/** * Runtime of Master process * @return void */ public function run() { Daemon::$process = $this; $this->prepareSystemEnv(); class_exists('Timer'); // ensure loading this class gc_enable(); $this->eventBase = event_base_new(); $this->registerEventSignals(); FS::initEvent(); $this->fileWatcher = new FileWatcher(); $this->workers = new ThreadCollection(); $this->collections['workers'] = $this->workers; Daemon::$appResolver = (require Daemon::$config->path->value); $this->IPCManager = Daemon::$appResolver->getInstanceByAppName('IPCManager'); Daemon::$appResolver->preload(true); $this->callbacks = new SplStack(); $this->spawnWorkers(min(Daemon::$config->startworkers->value, Daemon::$config->maxworkers->value)); Timer::add(function ($event) use(&$cbs) { $self = Daemon::$process; static $c = 0; ++$c; if ($c > 0xfffff) { $c = 1; } if ($c % 10 == 0) { $self->workers->removeTerminated(true); gc_collect_cycles(); } else { $self->workers->removeTerminated(); } if (isset(Daemon::$config->mpm->value) && is_callable(Daemon::$config->mpm->value)) { call_user_func(Daemon::$config->mpm->value); } else { // default MPM $state = Daemon::getStateOfWorkers($self); if ($state) { $n = max(min(Daemon::$config->minspareworkers->value - $state['idle'], Daemon::$config->maxworkers->value - $state['alive']), Daemon::$config->minworkers->value - $state['alive']); if ($n > 0) { Daemon::log('Spawning ' . $n . ' worker(s).'); $self->spawnWorkers($n); event_base_loopbreak($self->eventBase); } $n = min($state['idle'] - Daemon::$config->maxspareworkers->value, $state['alive'] - Daemon::$config->minworkers->value); if ($n > 0) { Daemon::log('Stopping ' . $n . ' worker(s).'); $self->stopWorkers($n); } } } $event->timeout(); }, 1000000.0 * Daemon::$config->mpmdelay->value, 'MPM'); while (!$this->breakMainLoop) { while (!$this->callbacks->isEmpty()) { call_user_func($this->callbacks->shift(), $this); } event_base_loop($this->eventBase); } }
/** * Runtime of Worker process. * @return void */ public function run() { FS::init(); Daemon::$process = $this; if (Daemon::$logpointerAsync) { $oldfd = Daemon::$logpointerAsync->fd; Daemon::$logpointerAsync->fd = null; Daemon::$logpointerAsync = null; } $this->autoReloadLast = time(); $this->reloadDelay = Daemon::$config->mpmdelay->value + 2; $this->setStatus(4); if (Daemon::$config->autogc->value > 0) { gc_enable(); } else { gc_disable(); } $this->prepareSystemEnv(); $this->overrideNativeFuncs(); $this->setStatus(6); $this->eventBase = event_base_new(); $this->registerEventSignals(); FS::init(); // re-init FS::initEvent(); Daemon::openLogs(); $this->fileWatcher = new FileWatcher(); $this->IPCManager = Daemon::$appResolver->getInstanceByAppName('IPCManager'); Daemon::$appResolver->preload(); foreach (Daemon::$appInstances as $app) { foreach ($app as $appInstance) { if (!$appInstance->ready) { $appInstance->ready = TRUE; $appInstance->onReady(); } } } $this->setStatus(1); Timer::add(function ($event) { $self = Daemon::$process; if ($self->checkState() !== TRUE) { $self->closeSockets(); $self->breakMainLoop = TRUE; event_base_loopexit($self->eventBase); return; } $event->timeout(); }, 1000000.0 * 1, 'checkState'); if (Daemon::$config->autoreload->value > 0) { Timer::add(function ($event) { $self = Daemon::$process; static $n = 0; $inc = array_unique(array_map('realpath', get_included_files())); $s = sizeof($inc); if ($s > $n) { $slice = array_slice($inc, $n); Daemon::$process->IPCManager->sendPacket(array('op' => 'addIncludedFiles', 'files' => $slice)); $n = $s; } $event->timeout(); }, 1000000.0 * Daemon::$config->autoreload->value, 'watchIncludedFiles'); } while (!$this->breakMainLoop) { event_base_loop($this->eventBase); } }