public static function doSelect(Criteria $criteria, PropelPDO $con = null)
     return EstablecimientoPeer::populateObjects(EstablecimientoPeer::doSelectStmt($criteria, $con));
Example #2
 public function reload($deep = false, PropelPDO $con = null)
     if ($this->isDeleted()) {
         throw new PropelException("Cannot reload a deleted object.");
     if ($this->isNew()) {
         throw new PropelException("Cannot reload an unsaved object.");
     if ($con === null) {
         $con = Propel::getConnection(EstablecimientoPeer::DATABASE_NAME, Propel::CONNECTION_READ);
     $stmt = EstablecimientoPeer::doSelectStmt($this->buildPkeyCriteria(), $con);
     $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
     if (!$row) {
         throw new PropelException('Cannot find matching row in the database to reload object values.');
     $this->hydrate($row, 0, true);
     if ($deep) {
         $this->aDistritoescolar = null;
         $this->aOrganizacion = null;
         $this->aNiveltipo = null;
         $this->aProvincia = null;
         $this->collUsuarios = null;
         $this->lastUsuarioCriteria = null;
         $this->collRelEstablecimientoLocacions = null;
         $this->lastRelEstablecimientoLocacionCriteria = null;
         $this->collAlumnos = null;
         $this->lastAlumnoCriteria = null;
         $this->collCiclolectivos = null;
         $this->lastCiclolectivoCriteria = null;
         $this->collConceptos = null;
         $this->lastConceptoCriteria = null;
         $this->collEscalanotas = null;
         $this->lastEscalanotaCriteria = null;
         $this->collActividads = null;
         $this->lastActividadCriteria = null;
         $this->collCarreras = null;
         $this->lastCarreraCriteria = null;
         $this->collAnios = null;
         $this->lastAnioCriteria = null;
         $this->collRelDocenteEstablecimientos = null;
         $this->lastRelDocenteEstablecimientoCriteria = null;
         $this->collHorarioescolars = null;
         $this->lastHorarioescolarCriteria = null;