  * Clear HTTP-Cache
 public function clearHttpCache()
     $cacheDir = $this->container->getParameter('shopware.httpCache.cache_dir');
     // Fire event to let Plugin-Implementation clear cache
Example #2
  * Helper function for sLogin
  * Called when provided user data is incorrect
  * Handles account lockdown detection and brute force protection
  * @param $addScopeSql
  * @param $email
  * @param $sErrorMessages
  * @param $password
  * @return array
 private function failedLoginUser($addScopeSql, $email, $sErrorMessages, $password)
     // Check if account is disabled
     $sql = "SELECT id FROM s_user WHERE email=? AND active=0 " . $addScopeSql;
     $getUser = $this->db->fetchOne($sql, array($email));
     if ($getUser) {
         $sErrorMessages[] = $this->snippetManager->getNamespace('frontend/account/internalMessages')->get('LoginFailureActive', 'Your account is disabled. Please contact us.');
     } else {
         $getLockedUntilTime = $this->db->fetchOne("SELECT 1 FROM s_user WHERE email = ? AND lockeduntil > NOW()", array($email));
         if (!empty($getLockedUntilTime)) {
             $sErrorMessages[] = $this->snippetManager->getNamespace('frontend/account/internalMessages')->get('LoginFailureLocked', 'Too many failed logins. Your account was temporary deactivated.');
         } else {
             $sErrorMessages[] = $this->snippetManager->getNamespace('frontend/account/internalMessages')->get('LoginFailure', 'Wrong email or password');
     // Prevent brute force login attempts
     if (!empty($email)) {
         $sql = "\n                UPDATE s_user SET\n                    failedlogins = failedlogins + 1,\n                    lockeduntil = IF(\n                        failedlogins > 4,\n                        DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL (failedlogins + 1) * 30 SECOND),\n                        NULL\n                    )\n                WHERE email = ? " . $addScopeSql;
         $this->db->query($sql, array($email));
     $this->eventManager->notify('Shopware_Modules_Admin_Login_Failure', array('subject' => $this, 'email' => $email, 'password' => $password, 'error' => $sErrorMessages));
     return $sErrorMessages;
Example #3
  * Check if article is already in basket
  * @param int    $articleId
  * @param string $ordernumber
  * @param string $sessionId
  * @return array Example: ["id" => "731", "quantity" => "100"]
 private function checkIfArticleIsInBasket($articleId, $ordernumber, $sessionId)
     $builder = Shopware()->Models()->getConnection()->createQueryBuilder();
     $builder->select('id', 'quantity')->from('s_order_basket', 'basket')->where('articleID = :articleId')->andWhere('sessionID = :sessionId')->andWhere('ordernumber = :ordernumber')->andWhere('modus != 1')->setParameter('articleId', $articleId)->setParameter('sessionId', $sessionId)->setParameter('ordernumber', $ordernumber);
     $this->eventManager->notify('Shopware_Modules_Basket_AddArticle_CheckBasketForArticle', array('queryBuilder' => $builder, 'subject' => $this));
     /**@var $statement \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\ResultStatement */
     $statement = $builder->execute();
     return $statement->fetch() ?: array();
  * @param Request $request
  * @param ShopContextInterface $context
  * @param int $categoryId
  * @return \Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\Criteria
 public function createProductNavigationCriteria(Request $request, ShopContextInterface $context, $categoryId)
     $criteria = $this->createCriteriaFromRequest($request, $context);
     $criteria->addBaseCondition(new CategoryCondition([$categoryId]));
     $this->eventManager->notify('Shopware_SearchBundle_Create_Product_Navigation_Criteria', ['criteria' => $criteria, 'request' => $request, 'context' => $context]);
     return $criteria;
Example #5
  * Returns the query builder object to select the theme configuration for the
  * current shop.
  * @param \Shopware\Models\Shop\Template $template
  * @param boolean $lessCompatible
  * @return \Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder|\Shopware\Components\Model\QueryBuilder
  * @throws \Enlight_Event_Exception
 private function getShopConfigQuery(Shop\Template $template, $lessCompatible)
     $builder = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder();
     $builder->select(array('element.name', 'values.value', 'element.defaultValue', 'element.type'));
     $builder->from('Shopware\\Models\\Shop\\TemplateConfig\\Element', 'element')->leftJoin('element.values', 'values', 'WITH', 'values.shopId = :shopId')->where('element.templateId = :templateId');
     if ($lessCompatible) {
         $builder->andWhere('element.lessCompatible = 1');
     $this->eventManager->notify('Theme_Inheritance_Shop_Query_Built', array('builder' => $builder, 'template' => $template));
     return $builder;
Example #6
  * Helper function which compiles the passed less definition.
  * The shop parameter is required to build the shop url for the files.
  * @param Shop\Shop $shop
  * @param LessDefinition $definition
 private function compileLessDefinition(Shop\Shop $shop, LessDefinition $definition)
     //set unique import directory for less @import commands
     if ($definition->getImportDirectory()) {
     //allows to add own configurations for the current compile step.
     if ($definition->getConfig()) {
     $this->eventManager->notify('Theme_Compiler_Compile_Less', array('shop' => $shop, 'less' => $definition));
     //needs to iterate files, to generate source map if configured.
     foreach ($definition->getFiles() as $file) {
         if (!file_exists($file)) {
         //creates the url for the compiler, this url will be prepend to each relative path.
         //the url is additionally used for the source map generation.
         $url = $this->formatPathToUrl($file);
         $this->compiler->compile($file, $url);
Example #7
  * Synchronize the theme configuration sets of the file system and
  * the database.
  * @param Theme $theme
  * @param Shop\Template $template
  * @throws \Exception
 private function synchronizeSets(Theme $theme, Shop\Template $template)
     $collection = new ArrayCollection();
     $synchronized = array();
     //iterates all configurations sets of the file system
     foreach ($collection as $item) {
         if (!$item instanceof ConfigSet) {
             throw new \Exception(sprintf("Theme %s adds a configuration set which isn't an instance of Shopware\\Components\\Theme\\ConfigSet.", $theme->getTemplate()));
         //check if this set is already defined, to prevent auto increment in the database.
         $existing = $this->getExistingConfigSet($template->getConfigSets(), $item->getName());
         //if the set isn't defined, create a new one
         if (!$existing instanceof Shop\TemplateConfig\Set) {
             $existing = new Shop\TemplateConfig\Set();
         $this->eventManager->notify('Theme_Configurator_Theme_ConfigSet_Updated', array('theme' => $theme, 'template' => $template, 'existing' => $existing, 'defined' => $item));
         $synchronized[] = $existing;
     //iterates all sets of the template, file system and database
     foreach ($template->getConfigSets() as $existing) {
         //check if the current set was synchronized in the foreach before
         $defined = $this->getExistingConfigSet($synchronized, $existing->getName());
         if ($defined instanceof Shop\TemplateConfig\Set) {
         //if it wasn't synchronized, the file system theme want to remove the set.
     $this->eventManager->notify('Theme_Configurator_Theme_ConfigSets_Synchronized', array('theme' => $theme, 'template' => $template));
Example #8
  * Create status mail
  * @param int $orderId
  * @param int $statusId
  * @param string $templateName
  * @return Enlight_Components_Mail
 public function createStatusMail($orderId, $statusId, $templateName = null)
     $statusId = (int) $statusId;
     $orderId = (int) $orderId;
     if (empty($templateName)) {
         $templateName = 'sORDERSTATEMAIL' . $statusId;
     if (empty($orderId) || !is_numeric($statusId)) {
     $order = $this->getOrderForStatusMail($orderId);
     $orderDetails = $this->getOrderDetailsForStatusMail($orderId);
     if (!empty($order['dispatchID'])) {
         $dispatch = $this->db->fetchRow('
             SELECT name, description FROM s_premium_dispatch
             WHERE id=?
         ', array($order['dispatchID']));
     $user = $this->getCustomerInformationByOrderId($orderId);
     if (empty($order) || empty($orderDetails) || empty($user)) {
     $repository = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\\Models\\Shop\\Shop');
     $shopId = is_numeric($order['language']) ? $order['language'] : $order['subshopID'];
     $shop = $repository->getActiveById($shopId);
     $order['status_description'] = Shopware()->Snippets()->getNamespace('backend/static/order_status')->get($order['status_name'], $order['status_description']);
     $order['cleared_description'] = Shopware()->Snippets()->getNamespace('backend/static/payment_status')->get($order['cleared_name'], $order['cleared_description']);
     /* @var $mailModel \Shopware\Models\Mail\Mail */
     $mailModel = Shopware()->Models()->getRepository('Shopware\\Models\\Mail\\Mail')->findOneBy(array('name' => $templateName));
     if (!$mailModel) {
     $context = array('sOrder' => $order, 'sOrderDetails' => $orderDetails, 'sUser' => $user);
     if (!empty($dispatch)) {
         $context['sDispatch'] = $dispatch;
     $result = $this->eventManager->notify('Shopware_Controllers_Backend_OrderState_Notify', array('subject' => Shopware()->Front(), 'id' => $orderId, 'status' => $statusId, 'mailname' => $templateName));
     if (!empty($result)) {
         $context['EventResult'] = $result->getValues();
     $mail = Shopware()->TemplateMail()->createMail($templateName, $context, $shop);
     $return = array('content' => $mail->getPlainBodyText(), 'subject' => $mail->getPlainSubject(), 'email' => trim($user['email']), 'frommail' => $mail->getFrom(), 'fromname' => $mail->getFromName());
     $return = $this->eventManager->filter('Shopware_Controllers_Backend_OrderState_Filter', $return, array('subject' => Shopware()->Front(), 'id' => $orderId, 'status' => $statusId, 'mailname' => $templateName, 'mail' => $mail, 'engine' => Shopware()->Template()));
     $mail->setFrom($return['frommail'], $return['fromname']);
     return $mail;
Example #9
  * Dispatch function of the front controller.
  * If the flags noErrorHandler and noViewRenderer aren't set, the error handler and the view renderer
  * plugins will be loaded. After the plugins loaded the Enlight_Controller_Front_StartDispatch
  * event is notified.
  * After the event is done, enlight sets the router, dispatcher, request and response object automatically.
  * If the objects has been set, the Enlight_Controller_Front_RouteStartup event is notified.
  * After the event is done, the route routes the request to controller/action.
  * Then the Enlight_Controller_Front_RouteShutdown event and the Enlight_Controller_Front_DispatchLoopStartup
  * event are notified. After this events the controller runs the dispatch
  * of the request unless according to request everything was dispatched. During the dispatch
  * two events are notified:<br>
  *  - Enlight_Controller_Front_PreDispatch  => before the dispatch<br>
  *  - Enlight_Controller_Front_PostDispatch => after the dispatch<br><br>
  * When everything is dispatched the Enlight_Controller_Front_DispatchLoopShutdown event will be notified.
  * At last the response is sent. As well as the dispatch, two events are notified:
  *  - Enlight_Controller_Front_SendResponse      => before the response is sent<br>
  *  - Enlight_Controller_Front_AfterSendResponse => after the response is sent
  * @throws  Exception
  * @return  Enlight_Controller_Response_ResponseHttp
 public function dispatch()
     if (!$this->getParam('noErrorHandler')) {
     if (!$this->getParam('noViewRenderer')) {
     $eventArgs = new Enlight_Controller_EventArgs(array('subject' => $this));
     $this->eventManager->notify('Enlight_Controller_Front_StartDispatch', $eventArgs);
     if (!$this->router) {
     if (!$this->dispatcher) {
     if (!$this->request) {
     if (!$this->response) {
     $eventArgs->set('request', $this->Request());
     $eventArgs->set('response', $this->Response());
     try {
          * Notify plugins of router startup
         $this->eventManager->notify('Enlight_Controller_Front_RouteStartup', $eventArgs);
          * Route request to controller/action, if a router is provided
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             if ($this->throwExceptions()) {
                 throw $e;
          * Notify plugins of router completion
         $this->eventManager->notify('Enlight_Controller_Front_RouteShutdown', $eventArgs);
          * Notify plugins of dispatch loop startup
         $this->eventManager->notify('Enlight_Controller_Front_DispatchLoopStartup', $eventArgs);
          *  Attempts to dispatch the controller/action. If the $this->request
          *  indicates that it needs to be dispatched, it moves to the next
          *  action in the request.
         do {
              * Notify plugins of dispatch startup
             try {
                 $this->eventManager->notify('Enlight_Controller_Front_PreDispatch', $eventArgs);
                  * Skip requested action if preDispatch() has reset it
                 if (!$this->request->isDispatched()) {
                  * Dispatch request
                 try {
                     $this->dispatcher->dispatch($this->request, $this->response);
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     if ($this->throwExceptions()) {
                         throw $e;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 if ($this->throwExceptions()) {
                     throw $e;
              * Notify plugins of dispatch completion
             $this->eventManager->notify('Enlight_Controller_Front_PostDispatch', $eventArgs);
         } while (!$this->request->isDispatched());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($this->throwExceptions()) {
             throw $e;
      * Notify plugins of dispatch loop completion
     try {
         $this->eventManager->notify('Enlight_Controller_Front_DispatchLoopShutdown', $eventArgs);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($this->throwExceptions()) {
             throw $e;
     if ($this->returnResponse()) {
         return $this->response;
     if (!$this->eventManager->notifyUntil('Enlight_Controller_Front_SendResponse', $eventArgs)) {
     $this->eventManager->notify('Enlight_Controller_Front_AfterSendResponse', $eventArgs);
     return 0;
Example #10
  * Notify a lifecycleCallback event of doctrine over the enlight event manager
  * @param $eventName string
  * @param $eventArgs LifecycleEventArgs
  * @return \Enlight_Event_EventArgs|null
 protected function notifyEvent($eventName, $eventArgs)
     return $this->eventManager->notify($eventName, array('entityManager' => $eventArgs->getEntityManager(), 'entity' => $eventArgs->getEntity()));
Example #11
  * Generates the theme directory in engine/Shopware/Themes
  * @param $name
 private function createThemeDirectory($name)
     $directory = $this->getThemeDirectory($name);
     $this->eventManager->notify('Theme_Generator_Theme_Directory_Created', array('name' => $name, 'directory' => $directory));
  * @param string $event
  * @param null $eventArgs
  * @return Enlight_Event_EventArgs|null
  * @throws Enlight_Event_Exception
 public function notify($event, $eventArgs = null)
     $this->getPluginBootstrap()->addEvent($event, 'notify', $this->getListeners($event), $eventArgs);
     return $this->events->notify($event, $eventArgs);