Example #1
 public static function dynamicPageList($input, $params, &$parser, &$bReset, $calledInMode)
     // Output
     $output = '';
     global $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgContLang, $wgRequest, $wgRawHtml;
     global $wgTitle, $wgNonincludableNamespaces;
     // we use "makeKnownLinkObject" to create hyperlinks;
     // the code we store in the dplcache may contain <html>....</html> sequences
     // for both reasons we need to enable rawHtml output
     // note that this does not affect the article wiki source - a <html> tag in the wiki source
     // will only be accepted if $rawHtml was set to true in the LocalSettings.php
     $wgRawHtml = true;
     // newer MediaWiki needs the following:
     $realFunction = array('CoreTagHooks', 'html');
     if (is_callable($realFunction)) {
         $parser->setHook('html', array('CoreTagHooks', 'html'));
     // note, the above is hacky and insecure....
     // logger (display of debug messages)
     $logger = new DPLLogger();
     // check that we are not in an infinite transclusion loop
     if (isset($parser->mTemplatePath[$parser->mTitle->getPrefixedText()])) {
         return $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::WARN_TRANSCLUSIONLOOP, $parser->mTitle->getPrefixedText());
      * Initialization
     $dplStartTime = microtime(true);
     // Local parser created. See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extensions_FAQ#How_do_I_render_wikitext_in_my_extension.3F
     $localParser = new Parser();
     $pOptions = $parser->mOptions;
     // check if DPL shall only be executed from protected pages
     if (array_key_exists('RunFromProtectedPagesOnly', ExtDynamicPageList::$options) && ExtDynamicPageList::$options['RunFromProtectedPagesOnly'] == true && !$parser->mTitle->isProtected('edit')) {
         // Ideally we would like to allow using a DPL query if the query istelf is coded on a template page
         // which is protected. Then there would be no need for the article to be protected.
         // BUT: How can one find out from which wiki source an extension has been invoked???
         return ExtDynamicPageList::$options['RunFromProtectedPagesOnly'];
     // get database access
     $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
     $sPageTable = $dbr->tableName('page');
     $sCategorylinksTable = $dbr->tableName('categorylinks');
     // Extension variables
     // Allowed namespaces for DPL: all namespaces except the first 2:
     // Media (-2) and Special (-1), because we cannot use the DB for these
     // to generate dynamic page lists.
     if (!is_array(ExtDynamicPageList::$allowedNamespaces)) {
         // Initialization
         $aNs = $wgContLang->getNamespaces();
         ExtDynamicPageList::$allowedNamespaces = array_slice($aNs, 2, count($aNs), true);
         if (!is_array(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['namespace'])) {
             ExtDynamicPageList::$options['namespace'] = ExtDynamicPageList::$allowedNamespaces;
         } else {
             // Make sure user namespace options are allowed.
             ExtDynamicPageList::$options['namespace'] = array_intersect(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['namespace'], ExtDynamicPageList::$allowedNamespaces);
         if (!isset(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['namespace']['default'])) {
             ExtDynamicPageList::$options['namespace']['default'] = null;
         if (!is_array(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['notnamespace'])) {
             ExtDynamicPageList::$options['notnamespace'] = ExtDynamicPageList::$allowedNamespaces;
         } else {
             ExtDynamicPageList::$options['notnamespace'] = array_intersect(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['notnamespace'], ExtDynamicPageList::$allowedNamespaces);
         if (!isset(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['notnamespace']['default'])) {
             ExtDynamicPageList::$options['notnamespace']['default'] = null;
     // check parameters which can be set via the URL
     if (strpos($input, '{%DPL_') >= 0) {
         for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
             $input = self::resolveUrlArg($input, 'DPL_arg' . $i);
     $_sOffset = $wgRequest->getVal('DPL_offset', ExtDynamicPageList::$options['offset']['default']);
     $iOffset = $_sOffset == '' ? 0 : intval($_sOffset);
     // commandline parameters like %DPL_offset% are replaced
     $input = self::resolveUrlArg($input, 'DPL_offset');
     $input = self::resolveUrlArg($input, 'DPL_count');
     $input = self::resolveUrlArg($input, 'DPL_fromTitle');
     $input = self::resolveUrlArg($input, 'DPL_findTitle');
     $input = self::resolveUrlArg($input, 'DPL_toTitle');
     // variables needed for scrolling
     $sCount = '';
     $sCountScroll = '';
     $sTitleGE = '';
     $sTitleLE = '';
     $scrollDir = '';
     $originalInput = $input;
     $bDPLRefresh = $wgRequest->getVal('DPL_refresh', '') == 'yes';
     // Options
     $DPLCache = '';
     $DPLCachePath = '';
     $iDPLCachePeriod = intval(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['dplcacheperiod']['default']);
     $sGoal = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['goal']['default'];
     $bSelectionCriteriaFound = false;
     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = false;
     if (ExtDynamicPageList::$options['eliminate'] == 'all') {
         $bReset = array(false, false, false, false, true, true, true, true);
     } else {
         $bReset = array(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false);
     // we allow " like " or "="
     $sCategoryComparisonMode = '=';
     $sNotCategoryComparisonMode = '=';
     $sTitleMatchMode = ' LIKE ';
     $sNotTitleMatchMode = ' LIKE ';
     // execAndExit
     $sExecAndExit = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['execandexit']['default'];
     // ordermethod, order, mode, userdateformat, allowcachedresults:
     // if we have to behave like Extension:Intersection we use different default values for some commands
     if (ExtDynamicPageList::$behavingLikeIntersection) {
         ExtDynamicPageList::$options['ordermethod'] = array('default' => 'categoryadd', 'categoryadd', 'lastedit', 'none');
         ExtDynamicPageList::$options['order'] = array('default' => 'descending', 'ascending', 'descending');
         ExtDynamicPageList::$options['mode'] = array('default' => 'unordered', 'none', 'ordered', 'unordered');
         ExtDynamicPageList::$options['userdateformat'] = array('default' => 'Y-m-d: ');
         ExtDynamicPageList::$options['allowcachedresults']['default'] = 'true';
     } else {
         ExtDynamicPageList::$options['ordermethod'] = array('default' => 'titlewithoutnamespace', 'counter', 'size', 'category', 'sortkey', 'category,firstedit', 'category,lastedit', 'category,pagetouched', 'category,sortkey', 'categoryadd', 'firstedit', 'lastedit', 'pagetouched', 'pagesel', 'title', 'titlewithoutnamespace', 'user', 'user,firstedit', 'user,lastedit', 'none');
         ExtDynamicPageList::$options['order'] = array('default' => 'ascending', 'ascending', 'descending');
         ExtDynamicPageList::$options['mode'] = array('default' => 'unordered', 'category', 'inline', 'none', 'ordered', 'unordered', 'userformat');
         ExtDynamicPageList::$options['userdateformat'] = array('default' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
         ExtDynamicPageList::$options['allowcachedresults']['default'] = ExtDynamicPageList::$respectParserCache;
     $aOrderMethods = array(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['ordermethod']['default']);
     $sOrder = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['order']['default'];
     $sOrderCollation = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['ordercollation']['default'];
     $sPageListMode = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['mode']['default'];
     $sUserDateFormat = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['userdateformat']['default'];
     $sHListMode = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['headingmode']['default'];
     $bHeadingCount = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['headingcount']['default']);
     $bEscapeLinks = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['escapelinks']['default'];
     $bSkipThisPage = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['skipthispage']['default'];
     $sHiddenCategories = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['hiddencategories']['default'];
     $sMinorEdits = null;
     $acceptOpenReferences = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['openreferences']['default']);
     $sLastRevisionBefore = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['lastrevisionbefore']['default'];
     $sAllRevisionsBefore = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['allrevisionsbefore']['default'];
     $sFirstRevisionSince = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['firstrevisionsince']['default'];
     $sAllRevisionsSince = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['allrevisionssince']['default'];
     $_sMinRevisions = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['minrevisions']['default'];
     $iMinRevisions = $_sMinRevisions == '' ? null : intval($_sMinRevisions);
     $_sMaxRevisions = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['maxrevisions']['default'];
     $iMaxRevisions = $_sMaxRevisions == '' ? null : intval($_sMaxRevisions);
     $sRedirects = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['redirects']['default'];
     $sQuality = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['qualitypages']['default'];
     $sStable = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['stablepages']['default'];
     $bSuppressErrors = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['suppresserrors']['default']);
     $sResultsHeader = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['resultsheader']['default'];
     $sResultsFooter = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['resultsfooter']['default'];
     $sNoResultsHeader = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['noresultsheader']['default'];
     $sNoResultsFooter = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['noresultsfooter']['default'];
     $sOneResultHeader = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['oneresultheader']['default'];
     $sOneResultFooter = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['oneresultfooter']['default'];
     $aListSeparators = array();
     $sTable = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['table']['default'];
     $aTableRow = array();
     $iTableSortCol = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['tablesortcol']['default'];
     $sInlTxt = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['inlinetext']['default'];
     $bShowNamespace = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['shownamespace']['default']);
     $bShowCurID = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['showcurid']['default']);
     $bAddFirstCategoryDate = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addfirstcategorydate']['default']);
     $bAddPageCounter = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addpagecounter']['default']);
     $bAddPageSize = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addpagesize']['default']);
     $bAddPageTouchedDate = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addpagetoucheddate']['default']);
     $bAddEditDate = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addeditdate']['default']);
     $bAddUser = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['adduser']['default']);
     $bAddAuthor = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addauthor']['default']);
     $bAddContribution = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addcontribution']['default']);
     $bAddLastEditor = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addlasteditor']['default']);
     $bAddExternalLink = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addexternallink']['default']);
     $bAllowCachedResults = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['allowcachedresults']['default']);
     $bWarnCachedResults = false;
     $bAddCategories = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addcategories']['default']);
     $bIncludeSubpages = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['includesubpages']['default']);
     $bIncludeTrim = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['includetrim']['default']);
     $bIgnoreCase = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['ignorecase']['default']);
     $_incpage = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['includepage']['default'];
     $bIncPage = is_string($_incpage) && $_incpage !== '';
     $aSecLabels = array();
     if ($bIncPage) {
         $aSecLabels = explode(',', $_incpage);
     $aSecLabelsMatch = array();
     $aSecLabelsNotMatch = array();
     $bIncParsed = false;
     // default is to match raw parameters
     $aSecSeparators = explode(',', ExtDynamicPageList::$options['secseparators']['default']);
     $aMultiSecSeparators = explode(',', ExtDynamicPageList::$options['multisecseparators']['default']);
     $iDominantSection = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['dominantsection']['default'];
     $_sColumns = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['columns']['default'];
     $iColumns = $_sColumns == '' ? 1 : intval($_sColumns);
     $_sRows = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['rows']['default'];
     $iRows = $_sRows == '' ? 1 : intval($_sRows);
     $_sRowSize = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['rowsize']['default'];
     $iRowSize = $_sRowSize == '' ? 0 : intval($_sRowSize);
     $sRowColFormat = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['rowcolformat']['default'];
     $_sRandomSeed = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['randomseed']['default'];
     $iRandomSeed = $_sRandomSeed == '' ? null : intval($_sRandomSeed);
     $_sRandomCount = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['randomcount']['default'];
     $iRandomCount = $_sRandomCount == '' ? null : intval($_sRandomCount);
     $sDistinctResultSet = 'true';
     $sListHtmlAttr = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['listattr']['default'];
     $sItemHtmlAttr = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['itemattr']['default'];
     $sHListHtmlAttr = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['hlistattr']['default'];
     $sHItemHtmlAttr = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['hitemattr']['default'];
     $_sTitleMaxLen = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['titlemaxlength']['default'];
     $iTitleMaxLen = $_sTitleMaxLen == '' ? null : intval($_sTitleMaxLen);
     $aReplaceInTitle[0] = '';
     $aReplaceInTitle[1] = '';
     $_sCatMinMax = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['categoriesminmax']['default'];
     $aCatMinMax = $_sCatMinMax == '' ? null : explode(',', $_sCatMinMax);
     $_sIncludeMaxLen = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['includemaxlength']['default'];
     $iIncludeMaxLen = $_sIncludeMaxLen == '' ? null : intval($_sIncludeMaxLen);
     $bScroll = self::argBoolean(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['scroll']['default']);
     $aLinksTo = array();
     $aNotLinksTo = array();
     $aLinksFrom = array();
     $aNotLinksFrom = array();
     $aLinksToExternal = array();
     $aImageUsed = array();
     $aImageContainer = array();
     $aUses = array();
     $aNotUses = array();
     $aUsedBy = array();
     $sCreatedBy = '';
     $sNotCreatedBy = '';
     $sModifiedBy = '';
     $sNotModifiedBy = '';
     $sLastModifiedBy = '';
     $sNotLastModifiedBy = '';
     $aTitleMatch = array();
     $aNotTitleMatch = array();
     $sTitleIs = '';
     $aIncludeCategories = array();
     // $aIncludeCategories is a 2-dimensional array: Memberarrays are linked using 'AND'
     $aExcludeCategories = array();
     $aCatHeadings = array();
     $aCatNotHeadings = array();
     $aNamespaces = array();
     $aExcludeNamespaces = array();
     $sArticleCategory = null;
     $sUpdateRules = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['updaterules']['default'];
     $sDeleteRules = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['deleterules']['default'];
     // ###### PARSE PARAMETERS ######
     // we replace double angle brackets by < > ; thus we avoid premature tag expansion in the input
     $input = str_replace('»', '>', $input);
     $input = str_replace('«', '<', $input);
     // use the ¦ as a general alias for |
     $input = str_replace('¦', '|', $input);
     // the symbol is utf8-escaped
     // the combination '²{' and '}²'will be translated to double curly braces; this allows postponed template execution
     // which is crucial for DPL queries which call other DPL queries
     $input = str_replace('²{', '{{', $input);
     $input = str_replace('}²', '}}', $input);
     $aParams = explode("\n", $input);
     $bIncludeUncat = false;
     // to check if pseudo-category of Uncategorized pages is included
     // version 0.9:
     // we do not parse parameters recursively when reading them in.
     // we rather leave them unchanged, produce the complete output and then finally
     // parse the result recursively. This allows to build complex structures in the output
     // which are only understood by the parser if seen as a whole
     foreach ($aParams as $iParam => $sParam) {
         $aParam = explode('=', $sParam, 2);
         if (count($aParam) < 2) {
             if (trim($aParam[0]) != '') {
                 $output .= $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::WARN_UNKNOWNPARAM, $aParam[0] . " [missing '=']", self::validParametersList());
         $sType = trim($aParam[0]);
         $sArg = trim($aParam[1]);
         if ($sType == '') {
             $output .= $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::WARN_UNKNOWNPARAM, '[empty string]', self::validParametersList());
         // ignore comment lines
         if ($sType[0] == '#') {
         // ignore parameter settings without argument (except namespace and category)
         if ($sArg == '') {
             if ($sType != 'namespace' && $sType != 'notnamespace' && $sType != 'category' && array_key_exists($sType, ExtDynamicPageList::$options)) {
         // for each level of functionalRichness we have a separate block of options
         // the first block is always active ($functionalRichness>=0)
         // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- level 0
         $validOptionFound = true;
         switch ($sType) {
              * FILTER PARAMETERS
             case 'category':
                 // Init array of categories to include
                 $aCategories = array();
                 $bHeading = false;
                 $bNotHeading = false;
                 if ($sArg != '' && $sArg[0] == '+') {
                     // categories are headings
                     $bHeading = true;
                     $sArg[0] = '';
                 if ($sArg != '' && $sArg[0] == '-') {
                     // categories are NOT headings
                     $bNotHeading = true;
                     $sArg[0] = '';
                 $op = 'OR';
                 // we expand html entities because they contain an '& 'which would be interpreted as an AND condition
                 $sArg = html_entity_decode($sArg, ENT_QUOTES);
                 if (strpos($sArg, '&') !== false) {
                     $aParams = explode('&', $sArg);
                     $op = 'AND';
                 } else {
                     $aParams = explode('|', $sArg);
                 foreach ($aParams as $sParam) {
                     $sParam = trim($sParam);
                     if ($sParam == '') {
                         // ignore empty line
                     } elseif ($sParam == '_none_') {
                         // include uncategorized pages (special value: empty string)
                         $aParams[$sParam] = '';
                         $bIncludeUncat = true;
                         $aCategories[] = '';
                     } else {
                         if ($sParam[0] == '*' && strlen($sParam) >= 2) {
                             if ($sParam[1] == '*') {
                                 $sParamList = explode('|', self::getSubcategories(substr($sParam, 2), $sPageTable, 2));
                             } else {
                                 $sParamList = explode('|', self::getSubcategories(substr($sParam, 1), $sPageTable, 1));
                             foreach ($sParamList as $sPar) {
                                 $title = Title::newFromText($localParser->transformMsg($sPar, $pOptions));
                                 if (!is_null($title)) {
                                     $aCategories[] = $title->getDBkey();
                         } else {
                             $title = Title::newFromText($localParser->transformMsg($sParam, $pOptions));
                             if (!is_null($title)) {
                                 $aCategories[] = $title->getDBkey();
                 if (!empty($aCategories)) {
                     if ($op == 'OR') {
                         $aIncludeCategories[] = $aCategories;
                     } else {
                         foreach ($aCategories as $aParams) {
                             $sParam = array();
                             $sParam[] = $aParams;
                             $aIncludeCategories[] = $sParam;
                     if ($bHeading) {
                         $aCatHeadings = array_unique($aCatHeadings + $aCategories);
                     if ($bNotHeading) {
                         $aCatNotHeadings = array_unique($aCatNotHeadings + $aCategories);
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'hiddencategories':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['hiddencategories'])) {
                     $sHiddenCategories = $sArg;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('hiddencategories', $sArg);
             case 'notcategory':
                 $title = Title::newFromText($localParser->transformMsg($sArg, $pOptions));
                 if (!is_null($title)) {
                     $aExcludeCategories[] = $title->getDBkey();
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'namespace':
                 $aParams = explode('|', $sArg);
                 foreach ($aParams as $sParam) {
                     $sParam = trim($sParam);
                     $sNs = $localParser->transformMsg($sParam, $pOptions);
                     if (in_array($sNs, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['namespace'])) {
                         $aNamespaces[] = $wgContLang->getNsIndex($sNs);
                         $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
                     } elseif (in_array($sNs, array_keys(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['namespace']))) {
                         $aNamespaces[] = $sNs;
                         $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
                     } else {
                         return $logger->msgWrongParam('namespace', $sParam);
             case 'redirects':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['redirects'])) {
                     $sRedirects = $sArg;
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('redirects', $sArg);
             case 'stablepages':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['stablepages'])) {
                     $sStable = $sArg;
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('stablepages', $sArg);
             case 'qualitypages':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['qualitypages'])) {
                     $sQuality = $sArg;
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('qualitypages', $sArg);
             case 'count':
                 // setting by URL overwrites other settings, hence we ignore the command
                 if ($sCount == '') {
                     $sCount = trim($sArg);
                  * Content parameters
              * Content parameters
             case 'addfirstcategorydate':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addfirstcategorydate'])) {
                     $bAddFirstCategoryDate = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('addfirstcategorydate', $sArg);
                  * Order parameters
              * Order parameters
             case 'ordermethod':
                 $methods = explode(',', $sArg);
                 $breakaway = false;
                 foreach ($methods as $method) {
                     if (!in_array($method, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['ordermethod'])) {
                         $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('ordermethod', $method);
                         $breakaway = true;
                 if (!$breakaway) {
                     $aOrderMethods = $methods;
                     if ($methods[0] != 'none') {
                         $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'order':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['order'])) {
                     $sOrder = $sArg;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('order', $sArg);
                  * FORMAT/HTML PARAMETERS
                  * @todo allow addpagetoucheddate, addeditdate, adduser, addcategories to have effect with 'mode=category'
              * @todo allow addpagetoucheddate, addeditdate, adduser, addcategories to have effect with 'mode=category'
             case 'mode':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['mode'])) {
                     // 'none' mode is implemented as a specific submode of 'inline' with <br /> as inline text
                     if ($sArg == 'none') {
                         $sPageListMode = 'inline';
                         $sInlTxt = '<br />';
                     } elseif ($sArg == 'userformat') {
                         // userformat resets inline text to empty string
                         $sInlTxt = '';
                         $sPageListMode = $sArg;
                     } else {
                         $sPageListMode = $sArg;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('mode', $sArg);
             case 'showcurid':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['showcurid'])) {
                     $bShowCurID = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                     if ($bShowCurID == true) {
                         $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('showcurid', $sArg);
             case 'shownamespace':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['shownamespace'])) {
                     $bShowNamespace = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('shownamespace', $sArg);
             case 'suppresserrors':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['suppresserrors'])) {
                     $bSuppressErrors = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                     if ($bSuppressErrors) {
                         $sNoResultsHeader = ' ';
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('suppresserrors', $sArg);
                  * Other parameter
              * Other parameter
             case 'execandexit':
                 // we offer a possibility to execute a DPL command without querying the database
                 // this is useful if you want to catch the command line parameters DPL_arg1,... etc
                 // in this case we prevent the parser cache from being disabled by later statements
                 $sExecAndExit = $sArg;
                  * Unknown parameter
              * Unknown parameter
                 $validOptionFound = false;
         if ($validOptionFound) {
         // the next blocks are only available if $functionalRichness > 0
         if (ExtDynamicPageList::$functionalRichness <= 0) {
             $output .= $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::WARN_UNKNOWNPARAM, $sType, self::validParametersList());
         // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- level 1
         $validOptionFound = true;
         switch ($sType) {
              * Filter parameters
             case 'notnamespace':
                 $sArg = trim($sArg);
                 $sNs = $localParser->transformMsg($sArg, $pOptions);
                 if (!in_array($sNs, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['notnamespace'])) {
                     return $logger->msgWrongParam('notnamespace', $sArg);
                 $aExcludeNamespaces[] = $wgContLang->getNsIndex($sNs);
                 $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
             case 'offset':
                 // ensure that $iOffset is a number
                 if (preg_match(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['offset']['pattern'], $sArg)) {
                     $iOffset = $sArg == '' ? 0 : intval($sArg);
                 } else {
                     // wrong value
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('offset', $sArg);
             case 'randomseed':
                 // ensure that $iRandomSeed is a number;
                 if (preg_match(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['randomseed']['pattern'], $sArg)) {
                     $iRandomSeed = $sArg == '' ? null : intval($sArg);
                 } else {
                     // wrong value
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('randomseed', $sArg);
             case 'randomcount':
                 // ensure that $iRandomCount is a number;
                 if (preg_match(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['randomcount']['pattern'], $sArg)) {
                     $iRandomCount = $sArg == '' ? null : intval($sArg);
                 } else {
                     // wrong value
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('randomcount', $sArg);
             case 'distinct':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['distinct'])) {
                     if ($sArg == 'strict') {
                         $sDistinctResultSet = 'strict';
                     } elseif (self::argBoolean($sArg)) {
                         $sDistinctResultSet = 'true';
                     } else {
                         $sDistinctResultSet = 'false';
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('distinct', $sArg);
                  * Order parameters
              * Order parameters
             case 'ordercollation':
                 if ($sArg != '') {
                     $sOrderCollation = "COLLATE {$sArg}";
                  * FORMAT/HTML PARAMETERS
                  * @todo allow addpagetoucheddate, addeditdate, adduser, addcategories to have effect with 'mode=category'
              * @todo allow addpagetoucheddate, addeditdate, adduser, addcategories to have effect with 'mode=category'
             case 'columns':
                 // ensure that $iColumns is a number
                 if (preg_match(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['columns']['pattern'], $sArg)) {
                     $iColumns = $sArg == '' ? 1 : intval($sArg);
                 } else {
                     // wrong value
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('columns', $sArg);
             case 'rows':
                 // ensure that $iRows is a number
                 if (preg_match(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['rows']['pattern'], $sArg)) {
                     $iRows = $sArg == '' ? 1 : intval($sArg);
                 } else {
                     // wrong value
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('rows', $sArg);
             case 'rowsize':
                 // ensure that $iRowSize is a number
                 if (preg_match(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['rowsize']['pattern'], $sArg)) {
                     $iRowSize = $sArg == '' ? 0 : intval($sArg);
                 } else {
                     // wrong value
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('rowsize', $sArg);
             case 'rowcolformat':
                 $sRowColFormat = self::killHtmlTags($sArg);
             case 'userdateformat':
                 $sUserDateFormat = self::killHtmlTags($sArg);
             case 'escapelinks':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['escapelinks'])) {
                     $bEscapeLinks = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('escapelinks', $sArg);
             case 'inlinetext':
                 $sInlTxt = self::killHtmlTags($sArg);
             case 'format':
             case 'listseparators':
                 // parsing of wikitext will happen at the end of the output phase
                 // we replace '\n' in the input by linefeed because wiki syntax depends on linefeeds
                 $sArg = self::killHtmlTags($sArg);
                 $sArg = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $sArg);
                 $sArg = str_replace("¶", "\n", $sArg);
                 // the paragraph delimiter is utf8-escaped
                 $aListSeparators = explode(',', $sArg, 4);
                 // mode=userformat will be automatically assumed
                 $sPageListMode = 'userformat';
                 $sInlTxt = '';
             case 'title':
                 // we replace blanks by underscores to meet the internal representation
                 // of page names in the database
                 $title = Title::newFromText($sArg);
                 if ($title) {
                     $sNamespace = $title->getNamespace();
                     $sTitleIs = str_replace(' ', '_', $title->getText());
                     $aNamespaces[0] = $sNamespace;
                     $sPageListMode = 'userformat';
                     $aOrderMethods = explode(',', '');
                     $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                     $bAllowCachedResults = true;
             case 'title>':
                 // we replace blanks by underscores to meet the internal representation
                 // of page names in the database
                 $sTitleGE = str_replace(' ', '_', $localParser->transformMsg($sArg, $pOptions));
                 $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
             case 'title<':
                 // we replace blanks by underscores to meet the internal representation
                 // of page names in the database
                 $sTitleLE = str_replace(' ', '_', $localParser->transformMsg($sArg, $pOptions));
                 $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
             case 'scroll':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['scroll'])) {
                     $bScroll = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                     // if scrolling is active we adjust the values for ceratin other parameters
                     // based on URL arguments
                     if ($bScroll) {
                         $sTitleGE = $wgRequest->getVal('DPL_fromTitle', '');
                         if (strlen($sTitleGE) > 0) {
                             $sTitleGE[0] = strtoupper($sTitleGE[0]);
                         // findTitle has priority over fromTitle
                         $findTitle = $wgRequest->getVal('DPL_findTitle', '');
                         if (strlen($findTitle) > 0) {
                             $findTitle[0] = strtoupper($findTitle[0]);
                         if ($findTitle != '') {
                             $sTitleGE = '=_' . $findTitle;
                         $sTitleLE = $wgRequest->getVal('DPL_toTitle', '');
                         if (strlen($sTitleLE) > 0) {
                             $sTitleLE[0] = strtoupper($sTitleLE[0]);
                         $sTitleGE = str_replace(' ', '_', $sTitleGE);
                         $sTitleLE = str_replace(' ', '_', $sTitleLE);
                         $scrollDir = $wgRequest->getVal('DPL_scrollDir', '');
                         // also set count limit from URL if not otherwise set
                         $sCountScroll = $wgRequest->getVal('DPL_count', '');
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('scroll', $sArg);
             case 'titlemaxlength':
                 // processed like 'count' param
                 if (preg_match(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['titlemaxlength']['pattern'], $sArg)) {
                     $iTitleMaxLen = $sArg == '' ? null : intval($sArg);
                 } else {
                     // wrong value
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('titlemaxlength', $sArg);
             case 'replaceintitle':
                 // we offer a possibility to replace some part of the title
                 $aReplaceInTitle = explode(',', $sArg, 2);
                 if (isset($aReplaceInTitle[1])) {
                     $aReplaceInTitle[1] = self::killHtmlTags($aReplaceInTitle[1]);
             case 'resultsheader':
                 $sResultsHeader = self::killHtmlTags($sArg);
             case 'resultsfooter':
                 $sResultsFooter = self::killHtmlTags($sArg);
             case 'noresultsheader':
                 $sNoResultsHeader = self::killHtmlTags($sArg);
             case 'noresultsfooter':
                 $sNoResultsFooter = self::killHtmlTags($sArg);
             case 'oneresultheader':
                 $sOneResultHeader = self::killHtmlTags($sArg);
             case 'oneresultfooter':
                 $sOneResultFooter = self::killHtmlTags($sArg);
                  * DEBUG, RESET and CACHE PARAMETER
              * DEBUG, RESET and CACHE PARAMETER
             case 'debug':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['debug'])) {
                     if ($iParam > 1) {
                         $output .= $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::WARN_DEBUGPARAMNOTFIRST, $sArg);
                     $logger->iDebugLevel = intval($sArg);
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('debug', $sArg);
                  * Unknown parameter
              * Unknown parameter
                 $validOptionFound = false;
         if ($validOptionFound) {
         if (ExtDynamicPageList::$functionalRichness <= 1) {
             $output .= $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::WARN_UNKNOWNPARAM, $sType, self::validParametersList());
         // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- level 2
         $validOptionFound = true;
         switch ($sType) {
              * Filter parameters
             case 'linksto':
                 $problems = self::getPageNameList('linksto', $sArg, $aLinksTo, $bSelectionCriteriaFound, $logger, true);
                 if ($problems != '') {
                     return $problems;
                 $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'notlinksto':
                 $problems = self::getPageNameList('notlinksto', $sArg, $aNotLinksTo, $bSelectionCriteriaFound, $logger, true);
                 if ($problems != '') {
                     return $problems;
                 $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'linksfrom':
                 $problems = self::getPageNameList('linksfrom', $sArg, $aLinksFrom, $bSelectionCriteriaFound, $logger, true);
                 if ($problems != '') {
                     return $problems;
                 $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'notlinksfrom':
                 $problems = self::getPageNameList('notlinksfrom', $sArg, $aNotLinksFrom, $bSelectionCriteriaFound, $logger, true);
                 if ($problems != '') {
                     return $problems;
             case 'linkstoexternal':
                 $problems = self::getPageNameList('linkstoexternal', $sArg, $aLinksToExternal, $bSelectionCriteriaFound, $logger, false);
                 if ($problems != '') {
                     return $problems;
                 $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'imageused':
                 $pages = explode('|', trim($sArg));
                 $n = 0;
                 foreach ($pages as $page) {
                     if (trim($page) == '') {
                     if (!($theTitle = Title::newFromText(trim($page)))) {
                         return $logger->msgWrongParam('imageused', $sArg);
                     $aImageUsed[$n++] = $theTitle;
                     $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
                 if (!$bSelectionCriteriaFound) {
                     return $logger->msgWrongParam('imageused', $sArg);
                 $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'imagecontainer':
                 $pages = explode('|', trim($sArg));
                 $n = 0;
                 foreach ($pages as $page) {
                     if (trim($page) == '') {
                     if (!($theTitle = Title::newFromText(trim($page)))) {
                         return $logger->msgWrongParam('imagecontainer', $sArg);
                     $aImageContainer[$n++] = $theTitle;
                     $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
                 if (!$bSelectionCriteriaFound) {
                     return $logger->msgWrongParam('imagecontainer', $sArg);
             case 'uses':
                 $pages = explode('|', $sArg);
                 $n = 0;
                 foreach ($pages as $page) {
                     if (trim($page) == '') {
                     if (!($theTitle = Title::newFromText(trim($page)))) {
                         return $logger->msgWrongParam('uses', $sArg);
                     $aUses[$n++] = $theTitle;
                     $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
                 if (!$bSelectionCriteriaFound) {
                     return $logger->msgWrongParam('uses', $sArg);
                 $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'notuses':
                 $pages = explode('|', $sArg);
                 $n = 0;
                 foreach ($pages as $page) {
                     if (trim($page) == '') {
                     if (!($theTitle = Title::newFromText(trim($page)))) {
                         return $logger->msgWrongParam('notuses', $sArg);
                     $aNotUses[$n++] = $theTitle;
                     $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
                 if (!$bSelectionCriteriaFound) {
                     return $logger->msgWrongParam('notuses', $sArg);
                 $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'usedby':
                 $pages = explode('|', $sArg);
                 $n = 0;
                 foreach ($pages as $page) {
                     if (trim($page) == '') {
                     if (!($theTitle = Title::newFromText(trim($page)))) {
                         return $logger->msgWrongParam('usedby', $sArg);
                     $aUsedBy[$n++] = $theTitle;
                     $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
                 if (!$bSelectionCriteriaFound) {
                     return $logger->msgWrongParam('usedby', $sArg);
                 $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'createdby':
                 $sCreatedBy = $sArg;
                 if ($sCreatedBy != '') {
                     $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
                 $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'notcreatedby':
                 $sNotCreatedBy = $sArg;
                 if ($sNotCreatedBy != '') {
                     $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
                 $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'modifiedby':
                 $sModifiedBy = $sArg;
                 if ($sModifiedBy != '') {
                     $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
                 $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'notmodifiedby':
                 $sNotModifiedBy = $sArg;
                 if ($sNotModifiedBy != '') {
                     $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
                 $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'lastmodifiedby':
                 $sLastModifiedBy = $sArg;
                 if ($sLastModifiedBy != '') {
                     $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
                 $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'notlastmodifiedby':
                 $sNotLastModifiedBy = $sArg;
                 if ($sNotLastModifiedBy != '') {
                     $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
                 $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'titlematch':
                 // we replace blanks by underscores to meet the internal representation
                 // of page names in the database
                 $aTitleMatch = explode('|', str_replace(' ', '\\_', $localParser->transformMsg($sArg, $pOptions)));
                 $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
             case 'minoredits':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['minoredits'])) {
                     $sMinorEdits = $sArg;
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     // wrong param val, using default
                     $sMinorEdits = ExtDynamicPageList::$options['minoredits']['default'];
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('minoredits', $sArg);
             case 'includesubpages':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['includesubpages'])) {
                     $bIncludeSubpages = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('includesubpages', $sArg);
             case 'ignorecase':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['ignorecase'])) {
                     $bIgnoreCase = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('ignorecase', $sArg);
             case 'categoriesminmax':
                 if (preg_match(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['categoriesminmax']['pattern'], $sArg)) {
                     $aCatMinMax = $sArg == '' ? null : explode(',', $sArg);
                 } else {
                     // wrong value
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('categoriesminmax', $sArg);
             case 'skipthispage':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['skipthispage'])) {
                     $bSkipThisPage = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('skipthispage', $sArg);
                  * Content parameters
              * Content parameters
             case 'addcategories':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addcategories'])) {
                     $bAddCategories = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('addcategories', $sArg);
             case 'addeditdate':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addeditdate'])) {
                     $bAddEditDate = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('addeditdate', $sArg);
             case 'addexternallink':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addexternallink'])) {
                     $bAddExternalLink = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('addexternallink', $sArg);
             case 'addpagecounter':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addpagecounter'])) {
                     $bAddPageCounter = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('addpagecounter', $sArg);
             case 'addpagesize':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addpagesize'])) {
                     $bAddPageSize = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('addpagesize', $sArg);
             case 'addpagetoucheddate':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addpagetoucheddate'])) {
                     $bAddPageTouchedDate = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('addpagetoucheddate', $sArg);
             case 'include':
             case 'includepage':
                 $bIncPage = $sArg !== '';
                 if ($bIncPage) {
                     $aSecLabels = explode(',', $sArg);
             case 'includematchparsed':
                 $bIncParsed = true;
             case 'includematch':
                 $aSecLabelsMatch = explode(',', $sArg);
             case 'includenotmatchparsed':
                 $bIncParsed = true;
             case 'includenotmatch':
                 $aSecLabelsNotMatch = explode(',', $sArg);
             case 'includetrim':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['includetrim'])) {
                     $bIncludeTrim = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('includetrim', $sArg);
             case 'adduser':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['adduser'])) {
                     $bAddUser = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('adduser', $sArg);
             case 'addauthor':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addauthor'])) {
                     $bAddAuthor = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('addauthor', $sArg);
             case 'addcontribution':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addcontribution'])) {
                     $bAddContribution = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('addcontribution', $sArg);
             case 'addlasteditor':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['addlasteditor'])) {
                     $bAddLastEditor = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('addlasteditor', $sArg);
                  * FORMAT/HTML PARAMETERS
                  * @todo allow addpagetoucheddate, addeditdate, adduser, addcategories to have effect with 'mode=category'
              * @todo allow addpagetoucheddate, addeditdate, adduser, addcategories to have effect with 'mode=category'
             case 'headingmode':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['headingmode'])) {
                     $sHListMode = $sArg;
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('headingmode', $sArg);
             case 'headingcount':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['headingcount'])) {
                     $bHeadingCount = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('headingcount', $sArg);
             case 'secseparators':
                 // we replace '\n' by newline to support wiki syntax within the section separators
                 $sArg = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $sArg);
                 $sArg = str_replace("¶", "\n", $sArg);
                 // the paragraph delimiter is utf8-escaped
                 $aSecSeparators = explode(',', $sArg);
             case 'multisecseparators':
                 // we replace '\n' by newline to support wiki syntax within the section separators
                 $sArg = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $sArg);
                 $sArg = str_replace("¶", "\n", $sArg);
                 // the paragraph delimiter is utf8-escaped
                 $aMultiSecSeparators = explode(',', $sArg);
             case 'table':
                 $sArg = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $sArg);
                 $sTable = str_replace("¶", "\n", $sArg);
                 // the paragraph delimiter is utf8-escaped
             case 'tablerow':
                 $sArg = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $sArg);
                 $sArg = str_replace("¶", "\n", $sArg);
                 // the paragraph delimiter is utf8-escaped
                 if (trim($sArg) == '') {
                     $aTableRow = array();
                 } else {
                     $aTableRow = explode(',', $sArg);
             case 'tablesortcol':
                 if (preg_match(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['tablesortcol']['pattern'], $sArg)) {
                     $iTableSortCol = $sArg == '' ? 0 : intval($sArg);
                 } else {
                     // wrong value
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('tablesortcol', $sArg);
             case 'dominantsection':
                 if (preg_match(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['dominantsection']['pattern'], $sArg)) {
                     $iDominantSection = $sArg == '' ? null : intval($sArg);
                 } else {
                     // wrong value
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('dominantsection', $sArg);
             case 'includemaxlength':
                 // processed like 'count' param
                 if (preg_match(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['includemaxlength']['pattern'], $sArg)) {
                     $iIncludeMaxLen = $sArg == '' ? null : intval($sArg);
                 } else {
                     // wrong value
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('includemaxlength', $sArg);
             case 'listattr':
                 $sListHtmlAttr = $sArg;
             case 'itemattr':
                 $sItemHtmlAttr = $sArg;
             case 'hlistattr':
                 $sHListHtmlAttr = $sArg;
             case 'hitemattr':
                 $sHItemHtmlAttr = $sArg;
                  * DEBUG, RESET and CACHE PARAMETER
              * DEBUG, RESET and CACHE PARAMETER
             case 'allowcachedresults':
                 // if execAndExit was previously set (i.e. if it is not empty) we will ignore all cache settings
                 // which are placed AFTER the execandexit statement
                 // thus we make sure that the cache will only become invalid if the query is really executed
                 if ($sExecAndExit == '') {
                     if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['allowcachedresults'])) {
                         $bAllowCachedResults = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                         if ($sArg == 'yes+warn') {
                             $bAllowCachedResults = true;
                             $bWarnCachedResults = true;
                     } else {
                         $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('allowcachedresults', $sArg);
             case 'dplcache':
                 if ($sArg != '') {
                     $DPLCache = $parser->mTitle->getArticleID() . '_' . $sArg . '.txt';
                     $DPLCachePath = $parser->mTitle->getArticleID() % 10;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('dplcache', $sArg);
             case 'dplcacheperiod':
                 if (preg_match(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['dplcacheperiod']['pattern'], $sArg)) {
                     $iDPLCachePeriod = $sArg == '' ? ExtDynamicPageList::$options['dplcacheperiod']['default'] : intval($sArg);
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('dplcacheperiod', $sArg);
             case 'fixcategory':
             case 'reset':
                 foreach (preg_split('/[;,]/', $sArg) as $arg) {
                     $arg = trim($arg);
                     if ($arg == '') {
                     if (!in_array($arg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['reset'])) {
                         $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('reset', $arg);
                     } elseif ($arg == 'links') {
                         $bReset[0] = true;
                     } elseif ($arg == 'templates') {
                         $bReset[1] = true;
                     } elseif ($arg == 'categories') {
                         $bReset[2] = true;
                     } elseif ($arg == 'images') {
                         $bReset[3] = true;
                     } elseif ($arg == 'all') {
                         $bReset[0] = true;
                         $bReset[1] = true;
                         $bReset[2] = true;
                         $bReset[3] = true;
                     } elseif ($arg == 'none') {
                     // do nothing
             case 'eliminate':
                 foreach (preg_split('/[;,]/', $sArg) as $arg) {
                     $arg = trim($arg);
                     if ($arg == '') {
                     if (!in_array($arg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['eliminate'])) {
                         $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('eliminate', $arg);
                     } elseif ($arg == 'links') {
                         $bReset[4] = true;
                     } elseif ($arg == 'templates') {
                         $bReset[5] = true;
                     } elseif ($arg == 'categories') {
                         $bReset[6] = true;
                     } elseif ($arg == 'images') {
                         $bReset[7] = true;
                     } elseif ($arg == 'all') {
                         $bReset[4] = true;
                         $bReset[5] = true;
                         $bReset[6] = true;
                         $bReset[7] = true;
                     } elseif ($arg == 'none') {
                         $bReset[4] = false;
                         $bReset[5] = false;
                         $bReset[6] = false;
                         $bReset[7] = false;
                  * Unknown parameter
              * Unknown parameter
                 $validOptionFound = false;
         if ($validOptionFound) {
         if (ExtDynamicPageList::$functionalRichness <= 2) {
             $output .= $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::WARN_UNKNOWNPARAM, $sType, self::validParametersList());
         // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- level 3
         $validOptionFound = true;
         switch ($sType) {
              * Filter parameters
             case 'categoryregexp':
                 $sCategoryComparisonMode = ' REGEXP ';
                 $aIncludeCategories[] = array($sArg);
                 $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'categorymatch':
                 $sCategoryComparisonMode = ' LIKE ';
                 $aIncludeCategories[] = explode('|', $sArg);
                 $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'notcategoryregexp':
                 $sNotCategoryComparisonMode = ' REGEXP ';
                 $aExcludeCategories[] = $sArg;
                 $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'notcategorymatch':
                 $sNotCategoryComparisonMode = ' LIKE ';
                 $aExcludeCategories[] = $sArg;
                 $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
             case 'titleregexp':
                 $sTitleMatchMode = ' REGEXP ';
                 $aTitleMatch = array($sArg);
                 $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
             case 'nottitleregexp':
                 $sNotTitleMatchMode = ' REGEXP ';
                 $aNotTitleMatch = array($sArg);
                 $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
             case 'nottitlematch':
                 // we replace blanks by underscores to meet the internal representation
                 // of page names in the database
                 $aNotTitleMatch = explode('|', str_replace(' ', '_', $localParser->transformMsg($sArg, $pOptions)));
                 $bSelectionCriteriaFound = true;
             case 'lastrevisionbefore':
             case 'allrevisionsbefore':
             case 'firstrevisionsince':
             case 'allrevisionssince':
                 if (preg_match(ExtDynamicPageList::$options[$sType]['pattern'], $sArg)) {
                     $date = str_pad(preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $sArg), 14, '0');
                     $date = $wgLang->userAdjust($date);
                     if ($sType == 'lastrevisionbefore') {
                         $sLastRevisionBefore = $date;
                     if ($sType == 'allrevisionsbefore') {
                         $sAllRevisionsBefore = $date;
                     if ($sType == 'firstrevisionsince') {
                         $sFirstRevisionSince = $date;
                     if ($sType == 'allrevisionssince') {
                         $sAllRevisionsSince = $date;
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     // wrong value
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam($sType, $sArg);
             case 'minrevisions':
                 // ensure that $iMinRevisions is a number
                 if (preg_match(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['minrevisions']['pattern'], $sArg)) {
                     $iMinRevisions = $sArg == '' ? null : intval($sArg);
                 } else {
                     // wrong value
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('minrevisions', $sArg);
             case 'maxrevisions':
                 // ensure that $iMaxRevisions is a number
                 if (preg_match(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['maxrevisions']['pattern'], $sArg)) {
                     $iMaxRevisions = $sArg == '' ? null : intval($sArg);
                 } else {
                     // wrong value
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('maxrevisions', $sArg);
             case 'openreferences':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['openreferences'])) {
                     $acceptOpenReferences = self::argBoolean($sArg);
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('openreferences', $sArg);
             case 'articlecategory':
                 $sArticleCategory = str_replace(' ', '_', $sArg);
                  * Unknown parameter
              * Unknown parameter
                 $validOptionFound = false;
         if ($validOptionFound) {
         if (ExtDynamicPageList::$functionalRichness <= 3) {
             $output .= $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::WARN_UNKNOWNPARAM, $sType, self::validParametersList());
         // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- level 4
         $validOptionFound = true;
         switch ($sType) {
              * GOAL
             case 'goal':
                 if (in_array($sArg, ExtDynamicPageList::$options['goal'])) {
                     $sGoal = $sArg;
                     $bConflictsWithOpenReferences = true;
                 } else {
                     $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('goal', $sArg);
                  * UPDATERULES
              * UPDATERULES
             case 'updaterules':
                 $sUpdateRules = $sArg;
                  * DELETERULES
              * DELETERULES
             case 'deleterules':
                 $sDeleteRules = $sArg;
                  * Unknown parameter
              * Unknown parameter
                 $validOptionFound = false;
         if ($validOptionFound) {
         $output .= $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::WARN_UNKNOWNPARAM, $sType, self::validParametersList());
     // set COUNT
     if ($sCount == '') {
         $sCount = $sCountScroll;
     if ($sCount == '') {
         $iCount = -1;
     } else {
         if (preg_match(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['count']['pattern'], $sCount)) {
             $iCount = intval($sCount);
         } else {
             // wrong value
             $output .= $logger->msgWrongParam('count', "{$sCount} : not a number!");
             $iCount = 1;
     if (!ExtDynamicPageList::$allowUnlimitedResults && ($iCount < 0 || $iCount > ExtDynamicPageList::$maxResultCount)) {
         // justify limits;
         $iCount = ExtDynamicPageList::$maxResultCount;
     // disable parser cache	if caching is not allowed (which is default for DPL but not for <DynamicPageList>)
     if (!$bAllowCachedResults) {
     // place cache warning in resultsheader
     if ($bWarnCachedResults) {
         $sResultsHeader = '{{DPL Cache Warning}}' . $sResultsHeader;
     if ($sExecAndExit != '') {
         // the keyword "geturlargs" is used to return the Url arguments and do nothing else.
         if ($sExecAndExit == 'geturlargs') {
             return '';
         // in all other cases we return the value of the argument (which may contain parser function calls)
         return $sExecAndExit;
     // if Caching is desired AND if the cache is up to date: get result from Cache and exit
     global $wgUploadDirectory, $wgRequest;
     if ($DPLCache != '') {
         $cacheFile = "{$wgUploadDirectory}/dplcache/{$DPLCachePath}/{$DPLCache}";
         // when the page containing the DPL statement is changed we must recreate the cache as the DPL statement may have changed
         // otherwise we accept the cache if it is not too old
         if (!$bDPLRefresh && file_exists($cacheFile)) {
             // find out if cache is acceptable or too old
             $diff = time() - filemtime($cacheFile);
             if ($diff <= $iDPLCachePeriod) {
                 $cachedOutput = file_get_contents($cacheFile);
                 $cachedOutputPos = strpos($cachedOutput, "+++\n");
                 // when submitting a page we check if the DPL statement has changed
                 if ($wgRequest->getVal('action', 'view') != 'submit' || $originalInput == substr($cachedOutput, 0, $cachedOutputPos)) {
                     $cacheTimeStamp = self::prettyTimeStamp(date('YmdHis', filemtime($cacheFile)));
                     $cachePeriod = self::durationTime($iDPLCachePeriod);
                     $diffTime = self::durationTime($diff);
                     $output .= substr($cachedOutput, $cachedOutputPos + 4);
                     if ($logger->iDebugLevel >= 2) {
                         $output .= "{{Extension DPL cache|mode=get|page={{FULLPAGENAME}}|cache={$DPLCache}|date={$cacheTimeStamp}|now=" . date('H:i:s') . "|age={$diffTime}|period={$cachePeriod}|offset={$iOffset}}}";
                     // ignore further parameters, stop processing, return cache content
                     return $output;
     // debug level 5 puts nowiki tags around the output
     if ($logger->iDebugLevel == 5) {
         $logger->iDebugLevel = 2;
         $sResultsHeader = '<pre><nowiki>' . $sResultsHeader;
         $sResultsFooter .= '</nowiki></pre>';
     // construct internal keys for TableRow according to the structure of "include"
     // this will be needed in the output phase
     self::updateTableRowKeys($aTableRow, $aSecLabels);
     // foreach ($aTableRow as $key => $val) $output .= "TableRow($key)=$val;<br />";
     $iIncludeCatCount = count($aIncludeCategories);
     $iTotalIncludeCatCount = count($aIncludeCategories, COUNT_RECURSIVE) - $iIncludeCatCount;
     $iExcludeCatCount = count($aExcludeCategories);
     $iTotalCatCount = $iTotalIncludeCatCount + $iExcludeCatCount;
     if ($calledInMode == 'tag') {
         // in tag mode 'eliminate' is the same as 'reset' for tpl,cat,img
         if ($bReset[5]) {
             $bReset[1] = true;
             $bReset[5] = false;
         if ($bReset[6]) {
             $bReset[2] = true;
             $bReset[6] = false;
         if ($bReset[7]) {
             $bReset[3] = true;
             $bReset[7] = false;
     } else {
         if ($bReset[1]) {
             ExtDynamicPageList::$createdLinks['resetTemplates'] = true;
         if ($bReset[2]) {
             ExtDynamicPageList::$createdLinks['resetCategories'] = true;
         if ($bReset[3]) {
             ExtDynamicPageList::$createdLinks['resetImages'] = true;
     if ($calledInMode == 'tag' && $bReset[0] || $calledInMode == 'func') {
         if ($bReset[0]) {
             ExtDynamicPageList::$createdLinks['resetLinks'] = true;
         // register a hook to reset links which were produced during parsing DPL output
         global $wgHooks;
         if (!isset($wgHooks['ParserAfterTidy']) || !(in_array('ExtDynamicPageList::endReset', $wgHooks['ParserAfterTidy']) || in_array(array('ExtDynamicPageList', 'endReset'), $wgHooks['ParserAfterTidy'], true))) {
             $wgHooks['ParserAfterTidy'][] = 'ExtDynamicPageList' . '__endReset';
     // ###### CHECKS ON PARAMETERS ######
     // too many categories!
     if ($iTotalCatCount > ExtDynamicPageList::$maxCategoryCount && !ExtDynamicPageList::$allowUnlimitedCategories) {
         return $output . $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::FATAL_TOOMANYCATS, ExtDynamicPageList::$maxCategoryCount);
     // too few categories!
     if ($iTotalCatCount < ExtDynamicPageList::$minCategoryCount) {
         return $output . $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::FATAL_TOOFEWCATS, ExtDynamicPageList::$minCategoryCount);
     // no selection criteria! Warn only if no debug level is set
     if ($iTotalCatCount == 0 && $bSelectionCriteriaFound == false) {
         if ($logger->iDebugLevel <= 1) {
             return $output;
         return $output . $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::FATAL_NOSELECTION);
     // ordermethod=sortkey requires ordermethod=category
     // delayed to the construction of the SQL query, see near line 2211, gs
     // if (in_array('sortkey',$aOrderMethods) && ! in_array('category',$aOrderMethods)) $aOrderMethods[] = 'category';
     // no included categories but ordermethod=categoryadd or addfirstcategorydate=true!
     if ($iTotalIncludeCatCount == 0 && ($aOrderMethods[0] == 'categoryadd' || $bAddFirstCategoryDate == true)) {
         return $output . $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::FATAL_CATDATEBUTNOINCLUDEDCATS);
     // more than one included category but ordermethod=categoryadd or addfirstcategorydate=true!
     // we ALLOW this parameter combination, risking ambiguous results
     // if ($iTotalIncludeCatCount > 1 && ($aOrderMethods[0] == 'categoryadd' || $bAddFirstCategoryDate == true) )
     //	return $output . $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::FATAL_CATDATEBUTMORETHAN1CAT);
     // no more than one type of date at a time!
     if ($bAddPageTouchedDate + $bAddFirstCategoryDate + $bAddEditDate > 1) {
         return $output . $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::FATAL_MORETHAN1TYPEOFDATE);
     // the dominant section must be one of the sections mentioned in includepage
     if ($iDominantSection > 0 && count($aSecLabels) < $iDominantSection) {
         return $output . $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::FATAL_DOMINANTSECTIONRANGE, count($aSecLabels));
     // category-style output requested with not compatible order method
     if ($sPageListMode == 'category' && !array_intersect($aOrderMethods, array('sortkey', 'title', 'titlewithoutnamespace'))) {
         return $output . $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::FATAL_WRONGORDERMETHOD, 'mode=category', 'sortkey | title | titlewithoutnamespace');
     // addpagetoucheddate=true with unappropriate order methods
     if ($bAddPageTouchedDate && !array_intersect($aOrderMethods, array('pagetouched', 'title'))) {
         return $output . $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::FATAL_WRONGORDERMETHOD, 'addpagetoucheddate=true', 'pagetouched | title');
     // addeditdate=true but not (ordermethod=...,firstedit or ordermethod=...,lastedit)
     // firstedit (resp. lastedit) -> add date of first (resp. last) revision
     if ($bAddEditDate && !array_intersect($aOrderMethods, array('firstedit', 'lastedit')) & $sLastRevisionBefore . $sAllRevisionsBefore . $sFirstRevisionSince . $sAllRevisionsSince == '') {
         return $output . $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::FATAL_WRONGORDERMETHOD, 'addeditdate=true', 'firstedit | lastedit');
     // adduser=true but not (ordermethod=...,firstedit or ordermethod=...,lastedit)
      * @todo allow to add user for other order methods.
      * The fact is a page may be edited by multiple users. Which user(s) should we show? all? the first or the last one?
      * Ideally, we could use values such as 'all', 'first' or 'last' for the adduser parameter.
     if ($bAddUser && !array_intersect($aOrderMethods, array('firstedit', 'lastedit')) & $sLastRevisionBefore . $sAllRevisionsBefore . $sFirstRevisionSince . $sAllRevisionsSince == '') {
         return $output . $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::FATAL_WRONGORDERMETHOD, 'adduser=true', 'firstedit | lastedit');
     if (isset($sMinorEdits) && !array_intersect($aOrderMethods, array('firstedit', 'lastedit'))) {
         return $output . $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::FATAL_WRONGORDERMETHOD, 'minoredits', 'firstedit | lastedit');
      * If we include the Uncategorized, we need the 'dpl_clview':
      * VIEW of the categorylinks table where we have cl_to='' (empty string)
      * for all uncategorized pages.
      * This VIEW must have been created by the administrator of the
      * MediaWiki DB at installation. See the documentation.
     $sDplClView = '';
     if ($bIncludeUncat) {
         $sDplClView = $dbr->tableName('dpl_clview');
         // If the view is not there, we can't perform logical operations on the Uncategorized.
         if (!$dbr->tableExists('dpl_clview')) {
             $sSqlCreate_dpl_clview = 'CREATE VIEW ' . $sDplClView . " AS SELECT IFNULL(cl_from, page_id) AS cl_from, IFNULL(cl_to, '') AS cl_to, cl_sortkey FROM " . $sPageTable . ' LEFT OUTER JOIN ' . $sCategorylinksTable . ' ON ' . $sPageTable . '.page_id=cl_from';
             $output .= $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::FATAL_NOCLVIEW, $sDplClView, $sSqlCreate_dpl_clview);
             return $output;
     // add*** parameters have no effect with 'mode=category' (only namespace/title can be viewed in this mode)
     if ($sPageListMode == 'category' && ($bAddCategories || $bAddEditDate || $bAddFirstCategoryDate || $bAddPageTouchedDate || $bIncPage || $bAddUser || $bAddAuthor || $bAddContribution || $bAddLastEditor)) {
         $output .= $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::WARN_CATOUTPUTBUTWRONGPARAMS);
     // headingmode has effects with ordermethod on multiple components only
     if ($sHListMode != 'none' && count($aOrderMethods) < 2) {
         $output .= $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::WARN_HEADINGBUTSIMPLEORDERMETHOD, $sHListMode, 'none');
         $sHListMode = 'none';
     // openreferences is incompatible with many other options
     if ($acceptOpenReferences && $bConflictsWithOpenReferences) {
         $output .= $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::FATAL_OPENREFERENCES);
         $acceptOpenReferences = false;
     // if 'table' parameter is set: derive values for listseparators, secseparators and multisecseparators
     $defaultTemplateSuffix = '.default';
     if ($sTable != '') {
         $defaultTemplateSuffix = '';
         $sPageListMode = 'userformat';
         $sInlTxt = '';
         $withHLink = "[[%PAGE%|%TITLE%]]\n|";
         foreach (explode(',', $sTable) as $tabnr => $tab) {
             if ($tabnr == 0) {
                 if ($tab == '') {
                     $tab = 'class=wikitable';
                 $aListSeparators[0] = '{|' . $tab;
             } else {
                 if ($tabnr == 1 && $tab == '-') {
                     $withHLink = '';
                 if ($tabnr == 1 && $tab == '') {
                     $tab = 'Article';
                 $aListSeparators[0] .= "\n!{$tab}";
         $aListSeparators[1] = '';
         // the user may have specified the third parameter of 'format' to add meta attributes of articles to the table
         if (!array_key_exists(2, $aListSeparators)) {
             $aListSeparators[2] = '';
         $aListSeparators[3] = "\n|}";
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($aSecLabels); $i++) {
             if ($i == 0) {
                 $aSecSeparators[0] = "\n|-\n|" . $withHLink;
                 // ."\n";
                 $aSecSeparators[1] = '';
                 $aMultiSecSeparators[0] = "\n|-\n|" . $withHLink;
                 // ."\n";
             } else {
                 $aSecSeparators[2 * $i] = "\n|";
                 // ."\n";
                 $aSecSeparators[2 * $i + 1] = '';
                 if (is_array($aSecLabels[$i]) && $aSecLabels[$i][0] == '#') {
                     $aMultiSecSeparators[$i] = "\n----\n";
                 if ($aSecLabels[$i][0] == '#') {
                     $aMultiSecSeparators[$i] = "\n----\n";
                 } else {
                     $aMultiSecSeparators[$i] = "<br />\n";
     // backward scrolling: if the user specified titleLE and wants ascending order we reverse the SQL sort order
     if ($sTitleLE != '' && $sTitleGE == '') {
         if ($sOrder == 'ascending') {
             $sOrder = 'descending';
     $output .= '{{Extension DPL}}';
     // ###### BUILD SQL QUERY ######
     $sSqlPage_counter = '';
     $sSqlPage_size = '';
     $sSqlPage_touched = '';
     $sSqlCalcFoundRows = '';
     if (!ExtDynamicPageList::$allowUnlimitedResults && $sGoal != 'categories' && strpos($sResultsHeader . $sResultsFooter . $sNoResultsHeader, '%TOTALPAGES%') !== false) {
         $sSqlCalcFoundRows = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS';
     if ($sDistinctResultSet == 'false') {
         $sSqlDistinct = '';
     } else {
         $sSqlDistinct = 'DISTINCT';
     $sSqlGroupBy = '';
     if ($sDistinctResultSet == 'strict' && count($aLinksTo) + count($aNotLinksTo) + count($aLinksFrom) + count($aNotLinksFrom) + count($aLinksToExternal) + count($aImageUsed) > 0) {
         $sSqlGroupBy = 'page_title';
     $sSqlSortkey = '';
     $sSqlCl_to = '';
     $sSqlCats = '';
     $sSqlCl_timestamp = '';
     $sSqlClHeadTable = '';
     $sSqlCond_page_cl_head = '';
     $sSqlClTableForGC = '';
     $sSqlCond_page_cl_gc = '';
     $sSqlRCTable = '';
     // recent changes
     $sRCTable = $dbr->tableName('recentchanges');
     $sRevisionTable = $dbr->tableName('revision');
     $sSqlRevisionTable = '';
     $sSqlRev_timestamp = '';
     $sSqlRev_id = '';
     $sSqlRev_user = '';
     $sSqlCond_page_rev = '';
     $sPageLinksTable = $dbr->tableName('pagelinks');
     $sExternalLinksTable = $dbr->tableName('externallinks');
     $sImageLinksTable = $dbr->tableName('imagelinks');
     $sTemplateLinksTable = $dbr->tableName('templatelinks');
     $sSqlPageLinksTable = '';
     $sSqlExternalLinksTable = '';
     $sSqlCond_page_pl = '';
     $sSqlCond_page_el = '';
     $sSqlCond_page_tpl = '';
     $sSqlCond_MaxCat = '';
     $sSqlWhere = ' WHERE 1=1 ';
     $sSqlSelPage = '';
     // initial page for selection
     // normally we create a result of normal pages, but when goal=categories is set, we create a list of categories
     // as this conflicts with some options we need to avoid producing incoorect SQl code
     $bGoalIsPages = true;
     if ($sGoal == 'categories') {
         $aOrderMethods = explode(',', '');
         $bGoalIsPages = false;
     foreach ($aOrderMethods as $sOrderMethod) {
         switch ($sOrderMethod) {
             case 'category':
                 $sSqlCl_to = 'cl_head.cl_to, ';
                 // Gives category headings in the result
                 $sSqlClHeadTable = (in_array('', $aCatHeadings) || in_array('', $aCatNotHeadings) ? $sDplClView : $sCategorylinksTable) . ' AS cl_head';
                 // use dpl_clview if Uncategorized in headings
                 $sSqlCond_page_cl_head = 'page_id=cl_head.cl_from';
                 if (!empty($aCatHeadings)) {
                     $sSqlWhere .= ' AND cl_head.cl_to IN (' . $dbr->makeList($aCatHeadings) . ')';
                 if (!empty($aCatNotHeadings)) {
                     $sSqlWhere .= ' AND NOT (cl_head.cl_to IN (' . $dbr->makeList($aCatNotHeadings) . '))';
             case 'firstedit':
                 $sSqlRevisionTable = $sRevisionTable . ' AS rev, ';
                 $sSqlRev_timestamp = ', rev_timestamp';
                 // deleted because of conflict with revsion-parameters
                 $sSqlCond_page_rev = ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_id=rev.rev_page AND rev.rev_timestamp=( SELECT MIN(rev_aux.rev_timestamp) FROM ' . $sRevisionTable . ' AS rev_aux WHERE rev_aux.rev_page=rev.rev_page )';
             case 'pagetouched':
                 $sSqlPage_touched = ", {$sPageTable}.page_touched AS page_touched";
             case 'lastedit':
                 if (ExtDynamicPageList::$behavingLikeIntersection) {
                     $sSqlPage_touched = ", {$sPageTable}.page_touched AS page_touched";
                 } else {
                     $sSqlRevisionTable = $sRevisionTable . ' AS rev, ';
                     $sSqlRev_timestamp = ', rev_timestamp';
                     // deleted because of conflict with revision-parameters
                     $sSqlCond_page_rev = ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_id=rev.rev_page AND rev.rev_timestamp=( SELECT MAX(rev_aux.rev_timestamp) FROM ' . $sRevisionTable . ' AS rev_aux WHERE rev_aux.rev_page=rev.rev_page )';
             case 'sortkey':
                 // We need the namespaces with strictly positive indices (DPL allowed namespaces, except the first one: Main).
                 $aStrictNs = array_slice(ExtDynamicPageList::$allowedNamespaces, 1, count(ExtDynamicPageList::$allowedNamespaces), true);
                 // map ns index to name
                 $sSqlNsIdToText = 'CASE ' . $sPageTable . '.page_namespace';
                 foreach ($aStrictNs as $iNs => $sNs) {
                     $sSqlNsIdToText .= ' WHEN ' . intval($iNs) . ' THEN ' . $dbr->addQuotes($sNs);
                 $sSqlNsIdToText .= ' END';
                 // If cl_sortkey is null (uncategorized page), generate a
                 // sortkey in the usual way (full page name, underscores replaced with spaces).
                 // UTF-8 created problems with non-utf-8 MySQL databases
                 // see line 2011 (order method sortkey requires category
                 if (count($aIncludeCategories) + count($aExcludeCategories) > 0) {
                     if (in_array('category', $aOrderMethods) && count($aIncludeCategories) + count($aExcludeCategories) > 0) {
                         $sSqlSortkey = ", IFNULL(cl_head.cl_sortkey, REPLACE(CONCAT( IF(" . $sPageTable . ".page_namespace=0, '', CONCAT(" . $sSqlNsIdToText . ", ':')), " . $sPageTable . ".page_title), '_', ' ')) " . $sOrderCollation . " AS sortkey";
                     } else {
                         $sSqlSortkey = ", IFNULL(cl0.cl_sortkey, REPLACE(CONCAT( IF(" . $sPageTable . ".page_namespace=0, '', CONCAT(" . $sSqlNsIdToText . ", ':')), " . $sPageTable . ".page_title), '_', ' ')) " . $sOrderCollation . " AS sortkey";
                 } else {
                     $sSqlSortkey = ", REPLACE(CONCAT( IF(" . $sPageTable . ".page_namespace=0, '', CONCAT(" . $sSqlNsIdToText . ", ':')), " . $sPageTable . ".page_title), '_', ' ') " . $sOrderCollation . " AS sortkey";
             case 'pagesel':
                 $sSqlSortkey = ', CONCAT(pl.pl_namespace,pl.pl_title) ' . $sOrderCollation . ' AS sortkey';
             case 'titlewithoutnamespace':
             case 'title':
                 $aStrictNs = array_slice(ExtDynamicPageList::$allowedNamespaces, 1, count(ExtDynamicPageList::$allowedNamespaces), true);
                 // map namespace index to name
                 if ($acceptOpenReferences) {
                     $sSqlNsIdToText = 'CASE pl_namespace';
                     foreach ($aStrictNs as $iNs => $sNs) {
                         $sSqlNsIdToText .= ' WHEN ' . intval($iNs) . ' THEN ' . $dbr->addQuotes($sNs);
                     $sSqlNsIdToText .= ' END';
                     $sSqlSortkey = ", REPLACE(CONCAT( IF(pl_namespace=0, '', CONCAT(" . $sSqlNsIdToText . ", ':')), pl_title), '_', ' ') " . $sOrderCollation . " AS sortkey";
                 } else {
                     $sSqlNsIdToText = 'CASE ' . $sPageTable . '.page_namespace';
                     foreach ($aStrictNs as $iNs => $sNs) {
                         $sSqlNsIdToText .= ' WHEN ' . intval($iNs) . " THEN " . $dbr->addQuotes($sNs);
                     $sSqlNsIdToText .= ' END';
                     // Generate sortkey like for category links. UTF-8 created problems with non-utf-8 MySQL databases
                     $sSqlSortkey = ", REPLACE(CONCAT( IF(" . $sPageTable . ".page_namespace=0, '', CONCAT(" . $sSqlNsIdToText . ", ':')), " . $sPageTable . ".page_title), '_', ' ') " . $sOrderCollation . " AS sortkey";
             case 'user':
                 $sSqlRevisionTable = $sRevisionTable . ', ';
                 $sSqlRev_user = '******';
             case 'none':
     // linksto
     if (count($aLinksTo) > 0) {
         $sSqlPageLinksTable .= $sPageLinksTable . ' AS pl, ';
         $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_id=pl.pl_from AND ';
         $sSqlSelPage = ', pl.pl_title AS sel_title, pl.pl_namespace AS sel_ns';
         $n = 0;
         foreach ($aLinksTo as $linkGroup) {
             if (++$n > 1) {
             $sSqlCond_page_pl .= '( ';
             $m = 0;
             foreach ($linkGroup as $link) {
                 if (++$m > 1) {
                     $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' OR ';
                 $sSqlCond_page_pl .= '(pl.pl_namespace=' . intval($link->getNamespace());
                 if (strpos($link->getDBkey(), '%') >= 0) {
                     $operator = ' LIKE ';
                 } else {
                     $operator = '=';
                 if ($bIgnoreCase) {
                     $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND LOWER(pl.pl_title)' . $operator . 'LOWER(' . $dbr->addQuotes($link->getDBkey()) . '))';
                 } else {
                     $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND pl.pl_title' . $operator . $dbr->addQuotes($link->getDBkey()) . ')';
             $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ')';
     if (count($aLinksTo) > 1) {
         $n = 0;
         foreach ($aLinksTo as $linkGroup) {
             if (++$n == 1) {
             $m = 0;
             $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND EXISTS(SELECT pl_from FROM ' . $sPageLinksTable . ' WHERE (' . $sPageLinksTable . '.pl_from=page_id AND (';
             foreach ($linkGroup as $link) {
                 if (++$m > 1) {
                     $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' OR ';
                 $sSqlCond_page_pl .= '(' . $sPageLinksTable . '.pl_namespace=' . intval($link->getNamespace());
                 if (strpos($link->getDBkey(), '%') >= 0) {
                     $operator = ' LIKE ';
                 } else {
                     $operator = '=';
                 if ($bIgnoreCase) {
                     $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND LOWER(pagelinks.pl_title)' . $operator . 'LOWER(' . $dbr->addQuotes($link->getDBkey()) . ')';
                 } else {
                     $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND pagelinks.pl_title' . $operator . $dbr->addQuotes($link->getDBkey());
                 $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ')';
             $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ')))';
     // notlinksto
     if (count($aNotLinksTo) > 0) {
         $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_id NOT IN (SELECT ' . $sPageLinksTable . '.pl_from FROM ' . $sPageLinksTable . ' WHERE (';
         $n = 0;
         foreach ($aNotLinksTo as $links) {
             foreach ($links as $link) {
                 if ($n > 0) {
                     $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' OR ';
                 $sSqlCond_page_pl .= '(' . $sPageLinksTable . '.pl_namespace=' . intval($link->getNamespace());
                 if (strpos($link->getDBkey(), '%') >= 0) {
                     $operator = ' LIKE ';
                 } else {
                     $operator = '=';
                 if ($bIgnoreCase) {
                     $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND LOWER(' . $sPageLinksTable . '.pl_title)' . $operator . 'LOWER(' . $dbr->addQuotes($link->getDBkey()) . '))';
                 } else {
                     $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND	   ' . $sPageLinksTable . '.pl_title' . $operator . $dbr->addQuotes($link->getDBkey()) . ')';
         $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ') )';
     // linksfrom
     if (count($aLinksFrom) > 0) {
         if ($acceptOpenReferences) {
             $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND (';
             $n = 0;
             foreach ($aLinksFrom as $links) {
                 foreach ($links as $link) {
                     if ($n > 0) {
                         $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' OR ';
                     $sSqlCond_page_pl .= '(pl_from=' . $link->getArticleID() . ')';
             $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ')';
         } else {
             $sSqlPageLinksTable .= $sPageLinksTable . ' AS plf, ' . $sPageTable . 'AS pagesrc, ';
             $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_namespace = plf.pl_namespace AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_title = plf.pl_title  AND pagesrc.page_id=plf.pl_from AND (';
             $sSqlSelPage = ', pagesrc.page_title AS sel_title, pagesrc.page_namespace AS sel_ns';
             $n = 0;
             foreach ($aLinksFrom as $links) {
                 foreach ($links as $link) {
                     if ($n > 0) {
                         $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' OR ';
                     $sSqlCond_page_pl .= '(plf.pl_from=' . $link->getArticleID() . ')';
             $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ')';
     // notlinksfrom
     if (count($aNotLinksFrom) > 0) {
         if ($acceptOpenReferences) {
             $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND (';
             $n = 0;
             foreach ($aNotLinksFrom as $links) {
                 foreach ($links as $link) {
                     if ($n > 0) {
                         $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND ';
                     $sSqlCond_page_pl .= 'pl_from <> ' . $link->getArticleID() . ' ';
             $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ')';
         } else {
             $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND CONCAT(page_namespace,page_title) NOT IN (SELECT CONCAT(' . $sPageLinksTable . '.pl_namespace,' . $sPageLinksTable . '.pl_title) FROM ' . $sPageLinksTable . ' WHERE (';
             $n = 0;
             foreach ($aNotLinksFrom as $links) {
                 foreach ($links as $link) {
                     if ($n > 0) {
                         $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' OR ';
                     $sSqlCond_page_pl .= $sPageLinksTable . '.pl_from=' . $link->getArticleID() . ' ';
             $sSqlCond_page_pl .= '))';
     // linkstoexternal
     if (count($aLinksToExternal) > 0) {
         $sSqlExternalLinksTable .= $sExternalLinksTable . ' AS el, ';
         $sSqlCond_page_el .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_id=el.el_from AND (';
         $sSqlSelPage = ', el.el_to AS el_to';
         $n = 0;
         foreach ($aLinksToExternal as $linkGroup) {
             if (++$n > 1) {
             $m = 0;
             foreach ($linkGroup as $link) {
                 if (++$m > 1) {
                     $sSqlCond_page_el .= ' OR ';
                 $sSqlCond_page_el .= '(el.el_to LIKE ' . $dbr->addQuotes($link) . ')';
         $sSqlCond_page_el .= ')';
     if (count($aLinksToExternal) > 1) {
         $n = 0;
         foreach ($aLinksToExternal as $linkGroup) {
             if (++$n == 1) {
             $m = 0;
             $sSqlCond_page_el .= ' AND EXISTS(SELECT el_from FROM ' . $sExternalLinksTable . ' WHERE (' . $sExternalLinksTable . '.el_from=page_id AND (';
             foreach ($linkGroup as $link) {
                 if (++$m > 1) {
                     $sSqlCond_page_el .= ' OR ';
                 $sSqlCond_page_el .= '(' . $sExternalLinksTable . '.el_to LIKE ' . $dbr->addQuotes($link) . ')';
             $sSqlCond_page_el .= ')))';
     // imageused
     if (count($aImageUsed) > 0) {
         $sSqlPageLinksTable .= $sImageLinksTable . ' AS il, ';
         $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_id=il.il_from AND (';
         $sSqlSelPage = ', il.il_to AS image_sel_title';
         $n = 0;
         foreach ($aImageUsed as $link) {
             if ($n > 0) {
                 $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' OR ';
             if ($bIgnoreCase) {
                 $sSqlCond_page_pl .= 'LOWER(il.il_to)=LOWER(' . $dbr->addQuotes($link->getDBkey()) . ')';
             } else {
                 $sSqlCond_page_pl .= 'il.il_to=' . $dbr->addQuotes($link->getDBkey());
         $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ')';
     // imagecontainer
     if (count($aImageContainer) > 0) {
         $sSqlPageLinksTable .= $sImageLinksTable . ' AS ic, ';
         if ($acceptOpenReferences) {
             $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND (';
         } else {
             $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_namespace=\'6\' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_title=ic.il_to AND (';
         $n = 0;
         foreach ($aImageContainer as $link) {
             if ($n > 0) {
                 $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' OR ';
             if ($bIgnoreCase) {
                 $sSqlCond_page_pl .= 'LOWER(ic.il_from)=LOWER(' . $dbr->addQuotes($link->getArticleID()) . ')';
             } else {
                 $sSqlCond_page_pl .= 'ic.il_from=' . $dbr->addQuotes($link->getArticleID());
         $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ')';
     // uses
     if (count($aUses) > 0) {
         $sSqlPageLinksTable .= ' ' . $sTemplateLinksTable . ' AS tl, ';
         $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_id=tl.tl_from  AND (';
         $n = 0;
         foreach ($aUses as $link) {
             if ($n > 0) {
                 $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' OR ';
             $sSqlCond_page_pl .= '(tl.tl_namespace=' . intval($link->getNamespace());
             if ($bIgnoreCase) {
                 $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND LOWER(tl.tl_title)=LOWER(' . $dbr->addQuotes($link->getDBkey()) . '))';
             } else {
                 $sSqlCond_page_pl .= " AND\t   tl.tl_title=" . $dbr->addQuotes($link->getDBkey()) . ')';
         $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ')';
     // notuses
     if (count($aNotUses) > 0) {
         $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_id NOT IN (SELECT ' . $sTemplateLinksTable . '.tl_from FROM ' . $sTemplateLinksTable . ' WHERE (';
         $n = 0;
         foreach ($aNotUses as $link) {
             if ($n > 0) {
                 $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' OR ';
             $sSqlCond_page_pl .= '(' . $sTemplateLinksTable . '.tl_namespace=' . intval($link->getNamespace());
             if ($bIgnoreCase) {
                 $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND LOWER(' . $sTemplateLinksTable . '.tl_title)=LOWER(' . $dbr->addQuotes($link->getDBkey()) . '))';
             } else {
                 $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ' AND ' . $sTemplateLinksTable . '.tl_title=' . $dbr->addQuotes($link->getDBkey()) . ')';
         $sSqlCond_page_pl .= ') )';
     // usedby
     if (count($aUsedBy) > 0) {
         if ($acceptOpenReferences) {
             $sSqlCond_page_tpl .= ' AND (';
             $n = 0;
             foreach ($aUsedBy as $link) {
                 if ($n > 0) {
                     $sSqlCond_page_tpl .= ' OR ';
                 $sSqlCond_page_tpl .= '(tpl_from=' . $link->getArticleID() . ')';
             $sSqlCond_page_tpl .= ')';
         } else {
             $sSqlPageLinksTable .= $sTemplateLinksTable . ' AS tpl, ' . $sPageTable . 'AS tplsrc, ';
             $sSqlCond_page_tpl .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_title = tpl.tl_title  AND tplsrc.page_id=tpl.tl_from AND (';
             $sSqlSelPage = ', tplsrc.page_title AS tpl_sel_title, tplsrc.page_namespace AS tpl_sel_ns';
             $n = 0;
             foreach ($aUsedBy as $link) {
                 if ($n > 0) {
                     $sSqlCond_page_tpl .= ' OR ';
                 $sSqlCond_page_tpl .= '(tpl.tl_from=' . $link->getArticleID() . ')';
             $sSqlCond_page_tpl .= ')';
     // recent changes  =============================
     if ($bAddContribution) {
         $sSqlRCTable = $sRCTable . ' AS rc, ';
         $sSqlSelPage .= ', SUM( ABS( rc.rc_new_len - rc.rc_old_len ) ) AS contribution, rc.rc_user_text as contributor';
         $sSqlWhere .= ' AND page.page_id=rc.rc_cur_id';
         if ($sSqlGroupBy != '') {
             $sSqlGroupBy .= ', ';
         $sSqlGroupBy .= 'rc.rc_cur_id';
     // Revisions ==================================
     if ($sCreatedBy != '') {
         $sSqlCond_page_rev .= ' AND ' . $dbr->addQuotes($sCreatedBy) . ' = (SELECT rev_user_text FROM ' . $sRevisionTable . ' WHERE ' . $sRevisionTable . '.rev_page=page_id ORDER BY ' . $sRevisionTable . '.rev_timestamp ASC LIMIT 1)';
     if ($sNotCreatedBy != '') {
         $sSqlCond_page_rev .= ' AND ' . $dbr->addQuotes($sNotCreatedBy) . ' != (SELECT rev_user_text FROM ' . $sRevisionTable . ' WHERE ' . $sRevisionTable . '.rev_page=page_id ORDER BY ' . $sRevisionTable . '.rev_timestamp ASC LIMIT 1)';
     if ($sModifiedBy != '') {
         $sSqlCond_page_rev .= ' AND ' . $dbr->addQuotes($sModifiedBy) . ' IN (SELECT rev_user_text FROM ' . $sRevisionTable . ' WHERE ' . $sRevisionTable . '.rev_page=page_id)';
     if ($sNotModifiedBy != '') {
         $sSqlCond_page_rev .= ' AND ' . $dbr->addQuotes($sNotModifiedBy) . ' NOT IN (SELECT rev_user_text FROM ' . $sRevisionTable . ' WHERE ' . $sRevisionTable . '.rev_page=page_id)';
     if ($sLastModifiedBy != '') {
         $sSqlCond_page_rev .= ' AND ' . $dbr->addQuotes($sLastModifiedBy) . ' = (SELECT rev_user_text FROM ' . $sRevisionTable . ' WHERE ' . $sRevisionTable . '.rev_page=page_id ORDER BY ' . $sRevisionTable . '.rev_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1)';
     if ($sNotLastModifiedBy != '') {
         $sSqlCond_page_rev .= ' AND ' . $dbr->addQuotes($sNotLastModifiedBy) . ' != (SELECT rev_user_text FROM ' . $sRevisionTable . ' WHERE ' . $sRevisionTable . '.rev_page=page_id ORDER BY ' . $sRevisionTable . '.rev_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1)';
     if ($bAddAuthor && $sSqlRevisionTable == '') {
         $sSqlRevisionTable = $sRevisionTable . ' AS rev, ';
         $sSqlCond_page_rev .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_id=rev.rev_page AND rev.rev_timestamp=( SELECT MIN(rev_aux_min.rev_timestamp) FROM ' . $sRevisionTable . ' AS rev_aux_min WHERE rev_aux_min.rev_page=rev.rev_page )';
     if ($bAddLastEditor && $sSqlRevisionTable == '') {
         $sSqlRevisionTable = $sRevisionTable . ' AS rev, ';
         $sSqlCond_page_rev .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_id=rev.rev_page AND rev.rev_timestamp=( SELECT MAX(rev_aux_max.rev_timestamp) FROM ' . $sRevisionTable . ' AS rev_aux_max WHERE rev_aux_max.rev_page=rev.rev_page )';
     if ($sLastRevisionBefore . $sAllRevisionsBefore . $sFirstRevisionSince . $sAllRevisionsSince != '') {
         $sSqlRevisionTable = $sRevisionTable . ' AS rev, ';
         $sSqlRev_timestamp = ', rev_timestamp';
         $sSqlRev_id = ', rev_id';
         if ($sLastRevisionBefore != '') {
             $sSqlCond_page_rev .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_id=rev.rev_page AND rev.rev_timestamp=( SELECT MAX(rev_aux_bef.rev_timestamp) FROM ' . $sRevisionTable . ' AS rev_aux_bef WHERE rev_aux_bef.rev_page=rev.rev_page AND rev_aux_bef.rev_timestamp < ' . $sLastRevisionBefore . ')';
         if ($sAllRevisionsBefore != '') {
             $sSqlCond_page_rev .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_id=rev.rev_page AND rev.rev_timestamp < ' . $sAllRevisionsBefore;
         if ($sFirstRevisionSince != '') {
             $sSqlCond_page_rev .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_id=rev.rev_page AND rev.rev_timestamp=( SELECT MIN(rev_aux_snc.rev_timestamp) FROM ' . $sRevisionTable . ' AS rev_aux_snc WHERE rev_aux_snc.rev_page=rev.rev_page AND rev_aux_snc.rev_timestamp >= ' . $sFirstRevisionSince . ')';
         if ($sAllRevisionsSince != '') {
             $sSqlCond_page_rev .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_id=rev.rev_page AND rev.rev_timestamp >= ' . $sAllRevisionsSince;
     if (isset($aCatMinMax[0]) && $aCatMinMax[0] != '') {
         $sSqlCond_MaxCat .= ' AND ' . $aCatMinMax[0] . ' <= (select count(*) from ' . $sCategorylinksTable . ' where ' . $sCategorylinksTable . '.cl_from=page_id)';
     if (isset($aCatMinMax[1]) && $aCatMinMax[1] != '') {
         $sSqlCond_MaxCat .= ' AND ' . $aCatMinMax[1] . ' >= (select count(*) from ' . $sCategorylinksTable . ' where ' . $sCategorylinksTable . '.cl_from=page_id)';
     if ($bAddFirstCategoryDate) {
         // format cl_timestamp field (type timestamp) to string in same format as rev_timestamp field
         // to make it compatible with $wgLang->date() function used in function DPLOutputListStyle() to show "firstcategorydate"
         $sSqlCl_timestamp = ", DATE_FORMAT(cl0.cl_timestamp, '%Y%m%d%H%i%s') AS cl_timestamp";
     if ($bAddPageCounter) {
         $sSqlPage_counter = ", {$sPageTable}.page_counter AS page_counter";
     if ($bAddPageSize) {
         $sSqlPage_size = ", {$sPageTable}.page_len AS page_len";
     if ($bAddPageTouchedDate && $sSqlPage_touched == '') {
         $sSqlPage_touched = ", {$sPageTable}.page_touched AS page_touched";
     if ($bAddUser || $bAddAuthor || $bAddLastEditor || $sSqlRevisionTable != '') {
         $sSqlRev_user = '******';
     if ($bAddCategories) {
         $sSqlCats = ", GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT cl_gc.cl_to ORDER BY cl_gc.cl_to ASC SEPARATOR ' | ') AS cats";
         // Gives list of all categories linked from each article, if any.
         $sSqlClTableForGC = $sCategorylinksTable . ' AS cl_gc';
         // Categorylinks table used by the Group Concat (GC) function above
         $sSqlCond_page_cl_gc = 'page_id=cl_gc.cl_from';
         if ($sSqlGroupBy != '') {
             $sSqlGroupBy .= ', ';
         $sSqlGroupBy .= $sSqlCl_to . $sPageTable . '.page_id';
     // SELECT ... FROM
     if ($acceptOpenReferences) {
         // SELECT ... FROM
         if (count($aImageContainer) > 0) {
             $sSqlSelectFrom = "SELECT {$sSqlCalcFoundRows} {$sSqlDistinct} " . $sSqlCl_to . 'ic.il_to, ' . $sSqlSelPage . "ic.il_to as sortkey" . ' FROM ' . $sImageLinksTable . ' AS ic';
         } else {
             $sSqlSelectFrom = "SELECT {$sSqlCalcFoundRows} {$sSqlDistinct} " . $sSqlCl_to . 'pl_namespace, pl_title' . $sSqlSelPage . $sSqlSortkey . ' FROM ' . $sPageLinksTable;
     } else {
         $sSqlSelectFrom = "SELECT {$sSqlCalcFoundRows} {$sSqlDistinct} " . $sSqlCl_to . $sPageTable . '.page_namespace as page_namespace,' . $sPageTable . '.page_title as page_title,' . $sPageTable . '.page_id as page_id' . $sSqlSelPage . $sSqlSortkey . $sSqlPage_counter . $sSqlPage_size . $sSqlPage_touched . $sSqlRev_user . $sSqlRev_timestamp . $sSqlRev_id . $sSqlCats . $sSqlCl_timestamp . ' FROM ' . $sSqlRevisionTable . $sSqlRCTable . $sSqlPageLinksTable . $sSqlExternalLinksTable . $sPageTable;
     // JOIN ...
     if ($sSqlClHeadTable != '' || $sSqlClTableForGC != '') {
         $b2tables = $sSqlClHeadTable != '' && $sSqlClTableForGC != '';
         $sSqlSelectFrom .= ' LEFT OUTER JOIN (' . $sSqlClHeadTable . ($b2tables ? ', ' : '') . $sSqlClTableForGC . ') ON (' . $sSqlCond_page_cl_head . ($b2tables ? ' AND ' : '') . $sSqlCond_page_cl_gc . ')';
     // Include categories...
     $iClTable = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $iIncludeCatCount; $i++) {
         // If we want the Uncategorized
         $sSqlSelectFrom .= ' INNER JOIN ' . (in_array('', $aIncludeCategories[$i]) ? $sDplClView : $sCategorylinksTable) . ' AS cl' . $iClTable . ' ON ' . $sPageTable . '.page_id=cl' . $iClTable . '.cl_from AND (cl' . $iClTable . '.cl_to' . $sCategoryComparisonMode . $dbr->addQuotes(str_replace(' ', '_', $aIncludeCategories[$i][0]));
         for ($j = 1; $j < count($aIncludeCategories[$i]); $j++) {
             $sSqlSelectFrom .= ' OR cl' . $iClTable . '.cl_to' . $sCategoryComparisonMode . $dbr->addQuotes(str_replace(' ', '_', $aIncludeCategories[$i][$j]));
         $sSqlSelectFrom .= ') ';
     // Exclude categories...
     for ($i = 0; $i < $iExcludeCatCount; $i++) {
         $sSqlSelectFrom .= ' LEFT OUTER JOIN ' . $sCategorylinksTable . ' AS cl' . $iClTable . ' ON ' . $sPageTable . '.page_id=cl' . $iClTable . '.cl_from' . ' AND cl' . $iClTable . '.cl_to' . $sNotCategoryComparisonMode . $dbr->addQuotes(str_replace(' ', '_', $aExcludeCategories[$i]));
         $sSqlWhere .= ' AND cl' . $iClTable . '.cl_to IS NULL';
     // WHERE... (actually finish the WHERE clause we may have started if we excluded categories - see above)
     // Namespace IS ...
     if (!empty($aNamespaces)) {
         if ($acceptOpenReferences) {
             $sSqlWhere .= ' AND ' . $sPageLinksTable . '.pl_namespace IN (' . $dbr->makeList($aNamespaces) . ')';
         } else {
             $sSqlWhere .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_namespace IN (' . $dbr->makeList($aNamespaces) . ')';
     // Namespace IS NOT ...
     if (!empty($aExcludeNamespaces)) {
         if ($acceptOpenReferences) {
             $sSqlWhere .= ' AND ' . $sPageLinksTable . '.pl_namespace NOT IN (' . $dbr->makeList($aExcludeNamespaces) . ')';
         } else {
             $sSqlWhere .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_namespace NOT IN (' . $dbr->makeList($aExcludeNamespaces) . ')';
     // TitleIs
     if ($sTitleIs != '') {
         if ($bIgnoreCase) {
             $sSqlWhere .= ' AND LOWER(' . $sPageTable . '.page_title) = LOWER(' . $dbr->addQuotes($sTitleIs) . ')';
         } else {
             $sSqlWhere .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_title = ' . $dbr->addQuotes($sTitleIs);
     // TitleGE ...
     if ($sTitleGE != '') {
         $sSqlWhere .= ' AND (';
         if (substr($sTitleGE, 0, 2) == '=_') {
             if ($acceptOpenReferences) {
                 $sSqlWhere .= 'pl_title >=' . $dbr->addQuotes(substr($sTitleGE, 2));
             } else {
                 $sSqlWhere .= $sPageTable . '.page_title >=' . $dbr->addQuotes(substr($sTitleGE, 2));
         } else {
             if ($acceptOpenReferences) {
                 $sSqlWhere .= 'pl_title >' . $dbr->addQuotes($sTitleGE);
             } else {
                 $sSqlWhere .= $sPageTable . '.page_title >' . $dbr->addQuotes($sTitleGE);
         $sSqlWhere .= ')';
     // TitleLE ...
     if ($sTitleLE != '') {
         $sSqlWhere .= ' AND (';
         if (substr($sTitleLE, 0, 2) == '=_') {
             if ($acceptOpenReferences) {
                 $sSqlWhere .= 'pl_title <=' . $dbr->addQuotes(substr($sTitleLE, 2));
             } else {
                 $sSqlWhere .= $sPageTable . '.page_title <=' . $dbr->addQuotes(substr($sTitleLE, 2));
         } else {
             if ($acceptOpenReferences) {
                 $sSqlWhere .= 'pl_title <' . $dbr->addQuotes($sTitleLE);
             } else {
                 $sSqlWhere .= $sPageTable . '.page_title <' . $dbr->addQuotes($sTitleLE);
         $sSqlWhere .= ')';
     // TitleMatch ...
     if (count($aTitleMatch) > 0) {
         $sSqlWhere .= ' AND (';
         $n = 0;
         foreach ($aTitleMatch as $link) {
             if ($n > 0) {
                 $sSqlWhere .= ' OR ';
             if ($acceptOpenReferences) {
                 if ($bIgnoreCase) {
                     $sSqlWhere .= 'LOWER(pl_title)' . $sTitleMatchMode . strtolower($dbr->addQuotes($link));
                 } else {
                     $sSqlWhere .= 'pl_title' . $sTitleMatchMode . $dbr->addQuotes($link);
             } else {
                 if ($bIgnoreCase) {
                     $sSqlWhere .= 'LOWER(' . $sPageTable . '.page_title)' . $sTitleMatchMode . strtolower($dbr->addQuotes($link));
                 } else {
                     $sSqlWhere .= $sPageTable . '.page_title' . $sTitleMatchMode . $dbr->addQuotes($link);
         $sSqlWhere .= ')';
     // NotTitleMatch ...
     if (count($aNotTitleMatch) > 0) {
         $sSqlWhere .= ' AND NOT (';
         $n = 0;
         foreach ($aNotTitleMatch as $link) {
             if ($n > 0) {
                 $sSqlWhere .= ' OR ';
             if ($acceptOpenReferences) {
                 if ($bIgnoreCase) {
                     $sSqlWhere .= 'LOWER(pl_title)' . $sNotTitleMatchMode . 'LOWER(' . $dbr->addQuotes($link) . ')';
                 } else {
                     $sSqlWhere .= 'pl_title' . $sNotTitleMatchMode . $dbr->addQuotes($link);
             } else {
                 if ($bIgnoreCase) {
                     $sSqlWhere .= 'LOWER(' . $sPageTable . '.page_title)' . $sNotTitleMatchMode . 'LOWER(' . $dbr->addQuotes($link) . ')';
                 } else {
                     $sSqlWhere .= $sPageTable . '.page_title' . $sNotTitleMatchMode . $dbr->addQuotes($link);
         $sSqlWhere .= ')';
     // rev_minor_edit IS
     if (isset($sMinorEdits) && $sMinorEdits == 'exclude') {
         $sSqlWhere .= ' AND rev_minor_edit=0';
     // page_is_redirect IS ...
     if (!$acceptOpenReferences) {
         switch ($sRedirects) {
             case 'only':
                 $sSqlWhere .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_is_redirect=1';
             case 'exclude':
                 $sSqlWhere .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_is_redirect=0';
     // page_id=rev_page (if revision table required)
     $sSqlWhere .= $sSqlCond_page_rev;
     if ($iMinRevisions != null) {
         $sSqlWhere .= " AND ((SELECT COUNT(rev_aux2.rev_page) FROM revision AS rev_aux2 WHERE rev_aux2.rev_page=page.page_id) >= {$iMinRevisions})";
     if ($iMaxRevisions != null) {
         $sSqlWhere .= " AND ((SELECT COUNT(rev_aux3.rev_page) FROM revision AS rev_aux3 WHERE rev_aux3.rev_page=page.page_id) <= {$iMaxRevisions})";
     // count(all categories) <= max no of categories
     $sSqlWhere .= $sSqlCond_MaxCat;
     // check against forbidden namespaces
     if (is_array($wgNonincludableNamespaces) && array_count_values($wgNonincludableNamespaces) > 0 && implode(',', $wgNonincludableNamespaces) != '') {
         $sSqlWhere .= ' AND ' . $sPageTable . '.page_namespace NOT IN (' . implode(',', $wgNonincludableNamespaces) . ')';
     // page_id=pl.pl_from (if pagelinks table required)
     $sSqlWhere .= $sSqlCond_page_pl;
     // page_id=el.el_from (if external links table required)
     $sSqlWhere .= $sSqlCond_page_el;
     // page_id=tpl.tl_from (if templatelinks table required)
     $sSqlWhere .= $sSqlCond_page_tpl;
     if (isset($sArticleCategory) && $sArticleCategory !== null) {
         $sSqlWhere .= " AND {$sPageTable}.page_title IN (\n\t\t\t\tselect p2.page_title\n\t\t\t\tfrom {$sPageTable} p2\n\t\t\t\tinner join {$sCategorylinksTable} clstc ON (clstc.cl_from = p2.page_id AND clstc.cl_to = " . $dbr->addQuotes($sArticleCategory) . " )\n\t\t\t\twhere p2.page_namespace = 0\n\t\t\t\t) ";
     if (function_exists('efLoadFlaggedRevs')) {
         $filterSet = array('only', 'exclude');
         # Either involves the same JOIN here...
         if (in_array($sStable, $filterSet) || in_array($sQuality, $filterSet)) {
             $flaggedpages = $dbr->tableName('flaggedpages');
             $sSqlSelectFrom .= " LEFT JOIN {$flaggedpages} ON page_id = fp_page_id";
         switch ($sStable) {
             case 'only':
                 $sSqlWhere .= ' AND fp_stable IS NOT NULL ';
             case 'exclude':
                 $sSqlWhere .= ' AND fp_stable IS NULL ';
         switch ($sQuality) {
             case 'only':
                 $sSqlWhere .= ' AND fp_quality >= 1';
             case 'exclude':
                 $sSqlWhere .= ' AND fp_quality = 0';
     // GROUP BY ...
     if ($sSqlGroupBy != '') {
         $sSqlWhere .= ' GROUP BY ' . $sSqlGroupBy . ' ';
     // ORDER BY ...
     if ($aOrderMethods[0] != '' && $aOrderMethods[0] != 'none') {
         $sSqlWhere .= ' ORDER BY ';
         foreach ($aOrderMethods as $i => $sOrderMethod) {
             if ($i > 0) {
                 $sSqlWhere .= ', ';
             switch ($sOrderMethod) {
                 case 'category':
                     $sSqlWhere .= 'cl_head.cl_to';
                 case 'categoryadd':
                     $sSqlWhere .= 'cl0.cl_timestamp';
                 case 'counter':
                     $sSqlWhere .= 'page_counter';
                 case 'size':
                     $sSqlWhere .= 'page_len';
                 case 'firstedit':
                     $sSqlWhere .= 'rev_timestamp';
                 case 'lastedit':
                     // extension:intersection used to sort by page_touched although the field is called 'lastedit'
                     if (ExtDynamicPageList::$behavingLikeIntersection) {
                         $sSqlWhere .= 'page_touched';
                     } else {
                         $sSqlWhere .= 'rev_timestamp';
                 case 'pagetouched':
                     $sSqlWhere .= 'page_touched';
                 case 'sortkey':
                 case 'title':
                 case 'pagesel':
                     $sSqlWhere .= 'sortkey';
                 case 'titlewithoutnamespace':
                     if ($acceptOpenReferences) {
                         $sSqlWhere .= 'pl_title';
                     } else {
                         $sSqlWhere .= 'page_title';
                 case 'user':
                     // rev_user_text can discriminate anonymous users (e.g. based on IP), rev_user cannot (=' 0' for all)
                     $sSqlWhere .= 'rev_user_text';
         if ($sOrder == 'descending') {
             $sSqlWhere .= ' DESC';
         } else {
             $sSqlWhere .= ' ASC';
     if ($sAllRevisionsSince != '' || $sAllRevisionsBefore != '') {
         if ($aOrderMethods[0] == '' || $aOrderMethods[0] == 'none') {
             $sSqlWhere .= ' ORDER BY ';
         } else {
             $sSqlWhere .= ', ';
         $sSqlWhere .= 'rev_id DESC';
     // LIMIT ....
     // we must switch off LIMITS when going for categories as output goal (due to MySQL limitations)
     if ((!ExtDynamicPageList::$allowUnlimitedResults || $iCount >= 0) && $sGoal != 'categories') {
         $sSqlWhere .= " LIMIT {$iOffset}, ";
         if ($iCount < 0) {
             $iCount = intval(ExtDynamicPageList::$options['count']['default']);
         $sSqlWhere .= $iCount;
     // when we go for a list of categories as result we transform the output of the normal query into a subquery
     // of a selection on the categorylinks
     if ($sGoal == 'categories') {
         $sSqlSelectFrom = 'SELECT DISTINCT cl3.cl_to FROM ' . $sCategorylinksTable . ' AS cl3 WHERE cl3.cl_from IN ( ' . preg_replace('/SELECT +DISTINCT +.* FROM /', 'SELECT DISTINCT ' . $sPageTable . '.page_id FROM ', $sSqlSelectFrom);
         if ($sOrder == 'descending') {
             $sSqlWhere .= ' ) order by cl3.cl_to DESC';
         } else {
             $sSqlWhere .= ' ) order by cl3.cl_to ASC';
     // ###### DUMP SQL QUERY ######
     if ($logger->iDebugLevel >= 3) {
         // DEBUG: output SQL query
         $output .= "DPL debug -- Query=<br />\n<tt>" . $sSqlSelectFrom . $sSqlWhere . "</tt>\n\n";
     // Do NOT proces the SQL command if debug==6; this is useful if the SQL statement contains bad code
     if ($logger->iDebugLevel == 6) {
         return $output;
     // ###### PROCESS SQL QUERY ######
     try {
         $res = $dbr->query($sSqlSelectFrom . $sSqlWhere, __METHOD__);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $result = "The DPL extension (version " . ExtDynamicPageList::$DPLVersion . ") produced a SQL statement which lead to a Database error.<br />\n" . "The reason may be an internal error of DPL or an error which you made,<br />\n" . "especially when using DPL options like titleregexp.<br />\n" . "Query text is:<br />\n<tt>" . $sSqlSelectFrom . $sSqlWhere . "</tt>\n\n" . "Error message is:<br />\n<tt>" . $dbr->lastError() . "</tt>\n\n";
         return $result;
     if ($dbr->numRows($res) <= 0) {
         $header = str_replace('%TOTALPAGES%', '0', str_replace('%PAGES%', '0', $sNoResultsHeader));
         if ($sNoResultsHeader != '') {
             $output .= str_replace('\\n', "\n", str_replace("¶", "\n", $header));
         $footer = str_replace('%TOTALPAGES%', '0', str_replace('%PAGES%', '0', $sNoResultsFooter));
         if ($sNoResultsFooter != '') {
             $output .= str_replace('\\n', "\n", str_replace("¶", "\n", $footer));
         if ($sNoResultsHeader == '' && $sNoResultsFooter == '') {
             $output .= $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::WARN_NORESULTS);
         return $output;
     $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
     // generate title for Special:Contributions (used if adduser=true)
     $sSpecContribs = '[[:Special:Contributions|Contributions]]';
     $aHeadings = array();
     // maps heading to count (# of pages under each heading)
     $aArticles = array();
     // pick some elements by random
     $pick[0] = true;
     if (isset($iRandomCount)) {
         $nResults = $dbr->numRows($res);
         if (isset($iRandomSeed)) {
         } else {
             mt_srand((double) microtime() * 10000000);
         if ($iRandomCount > $nResults) {
             $iRandomCount = $nResults;
         $r = 0;
         while (true) {
             $rnum = mt_rand(1, $nResults);
             if (!isset($pick[$rnum])) {
                 $pick[$rnum] = true;
                 if ($r >= $iRandomCount) {
     $iArticle = 0;
     $firstNamespaceFound = '';
     $firstTitleFound = '';
     $lastNamespaceFound = '';
     $lastTitleFound = '';
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         // in random mode skip articles which were not chosen
         if (isset($iRandomCount) && !isset($pick[$iArticle])) {
         if ($sGoal == 'categories') {
             $pageNamespace = 14;
             // CATEGORY
             $pageTitle = $row->cl_to;
         } elseif ($acceptOpenReferences) {
             if (count($aImageContainer) > 0) {
                 $pageNamespace = 6;
                 $pageTitle = $row->il_to;
             } else {
                 // maybe non-existing title
                 $pageNamespace = $row->pl_namespace;
                 $pageTitle = $row->pl_title;
         } else {
             // existing PAGE TITLE
             $pageNamespace = $row->page_namespace;
             $pageTitle = $row->page_title;
         // if subpages are to be excluded: skip them
         if (!$bIncludeSubpages && !(strpos($pageTitle, '/') === false)) {
         $title = Title::makeTitle($pageNamespace, $pageTitle);
         // block recursion: avoid to show the page which contains the DPL statement as part of the result
         if ($bSkipThisPage && ($title->getNamespace() == $wgTitle->getNamespace() && $title->getText() == $wgTitle->getText())) {
             // $output.= 'BLOCKED '.$wgTitle->getText().' DUE TO RECURSION'."\n";
         $dplArticle = new DPLArticle($title, $pageNamespace);
         // Page link
         $sTitleText = $title->getText();
         if ($bShowNamespace) {
             $sTitleText = $title->getPrefixedText();
         if ($aReplaceInTitle[0] != '') {
             $sTitleText = preg_replace($aReplaceInTitle[0], $aReplaceInTitle[1], $sTitleText);
         // chop off title if "too long"
         if (isset($iTitleMaxLen) && strlen($sTitleText) > $iTitleMaxLen) {
             $sTitleText = substr($sTitleText, 0, $iTitleMaxLen) . '...';
         if ($bShowCurID && isset($row->page_id)) {
             $articleLink = '<html>' . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($title, htmlspecialchars($sTitleText), 'curid=' . $row->page_id) . '</html>';
         } elseif (!$bEscapeLinks && ($pageNamespace == 14 || $pageNamespace == 6)) {
             // links to categories or images need an additional ":"
             $articleLink = '[[' . $title->getPrefixedText() . '|' . $wgContLang->convert($sTitleText) . ']]';
         } else {
             $articleLink = '<html>' . $sk->makeKnownLinkObj($title, htmlspecialchars($sTitleText)) . '</html>';
         $dplArticle->mLink = $articleLink;
         // get first char used for category-style output
         if (isset($row->sortkey)) {
             $dplArticle->mStartChar = $wgContLang->convert($wgContLang->firstChar($row->sortkey));
         // page_id
         if (isset($row->page_id)) {
             $dplArticle->mID = $row->page_id;
         } else {
             $dplArticle->mID = 0;
         // external link
         if (isset($row->el_to)) {
             $dplArticle->mExternalLink = $row->el_to;
         // Show page_counter
         if (isset($row->page_counter)) {
             $dplArticle->mCounter = $row->page_counter;
         // Show page_size
         if (isset($row->page_len)) {
             $dplArticle->mSize = $row->page_len;
         // Store initially selected page
         if (count($aLinksTo) > 0 || count($aLinksFrom) > 0) {
             if (!isset($row->sel_title)) {
                 $dplArticle->mSelTitle = 'unknown page';
                 $dplArticle->mSelNamespace = 0;
             } else {
                 $dplArticle->mSelTitle = $row->sel_title;
                 $dplArticle->mSelNamespace = $row->sel_ns;
         // Store selected image
         if (count($aImageUsed) > 0) {
             if (!isset($row->image_sel_title)) {
                 $dplArticle->mImageSelTitle = 'unknown image';
             } else {
                 $dplArticle->mImageSelTitle = $row->image_sel_title;
         if ($bGoalIsPages) {
             // Revision specified
             if ($sLastRevisionBefore . $sAllRevisionsBefore . $sFirstRevisionSince . $sAllRevisionsSince != '') {
                 $dplArticle->mRevision = $row->rev_id;
                 $dplArticle->mUser = $row->rev_user_text;
                 $dplArticle->mDate = $row->rev_timestamp;
             // Show "page_touched" date, "firstcategorydate" or (first/last) edit date
             if ($bAddPageTouchedDate) {
                 $dplArticle->mDate = $row->page_touched;
             } elseif ($bAddFirstCategoryDate) {
                 $dplArticle->mDate = $row->cl_timestamp;
             } elseif ($bAddEditDate && isset($row->rev_timestamp)) {
                 $dplArticle->mDate = $row->rev_timestamp;
             } elseif ($bAddEditDate && isset($row->page_touched)) {
                 $dplArticle->mDate = $row->page_touched;
             // time zone adjustment
             if ($dplArticle->mDate != '') {
                 $dplArticle->mDate = $wgLang->userAdjust($dplArticle->mDate);
             if ($dplArticle->mDate != '' && $sUserDateFormat != '') {
                 // we apply the userdateformat
                 $dplArticle->myDate = gmdate($sUserDateFormat, wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $dplArticle->mDate));
             // Contributions, contributor
             if ($bAddContribution) {
                 $dplArticle->mContribution = $row->contribution;
                 $dplArticle->mContributor = $row->contributor;
                 $dplArticle->mContrib = substr('*****************', 0, round(log($row->contribution)));
             // User/author(s)
             // because we are going to do a recursive parse at the end of the output phase
             // we have to generate wiki syntax for linking to a user´s homepage
             if ($bAddUser || $bAddAuthor || $bAddLastEditor || $sLastRevisionBefore . $sAllRevisionsBefore . $sFirstRevisionSince . $sAllRevisionsSince != '') {
                 $dplArticle->mUserLink = '[[User:'******'|' . $row->rev_user_text . ']]';
                 $dplArticle->mUser = $row->rev_user_text;
                 $dplArticle->mComment = $row->rev_comment;
             // Category links from current page
             if ($bAddCategories && $bGoalIsPages && $row->cats != '') {
                 $artCatNames = explode(' | ', $row->cats);
                 foreach ($artCatNames as $artCatName) {
                     $dplArticle->mCategoryLinks[] = '[[:Category:' . $artCatName . '|' . str_replace('_', ' ', $artCatName) . ']]';
                     $dplArticle->mCategoryTexts[] = str_replace('_', ' ', $artCatName);
             // PARENT HEADING (category of the page, editor (user) of the page, etc. Depends on ordermethod param)
             if ($sHListMode != 'none') {
                 switch ($aOrderMethods[0]) {
                     case 'category':
                         // count one more page in this heading
                         $aHeadings[$row->cl_to] = isset($aHeadings[$row->cl_to]) ? $aHeadings[$row->cl_to] + 1 : 1;
                         if ($row->cl_to == '') {
                             // uncategorized page (used if ordermethod=category,...)
                             $dplArticle->mParentHLink = '[[:Special:Uncategorizedpages|' . wfMsg('uncategorizedpages') . ']]';
                         } else {
                             $dplArticle->mParentHLink = '[[:Category:' . $row->cl_to . '|' . str_replace('_', ' ', $row->cl_to) . ']]';
                     case 'user':
                         $aHeadings[$row->rev_user_text] = isset($aHeadings[$row->rev_user_text]) ? $aHeadings[$row->rev_user_text] + 1 : 1;
                         if ($row->rev_user == 0) {
                             // anonymous user
                             $dplArticle->mParentHLink = '[[User:'******'|' . $row->rev_user_text . ']]';
                         } else {
                             $dplArticle->mParentHLink = '[[User:'******'|' . $row->rev_user_text . ']]';
         $aArticles[] = $dplArticle;
     $rowcount = -1;
     if ($sSqlCalcFoundRows != '') {
         $res = $dbr->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS rowcount', __METHOD__);
         $row = $dbr->fetchObject($res);
         $rowcount = $row->rowcount;
     // backward scrolling: if the user specified titleLE we reverse the output order
     if ($sTitleLE != '' && $sTitleGE == '' && $sOrder == 'descending') {
         $aArticles = array_reverse($aArticles);
     // ###### SHOW OUTPUT ######
     $listMode = new DPLListMode($sPageListMode, $aSecSeparators, $aMultiSecSeparators, $sInlTxt, $sListHtmlAttr, $sItemHtmlAttr, $aListSeparators, $iOffset, $iDominantSection);
     $hListMode = new DPLListMode($sHListMode, $aSecSeparators, $aMultiSecSeparators, '', $sHListHtmlAttr, $sHItemHtmlAttr, $aListSeparators, $iOffset, $iDominantSection);
     $dpl = new DPL($aHeadings, $bHeadingCount, $iColumns, $iRows, $iRowSize, $sRowColFormat, $aArticles, $aOrderMethods[0], $hListMode, $listMode, $bEscapeLinks, $bAddExternalLink, $bIncPage, $iIncludeMaxLen, $aSecLabels, $aSecLabelsMatch, $aSecLabelsNotMatch, $bIncParsed, $parser, $logger, $aReplaceInTitle, $iTitleMaxLen, $defaultTemplateSuffix, $aTableRow, $bIncludeTrim, $iTableSortCol, $sUpdateRules, $sDeleteRules);
     if ($rowcount == -1) {
         $rowcount = $dpl->getRowCount();
     $dplResult = $dpl->getText();
     $header = '';
     if ($sOneResultHeader != '' && $rowcount == 1) {
         $header = str_replace('%TOTALPAGES%', $rowcount, str_replace('%PAGES%', 1, $sOneResultHeader));
     } elseif ($rowcount == 0) {
         $header = str_replace('%TOTALPAGES%', $rowcount, str_replace('%PAGES%', $dpl->getRowCount(), $sNoResultsHeader));
         if ($sNoResultsHeader != '') {
             $output .= str_replace('\\n', "\n", str_replace("¶", "\n", $header));
         $footer = str_replace('%TOTALPAGES%', $rowcount, str_replace('%PAGES%', $dpl->getRowCount(), $sNoResultsFooter));
         if ($sNoResultsFooter != '') {
             $output .= str_replace('\\n', "\n", str_replace("¶", "\n", $footer));
         if ($sNoResultsHeader == '' && $sNoResultsFooter == '') {
             $output .= $logger->escapeMsg(ExtDynamicPageList::WARN_NORESULTS);
     } else {
         if ($sResultsHeader != '') {
             $header = str_replace('%TOTALPAGES%', $rowcount, str_replace('%PAGES%', $dpl->getRowCount(), $sResultsHeader));
     $header = str_replace('\\n', "\n", str_replace("¶", "\n", $header));
     $header = str_replace('%VERSION%', ExtDynamicPageList::$DPLVersion, $header);
     $footer = '';
     if ($sOneResultFooter != '' && $rowcount == 1) {
         $footer = str_replace('%PAGES%', 1, $sOneResultFooter);
     } else {
         if ($sResultsFooter != '') {
             $footer = str_replace('%TOTALPAGES%', $rowcount, str_replace('%PAGES%', $dpl->getRowCount(), $sResultsFooter));
     $footer = str_replace('\\n', "\n", str_replace("¶", "\n", $footer));
     $footer = str_replace('%VERSION%', ExtDynamicPageList::$DPLVersion, $footer);
     // replace %DPLTIME% by execution time and timestamp in header and footer
     $nowTimeStamp = self::prettyTimeStamp(date('YmdHis'));
     $dplElapsedTime = sprintf('%.3f sec.', microtime(true) - $dplStartTime);
     $header = str_replace('%DPLTIME%', "{$dplElapsedTime} ({$nowTimeStamp})", $header);
     $footer = str_replace('%DPLTIME%', "{$dplElapsedTime} ({$nowTimeStamp})", $footer);
     // replace %LASTTITLE% / %LASTNAMESPACE% by the last title found in header and footer
     if (($n = count($aArticles)) > 0) {
         $firstNamespaceFound = str_replace(' ', '_', $aArticles[0]->mTitle->getNamespace());
         $firstTitleFound = str_replace(' ', '_', $aArticles[0]->mTitle->getText());
         $lastNamespaceFound = str_replace(' ', '_', $aArticles[$n - 1]->mTitle->getNamespace());
         $lastTitleFound = str_replace(' ', '_', $aArticles[$n - 1]->mTitle->getText());
     $header = str_replace('%FIRSTNAMESPACE%', $firstNamespaceFound, $header);
     $footer = str_replace('%FIRSTNAMESPACE%', $firstNamespaceFound, $footer);
     $header = str_replace('%FIRSTTITLE%', $firstTitleFound, $header);
     $footer = str_replace('%FIRSTTITLE%', $firstTitleFound, $footer);
     $header = str_replace('%LASTNAMESPACE%', $lastNamespaceFound, $header);
     $footer = str_replace('%LASTNAMESPACE%', $lastNamespaceFound, $footer);
     $header = str_replace('%LASTTITLE%', $lastTitleFound, $header);
     $footer = str_replace('%LASTTITLE%', $lastTitleFound, $footer);
     $header = str_replace('%SCROLLDIR%', $scrollDir, $header);
     $footer = str_replace('%SCROLLDIR%', $scrollDir, $footer);
     $output .= $header . $dplResult . $footer;
     self::defineScrollVariables($firstNamespaceFound, $firstTitleFound, $lastNamespaceFound, $lastTitleFound, $scrollDir, $iCount, "{$dplElapsedTime} ({$nowTimeStamp})", $rowcount, $dpl->getRowCount());
     // save generated wiki text to dplcache page if desired
     if ($DPLCache != '') {
         if (!is_writeable($cacheFile)) {
         } elseif (($bDPLRefresh || $wgRequest->getVal('action', 'view') == 'submit') && strpos($DPLCache, '/') > 0 && strpos($DPLCache, '..') === false) {
             // if the cache file contains a path and the user requested a refesh (or saved the file) we delete all brothers
         $cacheTimeStamp = self::prettyTimeStamp(date('YmdHis'));
         $cFile = fopen($cacheFile, 'w');
         fwrite($cFile, $originalInput);
         fwrite($cFile, "+++\n");
         fwrite($cFile, $output);
         $dplElapsedTime = time() - $dplStartTime;
         if ($logger->iDebugLevel >= 2) {
             $output .= "{{Extension DPL cache|mode=update|page={{FULLPAGENAME}}|cache={$DPLCache}|date={$cacheTimeStamp}|age=0|now=" . date('H:i:s') . "|dpltime={$dplElapsedTime}|offset={$iOffset}}}";
     // update dependencies to CacheAPI if DPL is to respect the MW
     // ParserCache and the page containing the DPL query is changed
     if (ExtDynamicPageList::$useCacheAPI && $bAllowCachedResults && $wgRequest->getVal('action', 'view') == 'submit') {
         			CacheAPI::remDependencies( $parser->mTitle->getArticleID());
         			// add category dependencies
         			$conditionTypes = array( CACHETYPE_CATEGORY );
         			$conditions = array();
         			$conditions[0] = array();
         			$categorylist = array();
         			foreach ($aIncludeCategories as $categorygroup) {
         				foreach ($categorygroup as $category) {
         					if ($c==0) $conditions[0][]= $category;
         			// add template dependencies
         			// add link dependencies
         			// add general dependencies
         			// CacheAPI::addDependencies ( $parser->mTitle->getArticleID(), $conditionTypes, $conditions);
     // The following requires an extra parser step which may consume some time
     // we parse the DPL output and save all references found in that output in a global list
     // in a final user exit after the whole document processing we eliminate all these links
     // we use a local parser to avoid interference with the main parser
     if ($bReset[4] || $bReset[5] || $bReset[6] || $bReset[7]) {
         // register a hook to reset links which were produced during parsing DPL output
         global $wgHooks;
         if (!isset($wgHooks['ParserAfterTidy']) || !(in_array('ExtDynamicPageList::endEliminate', $wgHooks['ParserAfterTidy']) || in_array(array('ExtDynamicPageList', 'endEliminate'), $wgHooks['ParserAfterTidy'], true))) {
             $wgHooks['ParserAfterTidy'][] = 'ExtDynamicPageList' . '__endEliminate';
         $parserOutput = $localParser->parse($output, $parser->mTitle, $parser->mOptions);
     if ($bReset[4]) {
         // LINKS
         // we trigger the MediaWiki parser to find links, images, categories
         // etc. which are contained in the DPL output
         // this allows us to remove these links from the link list later
         // If the article containing the DPL statement itself uses one of these links they will be thrown away!
         ExtDynamicPageList::$createdLinks[0] = array();
         foreach ($parserOutput->getLinks() as $nsp => $link) {
             ExtDynamicPageList::$createdLinks[0][$nsp] = $link;
     if ($bReset[5]) {
         // TEMPLATES
         ExtDynamicPageList::$createdLinks[1] = array();
         foreach ($parserOutput->getTemplates() as $nsp => $tpl) {
             ExtDynamicPageList::$createdLinks[1][$nsp] = $tpl;
     if ($bReset[6]) {
         // CATEGORIES
         ExtDynamicPageList::$createdLinks[2] = $parserOutput->mCategories;
     if ($bReset[7]) {
         // IMAGES
         ExtDynamicPageList::$createdLinks[3] = $parserOutput->mImages;
     return $output;
   You can test the compatibility by modifying some of your pages which use Extension:Intersection.
   Just _temporarily_ replace the tag <DynamicPageList> (which is used by Extension:Intersection)
   in a page by <Intersection> and you should not see any difference.
   This will help you to make testing and transition as smooth as possible.
   Once you have made sure that DPL works fine you should UNINSTALL Extension:Intersection
   and switch to the standard entry point 'DynamicPageList.php'.
   This will open the door to a rich set of additional functionality.
   You can decide how much of that additional functionality you want to offer to your users.
   See the documentation in DynamicPageList.php for more details.
if (!defined('MEDIAWIKI')) {
    die('This is not a valid entry point to MediaWiki.');
// we do NOT register the tag <dpl> or the function #dpl
// we do NOT register the tag <DynamicPageList> - so this extension CAN CO-EXIST with Extension:Intersection
// instead we register the tag <Intersection> - so you can test in parallel
// The <Intersection> tag is configured in a way to be compatible wit Extension:INtersection.
// A call to ExtDynamicPageList::setFunctionalRichness(n) with n>0 will provide additional functionality
// for the <Intersection> tag; so you can try out additional features without bothering anyone.
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = array('ExtDynamicPageList', 'setupMigration');
$wgHooks['LanguageGetMagic'][] = 'ExtDynamicPageList__languageGetMagic';
$DPLVersion = '2.3.0';
$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array('path' => __FILE__, 'name' => 'DynamicPageList', 'author' => '[http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benutzer:Algorithmix Gero Scholz]', 'url' => 'https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:DynamicPageList_(third-party)', 'descriptionmsg' => 'dpl-desc', 'version' => $DPLVersion);
require_once 'DPLSetup.php';
$wgMessagesDirs['DynamicPageList'] = __DIR__ . '/i18n';
$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['DynamicPageList'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/DynamicPageList.i18n.php';
ExtDynamicPageList::$DPLVersion = $DPLVersion;
// be extremely restrictive by default: do not allow anything that goes beyond Extension:Intersection
// can be extended by a different call to this function in LocalSettings.php after the require_once()
Example #3
 public static function endReset(&$parser, $text)
     if (!self::$createdLinks['resetdone']) {
         self::$createdLinks['resetdone'] = true;
         foreach ($parser->mOutput->mCategories as $key => $val) {
             if (array_key_exists($key, self::$fixedCategories)) {
                 self::$fixedCategories[$key] = $val;
         // $text .= self::dumpParsedRefs($parser,"before final reset");
         if (self::$createdLinks['resetLinks']) {
             $parser->mOutput->mLinks = array();
         if (self::$createdLinks['resetCategories']) {
             $parser->mOutput->mCategories = self::$fixedCategories;
         if (self::$createdLinks['resetTemplates']) {
             $parser->mOutput->mTemplates = array();
         if (self::$createdLinks['resetImages']) {
             $parser->mOutput->mImages = array();
         // $text .= self::dumpParsedRefs($parser,"after final reset");
         self::$fixedCategories = array();
     return true;