function getPostValue()
     if (func_num_args() == 0) {
         return array('description' => t('Get POST value'), 'customonclick' => ExtendedContentParseInput::getTextInput(t('Insert post key name below')));
     return isset($_POST[func_get_arg(0)]) ? htmlentities($_POST[func_get_arg(0)], ENT_QUOTES) : '';
 function getEvalPhpCode()
     if (func_num_args() == 0) {
         return array('description' => t('Insert php code'), 'customonclick' => ExtendedContentParseInput::getTextInput(t('Insert php code below (without starting and ending tags, even if you can use them to put plain text)')));
     return eval(func_get_arg(0));
 function getPageCustomAttribute()
     if (func_num_args() == 0) {
         return array('description' => t('Page custom text attribute'), 'customonclick' => ExtendedContentParseInput::getTextInput(t('Insert attribute handle below')));
     $page = Page::getCurrentPage();
     return $page->getCollectionAttributeValue(func_get_arg(0));
 function getUserCustomAttribute()
     if (func_num_args() == 0) {
         return array('description' => t('User custom text attribute'), 'customonclick' => ExtendedContentParseInput::getTextInput(t('Insert attribute handle below')));
     $u = new User();
     if (empty($u->uID)) {
     $ui = UserInfo::getByID($u->uID);
     return $ui->getAttribute(func_get_arg(0));