protected $_created;
THCFrame\Core\Test::add(function () use($database) {
    $example = new Example();
    return $database->sync($example) instanceof THCFrame\Database\Connector\Mysql;
}, "Model syncs", "Model");
THCFrame\Core\Test::add(function () use($database) {
    $example = new Example(array("name" => "foo", "created" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")));
    return $example->save() > 0;
}, "Model inserts rows", "Model");
THCFrame\Core\Test::add(function () use($database) {
    return Example::count() == 1;
}, "Model fetches number of rows", "Model");
THCFrame\Core\Test::add(function () use($database) {
    $example = new Example(array("name" => "foo", "created" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")));
    return Example::count() == 2;
}, "Model saves single row multiple times", "Model");
THCFrame\Core\Test::add(function () use($database) {
    $example = new Example(array("id" => 1, "name" => "hello", "created" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")));
    return Example::first()->name == "hello";
}, "Model updates rows", "Model");
THCFrame\Core\Test::add(function () use($database) {
    $example = new Example(array("id" => 2));
    return Example::count() == 1;
}, "Model deletes rows", "Model");
Example #2
    return $example->save() > 0;
}, 'Model inserts rows', 'Model');
Test::add(function () {
    return Example::count() == 1;
}, 'Model fetches number of rows', 'Model');
Test::add(function () {
    $example = new Example(array('name' => 'foo', 'created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")));
    return Example::count() == 2;
}, 'Model saves single row multiple times', 'Model');
Test::add(function () {
    $example = new Example(array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'hello', 'created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")));
    return Example::first()->name == 'hello';
}, 'Model updates rows', 'Model');
Test::add(function () {
    $example = new Example(array('id' => 2));
    return Example::count() == 1;
}, 'Model deletes rows', 'Model');
/////////////// Templates test
$template = new Template(array("implementation" => new Template\Implementation\Standard()));
Test::add(function () use($template) {
    return $template instanceof Template;
}, "Template instantiates", "Template");
Test::add(function () use($template) {
    $template->parse("{echo 'hello world'}");
    $processed = $template->process();
    return $processed == "hello world";