Example #1
//  accessforbidden();
$entitytoicon = array('invoice' => 'bill', 'invoice_line' => 'bill', 'order' => 'order', 'order_line' => 'order', 'propal' => 'propal', 'propal_line' => 'propal', 'intervention' => 'intervention', 'inter_line' => 'intervention', 'member' => 'user', 'member_type' => 'group', 'subscription' => 'payment', 'payment' => 'payment', 'tax' => 'generic', 'tax_type' => 'generic', 'stock' => 'generic', 'other' => 'generic', 'account' => 'account', 'product' => 'product', 'warehouse' => 'stock', 'batch' => 'stock', 'category' => 'category', 'shipment' => 'sending', 'shipment_line' => 'sending', 'expensereport' => 'trip', 'expensereport_line' => 'trip', 'contract_line' => 'contract');
// Translation code
$entitytolang = array('user' => 'User', 'company' => 'Company', 'contact' => 'Contact', 'invoice' => 'Bill', 'invoice_line' => 'InvoiceLine', 'order' => 'Order', 'order_line' => 'OrderLine', 'propal' => 'Proposal', 'propal_line' => 'ProposalLine', 'intervention' => 'Intervention', 'inter_line' => 'InterLine', 'member' => 'Member', 'member_type' => 'MemberType', 'subscription' => 'Subscription', 'tax' => 'SocialContribution', 'tax_type' => 'DictionarySocialContributions', 'account' => 'BankTransactions', 'payment' => 'Payment', 'product' => 'Product', 'service' => 'Service', 'stock' => 'Stock', 'batch' => 'Batch', 'warehouse' => 'Warehouse', 'category' => 'Category', 'other' => 'Other', 'trip' => 'TripsAndExpenses', 'shipment' => 'Shipments', 'shipment_line' => 'ShipmentLine', 'project' => 'Projects', 'projecttask' => 'Tasks', 'task_time' => 'TaskTimeSpent', 'action' => 'Event', 'expensereport' => 'ExpenseReport', 'expensereport_line' => 'ExpenseReportLine', 'contract' => 'Contract', 'contract_line' => 'ContractLine');
$array_selected = isset($_SESSION["export_selected_fields"]) ? $_SESSION["export_selected_fields"] : array();
$array_filtervalue = isset($_SESSION["export_filtered_fields"]) ? $_SESSION["export_filtered_fields"] : array();
$datatoexport = GETPOST("datatoexport");
$action = GETPOST('action', 'alpha');
$confirm = GETPOST('confirm', 'alpha');
$step = GETPOST("step") ? GETPOST("step") : 1;
$export_name = GETPOST("export_name");
$hexa = GETPOST("hexa");
$exportmodelid = GETPOST("exportmodelid");
$field = GETPOST("field");
$objexport = new Export($db);
$objexport->load_arrays($user, $datatoexport);
$objmodelexport = new ModeleExports($db);
$form = new Form($db);
$htmlother = new FormOther($db);
$formfile = new FormFile($db);
$sqlusedforexport = '';
$upload_dir = $conf->export->dir_temp . '/' . $user->id;
//$usefilters=($conf->global->MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL > 1);
$usefilters = 1;
 * Actions
if ($action == 'selectfield') {
    $fieldsarray = $objexport->array_export_fields[0];
    $fieldsentitiesarray = $objexport->array_export_entities[0];
    $fieldsdependenciesarray = $objexport->array_export_dependencies[0];
Example #2
     * Test export function
	 * @return void
    public function testExportSociete()
        global $conf,$user,$langs,$db;

        $sql = "";
        $array_selected = array("s.rowid"=>1, "s.nom"=>2);	// Mut be fields found into declaration of dataset

        $objexport=new Export($db);

        // Build export file
        $result=$objexport->build_file($user, $model, $datatoexport, $array_selected, $sql);

        return true;
Example #3
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 *       \file       htdocs/exports/index.php
 *       \ingroup    export
 *       \brief      Home page of export tools
require_once "../main.inc.php";
require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/exports/class/export.class.php";
if (!$user->rights->export->lire) {
$export = new Export($db);
 * View
$form = new Form($db);
llxHeader('', $langs->trans("ExportsArea"), 'EN:Module_Exports_En|FR:Module_Exports|ES:M&oacute;dulo_Exportaciones');
print $langs->trans("FormatedExportDesc1") . '<br>';
print $langs->trans("FormatedExportDesc2") . ' ';
print $langs->trans("FormatedExportDesc3") . '<br>';
print '<br>';
print '<table class="notopnoleftnoright" width="100%">';
print '<tr><td valign="top" width="40%" class="notopnoleft">';
// List of available export format
$var = true;
print '<table class="noborder" width="100%">';
Example #4
  * Test export function for all dataset predefined into modules
  * @depends	testExportPersonalizedWithFilter
  * @return void
 public function testExportModulesDatasets()
     global $conf, $user, $langs, $db;
     $model = 'csv';
     $filterdatatoexport = '';
     //$array_selected = array("s.rowid"=>1, "s.nom"=>2);	// Mut be fields found into declaration of dataset
     // Load properties of arrays to make export
     $objexport = new Export($db);
     $result = $objexport->load_arrays($user, $filterdatatoexport);
     // This load ->array_export_xxx properties for datatoexport
     // Loop on each dataset
     foreach ($objexport->array_export_code as $key => $datatoexport) {
         $exportfile = $conf->export->dir_temp . '/' . $user->id . '/export_' . $datatoexport . '.csv';
         print "Process export for dataset " . $datatoexport . " into " . $exportfile . "\n";
         // Generate $array_selected
         $i = 0;
         $array_selected = array();
         foreach ($objexport->array_export_fields[$key] as $key => $val) {
             $array_selected[$key] = $i++;
         // Build export file
         $sql = "";
         $result = $objexport->build_file($user, $model, $datatoexport, $array_selected, array(), $sql);
         $expectedresult = 1;
         $this->assertEquals($result, $expectedresult, 'Call build_file to export ' . $exportfile . ' failed');
         $result = dol_is_file($exportfile);
         $this->assertTrue($result, $expectedresult, 'File ' . $exportfile . ' not found');
     return true;