  * Test case method
 public function testMailTransport()
     $mailTransport = Shopware()->MailTransport();
     $mail = new Enlight_Components_Mail();
     $mail->setBodyText('Test Hallo');
     $mail = $mail->send($mailTransport);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Zend_Mail', $mail);
  * Adds an error to the list of errors.
  * @param  PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test
  * @param  Exception              $e
  * @param  float                  $time
 public function addError(PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test, Exception $e, $time)
     $message = "\n" . $e->getMessage();
     if ($e instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException) {
         /** @var $e PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException */
         //$message .= "\n" . $e->getComparisonFailure()->toString();
     $name = $test->getName(false);
     $mail = new Enlight_Components_Mail();
     $mail->setSubject('PHPUnit test "' . $name . '" failed.');
     if ($test instanceof Enlight_Components_Test_Selenium_TestCase && $e instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException && ($screenshot = $test->getFullScreenshot())) {
         $filename = basename($test->getFullScreenshotUrl());
         /** @var $test Enlight_Components_Test_Selenium_TestCase */
         $mail->createAttachment($screenshot, Zend_Mime::TYPE_OCTETSTREAM, Zend_Mime::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT, Zend_Mime::ENCODING_BASE64, $filename);
Example #3
  * @return BufferHandler
 public function createMailHandler()
     $mailer = new \Enlight_Components_Mail();
     $mailer->setSubject('Error in shop "' . Shopware()->Config()->Shopname . '".');
     $mailHandler = new EnlightMailHandler($mailer, \Monolog\Logger::WARNING);
     $mailHandler->pushProcessor(new ShopwareEnvironmentProcessor());
     $mailHandler->setFormatter(new HtmlFormatter());
     $bufferedHandler = new BufferHandler($mailHandler);
     return $bufferedHandler;
Example #4
  * Sets the given Zend_Log object into the internal log property.
  * If no log given, a new instance with the internal configuration will be created.
  * @param Enlight_Components_Log|Zend_Log $log
 public function setResource(Zend_Log $log = null)
     if ($log === null) {
         $log = new Enlight_Components_Log();
         $log->setEventItem('date', Zend_Date::now());
         $log->addWriter(new Zend_Log_Writer_Null());
         $config = $this->Config();
         if(!empty($config->logDb)) {
             $writer = Zend_Log_Writer_Db::factory(array(
                 'db' => Shopware()->Db(),
                 'table' => 's_core_log',
                 'columnmap' => array(
                     'type' => 'priority',
                     'key' => 'priorityName',
                     'text' => 'message',
                     'date' => 'date',
                     'ip_address' => 'remote_address',
                     'user_agent' => 'user_agent',
         if(!empty($config->logMail)) {
             $mail = new Enlight_Components_Mail();
             $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Mail($mail);
             $writer->setSubjectPrependText('Fehler im Shop "'.Shopware()->Config()->Shopname.'" aufgetreten!');
     $this->log = $log;