  *  スケルトンを削除する
  *  @access public
  *  @param  string  $type       生成する対象
  *  @param  string  $app_dir    アプリケーションのディレクトリ
  *                              (nullのときはアプリケーションを特定しない)
  *  @param  mixed   residue     プラグインのremove()にそのまま渡す
  *  @static
 function &remove()
     $arg_list = func_get_args();
     $type = array_shift($arg_list);
     $app_dir = array_shift($arg_list);
     if ($app_dir === null) {
         $ctl =& Ethna_Handle::getEthnaController();
     } else {
         $ctl =& Ethna_Handle::getAppController($app_dir);
     if (Ethna::isError($ctl)) {
         return $ctl;
     $plugin_manager =& $ctl->getPlugin();
     if (Ethna::isError($plugin_manager)) {
         return $plugin_manager;
     $generator =& $plugin_manager->getPlugin('Generator', $type);
     if (Ethna::isError($generator)) {
         return $generator;
     // 引数はプラグイン依存とする
     $ret = call_user_func_array(array(&$generator, 'remove'), $arg_list);
     return $ret;
Example #2
  *  Special Function for generating template.
  *  @param  string $target_name Template Name
  *  @param  array  $opt_list    Option List.
  *  @access protected
 function _performTemplate($target_name, $opt_list)
     // basedir
     if (isset($opt_list['basedir'])) {
         $basedir = realpath(end($opt_list['basedir']));
     } else {
         $basedir = getcwd();
     // skelfile
     if (isset($opt_list['skelfile'])) {
         $skelfile = end($opt_list['skelfile']);
     } else {
         $skelfile = null;
     // locale
     $ctl = Ethna_Handle::getAppController(getcwd());
     if (isset($opt_list['locale'])) {
         $locale = end($opt_list['locale']);
         if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z_]+$/', $locale)) {
             return Ethna::raiseError("You specified locale, but invalid : {$locale}", 'usage');
     } else {
         if (Ethna::isError($ctl)) {
             $locale = 'ja_JP';
         } else {
             $locale = $ctl->getLocale();
     // encoding
     if (isset($opt_list['encoding'])) {
         $encoding = end($opt_list['encoding']);
         if (function_exists('mb_list_encodings')) {
             $supported_enc = mb_list_encodings();
             if (!in_array($encoding, $supported_enc)) {
                 return Ethna::raiseError("Unknown Encoding : {$encoding}", 'usage');
     } else {
         if (Ethna::isError($ctl)) {
             $encoding = 'UTF-8';
         } else {
             $encoding = $ctl->getClientEncoding();
     $r = Ethna_Generator::generate('Template', $basedir, $target_name, $skelfile, $locale, $encoding);
     if (Ethna::isError($r)) {
         printf("error occurred while generating skelton. please see also following error message(s)\n\n");
         return $r;
     $true = true;
     return $true;
Example #3
 protected function configure()
     $controller = \Ethna_Handle::getAppController(getcwd());
     $action_name = $this->action_name;
     foreach ($controller->getBackend()->getActionForm()->getDef() as $key => $definition) {
         $this->addOption($key, null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED);
Example #4
  *  clear cache files.
  *  @access public
  *  @todo   implement Ethna_Renderer::clear_cache();
  *  @todo   implement Ethna_Plugin_Cachemanager::clear_cache();
  *  @todo   avoid echo, printf
 function perform()
     $r = $this->_getopt(array('basedir=', 'any-tmp-files', 'smarty', 'pear', 'cachemanager'));
     if (Ethna::isError($r)) {
         return $r;
     list($args, ) = $r;
     $basedir = isset($args['basedir']) ? realpath(end($args['basedir'])) : getcwd();
     $controller = Ethna_Handle::getAppController($basedir);
     if (Ethna::isError($controller)) {
         return $controller;
     $tmp_dir = $controller->getDirectory('tmp');
     if (isset($args['smarty']) || isset($args['any-tmp-files'])) {
         echo "cleaning smarty caches, compiled templates...";
         $renderer = $controller->getRenderer();
         if (strtolower(get_class($renderer)) == "ethna_renderer_smarty") {
         echo " done\n";
     if (isset($args['cachemanager']) || isset($args['any-tmp-files'])) {
         echo "cleaning Ethna_Plugin_Cachemanager caches...";
         $cache_dir = sprintf("%s/cache", $tmp_dir);
         echo " done\n";
     if (isset($args['any-tmp-files'])) {
         echo "cleaning tmp dirs...";
         // purge only entries in tmp.
         if ($dh = opendir($tmp_dir)) {
             while (($entry = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                 if ($entry === '.' || $entry === '..') {
         echo " done\n";
     return true;
Example #5
$base = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
ini_set('include_path', $base . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path'));
require_once 'Ethna/Ethna.php';
require_once ETHNA_BASE . '/class/Getopt.php';
// fetch arguments
$opt = new Ethna_Getopt();
$arg_list = $opt->readPHPArgv();
if (Ethna::isError($arg_list)) {
    echo $arg_list->getMessage() . "\n";
// remove "ethna_handle.php"
$eh = new Ethna_Handle();
//  はじめの引数に - が含まれていればそれを分離する
//  含まれていた場合、それは -v|--version でなければならない
list($my_arg_list, $arg_list) = _Ethna_HandleGateway_SeparateArgList($arg_list);
$r = $opt->getopt($my_arg_list, "v", array("version"));
if (Ethna::isError($r)) {
    $id = 'help';
} else {
    // ad-hoc:(
    foreach ($r[0] as $opt) {
        if ($opt[0] == "v" || $opt[0] == "--version") {
Example #6
  *  setup PEAR_Config and so on.
  *  @param  string      $target     whether 'master' or 'local'
  *  @param  string|null $app_dir    local application directory.
  *  @param  string|null $channel    channel for the package repository.
  *  @return true|Ethna_Error
 public function init($target, $app_dir = null, $channel = null)
     $true = true;
     if ($target == 'master') {
         $this->target = 'master';
     } else {
         // default target is 'local'.
         $this->target = 'local';
     // setup PEAR_Frontend
     $this->ui = PEAR_Command::getFrontendObject();
     // set PEAR's error handling
     // TODO: if PEAR/Command/Install.php is newer than 1.117, displayError goes well.
     PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, array(&$this->ui, 'displayFatalError'));
     // set channel
     $master_setting = Ethna_Handle::getMasterSetting('repositry');
     if ($channel !== null) {
         $this->channel = $channel;
     } else {
         if (isset($master_setting["channel_{$target}"])) {
             $this->channel = $master_setting["channel_{$target}"];
         } else {
             $this->channel = 'pear.ethna.jp';
     // set target controller
     if ($target == 'master') {
         $this->target_ctl = Ethna_Handle::getEthnaController();
     } else {
         $this->target_ctl = Ethna_Handle::getAppController($app_dir);
     if (Ethna::isError($this->target_ctl)) {
         return $this->target_ctl;
     // setup PEAR_Config
     if ($target == 'master') {
         $ret = $this->_setMasterConfig();
     } else {
         $ret = $this->_setLocalConfig();
     if (Ethna::isError($ret)) {
         return $ret;
     // setup PEAR_Registry
     $this->registry = $this->config->getRegistry();
     return $true;
Example #7
  *  テンプレートのスケルトンを生成する
  *  @access public
  *  @param  string  $basedir        ベースディレクトリ
  *  @param  array   $types          プラグインのtype (Validator, Handle等)
  *  @param  string  $forpackage     iniファイル生成フラグ 
  *  @param  string  $plugin_name    プラグイン名 
  *  @return true|Ethna_Error        true:成功 Ethna_Error:失敗
 function generate($basedir, $types = array(), $forpackage = false, $plugin_name)
     $plugin_dir = "{$basedir}/plugin";
     if (!$forpackage) {
         $chk_ctl = Ethna_Handle::getAppController(getcwd());
         if (Ethna::isError($chk_ctl)) {
             return Ethna::raiseError("ERROR: You are not in Ethna project. specify [-p|--plugin-package] option, or change directory to the Ethna Project\n");
         $plugin_dir = $chk_ctl->getDirectory('plugin');
     //  create plugin directory
     if (!file_exists($plugin_dir)) {
         Ethna_Util::mkdir($plugin_dir, 0755);
     //   type check.
     if (empty($types)) {
         return Ethna::raiseError('please specify plugin type.');
     //   type check
     foreach ($types as $type) {
         switch (strtolower($type)) {
             case 'f':
             case 'v':
             case 'sm':
             case 'sb':
             case 'sf':
                 return Ethna::raiseError("unknown plugin type: {$type}", 'usage');
     //   Generate Plugin PHP File
     $plugin_name = ucfirst(strtolower($plugin_name));
     $lplugin_name = strtolower($plugin_name);
     $macro['plugin_name'] = $plugin_name;
     foreach ($types as $type) {
         $ltype = strtolower($type);
         $macro['plugin_type'] = $type;
         $plugin_file_skel = "plugin/skel.plugin.{$ltype}.php";
         //   create directory
         switch ($type) {
             case 'f':
                 $type = 'Filter';
                 $pfilename = "{$plugin_name}.php";
             case 'v':
                 $type = 'Validator';
                 $pfilename = "{$plugin_name}.php";
             case 'sm':
                 $type = 'Smarty';
                 $pfilename = "modifier.{$lplugin_name}.php";
                 $macro['plugin_name'] = $lplugin_name;
             case 'sb':
                 $type = 'Smarty';
                 $pfilename = "block.{$lplugin_name}.php";
                 $macro['plugin_name'] = $lplugin_name;
             case 'sf':
                 $type = 'Smarty';
                 $pfilename = "function.{$lplugin_name}.php";
                 $macro['plugin_name'] = $lplugin_name;
         $type_dir = "{$plugin_dir}/{$type}";
         if (!file_exists($type_dir)) {
             Ethna_Util::mkdir($type_dir, 0755);
         $type_file_path = "{$type_dir}/{$pfilename}";
         // generate
         if (file_exists($type_file_path)) {
             printf("file [%s] already exists -> skip\n", $type_file_path);
         } else {
             if ($this->_generateFile($plugin_file_skel, $type_file_path, $macro) == false) {
                 printf("[warning] file creation failed [%s]\n", $type_file_path);
             } else {
                 printf("plugin php file successfully created [%s]\n", $type_file_path);
     //   generate ini file
     if ($forpackage) {
         $ini_skel = 'plugin/skel.plugin.ini';
         $ini_file = strtolower($plugin_name) . '.ini';
         $ini_path = "{$plugin_dir}/{$ini_file}";
         if (file_exists($ini_path)) {
             printf("file [%s] already exists -> skip\n", $ini_file);
         } else {
             if ($this->_generateFile($ini_skel, $ini_path, $macro) == false) {
                 printf("[warning] file creation failed [%s]\n", $ini_file);
             } else {
                 printf("plugin ini file successfully created [%s]\n", $ini_file);
     $true = true;
     return $true;
Example #8
 function &getController()
     if (($r = $this->create_ifnot_exists()) !== true) {
         return $r;
     $ctl = Ethna_Handle::getAppController($this->proj_basedir);
     //   キャッシュが返されるため、$GLOBALSが設定されない場合がある
     $GLOBALS['_Ethna_controller'] = $ctl;
     return $ctl;
  * コマンドの実装
  * @access public
  * @return mixed 成否結果(true=>成功, Ethna_Error=>失敗)
 function &perform()
     // 引数取得
     $r = $this->_getopt(array("basedir=", "overwrite=", "skelton-namespace="));
     if (Ethna::isError($r)) {
         return $r;
     list($optlist, $arglist) = $r;
     $r =& Ethna_Controller::checkActionName($arglist[0]);
     if (Ethna::isError($r)) {
         return $r;
     // 引数処理
     $app_dir = isset($optlist['basedir']) ? $optlist['basedir'] : getcwd();
     $baseAction = $arglist[0];
     $model = $arglist[1];
     // アプリケーションController取得
     $c =& Ethna_Handle::getAppController($app_dir);
     if (Ethna::isError($c)) {
         echo 'Not found Project Directory!';
         return $c;
     // Backend取得
     $backend =& $c->getBackend();
     $generator =& new Ethna_Generator();
     // Template AppObject生成
     $r =& $generator->generate('ScaffoldTemplateAppObject', $app_dir);
     if (Ethna::isError($r)) {
         return $r;
     // AppObject生成
     $r =& $generator->generate('ScaffoldAppObject', $app_dir, $model);
     if (Ethna::isError($r)) {
         return $r;
     // AppObject取得
     $appObj =& $backend->getObject($model);
     $modelDefine = $appObj->prop_def;
     $idDefine = $appObj->getIdDef();
     // ActionForm定義
     $formDefine = $this->_getActionFormDefine($model, $modelDefine);
     // カラム名定義
     $r =& $generator->generate('ScaffoldColumnName', $app_dir, $model, $modelDefine);
     if (Ethna::isError($r)) {
         return $r;
     // BaseActionForm Generator
     $r =& $generator->generate('ScaffoldActionForm', $app_dir, $model, $modelDefine, $formDefine);
     if (Ethna::isError($r)) {
         return $r;
     // Actions Generator
     $r =& $generator->generate('ScaffoldActions', $app_dir, $baseAction, $model, $modelDefine, $idDefine, $formDefine);
     if (Ethna::isError($r)) {
         return $r;
     // Views Generator
     $r =& $generator->generate('ScaffoldViews', $app_dir, $baseAction, $model, $modelDefine, $idDefine, $formDefine);
     if (Ethna::isError($r)) {
         return $r;
     // Templates Generator
     $r =& $generator->generate('ScaffoldTemplates', $app_dir, $baseAction, $model, $modelDefine, $idDefine, $formDefine);
     if (Ethna::isError($r)) {
         return $r;
     // Smarty Plugin
     $r =& $generator->generate('ScaffoldSmartyPlugin', $app_dir);
     if (Ethna::isError($r)) {
         return $r;
     // UnitTestCase Generator
     // UnitTestCase GeneratorはEthcaffoldの標準に含まれているものではないため無い場合がある
     $r =& $generator->generate('UnitTestCase', $app_dir, $model);
     if (Ethna::isError($r)) {
         if ($r->getCode() !== E_PLUGIN_NOTFOUND) {
             return $r;
     $true = true;
     return $true;