Example #1
 public function widgetAction()
     // Render by widget name
     $mod = $this->_getParam('mod');
     $name = $this->_getParam('name');
     $name = str_replace('/format/smoothbox', '', $name);
     if (null === $name) {
         throw new Exception('no widget found with name: ' . $name);
     if (null !== $mod) {
         $name = $mod . '.' . $name;
     $contentInfoRaw = $this->getContentAreas();
     $contentInfo = array();
     foreach ($contentInfoRaw as $info) {
         $contentInfo[$info['name']] = $info;
     // It has a form specified in content manifest
     if (!empty($contentInfo[$name]['adminForm'])) {
         if (is_string($contentInfo[$name]['adminForm'])) {
             // Core_Form_Admin_Widget_*
             $formClass = $contentInfo[$name]['adminForm'];
             $this->view->form = $form = new $formClass();
         } else {
             if (is_array($contentInfo[$name]['adminForm'])) {
                 $this->view->form = $form = new Engine_Form($contentInfo[$name]['adminForm']);
             } else {
                 throw new Core_Model_Exception('Unable to load admin form class');
         // Try to set title if missing
         if (!$form->getTitle()) {
             $form->setTitle('Editing: ' . $contentInfo[$name]['title']);
         // Try to set description if missing
         if (!$form->getDescription()) {
         $form->setAttrib('class', 'global_form_popup ' . $form->getAttrib('class'));
         // Add title element
         if (!$form->getElement('title')) {
             $form->addElement('Text', 'title', array('label' => 'Title', 'order' => -100));
         if (!empty($contentInfo[$name]['isPaginated']) && !$form->getElement('itemCountPerPage')) {
             $form->addElement('Text', 'itemCountPerPage', array('label' => 'Count', 'description' => '(number of items to show)', 'validators' => array(array('Int', true), array('GreaterThan', true, array(0))), 'order' => 1000000 - 1));
         // Add submit button
         if (!$form->getElement('submit') && !$form->getElement('execute')) {
             $form->addElement('Button', 'execute', array('label' => 'Save Changes', 'type' => 'submit', 'ignore' => true, 'decorators' => array('ViewHelper'), 'order' => 1000000));
         // Add name
         $form->addElement('Hidden', 'name', array('value' => $name, 'order' => 1000010));
         if (!$form->getElement('cancel')) {
             $form->addElement('Cancel', 'cancel', array('label' => 'cancel', 'link' => true, 'prependText' => ' or ', 'onclick' => 'parent.Smoothbox.close();', 'ignore' => true, 'decorators' => array('ViewHelper'), 'order' => 1000001));
         // Check mobile element?
         if ($form->getElement('nomobile')) {
         $form->addElement('Select', 'nomobile', array('label' => 'Hide on Mobile site?', 'multiOptions' => array('1' => 'Yes, do not display on Mobile site.', '0' => 'No, display on Mobile site.'), 'order' => 100000 - 7, 'value' => '0'));
         $form->addElement('Select', 'notablet', array('label' => 'Hide on Tablet site?', 'multiOptions' => array('1' => 'Yes, do not display on Tablet site.', '0' => 'No, display on Tablet site.'), 'order' => 100000 - 6, 'value' => '0'));
         $form->addElement('Select', 'nofullsite', array('label' => 'Hide on Full site?', 'multiOptions' => array('1' => 'Yes, do not display on Full site.', '0' => 'No, display on Full site.'), 'order' => 100000 - 5, 'value' => '0'));
         if (!$form->getDisplayGroup('buttons')) {
             $submitName = $form->getElement('execute') ? 'execute' : 'submit';
             $form->addDisplayGroup(array($submitName, 'cancel'), 'buttons', array('order' => 1000002));
         // Force method and action
         if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && $form->isValid($this->getRequest()->getPost())) {
             $this->view->values = $form->getValues();
             $this->view->form = null;
     // Try to render admin page
     if (!empty($contentInfo[$name])) {
         try {
             $structure = array('type' => 'widget', 'name' => $name, 'request' => $this->getRequest(), 'action' => 'admin', 'throwExceptions' => true);
             // Create element (with structure)
             $element = new Engine_Content_Element_Container(array('elements' => array($structure), 'decorators' => array('Children')));
             $content = $element->render();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     // Just render default editing form
     $this->view->form = $form = new Engine_Form(array('title' => $contentInfo[$name]['title'], 'description' => 'placeholder', 'method' => 'post', 'action' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'class' => 'global_form_popup', 'elements' => array(array('Text', 'title', array('label' => 'Title')), array('Select', 'nomobile', array('label' => 'Hide on Mobile site?', 'order' => 4, 'multiOptions' => array('1' => 'Yes, do not display on Mobile site.', '0' => 'No, display on Mobile site.'), 'value' => '0')), array('Select', 'notablet', array('label' => 'Hide on Tablet site?', 'order' => 5, 'multiOptions' => array('1' => 'Yes, do not display on Tablet site.', '0' => 'No, display on Tablet site.'), 'value' => '0')), array('Select', 'nofullsite', array('label' => 'Hide on Full site?', 'order' => 6, 'multiOptions' => array('1' => 'Yes, do not display on Full site.', '0' => 'No, display on Full site.'), 'value' => '0')), array('Button', 'submit', array('label' => 'Save', 'type' => 'submit', 'decorators' => array('ViewHelper'), 'ignore' => true, 'order' => 1501)), array('Hidden', 'name', array('value' => $name)), array('Cancel', 'cancel', array('label' => 'cancel', 'link' => true, 'prependText' => ' or ', 'onclick' => 'parent.Smoothbox.close();', 'ignore' => true, 'decorators' => array('ViewHelper'), 'order' => 1502))), 'displaygroups' => array('buttons' => array('name' => 'buttons', 'elements' => array('submit', 'cancel'), 'options' => array('order' => 1500)))));
     if (!empty($contentInfo[$name]['isPaginated'])) {
         $form->addElement('Text', 'itemCountPerPage', array('label' => 'Count', 'description' => '(number of items to show)', 'validators' => array(array('Int', true), array('GreaterThan', true, array(0)))));
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && $form->isValid($this->getRequest()->getPost())) {
         $this->view->values = $form->getValues();
         $this->view->form = null;
     } else {