public function testEvent() { Client::relateIQ(GlobalVar::KEY, GlobalVar::SECRET); $event = new Events([]); $event->subject("Support Ticket #12345: How do I create an event?"); $event->body("Just called Tim and walked him through how to create an event with the new API.\n He'll reach out to with any questions he might have.\n Resolving.\n - James"); $participantIds = [["type" => "email", "value" => "*****@*****.**"], ["type" => "email", "value" => "*****@*****.**"], ["type" => "phone", "value" => "8001235555"]]; $event->participantIds($participantIds); $res = $event->update(); $this->assertInstanceOf('Events', $res); }
/** Edit an event * @access public * @return void * @todo Add geocoding in model */ public function editAction() { $form = new EventForm(); $form->details->setLegend('Edit event'); $form->submit->setLabel('Save event'); $this->view->form = $form; if ($this->_request->isPost()) { if ($form->isValid($this->_request->getPost())) { $where = array(); $where[] = $this->_events->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', $this->getParam('id')); $this->_events->update($form->getValues(), $where); $this->getFlash()->addMessage('You updated this events successfully.'); $this->redirect('/admin/events/'); } else { $form->populate($this->_request->getPost()); } } else { $form->populate($this->_events->fetchRow('id=' . $this->getParam('id'))->toArray()); } }
/** Edit event details */ public function editAction() { $form = new EventForm(); $form->details->setLegend('Edit event'); $form->submit->setLabel('Save event'); $this->view->form = $form; if ($this->_request->isPost()) { $formData = $this->_request->getPost(); if ($form->isValid($formData)) { $address = $form->getValue('eventLocation'); $coords = $this->_geocoder->getCoordinates($address); if ($coords) { $lat = $coords['lat']; $long = $coords['lon']; } else { $lat = null; $lon = null; } $insertdata = array('eventTitle' => $form->getValue('eventTitle'), 'eventDescription' => $form->getValue('eventDescription'), 'eventLocation' => $form->getValue('eventLocation'), 'organisation' => $form->getValue('organisation'), 'eventStartTime' => $form->getValue('eventStartTime'), 'eventEndTime' => $form->getValue('eventEndTime'), 'eventStartDate' => $form->getValue('eventStartDate'), 'eventEndDate' => $form->getValue('eventEndDate'), 'eventRegion' => $form->getValue('eventRegion'), 'eventType' => $form->getValue('eventType'), 'latitude' => $lat, 'longitude' => $long, 'adultsAttend' => $form->getValue('adultsAttend'), 'childrenAttend' => $form->getValue('childrenAttend'), 'updated' => $this->getTimeForForms(), 'updatedBy' => $this->getIdentityForForms()); foreach ($insertdata as $key => $value) { if (is_null($value) || $value == "") { unset($insertdata[$key]); } } $events = new Events(); $where = array(); $where[] = $events->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', $this->getParam('id')); $events->update($insertdata, $where); $this->getFlash()->addMessage('You updated: <em>' . $form->getValue('eventTitle') . '</em> successfully.'); $this->redirect('/users/events/'); } else { $form->populate($formData); } } else { // find id is expected in $params['id'] $id = (int) $this->_request->getParam('id', 0); if ($id > 0) { $events = new Events(); $event = $events->fetchRow('id=' . (int) $id); $form->populate($event->toArray()); } } }
private function getFirstMessage($agent) { /* NOTE: CHRISTOPHER WHITELEY Within this section we have allowed the alteration of how SIF Ack messages are needed. If $sif_response, $sif_request, and $sif_event are set to a value of 2 then your system will work according to SIF Specifications. If you do not want to send a SIF_Ack message for any of the three message types below you can change the value to 3. This functionality was done per request of a paid support member. */ $sif_response = 2; $sif_request = 2; $sif_event = 2; $sif_ack = 2; $empty = null; $zero = 0; $id = $zero; $db = Zend_Registry::get('my_db'); # $mysql = '' # .' (' # .' Select response_id v, 1 t ' # .' from ' .DBConvertor::convertCase('response').' where status_id in (1,2) ' # .' and agent_id_requester = '.$agent->agentId.' and context_id = '.$_SESSION['CONTEXT_ID'].' and zone_id = '.$_SESSION['ZONE_ID'] # .') ' # .' union all ' # .' (' # .' Select request_id v, 2 t ' # .' from ' .DBConvertor::convertCase('request').' where status_id in (1,2) ' # .' and agent_id_responder = '.$agent->agentId.' and context_id = '.$_SESSION['CONTEXT_ID'].' and zone_id = '.$_SESSION['ZONE_ID'] # .') ' # .' union all ' # .' (' # .'Select event_id v, 3 t ' # .' from ' .DBConvertor::convertCase('event').' where status_id in (1,2) ' # .' and agent_id_rec = '.$agent->agentId.' and context_id = '.$_SESSION['CONTEXT_ID'].' and zone_id = '.$_SESSION['ZONE_ID'] # .')' # .' ORDER BY t, v LIMIT 1'; $oracle = 'Select v, t from ( Select response_id v, 1 t ' . ' from ' . DBConvertor::convertCase('response') . ' where status_id in (1,2) ' . ' and agent_id_requester = ' . $agent->agentId . ' and context_id = ' . $_SESSION['CONTEXT_ID'] . ' and zone_id = ' . $_SESSION['ZONE_ID'] . ' union all ' . 'Select request_id v, 2 t ' . 'from ' . DBConvertor::convertCase('request') . ' where status_id in (1,2) ' . ' and agent_id_responder = ' . $agent->agentId . ' and context_id = ' . $_SESSION['CONTEXT_ID'] . ' and zone_id = ' . $_SESSION['ZONE_ID'] . ' union all ' . 'Select event_id v, 3 t ' . ' from ' . DBConvertor::convertCase('event') . ' where status_id in (1,2) ' . ' and agent_id_rec = ' . $agent->agentId . ' and context_id = ' . $_SESSION['CONTEXT_ID'] . ' and zone_id = ' . $_SESSION['ZONE_ID'] . ') ORDER BY t, v'; $mysql = 'select id, msg_type, data ' . ' from ' . DBConvertor::convertCase('messagequeue') . ' where agt_id_out = ' . $agent->agentId . ' and zone_id = ' . $_SESSION['ZONE_ID'] . ' and context_id = ' . $_SESSION['CONTEXT_ID'] . ' and status_id in (1,2) ' . ' order by status_id desc, msg_type asc, insert_timestamp asc' . ' Limit 1'; switch (DB_TYPE) { case 'mysql': $sql = $mysql; break; case 'oci8': $sql = $oracle; $db->setLobAsString(true); break; } try { $stmt = $db->query($sql); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { ZitLog::writeToErrorLog("[SystemControl]", "Errors:{$e->getTraceAsString}() \n \n {$sql}", "Try|Catch block", $_SESSION['ZONE_ID']); GeneralError::systemError($xml); } switch (DB_TYPE) { case 'mysql': $id = isset($result[0]->id) ? $result[0]->id : $zero; # $msgType = isset($result[0]->msg_type) ? $result[0]->msg_type : $zero; $msgType = 4; $XMLData = isset($result[0]->data) ? $result[0]->data : $zero; break; case 'oci8': $id = isset($result[0]->V) ? $result[0]->V : $zero; $msgType = isset($result[0]->T) ? $result[0]->T : $zero; break; } // ZitLog::writeToErrorLog("[SystemControl]", "id: $id --> msgType: $msgType\n\n", "Record Found?", $_SESSION['ZONE_ID']); if ($id != $zero) { switch ($msgType) { case 1: /***** ORACLE ONLY $SIF_ACK is used to set the status of the message read. The SIF Standard states that you should set this value to 2 so that the item can be requested again if an error happens. Setting the item to a 3 will allow you not to send a SIF_Ack Message. *****/ $response = new Responses($db); $where = "response_id = {$id}"; $result2 = $response->fetchAll($where); foreach ($result2 as $row) { switch (DB_TYPE) { case 'mysql': $status_id = $row->status_id; $responseData = $row->response_data; break; case 'oci8': $status_id = $row->STATUS_ID; $responseData = $row->RESPONSE_DATA; break; } } $dom = new DomDocument(); $dom->loadXML($responseData); $headerNode = $dom->getElementsByTagName('SIF_Header')->item(0); $msgId = $headerNode->getElementsByTagName('SIF_MsgId')->item(0)->nodeValue; $data = array(DBConvertor::convertCase('status_id') => $sif_response, DBConvertor::convertCase('msg_id') => $msgId); $n = $response->update($data, 'response_id = ' . $id); return $responseData; break; case 2: /***** ORACLE ONLY $SIF_ACK is used to set the status of the message read. The SIF Standard states that you should set this value to 2 so that the item can be requested again if an error happens. Setting the item to a 3 will allow you not to send a SIF_Ack Message. *****/ $request = new Requests($db); $where = "request_id = {$id}"; $result = $request->fetchAll($where); foreach ($result as $row) { switch (DB_TYPE) { case 'mysql': $status_id = $row->status_id; $requestData = $row->request_data; break; case 'oci8': $status_id = $row->STATUS_ID; $messageDataXML = $row->REQUEST_DATA; // $requestData = $messageDataXML->read($messageDataXML->size()); $requestData = $messageDataXML; break; } } $dom = new DomDocument(); $dom->loadXML($requestData); $headerNode = $dom->getElementsByTagName('SIF_Header')->item(0); $msgId = $headerNode->getElementsByTagName('SIF_MsgId')->item(0)->nodeValue; $data = array(DBConvertor::convertCase('status_id') => $sif_request, DBConvertor::convertCase('msg_id') => $msgId); $n = $request->update($data, 'request_id = ' . $id); return $requestData; break; case 3: /***** ORACLE ONLY $SIF_ACK is used to set the status of the message read. The SIF Standard states that you should set this value to 2 so that the item can be requested again if an error happens. Setting the item to a 3 will allow you not to send a SIF_Ack Message. *****/ $event = new Events($db); $where = "event_id = {$id}"; $result = $event->fetchAll($where); foreach ($result as $row) { switch (DB_TYPE) { case 'mysql': $status_id = $row->status_id; $eventData = $row->event_data; break; case 'oci8': $status_id = $row->STATUS_ID; $eventData = $row->EVENT_DATA; break; } } $dom = new DomDocument(); $dom->loadXML($eventData); $headerNode = $dom->getElementsByTagName('SIF_Header')->item(0); $msgId = $headerNode->getElementsByTagName('SIF_MsgId')->item(0)->nodeValue; $data = array(DBConvertor::convertCase('status_id') => $sif_event, DBConvertor::convertCase('msg_id') => $msgId); $n = $event->update($data, 'event_id = ' . $id); return $eventData; break; case 4: $message = new MessageQueues($db); /***** $SIF_ACK is used to set the status of the message read. The SIF Standard states that you should set this value to 2 so that the item can be requested again if an error happens. Setting the item to a 3 will allow you not to send a SIF_Ack Message. *****/ $data = array(DBConvertor::convertCase('status_id') => $sif_ack); $n = $message->update($data, 'id = ' . $id); return $XMLData; break; } } else { return null; } }
protected final function process_request() { // Process // if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_USERS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'show') { // Show // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { Users::show($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'search' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Search // Users::search($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'lookup' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Lookup // Users::lookup($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_FRIENDS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'list' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // List // Friends::_list($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'ids' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // User IDs // Friends::ids($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_FOLLOWERS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'list' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // List // Followers::_list($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'ids' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // User IDs // Followers::ids($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_IN_PRODUCT_PROMOTIONS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'show') { // Show // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // In Product Promotion ID // InProductPromotions::show($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Create // InProductPromotions::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'update' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Update // InProductPromotions::update($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy') { // Destroy // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_DELETE) { // In Product Promotion ID // InProductPromotions::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_INVITATIONS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'show') { // Show // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { Invitations::show($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Create // Invitations::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'update' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Update // Invitations::update($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy') { // Destroy // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_DELETE) { // Invitation ID // Invitations::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'incoming') { // Incoming // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && $this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0] === 'list' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // List // Invitations::incoming_list($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'outgoing') { // Outgoing // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && $this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0] === 'list' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // List // Invitations::outgoing_list($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_EVENT_OCCURRENCES) { // Event Occurrences // if ($this->request_verb === 'show') { // Show // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { EventOccurrences::show($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Create // EventOccurrences::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'update' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Update // EventOccurrences::update($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy') { // Destroy // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_DELETE) { // Event Occurrence ID // EventOccurrences::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'list') { // List // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && $this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0] === 'event' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Created // EventOccurrences::list_event($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_PHOTOS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'show') { // Show // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Photo ID // Photos::show($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Create // Photos::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'update' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Update // Photos::update($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy') { // Destroy // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_DELETE) { // Photo ID // Photos::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'list' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // List // Photos::_list($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_ALBUMS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'show') { // Show // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Album ID // Albums::show($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Create // Albums::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'update' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Update // Albums::update($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy') { // Destroy // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_DELETE) { // Album ID // Albums::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'list' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // List // Albums::_list($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_SEARCH) { if ($this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { if ($this->request_verb === 'list') { // Search // Search::search_list($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_FOLLOWINGS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'list' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // List // Followings::_list($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'ids' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // User IDs // Followings::ids($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Create // Followings::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // User IDs // Followings::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_ACCOUNT) { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { Account::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'update' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { Account::update($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_DELETE) { // Destroy // if (isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1) { Account::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { // Throw error, identification is required // $error = Error::withDomain(PRIVATE_EVENTS_REST_CONTROLLER_ERROR_DOMAIN, ERROR_CODE_VALIDATION_PROPERTY_NOT_SET, 'A user identification is required.'); $this->outputter->print_error($error); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'authenticate' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { Account::authenticate($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'unauthenticate' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { Account::unauthenticate($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_EVENTS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'show') { // Show // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { Events::show($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Create // Events::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'update' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Update // Events::update($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy') { // Destroy // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_DELETE) { // Event ID // Events::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'attend' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Attend // Events::attend($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'search' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Search // Events::search($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'list') { // List // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && $this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0] === 'event_type' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Event Type // Events::list_event_type($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && $this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0] === 'created' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Created // Events::list_created($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && $this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0] === 'invited' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Invited // Events::list_invited($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && $this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0] === 'nearby' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Nearby // Events::list_nearby($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && $this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0] === 'popular' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Popular // Events::list_popular($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } } } } } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_LOCATIONS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'show') { // Show // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Location ID // Locations::show($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Create // Locations::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'update' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Update // Locations::update($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy') { // Destroy // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_DELETE) { // Location ID // Locations::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } else { if ($this->request_noun === REQUEST_NOUN_TICKETS) { if ($this->request_verb === 'show') { // Show // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // Ticket ID // Tickets::show($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'create' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Create // Tickets::create($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'update' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_POST) { // Update // Tickets::update($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'destroy') { // Destroy // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && isset($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0]) && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_DELETE) { // Ticket ID // Tickets::destroy($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { if ($this->request_verb === 'outgoing') { // Outgoing // if (count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) === 1 && $this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments[0] === 'list' && $this->http_method === HTTP_METHOD_GET) { // List // Tickets::outgoing_list($this->inputter, $this->outputter); } else { $this->invalid_process_additional_argument(count($this->inputter->additional_uri_arguments) - 1); } } else { $this->invalid_process_verb(); } } } } } } else { $this->invalid_process_noun(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }