Example #1
 function display($tpl = NULL)
     $action = FSS_Input::getCmd('action');
     if ($action == "cancel") {
         $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
         $link = FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_support', false);
     if ($action == "save" || $action == "apply") {
         $all = array('per_page', 'group_products', 'group_departments', 'group_cats', 'group_group', 'group_pri', 'return_on_reply', 'return_on_close', 'reverse_order', 'reports_separator');
         $values = array();
         $values = SupportUsers::getAllSettings();
         foreach ($all as $setting) {
             $new = FSS_Input::getString($setting, 0);
             $values->{$setting} = $new;
         if ($action == "save") {
             $link = FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_support', false);
         } else {
             $link = FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_support&layout=settings', false);
         $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
         $mainframe->redirect($link, JText::_('SETTINGS_SAVED'));
Example #2
 function save()
     // if we are saving, then save
     $saveid = FSS_Input::getInt('saveid', -1);
     if ($saveid != -1) {
         $description = FSS_Input::getString('description');
         $is_personal = FSS_Input::getInt('personal');
         $content = FSS_Input::getHTML('content');
         $params = array();
         if ($is_personal) {
             $params['userid'] = JFactory::getUser()->id;
         $params = json_encode($params);
         if ($saveid == 0) {
             $qry = "INSERT INTO #__fss_ticket_fragments (description, params, content, type) VALUES (";
             $qry .= "'" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $description) . "',";
             $qry .= "'" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $params) . "',";
             $qry .= "'" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $content) . "', 1)";
             $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         } else {
             $qry = "UPDATE #__fss_ticket_fragments SET description = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $description) . "', ";
             $qry .= "params = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $params) . "', ";
             $qry .= "content = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $content) . "' WHERE id = " . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $saveid);
             $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_support&layout=signature&tmpl=component', false);
Example #3
 function Save($id, $params)
     $params = $this->parseParams($params);
     $value = FSS_Input::getString("custom_{$id}");
     if ($value == "xxxotherxxx") {
         $value = FSS_Input::getString("custom_{$id}_other");
     return $value;
Example #4
 function Save($id, $params)
     $checked = array();
     $posted = FSS_Input::getInt("custom_{$id}_count");
     if ($posted) {
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $posted; $i++) {
             $val = FSS_Input::getString("custom_{$id}_{$i}");
             if ($val) {
                 $checked[] = $val;
     return json_encode($checked);
Example #5
 function process()
     $posted = JRequest::get('post');
     $ticket_ids = array();
     foreach ($posted as $var => $value) {
         if (substr($var, 0, 7) == "ticket_") {
             $ticket_id = (int) substr($var, 7);
             if ($ticket_id > 0) {
                 $ticket_ids[$ticket_id] = $ticket_id;
     if (count($ticket_ids) == 0) {
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $tickets = array();
     foreach ($ticket_ids as $ticketid) {
         $ticket = new SupportTicket();
         if ($ticket->Load($ticketid)) {
             $ticket->is_batch = true;
             $tickets[$ticketid] = $ticket;
         } else {
     $new_pri = FSS_Input::getInt('batch_priority');
     if ($new_pri > 0) {
         foreach ($ticket_ids as $ticketid) {
     $new_status = FSS_Input::getInt('batch_status');
     if ($new_status > 0) {
         foreach ($ticket_ids as $ticketid) {
     if (FSS_Input::getString('batch_handler') != "") {
         foreach ($ticket_ids as $ticketid) {
     $should_delete = FSS_Input::getCmd('batch_status');
     if ($should_delete == "delete") {
         foreach ($ticket_ids as $ticketid) {
Example #6
  * Updates the category for a ticket
 function search()
     $q = FSS_Input::getString('q');
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $qry = "SELECT username, name FROM #__users WHERE username LIKE '%" . $db->escape($q) . "%' OR name LIKE '%" . $db->escape($q) . "%' ORDER BY username LIMIT 10";
     $users = $db->loadObjectList();
     $output = array();
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $output[$user->username] = $user->name;
     header("Content-Type: application/json");
     echo json_encode($output);
 function display($tpl = NULL)
     $this->ticket_ids = FSS_Input::getString("ticketids");
     $this->ticket_ids = explode(":", trim($this->ticket_ids));
     $this->tickets = array();
     foreach ($this->ticket_ids as $ticketid) {
         $ticket = new SupportTicket();
         if ($ticket->load($ticketid)) {
             $this->tickets[] = $ticket;
     $this->print = FSS_Input::getCmd('print');
Example #8
 function removecc()
     if ($this->ticket) {
         $ids = FSS_Input::getString('ids');
         $is_admin = FSS_Input::getInt('is_admin');
         $ids = explode(",", $ids);
         $this->ticket->removeCC($ids, $is_admin);
     if (FSS_Input::getInt('nr') != 1) {
         $link = FSSRoute::_("index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_support&layout=ticket&ticketid=" . $this->ticket->id, false);
     } else {
Example #9
 function display($tpl = null)
     if (FSS_Settings::Get('support_only_admin_open')) {
         return $this->noPermission("Access Denied", "CREATING_NEW_TICKETS_BY_USERS_IS_CURRENTLY_DISABLED");
     if (!FSS_Permission::auth("fss.ticket.open", "com_fss.support_user")) {
         return FSS_Helper::NoPerm();
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $userid = $user->get('id');
     $this->assign('userid', $userid);
     $this->assign('email', '');
     // defaults for blank ticket
     $this->ticket = new stdClass();
     $this->ticket->prodid = FSS_Input::getInt('prodid');
     $this->ticket->deptid = FSS_Input::getInt('deptid');
     $this->ticket->catid = FSS_Input::getInt('catid');
     $this->ticket->priid = FSS_Input::getInt('priid');
     $this->ticket->subject = FSS_Input::getString('subject');
     $this->ticket->body = FSS_Input::getBBCode('body');
     $this->errors['subject'] = '';
     $this->errors['body'] = '';
     $this->errors['cat'] = '';
     $what = FSS_Input::getCmd('what');
     // done with ticket, try and save, if not, display any errors
     if ($what == "add") {
         if ($this->saveTicket()) {
             echo "Saved OK!";
             $link = 'index.php?option=com_fss&view=ticket&layout=view&Itemid=' . FSS_Input::getInt('Itemid') . '&ticketid=' . $this->ticketid;
     $this->product = $this->get('Product');
     $this->dept = $this->get('Department');
     $this->cats = SupportHelper::getCategories();
     $this->pris = SupportHelper::getPriorities();
     $this->support_user_attach = FSS_Settings::get('support_user_attach');
     $this->fields = FSSCF::GetCustomFields(0, $prodid, $deptid);
Example #10
    echo JText::_('VIEW');

<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div id="system">
	<form id="fss_form" action="<?php 
echo FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_content&type=' . $this->id);
" method='post' class='form-horizontal form-condensed'>
		<input type="hidden" name="return" value="<?php 
echo FSS_Input::getString("return", "");
" />
		<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php 
echo $this->item['id'];
" />
		<input type="hidden" name="what" value="" />

if (FSS_Permission::auth("core.edit.state", $this->getAsset())) {
			<div class="control-group">
				<label class="control-label"><?php 
    echo JText::_('PUBLISHED');
Example #11
 private function searchFields(&$wherebits)
     // search custom fields that are set to be searched
     $fields = FSSCF::GetAllCustomFields(true);
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if (!$field['basicsearch']) {
         if (!$field['peruser']) {
         $fieldid = $field['id'];
         $search = FSS_Input::getString('search');
         if ($field['type'] == "checkbox") {
             if ($search == "1") {
                 $search = "on";
             } else {
                 $search = "";
         if ($field['type'] == "plugin") {
             // try to do a plugin based search
             $data = array();
             foreach ($field['values'] as $item) {
                 list($key, $value) = explode("=", $item, 2);
                 $data[$key] = $value;
             if (array_key_exists("plugin", $data)) {
                 $plugins = FSSCF::get_plugins();
                 if (array_key_exists($data['plugin'], $plugins)) {
                     $po = $plugins[$data['plugin']];
                     if (method_exists($po, "Search")) {
                         $res = $po->Search($data['plugindata'], $search, true);
                         if ($res !== false) {
                             $wherebits[] = $this->IDsToWhere($res, "id", "user_id") . " /* Per User Plugin - " . $field['id'] . " */";
         $qry = "SELECT user_id FROM #__fss_ticket_user_field WHERE field_id = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $fieldid) . "' AND value LIKE '%" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $search) . "%'";
         $res = $db->loadObjectList();
         $wherebits[] = $this->IDsToWhere($res, "id", "user_id") . " /* Per User CF - " . $field['id'] . " */";
Example #12
 function &getTickets()
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $userid = $user->get('id');
     $uidlist = $this->getUIDS($userid);
     $tidlist = $this->getTIDS($userid);
     $query = "SELECT t.*, s.title as status, s.color, u.name, au.name as assigned, u.email as useremail, u.username as username, au.email as handleremail, au.username as handlerusername, ";
     $query .= " dept.title as department, cat.title as category, prod.title as product, pri.title as priority, pri.color as pricolor, ";
     $query .= " grp.groupname as groupname, grp.id as group_id ";
     $query .= " , pri.translation as ptl, dept.translation as dtr, s.translation as str, cat.translation as ctr, prod.translation as prtr";
     $query .= " FROM #__fss_ticket_ticket as t ";
     $query .= " LEFT JOIN #__fss_ticket_status as s ON t.ticket_status_id = s.id ";
     $query .= " LEFT JOIN #__users as u ON t.user_id = u.id ";
     $query .= " LEFT JOIN #__users as au ON t.admin_id = au.id ";
     $query .= " LEFT JOIN #__fss_ticket_dept as dept ON t.ticket_dept_id = dept.id ";
     $query .= " LEFT JOIN #__fss_ticket_cat as cat ON t.ticket_cat_id = cat.id ";
     $query .= " LEFT JOIN #__fss_prod as prod ON t.prod_id = prod.id ";
     $query .= " LEFT JOIN #__fss_ticket_pri as pri ON t.ticket_pri_id = pri.id ";
     $query .= " LEFT JOIN (SELECT group_id, user_id FROM #__fss_ticket_group_members GROUP BY user_id) as mem ON t.user_id = mem.user_id ";
     $query .= " LEFT JOIN #__fss_ticket_group as grp ON grp.id = mem.group_id ";
     // add product, department and category
     $query .= " WHERE ( t.user_id IN (" . implode(", ", $uidlist) . ") OR t.id IN (" . implode(", ", $tidlist) . ") ) ";
     $query .= " AND " . SupportSource::user_list_sql();
     $tickets = FSS_Input::getCmd('tickets', 'open');
     if (FSS_Settings::get('support_simple_userlist_tabs')) {
         $tickets = "all";
     if (FSS_Input::getCmd('search_all')) {
         $tickets = "";
     if ($tickets == 'open') {
         $allopen = FSS_Ticket_Helper::GetStatusIDs("is_closed", true);
         // tickets that arent closed
         $query .= " AND ticket_status_id IN ( " . implode(", ", $allopen) . ") ";
     if ($tickets == 'closed') {
         $allopen = FSS_Ticket_Helper::GetStatusIDs("is_closed");
         // remove the archived tickets from the list to deal with
         $def_archive = FSS_Ticket_Helper::GetStatusID('def_archive');
         foreach ($allopen as $offset => $value) {
             if ($value == $def_archive) {
         // tickets that are closed
         $query .= " AND ticket_status_id IN ( " . implode(", ", $allopen) . ") ";
     } else {
         if ($tickets > 0) {
             $statuss = SupportHelper::getStatuss(false);
             $status_list = array();
             $status_list[] = (int) $tickets;
             foreach ($statuss as $status) {
                 if ($status->combine_with == (int) $tickets) {
                     $status_list[] = $status->id;
             $query .= " AND ticket_status_id IN (" . implode(", ", $status_list) . ")";
     $search = FSS_Input::getString('search');
     if ($search != "") {
         // We have the nearly full query here, so use it to get a list of ticket ids
         $recs = $db->loadObjectList();
         $ids = array();
         $ids[] = 0;
         foreach ($recs as $rec) {
             $ids[] = $rec->id;
         $mode = "";
         if (FSS_Helper::contains($search, array('*', '+', '-', '<', '>', '(', ')', '~', '"'))) {
             $mode = "IN BOOLEAN MODE";
         $msgsrch = "SELECT ticket_ticket_id FROM #__fss_ticket_messages WHERE ticket_ticket_id IN (" . implode(", ", $ids) . ") AND admin < 3 AND ";
         $msgsrch .= " MATCH (body) AGAINST ('" . $db->escape($search) . "' {$mode}) ";
         $results = $db->loadObjectList();
         $ids = array();
         $ids[] = 0;
         foreach ($results as $rec) {
             $ids[] = $rec->ticket_ticket_id;
         // search custom fields that are set to be searched
         $fields = FSSCF::GetAllCustomFields(true);
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             if (!$field["basicsearch"]) {
             if ($field['permissions'] > 1 && $field['permissions'] < 5) {
             $fieldid = $field['id'];
             if ($field['type'] == "checkbox") {
                 if ($search == "1") {
                     $search = "on";
                 } else {
                     $search = "";
             if ($field['peruser']) {
             if ($field['type'] == "plugin") {
                 // try to do a plugin based search
                 $data = array();
                 foreach ($field['values'] as $item) {
                     list($key, $value) = explode("=", $item, 2);
                     $data[$key] = $value;
                 if (array_key_exists("plugin", $data)) {
                     $plugins = FSSCF::get_plugins();
                     if (array_key_exists($data['plugin'], $plugins)) {
                         $po = $plugins[$data['plugin']];
                         if (method_exists($po, "Search")) {
                             $res = $po->Search($data['plugindata'], $search, false, false);
                             if ($res !== false) {
                                 foreach ($res as $item) {
                                     $ids[] = (int) $item->ticket_id;
             $qry = "SELECT ticket_id FROM #__fss_ticket_field WHERE field_id = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $fieldid) . "' AND value LIKE '%" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $search) . "%'";
             $data = $db->loadObjectList();
             foreach ($data as $item) {
                 $id = (int) $item->ticket_id;
                 if ($id > 0) {
                     $ids[] = $id;
         //"MATCH (question, answer) AGAINST ('" . $db->escape($search) . "')"
         $query .= " AND ( t.id IN (" . implode(", ", $ids) . ") OR MATCH (t.title) AGAINST ('" . $db->escape($search) . "' {$mode}) OR t.reference LIKE '%" . $db->escape($search) . "%' ) ";
     $order = FSS_Input::getCmd('order');
     $order_dir = FSS_Input::getCmd('order_dir', 'asc');
     $order_dir_allowed = array('asc', 'desc');
     if (!in_array($order_dir, $order_dir_allowed)) {
         $order_dir = 'asc';
     $order_allowed = array('t.title', 'lastupdate', 'status', 'assigned', 'lastupdate', 'u.name');
     if (!in_array($order, $order_allowed)) {
         $order = '';
     if ($order != "") {
         $query .= " ORDER BY {$order} {$order_dir}";
     } else {
         $query .= " ORDER BY lastupdate DESC ";
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $limit = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('global.list.limit_ticket', 'limit', FSS_Settings::Get('ticket_per_page'), 'int');
     $limitstart = FSS_Input::getInt('limitstart');
     $limitstart = $limit != 0 ? floor($limitstart / $limit) * $limit : 0;
     //echo $query . "<br>";
     $count = $db->getNumRows();
     $result['pagination'] = new JPaginationJs($count, $limitstart, $limit);
     $db->setQuery($query, $limitstart, $limit);
     $result['tickets'] = $db->loadObjectList();
     foreach ($result['tickets'] as &$ticket) {
         $fields = FSSCF::GetCustomFields($ticket->id, $ticket->prod_id, $ticket->ticket_dept_id);
         $values = FSSCF::GetTicketValues($ticket->id, $ticket);
         $ticket->fields = array();
         foreach ($fields as &$field) {
             $ticket->fields[$field['id']] = array();
             $ticket->fields[$field['id']]['name'] = $field['description'];
             $ticket->fields[$field['id']]['value'] = '';
             if (isset($values[$field['id']])) {
                 $ticket->fields[$field['id']]['value'] = $values[$field['id']]['value'];
     return $result;
Example #13
 function LoadData()
     if (!$this->xml) {
     $qry = (string) $this->xml->sql;
     $where = array();
     if ($this->xml->where) {
         foreach ($this->xml->where as $w) {
             $where[] = (string) $w;
     if ($this->xml->addbtntext) {
         $this->addbtntext = (string) $this->xml->addbtntext;
     if ($this->xml->use_auth) {
         // sort out which articles the user can view here, based on published, access, author
         // sort published out here
         $published = (string) $this->xml->use_auth->attributes()->published;
         $access = (string) $this->xml->use_auth->attributes()->access;
         $author = (string) $this->xml->use_auth->attributes()->author;
         $where[] = "{$published} = 1";
     $this->search = FSS_Input::getString('search');
     if ($this->search != "") {
         foreach ($this->xml->filters->search->field as $field) {
             $field = (string) $field;
             $where[] = "{$field} LIKE '%" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $this->search) . "%'";
     foreach ($this->xml->filters->filter as $filter) {
         $type = (string) $filter->attributes()->type;
         $field = (string) $filter->attributes()->field;
         $filter_id = (string) $filter->attributes()->id;
         if ($type == "lookup") {
             $key = (string) $filter->key;
             $display = (string) $filter->display;
             $var = "filter_" . $filter_id;
             $value = trim(FSS_Input::getString($var));
             $this->{$var} = FSS_Input::getString($var);
             if ($value != "") {
                 $where[] = "{$field} = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $value) . "'";
     if (count($where) > 0) {
         $qry .= " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where);
     $this->order = FSS_Input::getCmd('filter_order');
     $this->orderdir = FSS_Input::getCmd('filter_order_Dir', 'ASC');
     if ($this->order == "" && $this->xml->ordering) {
         $this->order = (string) $this->xml->ordering;
     if ($this->order) {
         $qry .= " ORDER\tBY {$this->order} {$this->orderdir} ";
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     //echo "Qry : $qry<br>";
     $this->num_rows = $db->getNumRows();
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $this->limit = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('global.list.limitpick', 'limit', 10, 'int');
     $this->limitstart = FSS_Input::getInt('limitstart');
     $this->limitstart = $this->limit != 0 ? floor($this->limitstart / $this->limit) * $this->limit : 0;
     $this->pagination = new JPaginationEx($this->num_rows, $this->limitstart, $this->limit);
     $db->setQuery($qry, $this->limitstart, $this->limit);
     $this->data = $db->loadObjectList();
     //echo $qry."<br>";
Example #14
 function showWord()
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $word_id = FSS_Input::getString('word');
     if (is_numeric($word_id)) {
         $qry = "SELECT * FROM #__fss_glossary WHERE id = '" . $db->escape($word_id) . "'";
     } else {
         $word = FSS_Input::getString('word');
         $word = urldecode($word);
         $qry = "SELECT * FROM #__fss_glossary WHERE word = '" . $word . "'";
     $this->glossary = $db->loadObject();
     if (FSS_Input::getCmd('tmpl') == 'component') {
     } else {
Example #15
		<div class="controls">
			<input type="text" name="admin_create_email" class="inputbox" value="<?php 
echo FSS_Helper::escape(FSS_Input::getString('admin_create_email'));
	<div class="control-group">
		<label class="control-label"><?php 
echo JText::_("NAME");
		<div class="controls">
			<input type="text" name="admin_create_name" class="inputbox" value="<?php 
echo FSS_Helper::escape(FSS_Input::getString('admin_create_name'));
	<div class="control-group">
		<label class="control-label"></label>
		<div class="controls">
			<input class='btn btn-primary' type="submit" id="new_ticket" value="<?php 
echo JText::_("OPEN_TICKET_FOR_USER");
			<a class='btn btn-default' href="<?php 
echo FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_support');
Example #16
 function SaveGroup($what)
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     //echo "Saving Group<br>";
     $groupid = FSS_Input::getInt('groupid');
     $groupname = FSS_Input::getString('groupname');
     $description = FSS_Input::getString('description');
     $allemail = FSS_Input::getInt('allemail');
     $allsee = FSS_Input::getInt('allsee');
     $allprods = FSS_Input::getInt('allprods');
     $ccexclude = FSS_Input::getInt('ccexclude');
     if (!$this->canAdminGroup($groupid)) {
     $msg = "";
     if ($groupid > 0) {
         $msg = JText::_("GROUP_SAVED");
         // saving existing group
         $qry = "UPDATE #__fss_ticket_group SET ";
         $qry .= " groupname = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $groupname) . "', ";
         $qry .= " description = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $description) . "', ";
         $qry .= " allsee = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $allsee) . "', ";
         $qry .= " allprods = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $allprods) . "', ";
         $qry .= " allemail = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $allemail) . "', ";
         $qry .= " ccexclude = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $ccexclude) . "' ";
         $qry .= " WHERE id = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $groupid) . "'";
         //echo $qry."<br>";
         // save products
     } else {
         $msg = JText::_("GROUP_CREATED");
         // creating new group
         $qry = "INSERT INTO #__fss_ticket_group (groupname, description, allsee, allprods, allemail, ccexclude) VALUES (";
         $qry .= " '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $groupname) . "', ";
         $qry .= " '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $description) . "', ";
         $qry .= " '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $allsee) . "', ";
         $qry .= " '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $allprods) . "', ";
         $qry .= " '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $allemail) . "', ";
         $qry .= " '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $ccexclude) . "') ";
         //echo $qry."<br>";
         $groupid = $db->insertid();
         //echo "New ID : $groupid<br>";
     // save products
     if ($groupid > 0) {
         $qry = "DELETE FROM #__fss_ticket_group_prod WHERE group_id = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $groupid) . "'";
         //echo $qry."<br>";
         if (!$allprods) {
             // get a product list
             $products = $this->get('Products');
             foreach ($products as &$product) {
                 $id = $product->id;
                 $field = "prod_" . $id;
                 $value = FSS_Input::getString($field, '');
                 if ($value == "on") {
                     $qry = "REPLACE INTO #__fss_ticket_group_prod (group_id, prod_id) VALUES ('" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $groupid) . "', '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $id) . "')";
                     //echo $qry."<br>";
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     if ($what == "saveclose") {
         $link = FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_groups', false);
     } else {
         $link = FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_groups&groupid=' . $groupid, false);
     $mainframe->redirect($link, $msg);
Example #17
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
if ($this->ticket_view == "open") {
    $cst = null;
} else {
    $cst = FSS_Ticket_Helper::GetStatusByID($this->ticket_view);
$tabs = FSS_Ticket_Helper::GetStatuss("own_tab");

<ul class="nav nav-tabs">

if (FSS_Input::getString('search') != "") {
		<li class="active">
			<a href='#' onclick="return false;">
if (!FSS_Settings::Get('support_only_admin_open')) {
	<li class='<?php 
    if (FSS_Input::getCmd('layout') == 'open') {
Example #18
if (FSS_Input::getCmd('tmpl') == "component" && !FSS_Input::getString('print')) {
    echo FSS_Helper::PageStylePopupEnd();
} else {
    echo FSS_Helper::PageStyleEnd();

include JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_fss' . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'js' . DS . 'content_edit.js';

if (FSS_Input::getString('print')) {
jQuery(document).ready( function () {

Example #19
 static function Comm_StoreFields(&$fields)
     $result = array();
     if (count($fields) > 0) {
         foreach ($fields as &$field) {
             $value = FSS_Input::getString("custom_" . $field['id'], "XX--XX--XX");
             if ($value != "XX--XX--XX") {
                 $result[$field['id']] = $value;
     return $result;
Example #20
 function DoSaveComment()
     $this->post['name'] = FSS_Input::getString('name', '');
     $this->post['commentid'] = FSS_Input::getInt('commentid', 0);
     $this->post['email'] = FSS_Input::getEMail('email', '');
     $this->post['website'] = FSS_Input::getURL('website', '');
     $this->post['body'] = FSS_Input::getString('body', '');
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $custom = FSSCF::Comm_StoreFields($this->customfields);
     $custom = serialize($custom);
     $qry = "UPDATE {$this->table} SET name = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $this->post['name']) . "', email = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $this->post['email']) . "', ";
     $qry .= "website = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $this->post['website']) . "', body = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $this->post['body']) . "', ";
     $qry .= "custom = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $custom) . "' WHERE id = " . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $this->post['commentid']);
Example #21
 function searchArticles()
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $aparams = FSS_Settings::GetViewSettingsObj('kb');
     $search = FSS_Input::getString('kbsearch', '');
     $prodid = FSS_Input::getInt('prodid');
     $catid = FSS_Input::getInt('catid');
     $this->assign('cat_art_pages', $aparams->get('cat_art_pages', 0));
     $search = FSS_Input::getString('kbsearch');
     $this->assign('view_mode', $aparams->get('cat_cat_arts'));
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $document->setTitle(JText::_("KNOWLEDGE_BASE") . ' - ' . JText::_("SEARCH_RESULTS"));
     $pagination = $this->get('ArtPaginationSearch');
     $this->pagination = $pagination;
     $this->assign('limit', $this->get("ArtLimit"));
     $this->product = $this->get("Product");
     $this->cat = $this->get("Cat");
     $this->results = $this->get("ArtsWhat");
     $this->search = $search;
     $pathway = $mainframe->getPathway();
     if (FSS_Helper::NeedBaseBreadcrumb($pathway, array('view' => 'kb'))) {
         $pathway->addItem(JText::_('KNOWLEDGE_BASE'), FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=kb'));
Example #22
 function display($tpl = NULL)
     $editid = FSS_Input::getInt('cannedid', -2);
     if ($editid != -2) {
         if ($editid > 0) {
             $db = JFactory::getDBO();
             $qry = "SELECT * FROM #__fss_ticket_fragments WHERE id = " . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $editid);
             $this->canned_item = $db->loadObject();
         } else {
             $this->canned_item = new stdClass();
             $this->canned_item->id = 0;
             $this->canned_item->description = "";
             $this->canned_item->grouping = "";
             $this->canned_item->content = "";
         return $this->_display("edit");
     // if we are saving, then save
     $saveid = FSS_Input::getInt('saveid', -2);
     if ($saveid != -2) {
         $description = FSS_Input::getString('description');
         $grouping = FSS_Input::getString('grouping');
         $content = FSS_Input::getHTML('content');
         if ($saveid == 0) {
             $qry = "INSERT INTO #__fss_ticket_fragments (description, grouping, content, type) VALUES (";
             $qry .= "'" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $description) . "',";
             $qry .= "'" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $grouping) . "',";
             $qry .= "'" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $content) . "', 0)";
             $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         } else {
             $qry = "UPDATE #__fss_ticket_fragments SET description = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $description) . "', ";
             $qry .= "grouping = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $grouping) . "', ";
             $qry .= "content = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $content) . "' WHERE id = " . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $saveid);
             $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
         $link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_support&layout=canned&tmpl=component', false);
     // if we are editing then show edit
     // otherwise show list
     $deleteid = FSS_Input::getInt('deleteid');
     if ($deleteid > 0) {
         $qry = "DELETE FROM #__fss_ticket_fragments WHERE id = " . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $deleteid);
         $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $search = FSS_Input::getString('search');
     if ($search) {
         $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         $qry = "SELECT * FROM #__fss_ticket_fragments WHERE type = 0 AND (description LIKE '%" . $db->escape($search) . "%' OR content LIKE '%" . $db->escape($search) . "%')";
         $this->canned = $db->loadObjectList();
     } else {
         $this->canned = SupportCanned::GetCannedReplies();
Example #23
    $has_message_details = true;
if (!FSS_Settings::get('support_hide_tags') && $this->admin_create > 0) {
			<div class="control-group cg-tags <?php 
    echo $this->errors['subject'] ? 'error' : '';
    $tags_input = FSS_Input::getString('tags');
    $parts = explode("|", $tags_input);
    $tags = array();
    foreach ($parts as $part) {
        $tag = trim($part);
        if (!$tag || $tag == "") {
        $tags[] = $tag;
				<label class="control-label"><?php 
    echo JText::_("TAGS");
				<input name="tags" type='hidden' id="tags_input" value="<?php 
Example #24
 function HandlePick()
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $f = FSS_Input::getString('field');
     $field = $this->GetField($f);
     $this->pick_field = $field->field;
     // get data for form
     $qry = "SELECT ";
     $fields = array();
     foreach ($field->rel_lookup_display as $fieldname => $finfo) {
         $fields[] = $fieldname . " as " . $finfo['alias'];
     $fields[] = $field->rel_lookup_table_alias . '.' . $field->rel_lookup_id;
     $qry .= implode(", ", $fields);
     $qry .= " FROM " . $field->rel_lookup_table . " AS " . $field->rel_lookup_table_alias;
     foreach ($field->rel_lookup_join as $join) {
         $qry .= " LEFT JOIN {$join['table']} AS {$join['alias']} ON {$field->rel_lookup_table_alias}.{$join['source']} = {$join['alias']}.{$join['dest']} ";
     $where = array();
     if ($this->filter_values['published'] > 0) {
         $where[] = "a.published = " . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $this->filter_values['published'] - 1);
     if ($this->filter_values['userid'] > 0) {
         $where[] = "a.author = " . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $this->filter_values['userid']);
     if ($this->filter_values['search'] != "") {
         $search = array();
         foreach ($field->rel_lookup_search as $searchfield) {
             $search[] = "{$searchfield} LIKE '%" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $this->filter_values['search']) . "%'";
         if (count($search) > 0) {
             $where[] = "( " . implode(" OR ", $search) . " )";
     foreach ($this->filters as $filter) {
         $value = FSS_Input::getString($filter->field);
         if ($value > 0) {
             $where[] = "a.{$filter->field} = " . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $value);
     if (count($where) > 0) {
         $qry .= "WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where);
     if ($this->filter_values['order']) {
         $qry .= " ORDER BY " . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $this->filter_values['order']) . " " . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $this->filter_values['order_dir']);
     } else {
         $qry .= " ORDER BY " . $this->order;
     //echo $qry."<br>";
     $this->filter_values['limitstart'] = FSS_Input::getInt("limit_start", 0);
     $this->filter_values['limit'] = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest($field->field . "limit_base", "limit_base", "10");
     $this->_pagination = new JPaginationAjax($this->_getListCount($qry), $this->filter_values['limitstart'], $this->filter_values['limit']);
     $db->setQuery($qry, $this->filter_values['limitstart'], $this->filter_values['limit']);
     $this->pick_data = $db->loadAssocList();
     $this->field = $field;
     include $this->tmplpath . DS . "related.php";
Example #25
 function enablePreview()
     $session = JFactory::getSession();
     $session->Set('preview', 1);
     $this->layoutpreview = 1;
     echo "<div class='fss_layout_preview'><a href='" . FSSRoute::_('&preview=-1', false) . "'>List Preview - Click to close</a></div>";
     // FIX LINK
     $list_template = FSS_Input::getString('list_template');
     $list_head = FSS_Input::getHTML('list_head');
     $list_row = FSS_Input::getHTML('list_row');
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     if ($list_template) {
         if ($list_template == "custom") {
             $qry = "REPLACE INTO #__fss_templates (template, tpltype, value) VALUES ('preview',0,'" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $list_row) . "')";
             $qry = "REPLACE INTO #__fss_templates (template, tpltype, value) VALUES ('preview',1,'" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $list_head) . "')";
         } else {
             $qry = "SELECT tpltype, value FROM #__fss_templates WHERE template = '" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $list_template) . "'";
             $rows = $db->loadAssocList();
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 $qry = "REPLACE INTO #__fss_templates (template, tpltype, value) VALUES ('preview'," . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $row['tpltype']) . ",'" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $row['value']) . "')";
Example #26
 function saveReply()
     // get posted data
     $ticketid = FSS_Input::getInt('ticketid');
     $reply_type = FSS_Input::getCmd('reply_type');
     $user_message = FSS_Input::getBBCode('body');
     $handler_message = FSS_Input::getBBCode('body2');
     $subject = FSS_Input::getString('subject');
     // load ticket
     $ticket = new SupportTicket();
     if (!$ticket->load($ticketid)) {
     // set up some variables
     $user_id = JFactory::getUser()->id;
     $handler_id = $user_id;
     $old_st = $ticket->getStatus();
     $action_name = "";
     $action_params = array();
     $message_id = 0;
     $files_private = 0;
     // add signatures to messages
     if (FSS_Input::getInt('signature')) {
         if ($user_message) {
             $user_message .= SupportCanned::AppendSig(FSS_Input::getInt('signature'), $ticket);
         if ($handler_message) {
             $handler_message .= SupportCanned::AppendSig(FSS_Input::getInt('signature'), $ticket);
     $extra_time = 0;
     $timestart = 0;
     $timeend = 0;
     if (FSS_Settings::Get('time_tracking') != "") {
         if (FSS_Settings::get('time_tracking_type') == 'se') {
             $timestart = strtotime("1970-01-01 " . FSS_Input::getString('timetaken_start'));
             $timeend = strtotime("1970-01-01 " . FSS_Input::getString('timetaken_end'));
             $extra_time = (int) (($timeend - $timestart) / 60);
         } elseif (FSS_Settings::get('time_tracking_type') == 'tm') {
             $timestart = strtotime(FSS_Input::getString('timetaken_start'));
             $timeend = strtotime(FSS_Input::getString('timetaken_end'));
             $extra_time = (int) (($timeend - $timestart) / 60);
         } else {
             $extra_time = (int) (FSS_Input::getInt('timetaken_hours') * 60 + FSS_Input::getInt('timetaken_mins'));
     // different reply types
     switch ($reply_type) {
         case 'reply':
             // post reply to user
             if ($user_message) {
                 $message_id = $ticket->addMessage($user_message, $subject, $user_id, TICKET_MESSAGE_ADMIN, $extra_time, $timestart, $timeend);
             } elseif ($extra_time > 0) {
                 // no message, add time if needed
                 $ticket->addTime($extra_time, "", true, $timestart, $timeend);
             // update status
             $new_status = FSS_Input::getInt('reply_status');
             // reassign ticket if needed
             if (FSS_Settings::get('support_assign_reply') == 1 && FSS_Input::getInt('dontassign') == 0) {
                 $ticket->assignHandler($handler_id, TICKET_ASSIGN_TOOK_OWNER);
             } elseif (FSS_Settings::get('support_autoassign') == 3 && $ticket->admin_id == 0 && FSS_Input::getInt('dontassign') == 0) {
                 $ticket->assignHandler($handler_id, TICKET_ASSIGN_ASSIGNED);
             // call SupportActions handler for admin reply
             $action_name = "Admin_Reply";
             $action_params = array('subject' => $subject, 'user_message' => $user_message, 'status' => $new_status);
         case 'private':
             // add message to ticket
             if ($handler_message) {
                 $message_id = $ticket->addMessage($handler_message, $subject, $user_id, TICKET_MESSAGE_PRIVATE, $extra_time, $timestart, $timeend);
             } else {
                 if ($extra_time > 0) {
                     $ticket->addTime($extra_time, "", true, $timestart, $timeend);
             $files_private = 1;
             // call support actions for private comment
             $action_name = "Admin_Private";
             $action_params = array('subject' => $subject, 'handler_message' => $handler_message);
         case 'user':
             // update user on ticket
             $new_user_id = FSS_Input::getInt("user_id");
             if ($user_message) {
                 $message_id = $ticket->addMessage($user_message, $subject, $user_id, TICKET_MESSAGE_ADMIN, $extra_time, $timestart, $timeend);
             } else {
                 if ($extra_time > 0) {
                     $ticket->addTime($extra_time, "", true, $timestart, $timeend);
                     $extra_time = 0;
             $action_name = "Admin_ForwardUser";
             $action_params = array('subject' => $subject, 'user_message' => $user_message, 'user_id' => $new_user_id);
         case 'product':
             $new_handler_id = FSS_Input::getInt('new_handler');
             // update product and department
             $new_product_id = FSS_Input::getInt("new_product_id");
             $new_department_id = FSS_Input::getInt("new_department_id");
              * -2 - Auto Assign
              * -1 - Unchanged
              * 0 - Unassigned
              * X - Hander
             if ($new_handler_id == -1) {
                 //$ticket->assignHandler($new_handler_id, TICKET_ASSIGN_FORWARD);
             } else {
                 if ($new_handler_id == 0) {
                     $ticket->assignHandler(0, -1);
                 } else {
                     if ($new_handler_id > 0) {
                         $ticket->assignHandler($new_handler_id, TICKET_ASSIGN_FORWARD);
                     } else {
                         if ($new_handler_id == -2) {
                             // auto assign new handler
                             $admin_id = FSS_Ticket_Helper::AssignHandler($new_product_id, $new_department_id, $ticket->ticket_cat_id, true);
                             $ticket->assignHandler($admin_id, TICKET_ASSIGN_FORWARD);
             if ($user_message) {
                 $message_id = $ticket->addMessage($user_message, $subject, $user_id, TICKET_MESSAGE_ADMIN, $extra_time, $timestart, $timeend);
                 $extra_time = 0;
             if ($handler_message) {
                 $ticket->addMessage($handler_message, $subject, $user_id, TICKET_MESSAGE_PRIVATE, $extra_time, $timestart, $timeend);
                 $extra_time = 0;
             if ($extra_time > 0) {
                 $ticket->addTime($extra_time, "", true, $timestart, $timeend);
             $action_name = "Admin_ForwardProduct";
             $action_params = array('subject' => $subject, 'user_message' => $user_message, 'handler_message' => $handler_message, 'product_id' => $new_product_id, 'department_id' => $new_department_id);
         case 'handler':
             $new_handler_id = FSS_Input::getInt('new_handler');
             if ($new_handler_id == -2) {
                 // auto assign new handler
                 $admin_id = FSS_Ticket_Helper::AssignHandler($ticket->prod_id, $ticket->ticket_dept_id, $ticket->ticket_cat_id, true);
                 $ticket->assignHandler($admin_id, TICKET_ASSIGN_FORWARD);
             } else {
                 if ($new_handler_id != -1) {
                     $ticket->assignHandler($new_handler_id, TICKET_ASSIGN_FORWARD);
             // update status
             $new_status = FSS_Input::getCmd('reply_status');
             if ($user_message) {
                 $message_id = $ticket->addMessage($user_message, $subject, $user_id, TICKET_MESSAGE_ADMIN, $extra_time, $timestart, $timeend);
                 $extra_time = 0;
             if ($handler_message) {
                 $ticket->addMessage($handler_message, $subject, $user_id, TICKET_MESSAGE_PRIVATE, $extra_time, $timestart, $timeend);
                 $extra_time = 0;
             if ($extra_time > 0) {
                 $ticket->addTime($extra_time, "", true, $timestart, $timeend);
             $action_name = "Admin_ForwardHandler";
             $action_params = array('subject' => $subject, 'user_message' => $user_message, 'handler_message' => $handler_message, 'handler_id' => $new_handler_id);
     // add posted files
     $files = $ticket->addFilesFromPost($message_id, -1, $files_private);
     $action_params['files'] = $files;
     // call action handler
     SupportActions::DoAction($action_name, $ticket, $action_params);
     // Redirect to new page
     $link = FSSRoute::_('index.php?option=com_fss&view=admin_support&layout=ticket&ticketid=' . $ticket->id, false);
     $new_st = $ticket->getStatus();
     if ($reply_type == "reply") {
         if ($new_st->is_closed && SupportUsers::getSetting("return_on_close")) {
             $link = SupportHelper::parseRedirectType($old_st->id, SupportUsers::getSetting("return_on_close"));
         } else {
             if (SupportUsers::getSetting("return_on_reply")) {
                 $link = SupportHelper::parseRedirectType($old_st->id, SupportUsers::getSetting("return_on_reply"));
Example #27
 function Save($id, $params)
     return FSS_Input::getString("custom_{$id}");
Example #28
 function PickCCUser()
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     // build query
     // get list of possible user ids
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $userid = $user->get('id');
     $qry = "SELECT g.id, g.ccexclude FROM #__fss_ticket_group_members AS gm LEFT JOIN #__fss_ticket_group AS g ON gm.group_id = g.id WHERE user_id = " . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $userid);
     $gids = array();
     $rows = $db->loadObjectList();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         if ($row->ccexclude == 0) {
             $gids[$row->id] = $row->id;
     if (count($gids) == 0) {
     $qry = "SELECT user_id FROM #__fss_ticket_group_members WHERE group_id IN (" . implode(", ", $gids) . ")";
     $user_ids = $db->loadObjectList('user_id');
     $uids = array();
     foreach ($user_ids as $uid => &$group) {
         $uids[$uid] = $uid;
     $ticketid = FSS_Input::getInt('ticketid');
     if (array_key_exists("cc", $this->ticket)) {
         foreach ($this->ticket['cc'] as $ccuser) {
             $userid = $ccuser['id'];
     $qry = "SELECT * FROM #__users ";
     $where = array();
     $limitstart = FSS_Input::getInt('limitstart');
     $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
     $limit = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest('users.limit', 'limit', 10, 'int');
     $search = FSS_Input::getString('search');
     if ($search != "") {
         $where[] = "(username LIKE '%" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $search) . "%' OR name LIKE '%" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $search) . "%' OR email LIKE '%" . FSSJ3Helper::getEscaped($db, $search) . "%')";
     if (count($uids) > 0) {
         $where[] = "id IN (" . implode(", ", $uids) . ")";
     } else {
         $where[] = "id = 0";
     if (count($where) > 0) {
         $qry .= " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where);
     // Sort ordering
     $qry .= " ORDER BY name ";
     // get max items
     $maxitems = $db->getNumRows();
     //echo $qry . "<br>";
     // select picked items
     $db->setQuery($qry, $limitstart, $limit);
     $this->users = $db->loadObjectList();
     // build pagination
     $this->pagination = new JPaginationEx($maxitems, $limitstart, $limit);
     $this->search = $search;
Example #29
 static function CheckTicketLink()
     $ticket_id = FSS_Input::getInt('t');
     $ticket_pass = FSS_Input::getString('p');
     if ($ticket_pass && $ticket_id > 0) {
         $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         $qry = "SELECT * FROM #__fss_ticket_ticket WHERE id = " . $db->escape($ticket_id) . " AND password = '******'";
         $ticket = $db->loadObject();
         if ($ticket) {
             $session = JFactory::getSession();
             $session->Set('ticket_pass', $ticket_pass);
             $session->Set('ticket_email', $ticket->email);
             $link = FSSRoute::_("index.php?option=com_fss&view=ticket&layout=view&ticketid=" . $ticket_id, false);
Example #30
 function listFilterValues()
     $html = array();
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $html[] = "<dl class='dl-horizontal margin-none'>";
     foreach ($this->filter as $filter) {
         if (isset($filter->type) && $filter->type == "daterange") {
             $to = FSS_Input::getString("{$filter->name}_to", $this->getDateRangeTo($filter));
             $from = FSS_Input::getString("{$filter->name}_from", $this->getDateRangeFrom($filter));
             $html[] = "<dt>" . JText::_('FSS_FROM') . "</dt>";
             $html[] = "<dd>" . $from . "</dd>";
             $html[] = "<dt>" . JText::_('FSS_TILL') . "</dt>";
             $html[] = "<dd>" . $to . "</dd>";
         } else {
             if ($filter->type == "lookup") {
                 // need to lookup the values from the db
                 $qry = "SELECT {$filter->key} as `key`, {$filter->display} as display FROM {$filter->table}";
                 if (isset($filter->published) && $filter->published) {
                     $qry .= " WHERE published = 1 ";
                 $qry .= " GROUP BY {$filter->order}";
                 $values = array();
                 $values[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '', JText::_($filter->header), 'key', 'display');
                 $values = array_merge($values, $db->loadObjectList());
                 $value = FSS_Input::getString('filter_' . $filter->name, isset($filter->default) ? $filter->default : '');
                 foreach ($values as $temp) {
                     if ($temp->key == $value && $value != "") {
                         $value = $temp->display;
                 if ($value == "") {
                     $value = "-";
                 $html[] = "<dt>" . JText::_($filter->title) . "</dt>";
                 $html[] = "<dd>" . $value . "&nbsp;</dd>";
             } else {
                 if ($filter->type == "datepresets") {
                 } else {
                     $value = FSS_Input::getString('filter_' . $filter->name, isset($filter->default) ? $filter->default : '');
                     if (isset($filter->options[$value])) {
                         $value = $filter->options[$value]->display;
                     $html[] = "<dt>" . JText::_($filter->title) . "</dt>";
                     $html[] = "<dd>" . $value . "&nbsp;</dd>";
     $html[] = "</dl>";
     return implode($html);