Example #1
 public function kemsa()
     $data['title'] = "Stock";
     $data['content_view'] = "potentialExp_v";
     $data['banner_text'] = "Potential Expiries";
     $data['link'] = "potentialExp_v";
     $data['stocks'] = Facility_Stock::Allexpiries();
     //echo count($stocks);
     $data['quick_link'] = "potentialExp_v";
     $this->load->view("template", $data);
    public function Decommission()
        //Change status of commodities to decommissioned
        $date = date('Y-m-d');
        $facility = $this->session->userdata('news');
        $facility_code = $this->session->userdata('news');
        $user_id = $this->session->userdata('user_id');
        $facility_name_array = Facilities::get_facility_name_($facility_code);
        $facility_name = $facility_name_array['facility_name'];
        $districtName = $this->session->userdata('full_name');
        $myobj1 = Doctrine::getTable('Districts')->find($facility_name_array['district']);
        $disto_name = $myobj1->district;
        $county = $myobj1->county;
        $myobj2 = Doctrine::getTable('Counties')->find($county);
        $county_name = $myobj2->county;
        $myobj3 = Doctrine::getTable('user')->find($user_id);
        $creator_name1 = $myobj3->fname;
        $creator_name2 = $myobj3->lname;
        $total = 0;
        //Create PDF of Expired Drugs that are to be decommisioned. check here
        $decom = Facility_Stock::get_facility_expired_stuff($date, $facility);
        //create the report title
        $html_title = "<div ALIGN=CENTER><img src='Images/coat_of_arms.png' height='70' width='70'style='vertical-align: top;' > </img></div>\n    \n       <div style='text-align:center; font-family: arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif;display: block; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;'>\n       Ministry of Health</div>\n        <div style='text-align:center; font-family: arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif;display: block; font-weight: bold;display: block; font-size: 13px;'>Health Commodities Management Platform</div>\n         <div style='text-align:center; font-family: arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif;display: block; font-weight: bold;display: block; font-size: 13px;'>Expired Commodities Between " . date("F", strtotime("-1 month")) . " - " . date("F") . " " . date('Y') . "</div><hr />   ";
        /*****************************setting up the report*******************************************/
        $html_body = '';
        $html_body .= '<style>table.data-table {border: 1px solid #DDD;margin: 10px auto;border-spacing: 0px;}
table.data-table th {border: none;color: #036;text-align: center;background-color: #F5F5F5;border: 1px solid #DDD;border-top: none;max-width: 450px;}
table.data-table td, table th {padding: 4px;}
table.data-table td {border: none;border-left: 1px solid #DDD;border-right: 1px solid #DDD;height: 30px;margin: 0px;border-bottom: 1px solid #DDD;}
.col5{background:#C9C299;}</style>' . "<table class='data-table' width=100%>\n<tr>\n<td>MFL No: {$facility_code}</td> \n<td>Health Facility Name: {$facility_name}</td>\n<td>County: {$county_name}</td> \n<td>Subcounty: {$disto_name}</td>\n</tr>\n</table>" . '
<table class="data-table" width=100%>

			<th><strong>Unit Size</strong></th>
			<th><strong>Batch No Affected</strong></th>
			<th><strong>Expiry Date</strong></th>
			<th><strong># of Days From Expiry</strong></th>	
			<th><strong>Stock Expired(Unit Size)</strong></th>
			<th><strong>Unit Cost (Ksh)</strong></th>
			<th><strong>Cost of Expired (Ksh)</strong></th>

</tr> </thead><tbody>';
        /*******************************begin adding data to the report*****************************************/
        foreach ($decom as $drug) {
            $drug_id = $drug['drug_id'];
            $batch = $drug['batch_no'];
            $mau = $drug['manufacture'];
            $name = $drug['drug_name'];
            $code = $drug['kemsa_code'];
            $code = isset($code) ? "KEMSA: code" . $code : '';
            $unitS = $drug['unit_size'];
            $unitC = $drug['unit_cost'];
            $calc = $drug['balance'];
            $total_units = $drug['total_units'];
            $thedate = $drug['expiry_date'];
            $balance = round($calc / $total_units, 1);
            $cost = $balance * $unitC;
            $formatme = new DateTime($thedate);
            $myvalue = $formatme->format('d M Y');
            $total = $total + $cost;
            //get the current balance of the commodity
            $facility_stock = Facility_Stock::get_facility_drug_total($facility, $drug_id)->toArray();
            $mydata3 = array('facility_code' => $facility, 's11_No' => '(Loss) Expiry', 'kemsa_code' => $drug_id, 'batch_no' => $batch, 'expiry_date' => $thedate, 'receipts' => $calc * -1, 'balanceAsof' => $facility_stock[0]['balance'], 'date_issued' => date('y-m-d'), 'issued_to' => 'N/A', 'issued_by' => $this->session->userdata('identity'));
            $seconds_diff = strtotime(date("y-m-d")) - strtotime($myvalue);
            $date_diff = floor($seconds_diff / 3600 / 24);
            $inserttransaction_1 = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection()->fetchAll("select `losses` from `facility_transaction_table`\n                                          WHERE `kemsa_code`= '{$drug_id}' and availability='1' and facility_code={$facility}; ");
            $new_value = $inserttransaction_1[0]['losses'] + $calc;
            $inserttransaction = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection();
            $inserttransaction1 = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection();
            $inserttransaction2 = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection();
            // update the transaction table with the loss
            $inserttransaction->execute("UPDATE `facility_transaction_table` SET losses ={$new_value}\n                                          WHERE `kemsa_code`= '{$drug_id}' and availability='1' and facility_code={$facility}; ");
            // update the transaction table with the new closing balance
            $inserttransaction1->execute("UPDATE `facility_transaction_table` SET closing_stock = (SELECT SUM(balance)\n\t\t\t FROM facility_stock WHERE kemsa_code = '{$drug_id}' and status='1' and facility_code='{$facility}')\n                                          WHERE `kemsa_code`= '{$drug_id}' and availability='1' and facility_code ='{$facility}'; ");
            /// update the facility issues and set the commodity to expired
            $inserttransaction->execute("UPDATE `facility_stock` SET status =2\n                                          WHERE `kemsa_code`= '{$drug_id}' and facility_code={$facility}; ");
            $html_body .= '<tr><td>' . $code . '</td>
							<td>' . $name . '</td>
							<td >' . $unitS . '</td>
							<td>' . $batch . '</td>
							<td>' . $mau . '</td>
							<td>' . $myvalue . '</td>
							<td>' . $date_diff . '</td>							
							<td >' . $calc . '</td>
							<td >' . $unitC . '</td>
							<td >' . number_format($cost, 2, '.', ',') . '</td>	
        $html_body .= '
		<td colspan="10">
		<b style="float: right; margin-right:5.0em">TOTAL cost(Ksh) of Expiries: &nbsp; ' . number_format($total, 2, '.', ',') . '</b>
        $this->mpdf = new mPDF('', 'A4-L', 0, '', 15, 15, 16, 16, 9, 9, '');
        $this->mpdf->defaultheaderline = 1;
        $this->mpdf->simpleTables = true;
        $this->mpdf->SetFooter("{DATE d/m/Y }|{PAGENO}/{nb}|Prepared by: {$creator_name1} {$creator_name2}");
        $report_name = 'Facility_Expired_Commodities_' . $facility . "_" . $date . "_" . $facility_name;
        if (!write_file('./pdf/' . $report_name . '.pdf', $this->mpdf->Output('$report_name', 'S'))) {
            $this->session->set_flashdata('system_error_message', 'An error occured, when creating a PDF contact system ADMIN');
        } else {
            if (!$this->send_stock_decommission_email($html_body, 'Decommission Report For ' . $facility, './pdf/' . $report_name . '.pdf')) {
                delete_files('./pdf/' . $report_name . '.pdf');
                $this->session->set_flashdata('system_success_message', 'Stocks Have Been Decommissioned');
            } else {
                $this->session->set_flashdata('system_error_message', 'An error occured, the items were decommissioned but there was a problem in sending an email file:' . $report_name . '.pdf');
Example #3
 public function potentialExpiries()
     $facility_c = $this->session->userdata('news');
     $data['title'] = "Stock";
     $data['content_view'] = "potentialExp";
     $data['banner_text'] = "Potential Expiries";
     $data['link'] = "order_management";
     $data['stocks'] = Facility_Stock::expiries($facility_c);
     $data['quick_link'] = "stock_view";
     $this->load->view("template", $data);
Example #4
 public function get_county_cost_of_expiries_new($year = null, $month = null, $district_id = null, $option = null, $facility_code = null)
     $county_id = $this->session->userdata('county_id');
     $county_name = counties::get_county_name($county_id);
     $category_data = array();
     $series_data = array();
     $temp_array = array();
     $months = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
     $district_data = isset($district_id) && $district_id > 0 ? districts::get_district_name($district_id)->toArray() : null;
     $district_name_ = isset($district_data) ? " :" . $district_data[0]['district'] . " subcounty" : null;
     $year = $year != "null" ? $year : date("Y");
     $month = isset($month) ? $month : date("m");
     $option_new = isset($option) && $option != 'null' ? $option : "ksh";
     $facility_code = (int) $facility_code > 0 ? facilities::get_facility_name($facility_code)->toArray() : facilities::get_facilities_which_are_online($district_id);
     $district_id = isset($district_id) && $district_id > 0 ? array('id' => $district_id) : districts::getDistrict($county_id)->toArray();
     if (count($district_id) > 1 && $month == "null") {
         $category_data = array_merge($category_data, $months);
         $commodity_array = Facility_Stock::get_county_cost_of_exipries_new($county_id, $year, $month, "all", $option_new, null);
         foreach ($commodity_array as $data) {
             $temp_array = array_merge($temp_array, array($data["cal_month"] => $data['total']));
         foreach ($months as $key => $data) {
             $val = array_key_exists($data, $temp_array) ? (int) $temp_array[$data] : (int) 0;
             $series_data = array_merge($series_data, array($val));
     if (count($facility_code) == 1 && count($district_id) == 1) {
         $commodity_array = Facility_Stock::get_county_cost_of_exipries_new($county_id, $year, $month, 'facility', $option_new, $facility_code[0]['facility_code']);
         foreach ($commodity_array as $facility_data) {
             $category_data = array_merge($category_data, array($facility_data['drug_name']));
             $series_data = array_merge($series_data, array(array((int) $facility_data['total'])));
     if (count($district_id) == 1 && count($facility_code) >= 1 && count($category_data) == 0) {
         foreach ($facility_code as $facility_) {
             $category_data = array_merge($category_data, array($facility_['facility_name']));
             $commodity_array = Facility_Stock::get_county_cost_of_exipries_new($county_id, $year, $month, $facility_['district'], $option_new, $facility_['facility_code']);
             $series_data = array_merge($series_data, array(array((int) $commodity_array[0]['total'])));
     if (count($district_id) > 1 && $month != "null") {
         $district_ = districts::getDistrict($county_id)->toArray();
         foreach ($district_ as $data) {
             $category_data = array_merge($category_data, array($data['district']));
             $commodity_array = Facility_Stock::get_county_cost_of_exipries_new($county_id, $year, $month, $data['id'], $option_new, "null");
             $series_data = array_merge($series_data, array(array((int) $commodity_array[0]['total'])));
     $data = array();
     $data['category_data'] = stripslashes(json_encode($category_data));
     $data['series_data'] = json_encode($series_data);
     $data['year'] = $year;
     $data['month'] = date("F", strtotime(date($year . "-" . $month)));
     $data['total'] = 2;
     $data['expiry_option'] = $option_new;
     $data['county'] = $county_name[0]['county'];
     $data['consumption_option'] = $option_new;
     $this->load->view("county/ajax_view/county_expiries_graphical_data_v", $data);
Example #5
 public function donation()
     $facility_c = $this->session->userdata('news');
     $usernow = $this->session->userdata('identity');
     $kemsa_code = $_POST['drug_id'];
     $expiry_date = $_POST['expiry_date'];
     $batch_no = $_POST['batchNo'];
     $manuf = $_POST['manuf'];
     $a_stock = $_POST['qreceived'];
     $source = $_POST['source'];
     $count = count($kemsa_code);
     $orderDate = date('y-m-d H:i:s');
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $count; $i++) {
         if (isset($kemsa_code[$i]) && $kemsa_code[$i] != '') {
             $mydata = array('facility_code' => $facility_c, 'kemsa_code' => $kemsa_code[$i], 'batch_no' => $batch_no[$i], 'manufacture' => $manuf[$i], 'expiry_date' => date('y-m-d', strtotime($expiry_date[$i])), 'balance' => $a_stock[$i], 'quantity' => $a_stock[$i], 'stock_date' => $orderDate, 'sheet_no' => $source[$i], 'source' => $source[$i]);
             ////get the current balance of the same commodity before adding new stock level
             $current_bal = Facility_Stock::getAll($kemsa_code[$i], $facility_c);
             ///updating the facility stock with the new data from the donation
             //adding data to issues table
             $mydata = array('facility_code' => $facility_c, 'kemsa_code' => $kemsa_code[$i], 's11_No' => "(+ve Adj) Stock Addition", 'batch_no' => $batch_no[$i], 'expiry_date' => date('y-m-d', strtotime($expiry_date[$i])), 'qty_issued' => 0, 'balanceAsof' => $current_bal[0]['total_balance'], 'receipts' => $a_stock[$i], 'date_issued' => date('y-m-d'), 'issued_to' => "Source :" . $source[$i], 'issued_by' => $usernow);
             $u = new Facility_Issues();
     //getting facility regarding the stocks added above ^
     $data = Facility_Stock::count_facility_stock($facility_c, $orderDate);
     foreach ($data as $infor) {
         $qty = $infor->quantity1;
         $kemsa_code_ = $infor->kemsa_code;
         $facility_has_commodity = Facility_Transaction_Table::get_if_drug_is_in_table($facility_c, $kemsa_code_);
         if ($facility_has_commodity > 0) {
             $inserttransaction_1 = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection()->fetchAll("select  `adj` from `facility_transaction_table`\n                                          WHERE `kemsa_code`= '{$kemsa_code_}' and availability='1' and facility_code={$facility_c}; ");
             $new_value = $inserttransaction_1[0]['adj'] + $qty;
             $inserttransaction = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection();
             $inserttransaction->execute("UPDATE `facility_transaction_table` SET adj ={$new_value}\n                                          WHERE `kemsa_code`= '{$kemsa_code_}' and availability='1' and facility_code={$facility_c}; ");
             $inserttransaction1 = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentConnection();
             $inserttransaction1->execute("UPDATE `facility_transaction_table` SET closing_stock = (SELECT SUM(balance)\n\t\t\t FROM facility_stock WHERE kemsa_code = '{$kemsa_code_}' and status='1' and facility_code='{$facility_c}')\n                                          WHERE `kemsa_code`= '{$kemsa_code_}' and availability='1' and facility_code ='{$facility_c}'; ");
         } else {
             $mydata2 = array('Facility_Code' => $facility_c, 'Kemsa_Code' => $kemsa_code_, 'Opening_Balance' => 0, 'Total_Issues' => 0, 'Total_Receipts' => 0, 'Adj' => $qty, 'Closing_Stock' => $qty, 'availability' => 1);
     $this->session->set_flashdata('system_success_message', "You have received {$count} item(s)");
 public function stock_level($msg = Null)
     $facility_c = $this->session->userdata('news');
     $checker = $this->uri->segment(3);
     $data['title'] = "Stock";
     $data['content_view'] = "facility/facility_data/stock_level_v";
     $data['banner_text'] = "Physical Stock";
     $data['link'] = "order_management";
     if (isset($msg)) {
         $data['msg'] = $msg;
         $data['update'] = 'update stock levels';
     if ($msg == NULL) {
         $data['update'] = NULL;
         $data['msg'] = " ";
         $data['checker'] = "no_order";
     if ($checker == "v") {
         $data['msg'] = "Verify that the system stock levels are the same as your physical stock count";
         $data['update'] = 'update stock levels';
     if ($msg == 'c0N123') {
         $data['update'] = NULL;
         $data['msg'] = "Please confirm your stock details before placing your order";
     $data['facility_order'] = Facility_Transaction_Table::get_all($facility_c);
     $data['max_date'] = Facility_Stock::get_max_date($facility_c)->toArray();
     $data['name_of_person'] = Facility_Issues::get_last_person_who_issues($facility_c);
     //$data['quick_link'] = "stock_level";
     $this->load->view("template", $data);
Example #7
    public function gen_pdf()
        $timeinterval = $_POST['timer'];
        $facility_c = $this->session->userdata('news');
        $report = Facility_Stock::expiries($facility_c, $timeinterval);
        $report_name = 'Potential Expiries ' . $facility_c . ' Next ' . $timeinterval . 'Months';
        $title = 'test';
        /**************************************set the style for the table****************************************/
        $html_data = '<style>table.data-table {border: 1px solid #DDD;margin: 10px auto;border-spacing: 0px;}
table.data-table th {border: none;color: #036;text-align: center;background-color: #F5F5F5;border: 1px solid #DDD;border-top: none;max-width: 450px;}
table.data-table td, table th {padding: 4px;}
table.data-table td {border: none;border-left: 1px solid #DDD;border-right: 1px solid #DDD;height: 30px;margin: 0px;border-bottom: 1px solid #DDD;}
        $html_data1 = '';
        /*****************************setting up the report*******************************************/
        $html_data1 .= '<table class="data-table"><thead>

			<tr > 
			<th><strong>Kemsa Code</strong></th>
		<th><strong>Unit size</strong></th>
		<th><strong>Unit Cost</strong></th>
		<th><strong>Batch No</strong></th>
		<th><strong>Expiry Date</strong></th>
		<th><strong><b>Stock Worth(Ksh)</b></strong></th>
        /*******************************begin adding data to the report*****************************************/
        foreach ($report as $drug) {
            foreach ($drug->Code as $d) {
                $name = $d->Drug_Name;
                $code = $d->Kemsa_Code;
                $unitS = $d->Unit_Size;
                $unitC = $d->Unit_Cost;
                $calc = $drug->balance;
                $thedate = $drug->expiry_date;
                $formatme = new DateTime($thedate);
                $myvalue = $formatme->format('d M Y');
                $html_data1 .= '<tr>
		 					<td>' . $code . '</td>
		 					<td>' . $name . '</td>
		 					<td>' . $unitS . '</td>
							<td>' . $unitC . '</td>
							<td>' . $drug->batch_no . '</td>
							<td>' . $myvalue . '</td>
							<td>' . $drug->balance . '</td>
							<td >' . $calc * $unitC . '</td>
        $html_data1 .= '</tbody></table>';
        $html_data .= $html_data1;
        $date = new DateTime();
        $interval = new DateInterval('P' . $timeinterval . 'M');
        $formateddate = $date->format('M-d-Y') . "\n";
        $this->generatePE_pdf($report_name, $title, $html_data, $facility_c, $timeinterval, $formateddate);