protected function _includeControllerClass($controllerFileName, $controllerClassName)
     if (Extendware_EWCore_Model_Autoload::isOverridden($controllerClassName)) {
         try {
             $controllerFileName = Extendware_EWCore_Model_Autoload::getIncludeFileFor($controllerClassName);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     return parent::_includeControllerClass($controllerFileName, $controllerClassName);
 protected function _getClassesSourceCode($classes, $scope)
     $sortedClasses = array();
     foreach ($classes as $className) {
         if (class_exists($className) === false) {
         $implements = array_reverse(class_implements($className));
         foreach ($implements as $class) {
             if (!in_array($class, $sortedClasses) && !in_array($class, $this->_processedClasses) && strstr($class, '_')) {
                 $sortedClasses[] = $class;
                 if ($scope == 'default') {
                     $this->_processedClasses[] = $class;
         $extends = array_reverse(class_parents($className));
         foreach ($extends as $class) {
             if (!in_array($class, $sortedClasses) && !in_array($class, $this->_processedClasses) && strstr($class, '_')) {
                 $sortedClasses[] = $class;
                 if ($scope == 'default') {
                     $this->_processedClasses[] = $class;
         if (!in_array($className, $sortedClasses) && !in_array($className, $this->_processedClasses)) {
             $sortedClasses[] = $className;
             if ($scope == 'default') {
                 $this->_processedClasses[] = $className;
     // remove all the classes that are included in the overridden classes include file (created by extendware ewcore)
     $sortedClasses = $this->removeOverriddenClasses($sortedClasses, array('search_alias', 'replace', 'bridge'));
     $classesSource = "<?php\n";
     foreach ($sortedClasses as $className) {
         $file = null;
         if ($this->isAffectedOverriddenSearchClass($className)) {
             $file = Extendware_EWCore_Model_Autoload::getIncludeFileFor($className);
         } else {
             $file = $this->_includeDir . DS . $className . '.php';
         if (!file_exists($file)) {
         $content = file_get_contents($file);
         $content = ltrim($content, '<?php');
         $content = rtrim($content, "\n\r\t?>");
         $content = $this->wrapClass($className, $content, $scope);
         $classesSource .= $content;
     return $classesSource;
Example #3
        list($name, $value) = explode('=', rtrim($pair, ';'), 2);
        $cookies[$name] = rawurldecode($value);
    return $cookies;
$files = array(BP . '/app/code/local/Extendware/EWCore/Model/Autoload.php', BP . '/app/code/community/Extendware/EWCore/Model/Autoload.php');
foreach ($files as $file) {
    if (is_file($file)) {
        include_once $file;
if (class_exists('Extendware_EWCore_Model_Autoload', false) === false) {
$autoloader = new Extendware_EWCore_Model_Autoload();
spl_autoload_register(array($autoloader, 'autoload'));
if (ini_get('apc.stat') != '' and !ini_get('apc.stat') or ini_get('eaccelerator.check_mtime') != '' and !ini_get('eaccelerator.check_mtime')) {
    $autoloader->setOption('force_php_evaluation', true);
$autoloader->setOption('can_load_all', true);
$config = new Extendware_EWPageCache_Helper_Config();
$configFile = $config->getFallbackStoragePath();
$lastWroteConfig = @filemtime($configFile);
$isEnabled = $expiration = $segmentableUseragents = $segmentableCookies = $isParameterSortingEnabled = $ignoredParameters = $isVirtualKeysEnabled = null;
$updateConfigFunc($isEnabled, $expiration, $segmentableUseragents, $segmentableCookies, $isParameterSortingEnabled, $ignoredParameters, $isVirtualKeysEnabled);
$toEval = null;
$selfModifiedTime = filemtime(CURRENT_FILE);
$lastClearStatCache = time();
$handle = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
while ($line = fgets($handle)) {
Example #4
if (defined('BP') === false) {
    define('BP', dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))))));
// we always must do this if compilation is enabled due to the double declaration of Zend_Cache_Backend otherwise
if (defined('COMPILER_INCLUDE_PATH') === true or class_exists('Extendware_EWCore_Model_Autoload') === false) {
    if (defined('COMPILER_INCLUDE_PATH')) {
        include_once COMPILER_INCLUDE_PATH . DS . 'Varien/Autoload.php';
    } else {
        include_once BP . DS . 'lib/Varien/Autoload.php';
// get our custom auto loader
$autoloader = new Extendware_EWCore_Model_Autoload();
// you can set this to false and it will increase performance. you will need to ensure that you
// clear extendware core cache whenever you edit files (edit core files, update extensions, etc).
// $autoloader->setOption('check_mtime', false);
// set this to true if you want Extendware code to be loaded from a mounted ram disk
// you will need to the disk at [magento root]/var/extendware/system/memfs/ using something
// like mount -t tmpfs -o size=20M tmpfs [magento root]/var/extendware/system/memfs/
// doing this can further increase performance of Extendware extensions. if you do not know
// how to mount a tmpfs or understand how it could be beneficial, then you should leave this commented
// $autoloader->setOption('use_memfs', true);
// use this to use [magento root]/var/extendware/system/memfs/ for override files whether.
// this is mostly useful only if memfs directory is a mounted ram disk. this has the potential
// to speed some information such as checking mtime or existence of the file
// $autoloader->setOption('use_memfs_for_overrides', true);
// use this to use [magento root]/var/extendware/system/memfs/ for override files whether.
// this is mostly useful only if memfs directory is a mounted ram disk. this has the potential