public function getUser($id) { $user = User::find($id); if (is_null($user)) { return Error::make("Invalid User"); } return Error::success("User Details", $user->toArray()); }
public function send_activation_mail_api($id) { $user = User::find($id); if (is_null($user)) { return Error::make("Invalid User"); } return $this->send_activation_mail_helper($user); }
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | CSRF Protection Filter |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The CSRF filter is responsible for protecting your application against | cross-site request forgery attacks. If this special token in a user | session does not match the one given in this request, we'll bail. | */ Route::filter('csrf', function () { if (Session::token() != Input::get('_token')) { throw new Illuminate\Session\TokenMismatchException(); } }); App::missing(function ($exception) { return Error::make(404, 404); }); Route::filter('API', function () { if (Input::has('key')) { if (Input::get('key') != "teninchlong") { return Error::make(401, 401); } } else { return Error::make(1, 2); } }); Route::filter('afterAPI', function ($request, $response) { $response->header('Content-Type', 'application/json'); return $response; });
public function dispatchController($match) { $controller = @explode('@', $match['target'])[0]; $method = @explode('@', $match['target'])[1]; if (class_exists($controller)) { $dispatchedController = new $controller(); if (method_exists($dispatchedController, $method)) { if (!empty($match['params'])) { $params = json_decode(json_encode($match['params'])); return $dispatchedController->{$method}($params); } return $dispatchedController->{$method}(); } return Error::make('Route does not exist'); } return Error::make('Route does not exist!'); }
public function add_result() { $requirements = ['exp_id', 'user_id', 'data']; $check = self::check_requirements($requirements); if ($check) { return Error::make(0, 100, $check); } $experiment = Experiment::where('exp_id', '=', Input::get('exp_id'))->first(); if (is_null($experiment)) { return Error::make(1, 10); } $user = User::where('user_id', '=', Input::get('user_id'))->first(); if (is_null($user)) { return Error::make(1, 1); } if (Input::has('result_id')) { $res = Result::where('result_id', '=', Input::get('result_id'))->first(); if (intval(Input::get('exp_id')) != intval($res->exp_id)) { return Error::make(1, 11); } if (intval(Input::get('user_id')) != intval($res->user_id)) { return Error::make(1, 12); } } $columns = json_decode($experiment->specifications, true)["columns"]; $results = json_decode(Input::get('data'), true); foreach ($results as $reading) { foreach ($columns as $column) { if (array_key_exists($column["title"], $reading)) { if (!is_null($column["subcolumns"]) && sizeof($column["subcolumns"]) > 0) { foreach ($column["subcolumns"] as $subcolumn) { if (!array_key_exists($subcolumn["title"], $reading[$column["title"]])) { return Error::make(101, 101, "Column " . $column["title"] . " has missing subcolumn " . $subcolumn["title"]); } } } } else { return Error::make(101, 101, "Missing column " . $column["title"]); } } } if (Input::has('result_id')) { try { Result::where('result_id', '=', intval(Input::get('result_id')))->update(array('data' => json_encode($results))); return Error::success("Results successfully updated", array('result_id' => intval(Input::get('result_id')))); } catch (Exception $e) { return Error::make(101, 101, $e->getMessage()); } } else { $res = new Result(); $res->data = json_encode($results); $res->user_id = intval(Input::get('user_id')); $res->exp_id = intval(Input::get('exp_id')); try { $res->save(); return Error::success("Result successfully added!", array('result_id' => $res->id)); } catch (Exception $e) { return Error::make(101, 101, $e->getMessage()); } } }
public function edit_pic_api($id) { $user = User::find($id); if (is_null($user)) { return Error::make("Invalid User"); } if ($user->type != "driver") { return Error::make("User is not Driver"); } $this->edit_pic_helper($user); $data = Driver::find($id)->toArray(); return Error::success("Successfully Uploaded pictures", $data); }
}); }); Route::group(array('before' => 'guest'), function () { Route::get('login', array('uses' => 'UserController@show_login')); Route::post('login', array('as' => 'login', 'uses' => 'UserController@login')); Route::post('register', array('as' => 'register', 'uses' => 'UserController@register')); }); /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | API Routes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here is all the routes which will help the laravel application to run. | */ Route::group(array("prefix" => "api"), function () { Route::post('login', array('uses' => 'UserController@login')); Route::post('register', array('uses' => 'UserController@register')); Route::get('user/{id}', array('uses' => 'APIController@getUser')); Route::get('customer/{id}', array('uses' => 'APIController@getCustomer')); Route::get('driver/{id}', array('uses' => 'APIController@getDriver')); Route::get('business/{id}', array('uses' => 'APIController@getBusiness')); Route::post('edit/{id}', array('uses' => 'HomeController@api_edit')); Route::post('edit_pic/{id}', array('uses' => 'HomeController@edit_pic_api')); Route::get('activation/{id}', array('uses' => 'UserController@send_activation_mail_api')); Route::any('{e1?}/{e2?}/{e3?}/{e4?}/{e5?}/{e6?}/{e7?}/{e8?}', function () { return Error::make("Invalid URL. Page don't exists"); }); }); Route::controller('password', 'RemindersController'); Route::get('activate/{id}', array('uses' => 'UserController@activate'));