Example #1
  * Restrictions Class Constructor
  * Takes the allowed types ($allowed), the allowed classes (optional),
  * and the options pertinent to the Restrictions class.  Normalizes and
  * sets up the predicate structures necessary to evaluate data types
  * from the input data.
  * Options: autoload - Do we autoload classes when checking for
  *                     their existence?
  *          allowed - Set Interface Dependency Injection (optional)
  *          classes - Set Interface Dependency Injection (optional)
  *          type_class - The class to instantiate for type checking
  * @param array $allowed (Required) the allowed data types as defined
  *                                  in Type::enumerator
  * @param array $classes The classes to be allowed if $allowed
  *                       contains Type::TYPED_OBJECT
  * @param array $options The options ('autoload') for the given
  *                       Restrictions object
  * @throws Exception\RangeException if data type doesn't match
  *                                  any Type:: constants
  * @throws Exception\RuntimeException if a class doesn't exist to match
  *                                    a class in the $classes member
 public function __construct(array $allowed, array $classes = array(), $options = array())
     if (is_array($options)) {
         $options = array_change_key_case($options);
     $options = array_merge(array('autoload' => false, 'type_class' => 'Falcraft\\Data\\Types\\Type', 'allowed' => null, 'classes' => null), $options);
     $allowed = array_unique($allowed);
     $classes = array_unique($classes);
     $type_class = $this->conf->type_class;
     /* Check to see if the allowed types are in the
        'allowed types' Type::constants */
     $consts = $type_class::getConstants();
     foreach ($allowed as $type) {
         if (!in_array($type, $consts)) {
             throw new Exception\RangeException('Restrictions->__construct: Cannot Construct New ' . 'Predicate With Enumerator Value ' . $type);
     /* Make allowed types into a set, strictly, guaranteeing no
        duplicate types */
     if ($this->conf->allowed) {
         if ($this->conf->allowed instanceof Resource\SetInterface) {
             $this->allowed =& $this->conf->allowed;
     } else {
         $this->allowed = new Set($allowed, array('strict' => true, 'unique' => true));
     /* If there are classes passed to the constructor automatically
        enable Type::TYPED_OBJECT */
     if (!$this->allowed->in($type_class::TYPED_OBJECT) && !empty($classes)) {
     /* If Type::TYPED_OBJECT is available and Type::BASIC_OBJECT is
        present, it messes up the predicate logic */
     if ($this->allowed->in($type_class::TYPED_OBJECT) && $this->allowed->in($type_class::BASIC_OBJECT)) {
     /* Check that each class defined in the classes input actually
        exists, does NOT autoload by default */
     foreach ($classes as $class) {
         if (!class_exists($class, $this->conf->autoload)) {
             if (!interface_exists($class, $this->conf->autoload)) {
                 throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Restrictions->__construct: Undefined Class ' . 'Classification: ' . $class);
     /* Make allowed classes into a set, strictly, gauranteeing no
        duplicate classes */
     if ($this->conf->classes) {
         if ($this->conf->classes instanceof Resource\SetInterface) {
             $this->classes =& $this->conf->classes;
     } else {
         $this->classes = new Set($classes, array('strict' => true, 'unique' => true));
Example #2
  * Remove a category from the event
  * @param string $cat
 public function removeCategory($cat)
Example #3
  * Remove a method from the method list
  * This method removes a method from the method list only if the class
  * has not been generated, otherwise it throws an error
  * Remember: NOT makeMethod, just method
  * @param string $method Name of the method
  * @throws \RuntimeException if the class has already been baked
 public function removeMethod($method)
     if (!$this->baked) {
     } else {
         throw new TypesException\RuntimeException('AbstractFactory->removeMethod: ' . $this->namespace . '\\Abstract' . $factoryName . 'Factory already defined');