  * Rebuild catalog flat index from scratch
  * @param int $storeId
  * @param array $changedIds
  * @return Enterprise_Catalog_Model_Index_Action_Product_Flat_Refresh
  * @throws Exception
 protected function _reindex($storeId, array $changedIds = array())
     $this->_storeId = $storeId;
     $entityTableName = $this->_productHelper->getTable('catalog/product');
     $attributes = $this->_productHelper->getAttributes();
     $eavAttributes = $this->_productHelper->getTablesStructure($attributes);
     $flag = Mage::helper('catalog/product_flat')->getFlag();
     $entityTableColumns = $eavAttributes[$entityTableName];
     try {
         //We should prepare temp. tables only for first call of reindex all
         if (!self::$_calls) {
             $temporaryEavAttributes = $eavAttributes;
             //add status global value to the base table
             /* @var $status Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Attribute */
             $status = $this->_productHelper->getAttribute('status');
             $temporaryEavAttributes[$status->getBackendTable()]['status'] = $status;
             //Create list of temporary tables based on available attributes attributes
             foreach ($temporaryEavAttributes as $tableName => $columns) {
                 $this->_createTemporaryTable($this->_getTemporaryTableName($tableName), $columns);
             //Fill "base" table which contains all available products
             $this->_fillTemporaryEntityTable($entityTableName, $entityTableColumns, $changedIds);
             //Add primary key to "base" temporary table for increase speed of joins in future
             foreach ($temporaryEavAttributes as $tableName => $columns) {
                 $temporaryTableName = $this->_getTemporaryTableName($tableName);
                 //Add primary key to temporary table for increase speed of joins in future
                 //Create temporary table for composite attributes
                 if (isset($this->_valueTables[$temporaryTableName . $this->_valueFieldSuffix])) {
                     $this->_addPrimaryKeyToTable($temporaryTableName . $this->_valueFieldSuffix);
                 //Fill temporary tables with attributes grouped by it type
                 $this->_fillTemporaryTable($tableName, $columns, $changedIds);
         //Create and fill flat temporary table
         //Update zero based attributes by values from current store
         $this->_updateTemporaryTableByStoreValues($eavAttributes, $changedIds);
         //Rename current flat table to "drop", rename temporary flat to flat and drop "drop" table
         $this->_updateRelationProducts($this->_storeId, $changedIds);
         $flag->setIsBuilt(true)->setStoreBuilt($this->_storeId, true)->save();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $flag->setIsBuilt(false)->setStoreBuilt($this->_storeId, false)->save();
         throw $e;
     return $this;