Example #1
 		Retrieve from cache; or save SQL query results to cache if not
 		previously executed
 			@param $_cmd string
 			@param $_bind mixed
 			@param $_id string
 			@param $_ttl integer
 private static function sqlCache($_cmd, $_bind = NULL, $_id = 'DB', $_ttl = 0)
     $_hash = 'sql.' . F3::hashCode($_cmd);
     $_db =& F3::$global[$_id];
     $_cached = Cache::cached($_hash);
     if ($_cached && time() - $_cached['time'] < $_ttl) {
         // Gather cached SQL queries for profiler
         // Retrieve from cache, unserialize, and restore DB variable
         $_db = unserialize(gzinflate(Cache::fetch($_hash)));
     } else {
         self::sqlExec($_cmd, NULL, $_id);
         if (!F3::$global['ERROR']) {
             // Serialize, compress and cache
             unset($_db['pdo'], $_db['query']);
             Cache::store($_hash, gzdeflate(serialize($_db)));
Example #2
 		Retrieve from cache; or save SQL query results to cache if not
 		previously executed
 			@param $_cmd string
 			@param $_bind mixed
 			@param $_id string
 			@param $_ttl integer
 private static function sqlCache($_cmd, $_bind = NULL, $_id = 'DB', $_ttl = 0)
     $_hash = 'sql.' . F3::hashCode($_cmd);
     $_db =& F3::$global[$_id];
     $_cached = Cache::cached($_hash);
     if ($_cached && time() - $_cached['time'] < $_ttl) {
         // Gather cached SQL queries for profiler
         // Retrieve from cache
         $_db = Cache::fetch($_hash);
     } else {
         self::sqlExec($_cmd, NULL, $_id);
         if (!F3::$global['ERROR']) {
             // Save to cache
             unset($_db['pdo'], $_db['query']);
             Cache::store($_hash, $_db);
Example #3
 		Parse each URL recursively and generate sitemap
 			@param $_url string
 public static function sitemap($_url = '/')
     $_map =& F3::$global['SITEMAP'];
     if (array_key_exists($_url, $_map) && $_map[$_url]['status'] !== NULL) {
         // Already crawled
     preg_match('/^http[s]*:\\/\\/([^\\/$]+)/', $_url, $_host);
     if (!empty($_host) && $_host[1] != $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) {
         // Remote URL
         $_map[$_url]['status'] = FALSE;
     F3::$global['QUIET'] = TRUE;
     F3::mock('GET ' . $_url);
     // Check if an error occurred or no HTTP response
     if (F3::$global['ERROR'] || !F3::$global['RESPONSE']) {
         $_map[$_url]['status'] = FALSE;
         // Reset error flag for next page
     $_doc = new XMLTree('1.0', F3::$global['ENCODING']);
     if ($_doc->loadHTML(F3::$global['RESPONSE'])) {
         // Valid HTML; add to sitemap
         if (!$_map[$_url]['level']) {
             // Web root
             $_map[$_url]['level'] = 0;
         $_map[$_url]['status'] = TRUE;
         $_map[$_url]['mod'] = time();
         $_map[$_url]['freq'] = 0;
         // Cached page
         $_hash = 'url.' . F3::hashCode('GET ' . $_url);
         $_cached = Cache::cached($_hash);
         if ($_cached) {
             $_map[$_url]['mod'] = $_cached['time'];
             $_map[$_url]['freq'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TTL'];
         // Parse all links
         $_links = $_doc->getElementsByTagName('a');
         foreach ($_links as $_link) {
             $_ref = $_link->getAttribute('href');
             $_rel = $_link->getAttribute('rel');
             if (!$_ref || $_rel && preg_match('/nofollow/', $_rel)) {
                 // Don't crawl this link!
             if (!array_key_exists($_ref, $_map)) {
                 $_map[$_ref] = array('level' => $_map[$_url]['level'] + 1, 'status' => NULL);
         // Parse each link
         array_walk(array_keys($_map), 'self::sitemap');
     if (!$_map[$_url]['level']) {
         // Finalize sitemap
         $_depth = 1;
         while ($_ref = current($_map)) {
             // Find depest level while iterating
             if (!$_ref['status']) {
                 // Remove remote URLs and pages with errors
             } else {
                 $_depth = max($_depth, $_ref['level'] + 1);
         // Create XML document
         $_xml = simplexml_load_string('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . F3::$global['ENCODING'] . '"?>' . '<urlset xmlns="' . 'http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9' . '"/>');
         $_host = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
         foreach ($_map as $_key => $_ref) {
             // Add new URL
             $_item = $_xml->addChild('url');
             // Add URL elements
             $_item->addChild('loc', $_host . $_key);
             $_item->addChild('lastMod', date('c', $_ref['mod']));
             $_item->addChild('changefreq', self::frequency($_ref['freq']));
             $_item->addChild('priority', sprintf('%1.1f', 1 - $_ref['level'] / $_depth));
         // Send output
         F3::$global['QUIET'] = FALSE;
         if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli' && !headers_sent()) {
             header(F3::HTTP_Content . ': application/xhtml+xml; ' . 'charset=' . F3::$global['ENCODING']);
         $_xml = dom_import_simplexml($_xml)->ownerDocument;
         $_xml->formatOutput = TRUE;
         echo $_xml->saveXML();
Example #4
 		Send HTTP/S request to another host; Forward headers received (if
 		QUIET variable is FALSE) and return content; Respect HTTP 30x
 		redirects if last argument is TRUE
 			@return mixed
 			@param $_pattern string
 			@param $_query string
 			@param $_reqhdrs array
 			@param $_follow boolean
 public static function http($_pattern, $_query = '', $_reqhdrs = array(), $_follow = TRUE)
     // Check if valid route pattern
     list($_method, $_route) = F3::checkRoute($_pattern);
     // Content divider
     $_div = chr(0);
     // Determine if page is in cache
     $_hash = 'url.' . F3::hashCode($_pattern);
     $_cached = Cache::cached($_hash);
     if ($_cached) {
         // Retrieve from cache
         $_buffer = Cache::fetch($_hash);
         $_rcvhdrs = strstr($_buffer, $_div, TRUE);
         $_response = substr(strstr($_buffer, $_div), 1);
         // Find out if cache is stale
         $_expires = NULL;
         foreach (explode(self::EOL, $_rcvhdrs) as $_hdr) {
             if (preg_match('/^' . F3::HTTP_Expires . ':(.+)/', $_hdr, $_match)) {
                 $_expires = strtotime($_match[1]);
         if (!is_null($_expires) && time() < $_expires) {
             // Cached page is still fresh
             foreach (explode(self::EOL, $_rcvhdrs) as $_hdr) {
                 F3::$global['HEADERS'][] = $_hdr;
                 if (preg_match('/' . F3::HTTP_Content . '/', $_hdr)) {
                     // Forward HTTP header
             return $_response;
     $_url = parse_url($_route);
     if (!$_url['path']) {
         // Set to Web root
         $_url['path'] = '/';
     if ($_method != 'GET') {
         if ($_url['query']) {
             // Non-GET method; Query is distinct from URI
             $_query = $_url['query'];
             $_url['query'] = '';
     } else {
         if ($_query) {
             // GET method; Query is integral part of URI
             $_url['query'] = $_query;
             $_query = '';
     // Set up host name and TCP port for socket connection
     if (preg_match('/https/', $_url['scheme'])) {
         if (!$_url['port']) {
             $_url['port'] = 443;
         $_target = 'ssl://' . $_url['host'] . ':' . $_url['port'];
     } else {
         if (!$_url['port']) {
             $_url['port'] = 80;
         $_target = $_url['host'] . ':' . $_url['port'];
     $_socket = @fsockopen($_target, $_url['port'], $_errno, $_text);
     if (!$_socket) {
         // Can't establish connection
         return FALSE;
     // Send HTTP request
     fputs($_socket, $_method . ' ' . $_url['path'] . ($_url['query'] ? '?' . $_url['query'] : '') . ' ' . 'HTTP/1.0' . self::EOL . F3::HTTP_Host . ': ' . $_url['host'] . self::EOL . F3::HTTP_Agent . ': Mozilla/5.0 (' . 'compatible;' . F3::TEXT_AppName . ' ' . F3::TEXT_Version . ')' . self::EOL . ($_reqhdrs ? implode(self::EOL, $_reqhdrs) . self::EOL : '') . ($_method != 'GET' ? 'Content-Type: ' . 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' . self::EOL . 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($_query) . self::EOL : '') . F3::HTTP_AcceptEnc . ': gzip' . self::EOL . ($_cached ? F3::HTTP_Cache . ': max-age=86400' . self::EOL : '') . F3::HTTP_Connect . ': close' . self::EOL . self::EOL . $_query . self::EOL . self::EOL);
     $_found = FALSE;
     $_expires = FALSE;
     $_gzip = FALSE;
     // Set connection timeout parameters
     stream_set_blocking($_socket, TRUE);
     stream_set_timeout($_socket, ini_get('default_socket_timeout'));
     $_info = stream_get_meta_data($_socket);
     // Get headers and response
     while (!feof($_socket) && !$_info['timed_out']) {
         $_response .= fgets($_socket, 4096);
         // MDFK97
         $_info = stream_get_meta_data($_socket);
         if (!$_found) {
             $_rcvhdrs = strstr($_response, self::EOL . self::EOL, TRUE);
             if ($_rcvhdrs) {
                 $_found = TRUE;
                 if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli' && !headers_sent()) {
                     if ($_follow && preg_match('/HTTP\\/1\\.\\d\\s30\\d/', $_rcvhdrs)) {
                         // Redirection
                         preg_match('/' . F3::HTTP_Location . ':\\s*(.+?)/', $_rcvhdrs, $_loc);
                         return self::http($_method . ' ' . $_loc[1], $_query, $_reqhdrs);
                     foreach (explode(self::EOL, $_rcvhdrs) as $_hdr) {
                         F3::$global['HEADERS'][] = $_hdr;
                         if (!F3::$global['QUIET'] && preg_match('/' . F3::HTTP_Content . '/', $_hdr)) {
                             // Forward HTTP header
                         } elseif (preg_match('/^' . F3::HTTP_Encoding . ':\\s*.*gzip/', $_hdr)) {
                             // Uncompress content
                             $_gzip = TRUE;
                         } elseif (preg_match('/^' . F3::HTTP_Expires . ':\\s*.+/', $_hdr)) {
                             // Cache this page
                             $_expires = TRUE;
                     if ($_flag) {
                         Cache::store($_hash, $_rcvhdrs . $_div . $_response);
                 // Split content from HTTP response headers
                 $_response = substr(strstr($_response, self::EOL . self::EOL), 4);
     if ($_info['timed_out']) {
         return FALSE;
     if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli' && !headers_sent()) {
         if ($_gzip) {
             $_response = gzinflate(substr($_response, 10));
         if ($_expires) {
             Cache::store($_hash, $_rcvhdrs . $_div . $_response);
     // Return content
     return $_response;