protected function processForm(sfWebRequest $request, sfForm $form) { $files = $request->getFiles(); $userPhoto = $files['users']['photo']['name']; $form->bind($request->getParameter($form->getName()), $request->getFiles($form->getName())); if ($form->isValid()) { $user = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('user'); $this->checkUser($form['email']->getValue(), $user->getId()); $form->setFieldValue('users_group_id', $user->getUsersGroupId()); $form->setFieldValue('active', $user->getActive()); if (isset($form['new_password'])) { if (strlen($form['new_password']->getValue()) > 0) { $form->setFieldValue('password', md5($form['new_password']->getValue())); } } if (strlen($userPhoto) > 0) { $userPhoto = rand(111111, 999999) . '-' . $userPhoto; $filename = sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') . '/users/' . $userPhoto; move_uploaded_file($files['users']['photo']['tmp_name'], $filename); $form->setFieldValue('photo', $userPhoto); app::image_resize($filename, $filename); } else { $form->setFieldValue('photo', $form['photo_preview']->getValue()); } if ($form['remove_photo']->getValue() == 1 && strlen($form['photo_preview']->getValue()) > 0) { unlink(sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') . '/users/' . $form['photo_preview']->getValue()); $form->setFieldValue('photo', ''); } $users = $form->save(); $this->getUser()->setAttribute('user', $users); $this->getUser()->setCulture($users->getCulture()); ExtraFieldsList::setValues($request->getParameter('extra_fields'), $users->getId(), 'users', $this->getUser()); $this->getUser()->setFlash('userNotices', t::__('Account Updated')); $this->redirect('myAccount/index'); } }
echo '<tr><th>' . __('Group') . ':</th><td>' . $tasks->getTasksGroups()->getName() . '</td></tr>'; } ?> <?php if ($tasks->getProjectsPhasesId() > 0) { echo '<tr><th>' . __('Phase') . ':</th><td>' . $tasks->getProjectsPhases()->getName() . '</td></tr>'; } ?> <?php if ($tasks->getVersionsId() > 0) { echo '<tr><th>' . __('Version') . ':</th><td>' . $tasks->getVersions()->getName() . '</td></tr>'; } ?> <?php echo ExtraFieldsList::renderInfoFileds('tasks', $tasks, $sf_user); ?> <?php if ($tasks->getEstimatedTime() > 0) { echo '<tr><th>' . __('Estimated Time') . ':</th><td>' . $tasks->getEstimatedTime() . '</td></tr>'; } ?> <?php if (($work_hours = TasksComments::getTotalWorkHours($tasks->getId())) > 0) { $discrepancy = $tasks->getEstimatedTime() - $work_hours; echo '<tr><th>' . __('Work Hours') . ':</th><td>' . $work_hours . ($discrepancy < 0 ? ' <font color="#a23343">(' . $discrepancy . ')</font>' : ($discrepancy > 0 ? ' <font color="#32602f">(+' . $discrepancy . ')</font>' : '')) . '</td></tr>'; } ?> <?php
<table class="contentTable" style="width: 100%"> <tr> <td> <div class="itemInfo taskInfo"> <div class="itemInfoContainer"> <div class="itemDescription"><?php echo replaceTextToLinks($tasks->getDescription()); ?> </div> <div id="extraFieldsInDescription"><?php echo ExtraFieldsList::renderDescriptionFileds('tasks', $tasks, $sf_user); ?> </div> <div><?php include_component('attachments', 'attachmentsList', array('bind_type' => 'tasks', 'bind_id' => $tasks->getId())); ?> </div> </div> </div> <br> <?php echo input_hidden_tag('item_name', $tasks->getName()) . input_hidden_tag('item_description', $tasks->getDescription()); ?> <?php
public function executeExport(sfWebRequest $request) { /*check access*/ if ($request->hasParameter('projects_id')) { $this->forward404Unless($this->projects = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Projects')->createQuery()->addWhere('id=?', $request->getParameter('projects_id'))->fetchOne(), sprintf('Object projects does not exist (%s).', $request->getParameter('projects_id'))); $this->checkProjectsAccess($this->projects); $this->checkTicketsAccess('view', false, $this->projects); } else { $this->checkTicketsAccess('view'); } $this->columns = array('Projects' => t::__('Project Name'), 'id' => t::__('Id'), 'TicketsStatus' => t::__('Status'), 'TicketsTypes' => t::__('Type'), 'name' => t::__('Name'), 'description' => t::__('Description'), 'Departments' => t::__('Department'), 'Users' => t::__('Created By'), 'created_at' => t::__('Created At')); $extra_fields = ExtraFieldsList::getFieldsByType('tickets', $this->getUser(), false, array('all' => true)); foreach ($extra_fields as $v) { $this->columns['extra_field_' . $v['id']] = $v['name']; } if (!$request->hasParameter('projects_id')) { $this->columns['Projects'] = t::__('Project'); } $this->columns['Projects'] = t::__('Project Name'); $this->columns['url'] = t::__('Url'); if ($fields = $request->getParameter('fields')) { $separator = "\t"; $format = $request->getParameter('format', '.csv'); $filename = $request->getParameter('filename', 'tasks'); header("Content-type: Application/octet-stream"); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=" . $filename . "." . $format); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); $content = ''; foreach ($fields as $f) { $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $this->columns[$f]) . $separator; } $content .= "\n"; if ($format == 'csv') { echo chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) . mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8'); } else { echo $content; } if (strlen($request->getParameter('selected_items') == 0)) { exit; } $q = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Tickets')->createQuery('t')->leftJoin('t.TicketsStatus ts')->leftJoin('t.TicketsTypes tt')->leftJoin('t.Departments td')->leftJoin('t.Projects p')->leftJoin('t.Users')->whereIn('', explode(',', $request->getParameter('selected_items'))); if ($request->hasParameter('projects_id')) { $q->addWhere('projects_id=?', $request->getParameter('projects_id')); if (Users::hasAccess('view_own', 'tickets', $this->getUser(), $request->getParameter('projects_id'))) { $q->addWhere("t.departments_id in (" . implode(',', Departments::getDepartmentIdByUserId($this->getUser()->getAttribute('id'))) . ") or t.users_id='" . $this->getUser()->getAttribute('id') . "'"); } } else { if (Users::hasAccess('view_own', 'projects', $this->getUser())) { $q->addWhere("find_in_set('" . $this->getUser()->getAttribute('id') . "',team) or p.users_id='" . $this->getUser()->getAttribute('id') . "'"); } if (Users::hasAccess('view_own', 'tickets', $this->getUser())) { $q->addWhere("t.departments_id in (" . implode(',', Departments::getDepartmentIdByUserId($this->getUser()->getAttribute('id'))) . ") or t.users_id='" . $this->getUser()->getAttribute('id') . "'"); } } if ($request->hasParameter('projects_id')) { $q = app::addListingOrder($q, 'tickets', $this->getUser(), (int) $request->getParameter('projects_id')); } else { $q->orderBy('LTRIM(, ts.sort_order, LTRIM(, LTRIM('); } $tickets = $q->fetchArray(); $totals = array(); $projects_totals = array(); $current_project_id = 0; foreach ($tickets as $t) { $ex_values = ExtraFieldsList::getValuesList($extra_fields, $t['id']); $content = ''; // if ($current_project_id == 0) { $current_project_id = $t['projects_id']; } if ($current_project_id != $t['projects_id']) { //adding totals if (isset($projects_totals[$current_project_id])) { foreach ($fields as $f) { $v = ''; if (strstr($f, 'extra_field_')) { if (isset($projects_totals[$current_project_id][str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)])) { $v = $projects_totals[$current_project_id][str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)]; } } $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $v) . $separator; } $content .= "\n\n"; } $current_project_id = $t['projects_id']; } foreach ($fields as $f) { $v = ''; if (in_array($f, array('id', 'name', 'description'))) { $v = $t[$f]; } elseif (strstr($f, 'extra_field_')) { if ($ex = Doctrine_Core::getTable('ExtraFields')->find(str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f))) { $v = ExtraFieldsList::renderFieldValueByType($ex, $ex_values, array(), true); if (in_array($ex->getType(), array('number', 'formula'))) { if (!isset($totals[$ex->getId()])) { $totals[$ex->getId()] = 0; } if (!isset($projects_totals[$t['projects_id']][$ex->getId()])) { $projects_totals[$t['projects_id']][$ex->getId()] = 0; } $totals[$ex->getId()] += $v; $projects_totals[$t['projects_id']][$ex->getId()] += $v; } $v = str_replace('<br>', ', ', $v); } } elseif ($f == 'created_at') { if (strlen($t[$f]) > 0) { $v = app::dateTimeFormat($t[$f]); } } elseif ($f == 'url') { $v = app::public_url('ticketsComments/index?projects_id=' . $t['projects_id'] . '&tickets_id=' . $t['id']); } else { $v = app::getArrayName($t, $f); } $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $v) . $separator; } $content .= "\n"; if ($format == 'csv') { echo chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) . mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8'); } else { echo $content; } } $content = ''; //adding totals if (isset($projects_totals[$current_project_id]) and !$request->hasParameter('projects_id')) { foreach ($fields as $f) { $v = ''; if (strstr($f, 'extra_field_')) { if (isset($projects_totals[$current_project_id][str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)])) { $v = $projects_totals[$current_project_id][str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)]; } } $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $v) . $separator; } $content .= "\n\n"; } foreach ($fields as $f) { $v = ''; if (strstr($f, 'extra_field_')) { if (isset($totals[str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)])) { $v = $totals[str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)]; } } $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $v) . $separator; } $content .= "\n"; if ($format == 'csv') { echo chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) . mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8'); } else { echo $content; } exit; } }
<td><?php echo $users->getUsersGroups()->getName(); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo __('Email'); ?> :</td> <td><?php echo $users->getEmail(); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo __('Photo'); ?> :</td> <td><?php echo renderUserPhoto($users->getPhoto()); ?> </td> </tr> <?php echo ExtraFieldsList::renderInfoFileds('users', $users, $sf_user); ?> </table>
public function executeExport(sfWebRequest $request) { $this->columns = array('id' => t::__('Id'), 'UsersGroups' => t::__('Group'), 'name' => t::__('Name'), 'email' => t::__('Email')); $extra_fields = ExtraFieldsList::getFieldsByType('users', $this->getUser(), false, array('all' => true)); foreach ($extra_fields as $v) { $this->columns['extra_field_' . $v['id']] = $v['name']; } if ($fields = $request->getParameter('fields')) { $separator = "\t"; $format = $request->getParameter('format', '.csv'); $filename = $request->getParameter('filename', 'users'); header("Content-type: Application/octet-stream"); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=" . $filename . "." . $format); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); $content = ''; foreach ($fields as $f) { $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $this->columns[$f]) . $separator; } $content .= "\n"; if ($format == 'csv') { echo chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) . mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8'); } else { echo $content; } if (strlen($request->getParameter('selected_items') == 0)) { exit; } $q = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Users')->createQuery('u')->leftJoin('u.UsersGroups ug')->whereIn('', explode(',', $request->getParameter('selected_items'))); $users = $q->orderBy(',')->fetchArray(); foreach ($users as $u) { $ex_values = ExtraFieldsList::getValuesList($extra_fields, $u['id']); $content = ''; foreach ($fields as $f) { $v = ''; if (in_array($f, array('id', 'name', 'email'))) { $v = $u[$f]; } elseif (strstr($f, 'extra_field_')) { if ($ex = Doctrine_Core::getTable('ExtraFields')->find(str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f))) { $v = ExtraFieldsList::renderFieldValueByType($ex, $ex_values, array(), true); $v = str_replace('<br>', ', ', $v); } } else { $v = app::getArrayName($u, $f); } $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $v) . $separator; } $content .= "\n"; if ($format == 'csv') { echo chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) . mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8'); } else { echo $content; } } exit; } }
public static function renderFormFileds($bind_type, $object, $sf_user, $extra_fields = null) { if ($extra_fields === null) { $extra_fields = ExtraFieldsList::getFieldsByType($bind_type, $sf_user); } if ($bind_type == 'events') { $values = ExtraFieldsList::getValuesList($extra_fields, $object ? $object->getEventId() : false); } else { $values = ExtraFieldsList::getValuesList($extra_fields, $object ? $object->getId() : false); } $html = ''; foreach ($extra_fields as $v) { if ($v['type'] == 'formula') { continue; } $html .= ' <tr id="extra_field_row_' . $v['id'] . '" class="extra_field_row"> <th>' . $v['name'] . ($v['type'] == 'checkbox' ? '<br><a href="#" onClick="return checkAllInContainer(\'checkboxesList' . $v['id'] . '\')"><small>' . __('Select All') . '</small></a>' : '') . '</th> <td>' . ExtraFieldsList::renderFormFieldByType($v, $values) . '</td> </tr>'; } return $html; }
<td><?php echo renderUserPhoto($users->getPhoto()); ?> </td> <td><?php echo link_to_modalbox($users->getName(), 'users/info?id=' . $users->getId()); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $users->getEmail(); ?> </td> <?php $v = ExtraFieldsList::getValuesList($extra_fields, $users->getId()); echo ExtraFieldsList::renderListingTbody($extra_fields, $v); ?> <td><?php echo renderBooleanValue($users->getActive()); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php if (sizeof($userss) == 0) { echo '<tr><td colspan="100">' . __('No Records Found') . '</td></tr>'; } ?>
<table > <?php echo str_replace('</th>', ': </th>', ExtraFieldsList::renderInfoFileds('events', $events, $sf_user)); ?> </table> <?php echo $events->getDetails(); ?> <div><?php include_component('attachments', 'attachmentsList', array('bind_type' => 'events', 'bind_id' => $events->getEventId())); ?> </div>
public function executeXlsTasksImportBindField(sfWebRequest $request) { $this->columns = array('TasksGroups' => t::__('Group'), 'Versions' => t::__('Version'), 'ProjectsPhases' => t::__('Phase'), 'TasksPriority' => t::__('Priority'), 'TasksLabels' => t::__('Label'), 'name' => t::__('Name'), 'TasksStatus' => t::__('Status'), 'TasksTypes' => t::__('Type'), 'assigned_to' => t::__('Assigned To'), 'estimated_time' => t::__('Est. Time'), 'start_date' => t::__('Start Date'), 'due_date' => t::__('Due Date'), 'progress' => t::__('Progress')); $extra_fields = ExtraFieldsList::getFieldsByType('tasks', $this->getUser(), false, array('all' => true)); foreach ($extra_fields as $v) { $this->columns['extra_field_' . $v['id']] = $v['name']; } $import_fields = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('import_fields'); foreach ($import_fields as $k => $v) { unset($this->columns[$v]); } if ($request->hasParameter('field_id')) { if ($request->getParameter('field_id') != '0') { $import_fields = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('import_fields'); $import_fields[$request->getParameter('col')] = $request->getParameter('field_id'); $this->getUser()->setAttribute('import_fields', $import_fields); echo $this->columns[$request->getParameter('field_id')]; } else { $import_fields = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('import_fields'); if (isset($import_fields[$request->getParameter('col')])) { unset($import_fields[$request->getParameter('col')]); } $this->getUser()->setAttribute('import_fields', $import_fields); echo '-'; } exit; } }
} ?> </table> <table class="contentTable" style="width: 100%"> <tr> <td> <div class="itemInfo discussionInfo"> <div class="itemInfoContainer"> <div class="itemDescription"><?php echo replaceTextToLinks($discussions->getDescription()); ?> </div> <div id="extraFieldsInDescription"><?php echo ExtraFieldsList::renderDescriptionFileds('discussions', $discussions, $sf_user); ?> </div> <div><?php include_component('attachments', 'attachmentsList', array('bind_type' => 'discussions', 'bind_id' => $discussions->getId())); ?> </div> </div> </div> <br> <?php echo input_hidden_tag('item_name', $discussions->getName()) . input_hidden_tag('item_description', $discussions->getDescription()); $comments_access = Users::getAccessSchema('discussionsComments', $sf_user, $projects->getId()); if ($comments_access['view']) { $lc = new cfgListingController($sf_context->getModuleName(), 'projects_id=' . $sf_request->getParameter('projects_id') . '&discussions_id=' . $discussions->getId()); ?>
</td> </tr> <?php if ($projects->getProjectsStatusId() > 0) { echo '<tr><th>' . __('Status') . ':</th><td>' . $projects->getProjectsStatus()->getName() . '</td></tr>'; } ?> <?php if ($projects->getProjectsTypesId() > 0) { echo '<tr><th>' . __('Type') . ':</th><td>' . $projects->getProjectsTypes()->getName() . '</td></tr>'; } ?> <?php echo ExtraFieldsList::renderInfoFileds('projects', $projects, $sf_user); ?> <tr><td style="padding-top: 7px;"></td></tr> <tr> <th><?php echo __('Created At'); ?> :</th> <td><?php echo app::dateTimeFormat($projects->getCreatedAt()); ?> </td> </tr> <tr>
public function executeExport(sfWebRequest $request) { /*check access*/ Users::checkAccess($this, 'view', $this->getModuleName(), $this->getUser()); $this->columns = array('id' => t::__('Id'), 'ProjectsStatus' => t::__('Status'), 'name' => t::__('Name'), 'description' => t::__('Description'), 'team' => t::__('Team'), 'ProjectsTypes' => t::__('Type'), 'Users' => t::__('Created By'), 'created_at' => t::__('Created At')); $extra_fields = ExtraFieldsList::getFieldsByType('projects', $this->getUser(), false, array('all' => true)); foreach ($extra_fields as $v) { $this->columns['extra_field_' . $v['id']] = $v['name']; } $this->columns['url'] = t::__('Url'); if ($fields = $request->getParameter('fields')) { $separator = "\t"; $format = $request->getParameter('format', '.csv'); $filename = $request->getParameter('filename', 'projects'); header("Content-type: Application/octet-stream"); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=" . $filename . "." . $format); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); $content = ''; foreach ($fields as $f) { $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $this->columns[$f]) . $separator; } $content .= "\n"; if ($format == 'csv') { echo chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) . mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8'); } else { echo $content; } if (strlen($request->getParameter('selected_items') == 0)) { exit; } $q = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Projects')->createQuery('p')->leftJoin('p.ProjectsStatus ps')->leftJoin('p.ProjectsTypes pt')->leftJoin('p.Users')->whereIn('', explode(',', $request->getParameter('selected_items'))); if (Users::hasAccess('view_own', 'projects', $this->getUser())) { $q->addWhere("find_in_set('" . $this->getUser()->getAttribute('id') . "', or p.created_by='" . $this->getUser()->getAttribute('id') . "'"); } $q = app::addListingOrder($q, 'projects', $this->getUser()); $projects = $q->fetchArray(); $totals = array(); foreach ($projects as $p) { $ex_values = ExtraFieldsList::getValuesList($extra_fields, $p['id']); $content = ''; foreach ($fields as $f) { $v = ''; if (in_array($f, array('id', 'name', 'description'))) { $v = $p[$f]; } elseif (strstr($f, 'extra_field_')) { if ($ex = Doctrine_Core::getTable('ExtraFields')->find(str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f))) { $v = ExtraFieldsList::renderFieldValueByType($ex, $ex_values, array(), true); if (in_array($ex->getType(), array('number', 'formula'))) { if (!isset($totals[$ex->getId()])) { $totals[$ex->getId()] = 0; } $totals[$ex->getId()] += $v; } $v = str_replace('<br>', ', ', $v); } } elseif ($f == 'team') { $v = Users::getNameById($p[$f], ', '); } elseif ($f == 'created_at') { if (strlen($p[$f]) > 0) { $v = date(app::getDateTimeFormat(), app::getDateTimestamp($p[$f])); } } elseif ($f == 'url') { $v = app::public_url('projectsComments/index?projects_id=' . $p['id']); } else { $v = app::getArrayName($p, $f); } $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $v) . $separator; } $content .= "\n"; if ($format == 'csv') { echo chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) . mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8'); } else { echo $content; } } $content = ''; foreach ($fields as $f) { $v = ''; if (strstr($f, 'extra_field_')) { if (isset($totals[str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)])) { $v = $totals[str_replace('extra_field_', '', $f)]; } } $content .= str_replace(array("\n\r", "\r", "\n", $separator), ' ', $v) . $separator; } $content .= "\n"; if ($format == 'csv') { echo chr(0xff) . chr(0xfe) . mb_convert_encoding($content, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8'); } else { echo $content; } exit; } }
public function executeMultipleEdit(sfWebRequest $request) { if ($request->hasParameter('projects_id')) { $this->forward404Unless($this->projects = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Projects')->createQuery()->addWhere('id=?', $request->getParameter('projects_id'))->fetchOne(), sprintf('Object projects does not exist (%s).', $request->getParameter('projects_id'))); $this->checkProjectsAccess($this->projects); $this->checkTasksAccess('edit', false, $this->projects); } else { $this->checkTasksAccess('edit'); } $this->fields = array(); $this->numeric_fields = array(); $choices = app::getItemsChoicesByTable('TasksPriority', true); if (count($choices) > 1) { $this->fields['tasks_priority_id'] = array('title' => t::__('Priority'), 'choices' => $choices); } $choices = app::getItemsChoicesByTable('TasksLabels', true); if (count($choices) > 1) { $this->fields['tasks_label_id'] = array('title' => t::__('Label'), 'choices' => $choices); } $choices = app::getItemsChoicesByTable('TasksStatus', true); if (count($choices) > 1) { $this->fields['tasks_status_id'] = array('title' => t::__('Status'), 'choices' => $choices); } $choices = app::getItemsChoicesByTable('TasksTypes', true); if (count($choices) > 1) { $this->fields['tasks_type_id'] = array('title' => t::__('Type'), 'choices' => $choices); } if ($request->hasParameter('projects_id')) { $choices = app::getItemsChoicesByTable('TasksGroups', true, $request->getParameter('projects_id')); if (count($choices) > 1) { $this->fields['tasks_groups_id'] = array('title' => t::__('Group'), 'choices' => $choices); } $choices = app::getItemsChoicesByTable('Versions', true, $request->getParameter('projects_id')); if (count($choices) > 1) { $this->fields['versions_id'] = array('title' => t::__('Version'), 'choices' => $choices); } $choices = app::getItemsChoicesByTable('ProjectsPhases', true, $request->getParameter('projects_id')); if (count($choices) > 1) { $this->fields['projects_phases_id'] = array('title' => t::__('Phase'), 'choices' => $choices); } } $this->fields['progress'] = array('title' => t::__('Progress'), 'choices' => Tasks::getProgressChoices()); $extra_fields = ExtraFieldsList::getFieldsByType('tasks', $this->getUser(), false, array('all' => true)); $this->numeric_fields['estimated_time'] = array('title' => t::__('Estimated Time')); foreach ($extra_fields as $v) { if (in_array($v['type'], array('number'))) { $this->numeric_fields['extra_field_' . $v['id']] = array('title' => $v['name']); } } if ($request->getParameter('fields')) { if (strlen($request->getParameter('selected_items') == 0)) { exit; } foreach ($request->getParameter('fields') as $key => $value) { if (strlen($value) == 0 and !is_array($value)) { continue; } if ($key == 'tasks_status_id') { foreach (explode(',', $request->getParameter('selected_items')) as $pid) { if ($p = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Tasks')->find($pid)) { if ($p->getTasksStatusId() != $value) { $p->setTasksStatusId($value); if (in_array($value, app::getStatusByGroup('closed', 'TasksStatus'))) { $p->setClosedDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); } if (!in_array($value, app::getStatusByGroup('closed', 'TasksStatus'))) { $p->setClosedDate(null); } $p->save(); if (strlen($p->getAssignedTo()) > 0) { Tasks::sendNotification($this, $p, array('status' => explode(',', $p->getAssignedTo())), $this->getUser()); } $c = new TasksComments(); $c->setTasksStatusId($value); $c->setTasksId($pid); $c->setCreatedAt(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $c->setCreatedBy($this->getUser()->getAttribute('id')); $c->save(); } } } } elseif ($key == 'estimated_time') { $action_str = (double) $value; if (in_array(substr($value, 0, 1), array('+', '-', '*', '/'))) { $action_str = 'estimated_time ' . substr($value, 0, 1) . ' ' . (double) substr($value, 1); Doctrine_Query::create()->update('Tasks')->set('estimated_time', 0)->whereIn('id', explode(',', $request->getParameter('selected_items')))->addWhere('estimated_time is null or length(estimated_time)=0')->execute(); } Doctrine_Query::create()->update('Tasks')->set('estimated_time', $action_str)->whereIn('id', explode(',', $request->getParameter('selected_items')))->execute(); } elseif ($key == 'assigned_to') { $tasks_list = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Tasks')->createQuery()->whereIn('id', explode(',', $request->getParameter('selected_items')))->execute(); foreach ($tasks_list as $tasks) { $tasks->setAssignedTo(implode(',', $value)); $tasks->save(); Tasks::sendNotification($this, $tasks, array('new' => $value), $this->getUser()); $c = new TasksComments(); $c->setDescription(t::__('Assigned To') . ': ' . Users::getNameById(implode(',', $value), ', ')); $c->setTasksId($tasks->getId()); $c->setCreatedAt(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $c->setCreatedBy($this->getUser()->getAttribute('id')); $c->save(); $tasks->save(); } } else { Doctrine_Query::create()->update('Tasks')->set($key, $value)->whereIn('id', explode(',', $request->getParameter('selected_items')))->execute(); } } $this->redirect_to($request->getParameter('redirect_to'), $request->getParameter('projects_id'), $request->getParameter('tasks_id')); } }
</th> <td> <?php echo $form['description']->renderError(); ?> <?php echo $form['description']; ?> </td> </tr> <?php echo ExtraFieldsList::renderFormFiledsByType('tasks', $form->getObject(), $sf_user, 'text'); ?> <?php echo ExtraFieldsList::renderFormFiledsByType('tasks', $form->getObject(), $sf_user, 'file'); ?> <?php if (Users::hasAccess('edit', 'projects', $sf_user, $sf_request->getParameter('projects_id'))) { ?> <tr> <th><?php echo $form['created_by']->renderLabel(); ?> </th> <td> <?php echo $form['created_by']->renderError(); ?>
</tr> <?php if ($tickets->getTicketsStatusId() > 0) { echo '<tr><th>' . __('Status') . ':</th><td>' . $tickets->getTicketsStatus()->getName() . '</td></tr>'; } ?> <?php if ($tickets->getTicketsTypesId() > 0) { echo '<tr><th>' . __('Type') . ':</th><td>' . $tickets->getTicketsTypes()->getName() . '</td></tr>'; } ?> <?php echo ExtraFieldsList::renderInfoFileds('tickets', $tickets, $sf_user); ?> <tr><td style="padding-top: 7px;"></td></tr> <tr> <th><?php echo __('Created At'); ?> :</th> <td><?php echo app::dateTimeFormat($tickets->getCreatedAt()); ?> </td> </tr> </table>
<?php } ?> </table> <table class="contentTable" style="width: 100%"> <tr> <td> <div class="itemInfo ticketInfo"> <div class="itemInfoContainer"> <div class="itemDescription"><?php echo replaceTextToLinks($tickets->getDescription()); ?> </div> <div id="extraFieldsInDescription"><?php echo ExtraFieldsList::renderDescriptionFileds('tickets', $tickets, $sf_user); ?> </div> <div><?php include_component('attachments', 'attachmentsList', array('bind_type' => 'tickets', 'bind_id' => $tickets->getId())); ?> </div> </div> </div> <br> <?php echo input_hidden_tag('item_name', $tickets->getName()) . input_hidden_tag('item_description', $tickets->getDescription()); $comments_access = Users::getAccessSchema('ticketsComments', $sf_user, isset($projects) ? $projects->getId() : false); if ($comments_access['view']) { $lc = new cfgListingController($sf_context->getModuleName(), 'tickets_id=' . $tickets->getId() . (isset($projects) ? '&projects_id=' . $projects->getId() : '')); ?>
?> :</th> <td><?php echo $discussions->getId(); ?> </td> </tr> <?php if ($discussions->getDiscussionsStatusId() > 0) { echo '<tr><th>' . __('Status') . ':</th><td>' . $discussions->getDiscussionsStatus()->getName() . '</td></tr>'; } ?> <?php echo ExtraFieldsList::renderInfoFileds('discussions', $discussions, $sf_user); ?> <tr><td style="padding-top: 7px;"></td></tr> </table> <br> <h2><?php echo __('Assigned To'); ?> </h2> <table class="contentTable" style="margin-bottom: 7px;"> <?php foreach (explode(',', $discussions->getAssignedTo()) as $users_id) { if ($user = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Users')->find($users_id)) { echo '<tr><th><div style="float:left;">' . renderUserPhoto($user->getPhoto()) . '</div> ' . $user->getName() . '<br>' . '</td></tr>'; }
<th><?php echo $form['event_name']->renderLabel(); ?> </th> <td> <?php echo $form['event_name']->renderError(); ?> <?php echo $form['event_name']; ?> </td> </tr> <?php echo ExtraFieldsList::renderFormFileds('events', $form->getObject(), $sf_user); ?> <tr> <th><?php echo $form['start_date']->renderLabel(); ?> </th> <td> <?php echo $form['start_date']->renderError(); ?> <?php echo $form['start_date']; ?> </td>
<?php include_component('projects', 'shortInfo', array('projects' => $projects)); ?> <table class="contentTable" style="width: 100%"> <tr> <td> <div class="itemInfo projectInfo"> <div class="itemInfoContainer"> <div class="itemDescription"><?php echo replaceTextToLinks($projects->getDescription()); ?> </div> <div id="extraFieldsInDescription"><?php echo ExtraFieldsList::renderDescriptionFileds('projects', $projects, $sf_user); ?> </div> <div><?php include_component('attachments', 'attachmentsList', array('bind_type' => 'projects', 'bind_id' => $projects->getId())); ?> </div> </div> </div> <br> <?php $comments_access = Users::getAccessSchema('projectsComments', $sf_user, $projects->getId()); if ($comments_access['view']) { $lc = new cfgListingController($sf_context->getModuleName(), 'projects_id=' . $sf_request->getParameter('projects_id')); ?>
<?php if ($lc->access['edit'] or $lc->access['delete']) { echo '<td></td>'; } ?> <?php foreach ($in_listing as $v) { if (in_array($v, array('EstimatedTime', 'WorkHours'))) { echo '<td>' . $totals[$v] . '</td>'; } else { echo '<td></td>'; } } ?> <?php echo ExtraFieldsList::renderListingTotals($totals, $extra_fields); ?> <?php if (!$sf_request->hasParameter('projects_id')) { echo '<td></td>'; } ?> </tr> </tfoot> <?php } ?> <?php if (sizeof($tasks_list) == 0) { echo '<tr><td colspan="30">' . __('No Records Found') . '</td></tr>';
protected function processForm(sfWebRequest $request, sfForm $form) { $form->bind($request->getParameter($form->getName()), $request->getFiles($form->getName())); if ($form->isValid()) { $events = $form->save(); ExtraFieldsList::setValues($request->getParameter('extra_fields'), $events->getEventId(), 'events', $this->getUser()); Attachments::insertAttachments($request->getFiles(), 'events', $events->getEventId(), $request->getParameter('attachments_info'), $this->getUser()); if ($events->getUsersId() > 0) { $this->redirect('scheduler/personal'); } else { $this->redirect('scheduler/index'); } } }