Example #1
 function convertData($html)
     // Style according to the Netiquette
     $html = preg_replace('#<(?:b|strong)\\b[^>]*>(\\s*)#iu', '$1*', $html);
     $html = preg_replace('#(\\s*)</(?:b|strong)\\b[^>]*>#iu', '*$1', $html);
     $html = preg_replace('#<u\\b[^>]*>(\\s*)#iu', '$1_', $html);
     $html = preg_replace('#(\\s*)</u\\b[^>]*>#iu', '_$1', $html);
     // Remove <sub> and <sup> tags
     $html = preg_replace('#<(/?)su[bp]\\b([^>]*)>#iu', '<$1span$2>', $html);
     // Fill empty alt attributes with whitespace, clear src attributes
     $html = preg_replace('#(<[^>]+\\balt=")"#iu', '$1 "', $html);
     $html = preg_replace('#(<[^>]+\\bsrc=")(?:[^"]*)"#iu', '$1"', $html);
     // Inline URLs
     $html = preg_replace_callback('#<a\\b[^>]*\\shref="([^"]*)"[^>]*>(.*?)</a\\b[^>]*>#isu', array(__CLASS__, 'buildTextAnchor'), $html);
     // Convert html-entities to UTF-8 for w3m
     $html = str_replace(array('&quot;', '&lt;', '&gt;', '&#039;', '"', '<', '>', "'"), array('&amp;quot;', '&amp;lt;', '&amp;gt;', '&amp;#039;', '&quot;', '&lt;', '&gt;', '&#039;'), FILTER::get($html, 'text'));
     $html = html_entity_decode($html, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
     $file = tempnam(PATCHWORK_ZCACHE, 'converter');
     Patchwork::writeFile($file, $html);
     $html = escapeshellarg($file);
     $html = `w3m -dump -cols {$this->cols} -T text/html -I UTF-8 -O UTF-8 {$html}`;
     $html = str_replace(self::$charMap[0], self::$charMap[1], $html);
     $html = strtr($html, self::$textAnchor);
     self::$textAnchor = array();
     return $html;
Example #2
 protected function init(&$param)
     if (isset($this->form->rawValues[$this->name])) {
         $value =& $this->form->rawValues[$this->name];
         $value = FILTER::get($value, 'html');
     if (isset($param['toolbarSet'])) {
         $this->toolbarSet = $param['toolbarSet'];
     if (isset($param['config'])) {
         $this->config = $param['config'];
Example #3
 public final function __construct($args = array())
     $class = get_class($this);
     isset($this->contentType) or $this->contentType = constant($class . '::contentType');
     $a = (array) $this->get;
     $this->get = (object) array();
     $_GET = array();
     foreach ($a as $key => &$a) {
         if (is_string($key)) {
             $default = $a;
             $a = $key;
         } else {
             $default = '';
         false !== strpos($a, "") && ($a = str_replace("", '', $a));
         if (false !== strpos($a, '\\')) {
             $a = strtr($a, array('\\\\' => '\\', '\\:' => ""));
             $a = explode(':', $a);
             $b = count($a);
             do {
                 false !== strpos($a[--$b], "") && ($a[$b] = strtr($a[$b], "", ':'));
             } while ($b);
         } else {
             $a = explode(':', $a);
         $key = array_shift($a);
         $b = isset($args[$key]) ? (string) $args[$key] : $default;
         false !== strpos($b, "") && ($b = str_replace("", '', $b));
         if ($a) {
             $b = FILTER::get($b, array_shift($a), $a);
             if (false === $b) {
                 $b = $default;
         $_GET[$key] = $this->get->{$key} = $b;
     if (!$this->contentType && '' !== ($a = strtolower(pathinfo(p\Superloader::class2file($class), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)))) {
         $this->contentType = isset(p\StaticResource::$contentType['.' . $a]) ? p\StaticResource::$contentType['.' . $a] : 'application/octet-stream';
     $this->contentType && header('Content-Type: ' . $this->contentType);
Example #4
 protected function init(&$param)
     empty($param['disabled']) || ($this->disabled = true);
     if ($this->disabled || !empty($param['readonly'])) {
         $this->readonly = true;
     if (isset($param['valid'])) {
         $this->valid = $param['valid'];
     } else {
         if (!isset($this->valid)) {
             $this->valid = 'char';
             if (!isset($param[0]) && '' !== $this->validDefaultRx) {
                 $this->validArgs[] = $this->validDefaultRx;
                 $this->validmsg = T($this->validDefaultMsg);
     if (!empty($param['multiple'])) {
         $this->isdata = false;
         $this->multiple = true;
     isset($param['isdata']) && ($this->isdata = (bool) $param['isdata']);
     $i = 0;
     while (isset($param[$i])) {
         $this->validArgs[] =& $param[$i++];
     isset($param['validmsg']) && ($this->validmsg = $param['validmsg']);
     isset($param['validMsg']) && ($this->validmsg = $param['validMsg']);
     $this->validmsg || ($this->validmsg = FILTER::getMsg($this->valid, $this->validArgs));
     if (!$this->readonly && isset($this->form->rawValues[$this->name])) {
         $value = $this->form->rawValues[$this->name];
         if (is_string($value) && false !== strpos($value, "")) {
             $value = str_replace("", '', $value);
             $this->form->rawValues[$this->name] = $value;
     } else {
         if (isset($param['default'])) {
             $value = $param['default'];
             if ($this->multiple && !is_array($value)) {
                 $value = explode(',', $value);
                 $value = array_map('rawurldecode', $value);
             $value =& $this->value;
         } else {
             $value = '';
     if ($this->multiple) {
         $this->status = '';
         if ($value) {
             if (is_array($value)) {
                 $status = true;
                 foreach ($value as $i => &$v) {
                     if ('' === $v) {
                     } else {
                         $a = FILTER::get($v, $this->valid, $this->validArgs);
                         if (false === $a) {
                             $status = false;
                         } else {
                             $v = $a;
                             $status = true && $status;
                 $value && ($this->status = $status);
             } else {
                 $this->status = false;
                 $value = array();
         } else {
             $value = array();
     } else {
         if ('' === (string) $value) {
             $this->status = '';
         } else {
             $this->status = FILTER::get($value, $this->valid, $this->validArgs);
             if ('' !== $this->status && false !== $this->status) {
                 $value = $this->status;
                 $this->status = true;
Example #5
 function convertFile($file)
     $file = escapeshellarg($file);
     $file = `antiword -t -w 0 -m UTF-8 {$file}`;
     return FILTER::get($file, 'text');
Example #6
 function convertFile($file)
     $file = escapeshellarg($file);
     $file = `pdftotext -enc UTF-8 {$file} -`;
     return FILTER::get($file, 'text');