public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, self::extractorID); //Look if the Article has a category if (!preg_match("/" . WIKIMEDIA_CATEGORY . ":/", $pageID, $match)) { //match all categories if (preg_match_all("/\\[\\[" . WIKIMEDIA_CATEGORY . ":(.*)\\]\\]/", $pageSource, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { //empty ClassArray $this->ClassArray = array(); foreach ($matches as $match) { //remove the category-label $Category = preg_replace("/\\|.*/", "", $match[1]); $query = "select Arg2 from facts where Relation = 'subClassOf' and Arg1 = 'wikicategory_" . mysql_escape_string(str_replace(" ", "_", $Category)) . "'"; $queryresult = mysql_query($query, $this->DBlink) or die("Anfrage fehlgeschlagen: " . mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($queryresult, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $this->ClassArray[$row["Arg2"]] = true; } } foreach ($this->ClassArray as $subject => $bool) { $YagoClass = str_replace("wordnet_", "", $subject); $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI(RDF_TYPE, false), RDFtriple::URI(DB_YAGO_NS . $this->camel($YagoClass, "_"))); } } } return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, self::extractorID); $pageID = encodeLocalName($pageID); // Remove Template as this is already extracted by the Infobox Extractor // Find subtemplates and remove Subtemplates, which are listed as ignored! preg_match_all('~\\{((?>[^{}]+)|(?R))*\\}~x', $pageSource, $subTemplates); foreach ($subTemplates[0] as $key => $subTemplate) { $subTemplate = preg_replace("/(^\\{\\{)|(\\}\\}\$)/", "", $subTemplate); // Cut Brackets / {} $pageSource = str_replace('{{' . $subTemplate . '}}', '', $pageSource); } // Extract internal Semantic Links $findSemanticLinks = preg_match_all('/(\\[\\[)([a-zA-z0-9\\- _]+)(::)([^\\]]+)\\]\\]/', $pageSource, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::predicate(encodeLocalName($match[2])), RDFtriple::page($match[4])); } // Extract Literals $findSemanticLinks = preg_match_all('/(\\[\\[)([a-zA-Z\\-_ ]+)(:=)([^\\]]+)\\]\\]/', $pageSource, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { $triple = array(); $triple = parseAttributeValue($match[4], $pageID, $match[2]); // object, object_is, datatype(, language) $lexicalForm = $triple[0]; $datatype = $triple[2]; $predicate = propertyToCamelCase(encodeLocalName($match[2])); // Continue if empty String if ($lexicalForm == null) { continue; } $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFTriple::predicate($predicate), RDFtriple::literal($lexicalForm, $datatype, 'en')); } return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, $this->getExtractorID()); $category = Util::getMediaWikiNamespace($this->language, MW_CATEGORY_NAMESPACE); if (preg_match_all("/" . $category . ":(.*)/", $pageID, $match)) { $result->addTriple($this->getPageURI(), RDFtriple::URI(SKOS_PREFLABEL, false), RDFtriple::Literal($this->decode_title($pageTitle), NULL, $this->language)); $result->addTriple($this->getPageURI(), RDFtriple::URI(RDF_TYPE, false), RDFtriple::URI(SKOS_CONCEPT, false)); if (preg_match_all("/\\[\\[" . $category . ":(.*)\\]\\]/", $pageSource, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { // split on | sign if (strpos($match[1], '|') === false) { $object = Util::getDBpediaCategoryPrefix($this->language) . URI::wikipediaEncode($match[1]); } else { $split = explode('|', $match[1]); $object = Util::getDBpediaCategoryPrefix($this->language) . URI::wikipediaEncode($split[0]); } try { $object = RDFtriple::URI($object); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; continue; } $result->addTriple($this->getPageURI(), RDFtriple::URI(SKOS_BROADER, false), $object); } } } return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, self::extractorID); $CleanSource = $this->remove_wikicode($pageSource); $LongAbstract = $this->extract_abstract($CleanSource, 3000, false, false); $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::predicate("abstract"), RDFtriple::Literal($LongAbstract, NULL, $this->language)); return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, self::extractorID); if ($this->language == "en") { $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI(""), RDFtriple::URI("" . URI::wikipediaEncode($pageTitle))); } return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, $this->getExtractorID()); if ($this->decode_title($pageTitle) == NULL) { return $result; } $result->addTriple($this->getPageURI(), RDFtriple::URI(RDFS_LABEL, false), RDFtriple::Literal($this->decode_title($pageTitle), NULL, $this->language)); return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, self::extractorID); $CleanSource = $this->remove_wikicode($pageSource); $Abstract = $this->extract_abstract($CleanSource); //$LongAbstract = $this->extract_abstract($CleanSource, 3000, false, false); $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI(""), RDFtriple::Literal($Abstract, NULL, $this->language)); return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, self::extractorID); $pageID = encodeLocalName($pageID); // Extract Wikipedia Link if (preg_match('/\\{\\{wikipedia\\-c(\\-note)?\\}\\}/', $pageSource)) { $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI(""), RDFtriple::URI("" . $pageID)); } return $result; }
public function getPredicateTriples() { $predicateTriples = new ExtractionResult($this->pageID, $this->language, $this->extractorID); foreach ($this->predicates as $subject => $bool) { // array_push( $predicateTriples, new RDFtriple($subject, "", "")); $predicateTriples->addTriple(RDFtriple::URI($subject), RDFtriple::URI(""), RDFtriple::URI("")); $predicateTriples->addTriple(RDFtriple::URI($subject), RDFtriple::URI(""), RDFtriple::Literal($this->getPredicateLabel($subject))); } return $predicateTriples; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, $this->getExtractorID()); $link = $this->findLink($pageSource); if ($link) { $this->log(DEBUG, "Found link {$link}"); $result->addTriple($this->getPageURI(), RDFtriple::URI(FOAF_HOMEPAGE, false), RDFtriple::URI($link, false)); } return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, self::extractorID); $pagelinks = $this->extract_internal_links($pageSource, $this->language); //var_dump($pagelinks); foreach ($pagelinks as $LinkURI) { $result->addTriple(RDFTriple::page($pageID), RDFTriple::predicate("wikilink"), RDFTriple::page($LinkURI)); } return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, $this->getExtractorID()); $image_ar = $this->extract_image_url($pageSource); $image = ucfirst($image_ar[0]); $width = $image_ar[1]; if ($image == null) { return $result; } $ImageURL = $this->make_image_url($image, false, true); $ImageURLSmall = $this->make_image_url($image, $width); $image = str_replace(" ", "_", trim($image)); if (!URI::validate($ImageURL) || !URI::validate($ImageURLSmall)) { return $result; } // Add fullsize image $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI(FOAF_DEPICTION), RDFtriple::URI($ImageURL)); // Add depiction has thumbnail $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::URI($ImageURL), RDFtriple::URI(FOAF_THUMBNAIL), RDFtriple::URI($ImageURLSmall)); // Add object has thumbnail $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI(DBO_THUMBNAIL), RDFtriple::URI($ImageURLSmall)); // add triples linking back to the Wikipedia image description $image = urlencode($image); $wikipediaImageDescription = 'http://' . $this->language . '' . $image; $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::URI($ImageURLSmall), RDFtriple::URI(DC_RIGHTS), RDFtriple::URI($wikipediaImageDescription)); $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::URI($ImageURL), RDFtriple::URI(DC_RIGHTS), RDFtriple::URI($wikipediaImageDescription)); return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { // language code in URI uses '-', not '_' $language = str_replace('_', '-', $this->language); $subject = $this->getPageURI(); $predicate = $language == 'en' ? RDFtriple::predicate("wikipage-" . $language) : RDFtriple::URI(FOAF_PAGE, false); $object = RDFtriple::URI("http://" . $language . "" . URI::wikipediaEncode($pageTitle)); $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, $this->getExtractorID()); $result->addTriple($subject, $predicate, $object); return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, self::extractorID); // Add fullsize image $ImageURL = $this->extract_image_url($pageSource, $pageTitle); if ($ImageURL == null || !URI::validate($ImageURL)) { return $result; } $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI(""), RDFtriple::URI($ImageURL)); return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, self::extractorID); $extlinks = $this->extract_external_links($pageSource, $this->language); while (list($ExtURL, $ExtName) = each($extlinks)) { if (!URI::validate($ExtURL)) { continue; } $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::predicate("reference"), RDFtriple::URI($ExtURL)); } return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $org_language = $this->language; $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, $this->getExtractorID()); $query = "select page_title, page_namespace, ll.ll_lang,replace(trim(ll_title), ' ', '_')as lang_title from page p inner join langlinks ll on p.page_id = ll.ll_from where p.page_title= '" . mysql_escape_string($pageID) . "' and p.page_namespace <> 14"; $queryresult = mysql_query($query, $this->DBlink) or die(" search unsuccessful: " . mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($queryresult, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { //$object="".URI::wikipediaEncode($row["lang_title"] ); $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::URI("http://" . $org_language . "" . URI::wikipediaEncode($pageID)), RDFtriple::URI(OWL_SAMEAS, false), RDFtriple::URI("http://" . $row["ll_lang"] . "" . URI::wikipediaEncode($row["lang_title"]))); } return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, $this->getExtractorID()); if ($this->language == "en") { $query = "select wsl.url from templatelinks tl inner join page p on p.page_id = tl.tl_from\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join dbpedia_develop.wordnet_mapping wm on tl.tl_title = wm.infobox\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join dbpedia_develop.wordnet_synsets_links wsl on wm.ID1 = wsl.synset30ID\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere p.page_title = '" . mysql_escape_string($pageID) . "' and p.page_namespace = 0"; $queryresult = mysql_query($query, $this->DBlink) or die("Query failed:\n{$query}\n" . mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($queryresult, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::predicate("wordnet_type"), RDFtriple::URI($row["url"])); } } return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, self::extractorID); // Locate geo coordinates if (preg_match('/<geo>([\\-0-9\\.]+);([\\-0-9\\.]+)[^0-9]*[^<]*<\\/geo>/', $pageSource, $match)) { $lat = $match[1]; $long = $match[2]; $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI(""), RDFtriple::Literal($lat, "", NULL)); $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI(""), RDFtriple::Literal($long, "", NULL)); } return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, self::extractorID); if (!preg_match("/Category:/", $pageID, $match)) { if (preg_match_all("/\\[\\[Category:(.*)\\]\\]/", $pageSource, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $Category = preg_replace("/\\|.*/", "", $match[1]); $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI(""), RDFtriple::page("Category:" . $Category)); } } } return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, self::extractorID); if (preg_match_all("/Category:(.*)/", $pageID, $match)) { $result->addTriple(RDFTriple::page($pageID), RDFTriple::URI(""), RDFTriple::Literal($this->decode_title($pageTitle), NULL, $this->language)); $result->addTriple(RDFTriple::page($pageID), RDFTriple::URI(""), RDFTriple::URI("")); if (preg_match_all("/\\[\\[Category:(.*)\\]\\]/", $pageSource, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $result->addTriple(RDFTriple::page($pageID), RDFTriple::URI(""), RDFTriple::page("Category:" . $match[1])); } } } return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { //create a new Extraction Result to hold all extrated Triples $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, $this->getExtractorID()); //Look for {{chembox header}} in PageSource if (preg_match("/{{chembox header}}/", $pageSource, $match)) { //DO SOME PARSING //Add a Triple for each Property $result->addTriple($this->getPageURI(), RDFtriple::URI(DB_MY_CHEM_PROPERTY, false), RDFtriple::Literal("my_value")); //Add each Predicate to the Predicate Collection $this->allPredicates->addPredicate("my_chem_property"); } return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, $this->getExtractorID()); $extlinks = $this->extract_external_links($pageSource, $this->language); while (list($ExtURL, $ExtName) = each($extlinks)) { // Replace single quotes with %27 $ExtURL = str_replace("'", "%27", $ExtURL); $ExtURL = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $ExtURL); if (!URI::validate($ExtURL)) { continue; } $result->addTriple($this->getPageURI(), RDFtriple::URI(DB_REFERENCE, false), RDFtriple::URI($ExtURL)); } return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, $this->getExtractorID()); $pagelinks = $this->extract_internal_links($pageSource, $this->language); //var_dump($pagelinks); $pagelinks = array_unique($pagelinks); foreach ($pagelinks as $LinkURI) { $object = DB_RESOURCE_NS . ucfirst(URI::wikipediaEncode($LinkURI)); try { $object = RDFtriple::URI($object); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->log('warn', 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"); continue; } $result->addTriple($this->getPageURI(), RDFtriple::URI(DB_WIKILINK, false), $object); } return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { global $pagetitle; // Needed for Imageextraction in catchObjectDatatype.php (catchLogo()); $pagetitle = $pageTitle; $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, self::extractorID); global $parseResult; // Contains the Extraction result $parseResult = null; parsePage($pageID, $pageSource); if (count($parseResult) < 1) { return $result; } $knownProperties = array($parseResult[0][1]); foreach ($parseResult as $myTriple) { $subject = RDFtriple::URI($myTriple[0]); // Rename Properties like LeaderName1, LeaderName2, ... to LeaderName if (preg_match("/(.*[^0-9_]+)([0-9])\$/", $myTriple[1], $matches)) { $key = array_search($matches[1], $knownProperties); if ($key) { $myTriple[1] = $knownProperties[$key]; } else { array_push($knownProperties, $matches[1]); } $myTriple[1] = $matches[1]; } else { if (!array_search($myTriple[1], $knownProperties)) { array_push($knownProperties, $myTriple[1]); } } $predicate = RDFtriple::URI($myTriple[1]); if ($myTriple[3] == "r") { $object = RDFtriple::URI($myTriple[2]); } else { if ($myTriple[5] == null) { $myTriple[5] = $this->language; } $object = RDFtriple::literal($myTriple[2], $myTriple[4], $myTriple[5]); } $result->addTriple($subject, $predicate, $object); $this->allPredicates->addPredicate($myTriple[1]); } return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, self::extractorID); $foundLinks = array(); /* Look in infoboxes */ $infoboxes = $this->getInfoboxes($pageSource); foreach ($infoboxes[1] as $box) { $boxProperties = $this->getBoxProperties($box, true); foreach ($this->knownHomepagePredicates as $pred) { $key = strtolower(urldecode($pred)); if (isset($boxProperties[$key])) { $foundLinks[] = $this->parseURL($boxProperties[$key], true); if (HomepageExtractor::enableDebug) { echo "<h3>Found box property '" . $pred . "'</h3>"; } } } } /* Process "External links" */ if (isset($this->externalLinkSections[$this->language])) { preg_match('/(==+\\s*' . $this->externalLinkSections[$this->language] . '\\s*==+(?:.(?!==+[^=]+==+))*)/s', $pageSource, $matches); preg_match_all('/\\*\\s*([^\\n]*)/', $matches[1], $links); $linkDesignationsPattern = '/\\b(' . implode('|', $this->knownLinkDesignations) . ')\\b/i'; foreach ($links[1] as $link) { if (preg_match($linkDesignationsPattern, $link)) { $foundLinks[] = $this->parseURL($link, true); } } } $numResults = 0; foreach ($foundLinks as $link) { if (URI::validate($link)) { if (HomepageExtractor::enableDebug) { echo "<h3>Found link {$link}</h3>"; } /* Only process the first result */ if (++$numResults == 1) { $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI(""), RDFtriple::URI($link)); } } } return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, $this->getExtractorID()); $res = mysql_query("SELECT page_id from page WHERE page_title='" . mysql_real_escape_string($pageTitle, $this->link) . "' and page_namespace=0 and page_is_redirect=0", $this->link); $rows = mysql_fetch_array($res); $realID = $rows['page_id']; $tempExtractionResult = $this->extractClasses($pageTitle, $realID); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tempExtractionResult); $i++) { if (isset($tempExtractionResult[$i]['object']) && strlen($tempExtractionResult[$i]['object']) > 0) { if (!isset($tempExtractionResult[$i]['datatype']) || strlen($tempExtractionResult[$i]['datatype']) == 0) { $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::URI('' . urlencode($tempExtractionResult[$i]['subject'])), RDFtriple::URI(""), RDFtriple::URI('' . urlencode($tempExtractionResult[$i]['object']))); } else { $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::URI('' . urlencode($tempExtractionResult[$i]['subject'])), RDFtriple::URI($tempExtractionResult[$i]['predicate']), RDFtriple::literal($tempExtractionResult[$i]['object'], $tempExtractionResult[$i]['datatype'])); } } } // end for extractionResult return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, $this->getExtractorID()); if (Util::isRedirect($pageSource, $this->language)) { if (preg_match("/\\[\\[(.*?)\\]\\]/", $pageSource, $matches) === 1) { try { $s = $this->getPageURI(); $p = RDFtriple::URI(DB_REDIRECT, false); $o = RDFtriple::page($this->getLinkForLabeledLink($matches[1])); $result->addTriple($s, $p, $o); } catch (Exception $e) { // exception is thrown when URIs are not valid, in this case we just // do nothing i.e. do not write the triple $this->log(INFO, $o->getURI() . ' is an invalid uri'); } } } return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { global $MEDIAWIKI_DISAMBIGUATIONS_EXTENSION; $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, $this->getExtractorID()); if (Util::isDisambiguation($pageSource, $this->language)) { // use only links that include the name of the current page and don't include a namespace. // Example: // - we omit [[Wikipedia:Username policy]] // - we include [[User (computing)]] and many others // - TODO: we should include [[Consumer]], but don't - it doesn't include "user" if (isset($MEDIAWIKI_DISAMBIGUATIONS_EXTENSION[$this->language])) { foreach ($MEDIAWIKI_DISAMBIGUATIONS_EXTENSION[$this->language] as $disambig) { if (strpos($pageID, $disambig)) { $pageIDClean = str_replace('_(' . $disambig . ')', '', $pageID); } } } else { $pageIDClean = str_replace('_(disambiguation)', '', $pageID); } if (!isset($pageIDClean)) { $pageIDClean = ""; $warn = "pageidclean not set"; } $regex = '/\\[\\[([^:\\[\\]]*?' . preg_quote($pageIDClean) . '[^\\[\\]]*?)\\]\\]/i'; if (preg_match_all($regex, $pageSource, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $object = DB_RESOURCE_NS . URI::wikipediaEncode($this->getLinkForLabeledLink($match[1])); try { $object = RDFtriple::URI($object); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->log('warn', 'Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n"); continue; } $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI(DB_DISAMBIGUATES, false), $object); } } } if (isset($warn)) { $this->log('warn', $warn . " {$pageID} \n"); } return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, $this->getExtractorID()); //TODO image namespace $text = $pageSource; //TODO not sure what to take as magic number here: // 4096 was to short, e.g. inappropriate for london $text = substr($text, 0, 8192); $text = self::stripMarkup($text); //TODO REMOVE THIS LINE FOR DEBUGGING: $text = $this->_exceptions($text); //2 is probalby perfect, since it guarantuees a certain lentgh $firstTwoSentences = $this->_extractStart($text, 2); //better than nothing $fullabstract = $firstTwoSentences; //this is crazy code as it could also be 0 //it is a heuristical approach to nicen the abstracts. // take anything until you find '==' if (($pos = strpos($text, '==')) !== false) { $fullabstract = trim(substr($text, 0, $pos)); } else { $fullabstract = trim($text); } if (!empty($firstTwoSentences)) { $s = $this->getPageURI(); $p = RDFtriple::URI(DBCOMM_COMMENT, false); $o = RDFtriple::Literal($firstTwoSentences, NULL, $this->language); $this->log('debug', 'Found: ' . $s->toString() . " " . $p->toString() . " " . $o->toString()); $result->addTriple($s, $p, $o); } if (!empty($fullabstract)) { $s = $this->getPageURI(); $p = RDFtriple::URI(DBCOMM_ABSTRACT, false); $o = RDFtriple::Literal($fullabstract, NULL, $this->language); $this->log('debug', 'Found: ' . $s->toString() . " " . $p->toString() . " " . $o->toString()); $result->addTriple($s, $p, $o); } //TODO $clipped = substr( $extract, 0, 1024 ); //TODO UtfNormal::cleanUp( $clipped ); in include/normal/UtfNormal return $result; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $category = Util::getMediaWikiNamespace($this->language, MW_CATEGORY_NAMESPACE); $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, $this->getExtractorID()); if (!preg_match("/" . $category . ":/", $pageID, $match)) { if (preg_match_all("/\\[\\[" . $category . ":(.*)\\]\\]/U", $pageSource, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $Category = preg_replace("/\\|.*/", "", $match[1]); $object = Util::getDBpediaCategoryPrefix($this->language) . URI::wikipediaEncode($Category); try { $object = RDFtriple::URI($object); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->log(WARN, 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"); continue; } $result->addTriple($this->getPageURI(), RDFtriple::URI(SKOS_SUBJECT, false), $object); } } } return $result; }