  * Tries to logon to the FTP server with given id and password
  * @access public
  * @param  string $source Authentication source to be used 
  * @param  string $external_uid    The ID entered
  * @param  string $external_passwd The password of the user
  * @return boolean  True if the authentication was a success, false 
  *                  otherwise
 public function Authenticate($source, $external_uid, $external_passwd)
     $enc = ExternalAuthenticator::getAuthEnc($source);
     $port = ExternalAuthenticator::getAuthPort($source);
     if (is_null($port)) {
         $port = self::$port;
     ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.ftp - Connecting to ' . ExternalAuthenticator::getAuthServer($source) . ' port ' . $port);
     if ($enc == 'ssl') {
         ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.ftp - Connection type is SSL');
         $conn = @ftp_ssl_connect(ExternalAuthenticator::getAuthServer($source), $port);
     } else {
         $conn = @ftp_connect(ExternalAuthenticator::getAuthServer($source), $port);
     if (!$conn) {
         ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.ftp - Connection to server failed');
         ExternalAuthenticator::setAuthMessage(_t('FTP_Authenticator.NoConnect', 'Could not connect to FTP server'));
         return false;
     } else {
         ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.ftp - Connection to server succeeded');
     if (!@ftp_login($conn, $external_uid, $external_passwd)) {
         ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.ftp - User credentials failed at ftp server');
         return false;
     } else {
         ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.ftp - ftp server validated credentials');
         return true;
  * Tries to logon using the credentials in the SilverStripe database
  * @access public
  * @param  string $source Authentication source to be used 
  * @param  string $external_uid    The ID entered
  * @param  string $external_passwd The password of the user
  * @return boolean  True if the authentication was a success, false 
  *                  otherwise
 public function Authenticate($RAW_source, $RAW_external_uid, $RAW_external_passwd)
     $SQL_identity = Convert::raw2sql($RAW_external_uid);
     // Default login (see Security::setDefaultAdmin())
     if (Security::check_default_admin($RAW_external_uid, $RAW_external_passwd)) {
         ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($RAW_external_uid . '.sstripe - Logging on with an Administrator account');
         $member = Security::findAnAdministrator();
     } else {
         $SQL_source = Convert::raw2sql($RAW_source);
         ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($RAW_external_uid . '.sstripe - Searching for user with source ' . $SQL_source . ' in database');
         $member = DataObject::get_one("Member", "\"Member\".\"External_UserID\" = '{$SQL_identity}'" . " AND \"Member\".\"External_SourceID\" = '{$SQL_source}'" . " AND \"Password\" IS NOT NULL");
         if ($member) {
             ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($RAW_external_uid . '.sstripe - User was found in database');
             if ($member->checkPassword($RAW_external_passwd) == false) {
                 ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($RAW_external_uid . '.sstripe - Password authentication failed');
                 $member = null;
             } else {
                 ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($RAW_external_uid . '.sstripe - Password authentication succeeded');
         } else {
             ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($RAW_external_uid . '.sstripe - User was NOT found in database');
     if ($member) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
  * Change the member dialog in the CMS
  * This method updates the form in the member dialog to make it possible
  * to edit the new database fields.
 function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields)
     // let make sure, this runs only once (because member and dataobject both extend updateCMSFields
     // 	making it run twice!)
     $cp = $fields->fieldByName('Root');
     if ($cp && $cp->fieldByName('ExternalAuthentication')) {
     $sources = ExternalAuthenticator::getIDandNames();
     $sources = array_merge(array("" => "-"), $sources);
     $fields->findOrMakeTab('Root.ExternalAuthentication', _t('ExternalAuthenticator.Title'));
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.ExternalAuthentication', new HeaderField('External_Header', _t('ExternalAuthenticator.ModFormHead', 'ID for external authentication source')));
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.ExternalAuthentication', new LiteralField('ExternalDescription', _t('ExternalAuthenticator.EnterUser', 'Enter the user id and authentication source for this user')));
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.ExternalAuthentication', new DropdownField('External_SourceID', _t('ExternalAuthenticator.Sources'), $sources));
     $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.ExternalAuthentication', new TextField('External_Anchor', _t('ExternalAuthenticator.EnterNewId', 'ID to be used with this source')));
  * Tries to logon to the IMAP server with given id and password
  * @access public
  * @param  string $source Authentication source to be used 
  * @param  string $external_uid    The ID entered
  * @param  string $external_passwd The password of the user
  * @return boolean  True if the authentication was a success, false 
  *                  otherwise
 public function Authenticate($source, $external_uid, $external_passwd)
     $servicetype = ExternalAuthenticator::getOption($source, 'protocol');
     if (is_null($servicetype) || !in_array(strtolower($servicetype), array('imap', 'pop3'))) {
         ExternalAuthenticator::setAuthMessage(_t('IMAP_Authenticator.Protocol', 'Protocol is not set to a valid type'));
         return false;
     $enc = ExternalAuthenticator::getAuthEnc($source);
     $port = ExternalAuthenticator::getAuthPort($source);
     if (is_null($port)) {
         if (is_null($enc)) {
             $port = self::$portlist["{$servicetype}"]['default'];
         } else {
             $port = self::$portlist["{$servicetype}"]["{$enc}"];
     $connectstring = '{' . ExternalAuthenticator::getAuthServer($source);
     $connectstring .= ':' . $port;
     $connectstring .= '/' . $servicetype;
     if (!is_null($enc)) {
         $connectstring .= '/' . $enc;
         $validate = ExternalAuthenticator::getOption($source, 'certnovalidate');
         if (!is_null($validate) || $validate) {
             $connectstring .= '/novalidate-cert';
     } else {
         $connectstring .= '/notls';
     $connectstring .= '}';
     ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.imap - Connect string to server is ' . $connectstring);
     ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.imap - If you get a blank screen and the process end here, check php_imap module');
     $mbox = @imap_open($connectstring, $external_uid, $external_passwd);
     if (!$mbox) {
         ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.imap - ' . imap_last_error());
         return false;
     } else {
         ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.imap - imap_open returned mailbox handle');
         return true;
 function setUp()
     // This test assumes that MemberAuthenticator is present and the default
     $this->priorAuthenticators = Authenticator::get_authenticators();
     $this->priorDefaultAuthenticator = Authenticator::get_default_authenticator();
     //Create the sources in this order. Switching them around would mean that
     //all tests use the fake driver because this always succeeds and auto create
     //is on
     ExternalAuthenticator::createSource('sstripe_unittest', 'SSTRIPE', 'SilverStripe');
     ExternalAuthenticator::createSource('fake_unittest', 'FAKE', 'Fake Source');
     ExternalAuthenticator::setAuthSSLock('sstripe_unittest', true);
     ExternalAuthenticator::setAuthSSLock('fake_unittest', false);
     ExternalAuthenticator::setAutoAdd('fake_unittest', 'mygroup');
     ExternalAuthenticator::setDefaultDomain('fake_unittest', 'silverstripe.com');
  * Tries to logon to the LDAP server with given id and password
  * @access public
  * @param string $source          The Authentication source to be used
  * @param string $external_anchor The ID entered
  * @param string $external_passwd The password of the user
  * @return mixed    Account details if succesful , false if not 
 public function Authenticate($source, $external_anchor, $external_passwd)
     // A password should have some lenght. An empty password will result
     // in a succesfull anonymous bind. A password should not be all spaces
     if (strlen(trim($external_passwd)) == 0) {
         ExternalAuthenticator::setAuthMessage(_t('LDAP_Authenticator.NoPasswd', 'Please enter a password'));
         return false;
     // Do we support password expiration?
     $expire = ExternalAuthenticator::getOption($source, 'passwd_expiration');
     $result = self::Connect($source, $external_anchor);
     if (is_string($result)) {
         return false;
     $dn = self::findDN($source, ExternalAuthenticator::getOption($source, 'attribute'), $external_anchor);
     if (is_bool($dn)) {
         return false;
     // Restore the default error handler. We dont want a red bordered
     // screen on error, but a civilized message to the user
     $success = false;
     //Initialize the result of the authentication
     ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_anchor . '.ldap - Binding to LDAP as ' . $dn);
     $bind = @ldap_bind(self::$ds, $dn, $external_passwd);
     if ($bind != false) {
         ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_anchor . '.ldap - LDAP accepted password for ' . $dn);
         $accountdetails = self::lookupDetails($source, $dn, $external_anchor);
         if (!is_null($expire) && $expire) {
             ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_anchor . '.ldap - Check if password has expired');
             // Reset the SilverStripe error handler
             // Do some calculations on the attributes to convert them
             // to the interval [now]-[expires at]
             if ($accountdetails['shadowmax']['value'] && $accountdetails['shadowlastchange']['value'] && $accountdetails['shadowwarning']['value']) {
                 $today = floor(time() / 86400);
                 $warnday = $accountdetails['shadowlastchange']['value'] + $accountdetails['shadowmax']['value'] - $accountdetails['shadowwarning']['value'];
                 $toexpire = $accountdetails['shadowlastchange']['value'] + $accountdetails['shadowmax']['value'] - $today;
                 ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_anchor . '.ldap - ' . $toexpire . ' before password expires ' . $towarn . ' days before warning');
                 // Out of luck. His password has expired.
                 if ($toexpire < 0) {
                     ExternalAuthenticator::setAuthMessage(_t('LDAP_Authenticator.Expired', 'Your password has expired'));
                     ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_anchor . '.ldap - LDAP Authentication FAILED due to expired password');
                 } else {
                     ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_anchor . '.ldap - LDAP Authentication success');
                     $success = array('firstname' => $accountdetails['firstname']['value'], 'surname' => $accountdetails['surname']['value'], 'email' => $accountdetails['email']['value'], 'group' => $accountdetails['group']['value']);
                     // Lets be civilized and warn the user that he should
                     // change his password soon
                     if ($today >= $warnday) {
                         ExternalAuthenticator::setAuthMessage(sprintf(_t('LDAP_Authenticator.WillExpire', 'Your password expires in %d days'), $toexpire));
             } else {
                 ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_anchor . '.ldap - LDAP password expiry enabled, but attributes not set; IGNORING');
                 ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_anchor . '.ldap - LDAP Authentication success');
                 $success = array('firstname' => $accountdetails['firstname']['value'], 'surname' => $accountdetails['surname']['value'], 'email' => $accountdetails['email']['value'], 'group' => $accountdetails['group']['value']);
         } else {
             ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_anchor . '.ldap - Password expiry not enabled');
             // Reset the SilverStripe error handler
             ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_anchor . '.ldap - LDAP Authentication success');
             $success = array('firstname' => $accountdetails['firstname']['value'], 'surname' => $accountdetails['surname']['value'], 'email' => $accountdetails['email']['value'], 'group' => $accountdetails['group']['value']);
     } else {
         // Reset the SilverStripe error handler
         ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_anchor . '.ldap - LDAP authentication for ' . $dn . ' failed');
         $success = false;
     return $success;
  * Try to authenticate the user
  * @param array Submitted data
  * @return Member Returns the member object on successful authentication
  *                or NULL on failure.
 public function performLogin($data)
     if ($member = ExternalAuthenticator::authenticate($data, $this)) {
         return $member;
     } else {
         return null;
  * Method to authenticate an user
  * @param $RAW_data Raw data to authenticate the user
  * @param Form $form Optional: If passed, better error messages can be
  *                             produced by using
  *                             {@link Form::sessionMessage()}
  * @return bool Returns FALSE if authentication fails, otherwise the
  *              member object    
 public static function authenticate($RAW_data, Form $form = null)
     $RAW_external_anchor = trim($RAW_data['External_Anchor']);
     $RAW_external_mailaddr = trim($RAW_data['External_MailAddr']);
     $RAW_external_source = trim($RAW_data['External_SourceID']);
     $RAW_external_passwd = $RAW_data['Password'];
     $userexists = false;
     //Does the user exist within SilverStripe?
     $userindbs = false;
     //Does the user already exist in the SStripe dbs?
     $authsuccess = false;
     //Initialization of variable
     //Set authentication message for failed authentication
     //Could be used by the individual drivers
     self::$authmessage = _t('ExternalAuthenticator.Failed', 'Authentication failed');
     self::AuthLog('Starting process for with alleged Anchor ' . $RAW_external_anchor . ' and alleged mail ' . $RAW_external_mailaddr . ' at ' . self::$timestamp);
     if ($memberquery = self::getHandleToUse($RAW_external_anchor, $RAW_external_mailaddr, $RAW_external_source, $form)) {
         if ($member = DataObject::get_one('Member', $memberquery)) {
             $Log_ID = $member->Email;
             // Before we continue we must check if the source is valid
             if (!self::validSource($member->External_SourceID, $Log_ID, $member)) {
                 self::failmessage($form, $member, $Log_ID, $RAW_external_source);
                 return false;
             $userexists = true;
             $userindbs = true;
             self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - User with source ' . $member->External_SourceID . ' found in database');
             if (!self::getUseAnchor()) {
                 $RAW_external_source = stripslashes($member->External_SourceID);
                 $RAW_external_anchor = stripslashes($member->External_Anchor);
             //Check if the user was behaving nicely
             if (self::accountLockedOut($member, $Log_ID)) {
                 self::failmessage($form, $member, $Log_ID, $RAW_external_source);
                 return false;
         } else {
             $Log_ID = 'unknown';
             self::Authlog($Log_ID . ' - User with source NOT found in database');
     } else {
         // Authentication form was not filled out properly
         return false;
     if (!$userexists && self::getUseAnchor()) {
         if (self::validSource($RAW_external_source, $Log_ID)) {
             if (self::getAutoAdd($RAW_external_source)) {
                 $userexists = true;
             } else {
                 self::Authlog($Log_ID . ' - AutoAdd for source ' . $RAW_external_source . ' not enabled, aborting');
                 self::failmessage($form, $member, $Log_ID, $RAW_external_source);
                 return false;
         } else {
             self::failmessage($form, $member, $Log_ID, $RAW_external_source);
             self::Authlog($Log_ID . ' - Illegal source ' . $RAW_external_source . ' or client not in valid IP range; aborting');
             return false;
     // Try to find our anchor, since we have none
     if (!$userexists && !self::getUseAnchor()) {
         foreach (self::getSources() as $source) {
             if (self::getAutoAdd($source)) {
                 $auth_type = strtoupper(self::getAuthType($source));
                 self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - loading driver ' . $auth_type);
                 //If we don't have a user yet and autoadd is on; try to find the anchor
                 if ($memberdata = self::locateAnchor($source, $RAW_external_mailaddr, $Log_ID)) {
                     $userexists = true;
     } else {
         // Load the correct driver
         if (!self::validSource($RAW_external_source, $Log_ID)) {
             $form->sessionMessage(_t('ExternalAuthenticator.Failed'), 'bad');
             self::Authlog($Log_ID . ' - Illegal source ' . $RAW_external_source . ' or client not in valid IP range; aborting');
             self::failmessage($form, $member, $Log_ID, $RAW_external_source);
             return false;
         $auth_type = strtoupper(self::getAuthType($RAW_external_source));
         self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - loading driver ' . $auth_type);
     if ($userexists) {
         $myauthenticator = $auth_type . '_Authenticator';
         $myauthenticator = new $myauthenticator();
         self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - executing authentication driver');
         $RAW_result = $myauthenticator->Authenticate($RAW_external_source, $RAW_external_anchor, $RAW_external_passwd);
         if ($RAW_result) {
             $authsuccess = true;
             self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - authentication success');
         } else {
             self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - authentication driver ' . $auth_type . ' failed');
             if ($member && self::getAuthSSLock($RAW_external_source)) {
                 self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - Registering failed login');
     // Check if we need to do something with the groups
     if ($authsuccess) {
         // We're an array, so we need to do auto-mapping
         // first determine which group we should be a member of
         $usergroup = self::getMyGroup($RAW_external_source, $RAW_result['group']);
         if (!$userindbs && !is_bool($usergroup)) {
             $SQL_memberdata = self::createMemberArray($RAW_result, $RAW_external_anchor, $RAW_external_source, self::getDefaultDomain($RAW_external_source));
             // First we check if the user's e-mail address has changed
             // we do this by checking if the anchor and source are already in the dbs
             // we do this only if the user used his mail address to authenticate
             // If the user does not exist we create a new member object
             if (!self::getUseAnchor()) {
                 // First we check if the user's e-mail address has changed
                 // we do this by checking if the anchor and source are already in the dbs
                 // we do this only if the user used his mail address to authenticate
                 // If the user does not exist we create a new member object
                 if (!($member = DataObject::get_one('Member', '"Member"."External_Anchor" = \'' . $SQL_memberdata['External_Anchor'] . '\' AND "Member"."External_SourceID" = \'' . $SQL_memberdata['External_SourceID'] . '\''))) {
                     $member = new Member();
                     self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - Anchor does not exist in database.');
                 } else {
                     self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - Anchor already present in the database but mail address is unknown. Changing mail address for this anchor');
                     $userindbs = true;
                     self::AuditLog($member, $Log_ID, 'modify', 'account exists', true, $RAW_external_source);
             } else {
                 // Now we check if the users e-mail address already exists. He
                 // did not authenticate himself with the mail address and we
                 // assume that if authentication was successful, he is owner
                 // of the address. This supports moving users from one source
                 // to another
                 if (!($member = DataObject::get_one('Member', '"Email" = \'' . $SQL_memberdata['Email'] . '\''))) {
                     $member = new Member();
                     self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - Mail address does not exist in the database');
                 } else {
                     self::Authlog($Log_ID . ' - Mail address already present in the database, modifying existing account');
                     $userindbs = true;
                     self::AuditLog($member, $Log_ID, 'modify', 'account exists', true, $RAW_external_source);
             // But before we write ourselves to the database we must check if
             // the group we are subscribing to exists
             if (!is_bool($usergroup)) {
                 if (!$userindbs) {
                     $member->ID = null;
                 self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - start adding or modifying user');
                 self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - finished adding user to database');
                 if (!$userindbs) {
                     self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - start setting group membership to group ' . $usergroup->Title);
                     self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - finished setting group membership');
                 self::AuditLog($member, $Log_ID, 'creation', NULL, true, $RAW_external_source);
             } else {
                 self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - The group to add the user to did not exist');
                 $authsuccess = false;
         if ($userindbs && !is_bool($usergroup)) {
             self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - Group membership will be set to ID ' . $usergroup->ID . ' name ' . $usergroup->Title);
             // User exists. We should check current group against group from config
             $memberships = $member->Groups()->getIdList();
             if (array_key_exists($usergroup->ID, $memberships)) {
                 self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - User is already a member of ' . $usergroup->Title);
             } else {
                 foreach ($memberships as $membership) {
                     self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - Erasing membership of group ' . $membership);
                     self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - Done erasing membership of group ' . $membership);
                 self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - setting membership of ' . $usergroup->Title);
                 self::Auditlog($member, $Log_ID, 'modify', 'current group membership does not match configuration', true, $RAW_external_source);
                 self::AuthLog($Log_ID . ' - Done setting membership of ' . $usergroup->Title);
     self::AuthLog('Process for user ' . $Log_ID . ' ended');
     if ($authsuccess) {
         self::$authmessage = '';
         // Set the security message here. Else it will be shown on logout
         Session::set('Security.Message.message', self::$authmessage);
         Session::set('Security.Message.type', 'good');
         self::AuditLog($member, $Log_ID, 'logon', NULL, true, $RAW_external_source);
         return $member;
     } else {
         self::failmessage($form, $member, $Log_ID, $RAW_external_source);
         return false;
  * Tries to logon to the HTTP server with given id and password
  * @access public
  * @param  string $source Authentication source to be used 
  * @param  string $external_uid    The ID entered
  * @param  string $external_passwd The password of the user
  * @return boolean  True if the authentication was a success, false 
  *                  otherwise
 public function Authenticate($source, $external_uid, $external_passwd)
     require_once 'HTTP/Request.php';
     // Set some default HTTP request options
     $request_options['method'] = 'GET';
     $request_options['timeout'] = 5;
     $request_options['allowRedirects'] = true;
     $enc = ExternalAuthenticator::getAuthEnc($source);
     $port = ExternalAuthenticator::getAuthPort($source);
     $folder = ExternalAuthenticator::getOption($source, 'folder');
     $proxy = ExternalAuthenticator::getOption($source, 'proxy');
     $proxy_port = ExternalAuthenticator::getOption($source, 'proxy_port');
     $proxy_user = ExternalAuthenticator::getOption($source, 'proxy_user');
     $proxy_pass = ExternalAuthenticator::getOption($source, 'proxy_pass');
     if (!is_null($proxy) && !is_null($proxy_port)) {
         ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.http - Proxy is set to ' . $proxy . ':' . $proxy_port);
         $request_options['proxy_host'] = $proxy;
         $request_options['proxy_port'] = $proxy_port;
     } else {
         ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.http - Proxy is not set');
     if (!is_null($proxy_user)) {
         ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.http - Proxy user is set to ' . $proxy_user);
         $request_options['proxy_user'] = $proxy_user;
         if (!is_null($proxy_pass)) {
             ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.http - Proxy password is set');
             $request_options['proxy_pass'] = $proxy_pass;
         } else {
             ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.http - Proxy password is NOT set');
     } else {
         ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.http - Proxy user is NOT set');
     if ($enc == 'ssl') {
         $url = 'https://';
     } else {
         $url = 'http://';
     $url .= ExternalAuthenticator::getAuthServer($source);
     if (!is_null($port)) {
         $url .= ':' . $port;
     if (!is_null($folder)) {
         $url .= $folder;
     ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.http - Authentication URL is set to ' . $url);
     $request = new HTTP_Request($url, $request_options);
     $request->setBasicAuth($external_uid, $external_passwd);
     ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.http - Sending authentication request');
     // HTTP code 200 means everything is OK
     if ($request->getResponseCode() == 200) {
         ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.http - Remote server returned code 200');
         return true;
     } else {
         ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($external_uid . '.http - Authentication failed with HTTP code ' . $request->getResponseCode());
         return false;
  * Tries to find the anchor for a given mail address and source
  * @access public
  * @param string $source          The Authentication source to be used
  * @param string $mailaddr        The mail address entered
  * @return mixed    Anchor as string or false if not found
 public function getAnchor($source, $mailaddr)
     ExternalAuthenticator::AuthLog($mailaddr . '.fake - Anchor lookup not supported by source ' . $source);
     return false;