Example #1
 public function executeRelated($request)
     $options = $this->getParams(array('sort', 'cat_ids', 'order', 'is_current', 'num', 'page'));
     //get related entities
     $totalResults = EntityApi::getRelated($this->entity['id'], $options);
     //limit results
     $results = LsApi::sliceArrayFromOptions($totalResults, $options, $defaultNum = null, $maxNum = null);
     $this->getResponse()->setSlot('total', count($totalResults));
     //use different template for each sort method
     if (@$options['sort'] == 'relationship') {
         $this->relationships = $results;
         return 'RelationshipsXml';
     } elseif (@$options['sort'] == 'category') {
         $this->categories = $results;
         return 'CategoriesXml';
     } else {
         $this->entities = $results;
         return 'Xml';
Example #2
 public function executeRelationships()
     $this->rels = EntityApi::getRelated($this->entity['id'], array('sort' => 'relationship'));
     if ($this->entity['primary_ext'] == 'Org') {
         $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Entity e')->where('e.parent_id = ?', $this->entity['id']);
         $this->children_pager = new LsDoctrinePager($q, $page = 1, $num = 5);
Example #3
 static function getRelatedOrgSummary($entity)
     $orgNames = array();
     $options = array('cat_ids' => implode(',', array(RelationshipTable::POSITION_CATEGORY, RelationshipTable::MEMBERSHIP_CATEGORY)), 'order' => 1);
     $orgs = EntityApi::getRelated($entity['id'], $options);
     foreach ($orgs as $id => $org) {
         $orgNames[] = $org['name'];
     return '(' . implode('; ', $orgNames) . ')';
Example #4
 public function executeMatchDonations($request)
     //only allowed for persons
     $this->forward404Unless($this->entity['primary_ext'] == 'Person');
     $userId = $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->id;
     //preprocess if requested
     if ($request->getParameter('preprocess')) {
         $databaseManager = sfContext::getInstance()->getDatabaseManager();
         $db = $databaseManager->getDatabase('main');
         $db = Doctrine_Manager::connection($db->getParameter('dsn'));
     //only allowed for preprocessed entities
     $db = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
     $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM os_entity_preprocess WHERE entity_id = ?';
     $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array($this->entity['id']));
     $count = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
     if (!$count) {
     $related = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('os_related_ids');
     if (count($related)) {
         if ($this->entity['id'] == $related[0]) {
             $this->next_entity = Doctrine::getTable('Entity')->find($related[1]);
             $this->remaining = count($related) - 1;
             if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
                 $this->getUser()->setAttribute('os_related_ids', $related);
         } else {
             $this->next_entity = Doctrine::getTable('Entity')->find($related[0]);
             $this->remaining = count($related);
     } else {
         //get another entity that needs matching
         $where = 'et.reviewed_at IS NULL AND et.locked_at IS NULL AND e.id <> ? AND e.is_deleted = 0';
         $params = array($this->entity['id']);
         if ($skippedIds = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('os_skipped_ids')) {
             $where .= ' AND e.id NOT IN (' . implode(',', array_fill(0, count($skippedIds), '?')) . ')';
             $params = array_merge($params, $skippedIds);
         $sql = 'SELECT e.* FROM os_entity_transaction et LEFT JOIN entity e ON (et.entity_id = e.id) WHERE ' . $where . ' LIMIT 100';
         $stmt = $db->execute($sql, $params);
         $nextEntities = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
         $this->next_entity = $nextEntities[rand(0, count($nextEntities) - 1)];
     //check for lock
     $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM os_entity_transaction WHERE entity_id = ? AND locked_by_user_id <> ? AND locked_by_user_id IS NOT NULL';
     $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array($this->entity['id'], $userId));
     $lockCount = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
     if ($lockCount > 0) {
         return 'Locked';
     //get preprocessed transactions
     $sql = "SELECT CONCAT(cycle, ':', transaction_id) trans FROM os_entity_transaction WHERE entity_id = ?";
     $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array($this->entity['id']));
     $trans = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
     //get verified transactions
     $sql = "SELECT CONCAT(cycle, ':', transaction_id) FROM os_entity_transaction WHERE entity_id = ? AND is_verified = 1";
     $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array($this->entity['id']));
     $this->verified_trans = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
     if (count($trans)) {
         //check if matches have been updated
         $sql = "SELECT MAX(updated_at) FROM os_entity_preprocess WHERE entity_id = ?";
         $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array($this->entity['id']));
         $this->updated_at = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
     //verify and unverify transactions
     if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
         $commit = $request->getParameter('commit');
         //user cancels matching
         if ($commit == 'Cancel') {
         if ($nextEntityId = $request->getParameter('next_id')) {
             $nextEntity = EntityApi::get($nextEntityId);
         //user skips this entity but wants to match another
         if ($nextEntity && $commit == 'Skip and Match Another') {
             $skippedIds = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('os_skipped_ids', array());
             if (!array_search($this->entity['id'], $skippedIds)) {
                 $skippedIds[] = $this->entity['id'];
             $this->getUser()->setAttribute('os_skipped_ids', $skippedIds);
             $this->redirect(EntityTable::getInternalUrl($nextEntity, 'matchDonations'));
         if (!($submittedTrans = $request->getParameter('trans'))) {
             $submittedTrans = array();
         $newTrans = array_diff($submittedTrans, $this->verified_trans);
         $oldTrans = array_diff($this->verified_trans, $submittedTrans);
         if ($newTrans) {
             //mark new donor ids as verified
             $sql = 'UPDATE os_entity_transaction SET is_verified = 1, is_synced = (is_verified = is_processed), reviewed_at = ?, reviewed_by_user_id = ? WHERE entity_id = ? AND (' . OsDonationTable::generateKeyClause('cycle', 'transaction_id', $newTrans) . ')';
             $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->id, $this->entity['id']));
         if ($oldTrans) {
             //mark old donor ids as unverified
             $sql = 'UPDATE os_entity_transaction SET is_verified = 0, is_synced = (is_verified = is_processed), reviewed_at = ?, reviewed_by_user_id = ? WHERE entity_id = ? AND (' . OsDonationTable::generateKeyClause('cycle', 'transaction_id', $oldTrans) . ')';
             $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->id, $this->entity['id']));
         //mark all donor ids as reviewed
         $sql = 'UPDATE os_entity_transaction SET reviewed_at = ?, reviewed_by_user_id = ? WHERE entity_id = ?';
         $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->id, $this->entity['id']));
         //clear preprocess updated_at fields because the donations have now been verified by a user
         if (isset($this->updated_at) && $this->updated_at) {
             $sql = "UPDATE os_entity_preprocess SET updated_at = NULL WHERE entity_id = ?";
             $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array($this->entity['id']));
         //user submits matches and wants to match another entity
         if ($nextEntity && $commit == 'Verify and Match Another') {
             $this->redirect(EntityTable::getInternalUrl($nextEntity, 'matchDonations'));
     //lock page
     OsEntityTransactionTable::lockEntityById($this->entity['id'], $userId);
     //get user who last reviewed, if any
     $this->reviewed_by_user = null;
     $this->reviewed_at = null;
     $sql = 'SELECT p.public_name, et.reviewed_at FROM os_entity_transaction et ' . 'LEFT JOIN sf_guard_user_profile p ON (et.reviewed_by_user_id = p.user_id) ' . 'WHERE et.entity_id = ? LIMIT 1';
     $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array($this->entity['id']));
     if ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
         list($this->reviewed_by_user, $this->reviewed_at) = $row;
     //get related entities
     $options = array('cat_ids' => '1,3');
     $this->related_entities = EntityApi::getRelated($this->entity['id'], $options);
     //get addresses
     $this->addresses = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Address a')->leftJoin('a.State s')->where('a.entity_id = ?', $this->entity['id'])->andWhere('a.is_deleted = 0')->orderBy('s.abbreviation, a.city, a.postal')->execute();
     $databaseManager = sfContext::getInstance()->getDatabaseManager();
     if (count($trans)) {
         //get all transaction records for the given donor ids
         $rawDb = $databaseManager->getDatabase('raw');
         $rawDb = Doctrine_Manager::connection($rawDb->getParameter('dsn'));
         $sql = 'SELECT * FROM os_donation FORCE INDEX(PRIMARY) WHERE ' . OsDonationTable::generateKeyClause('cycle', 'row_id', $trans);
         $stmt = $rawDb->execute($sql);
         $donations = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     } else {
         $donations = array();
     $this->donors = array();
     foreach ($donations as $row) {
         //clean donor IDs so they don't break HTML ids and classes in the view
         $donorId = str_replace(' ', '_', $row['donor_id']);
         $donorId = str_replace('@', '-', $donorId);
         //generate employer_raw from occupation and employer fields if null
         if (!$row['employer_raw'] && $row['title_raw']) {
             $row['employer_raw'] = trim($row['org_raw'] . "/" . $row['title_raw'], "/");
         if (isset($this->donors[$donorId])) {
             $this->donors[$donorId]['names'][$row['donor_name']] = true;
             $this->donors[$donorId]['cycles'][$row['cycle']] = true;
             $this->donors[$donorId]['orgs'][$row['employer_raw']] = true;
             $this->donors[$donorId]['addresses'][OsDonationTable::buildAddress($row)] = true;
             $this->donors[$donorId]['image_ids'][$row['fec_id']] = $row['cycle'];
             if ($row['donor_name_middle']) {
                 $this->donors[$donorId]['middles'][$row['donor_name_middle']] = true;
             $this->donors[$donorId]['donations'][] = $row;
         } else {
             $this->donors[$donorId] = array('names' => array($row['donor_name'] => true), 'middles' => $row['donor_name_middle'] ? array($row['donor_name_middle'] => true) : array(), 'cycles' => array($row['cycle'] => true), 'orgs' => array($row['employer_raw'] => true), 'addresses' => array(OsDonationTable::buildAddress($row) => true), 'image_ids' => array($row['fec_id'] => $row['cycle']), 'donations' => array($row));
     $db = $databaseManager->getDatabase('main');