango;host=', 'root');
$fango = new Fango();
//I'd like to have just a Controller for this application so a specify
//a custom rule using a regular expresssion
//By default the rules are /controller/actionname/par1/value1/par2/value2...
//The controller has to have a method named {actionname}Action, eg. indexAction
$fango->run('(\\w+)/?(.*)$ controller=default,action=$1,params=$2');