Example #1
 public function saludo($nombre)
     //        View::set("name", $nombre);
     //        View::set("title", "Custom MVC");
     //        View::render("front\\home");
     $templates = new Engine('../src/App/Views/front/');
     echo $templates->render('error', ['name' => 'Jonathan']);
 public function ensureCorrectGear(Engine $engine, $speed)
     $engineSize = $engine->getSize();
     $turbo = $engine->isTurbo();
     // Some complicated code to determine correct gear
     // setting based on $engineSize, $turbo, $speed etc.
     // ... omitted ...
     return "Working out correct gear at {$speed}mph for a SPORT gearbox";
Example #3
  * @expectedException Exception
 public function testEngineExecute()
     $arrConf = array('true' => array('InitContext', 'CommonParamChecker'), 'sourceFlag in [3]' => array('SdkParamChecker'));
     $phase = new PhaseParamCheck($arrConf);
     $phase = new Phase('paramCheck', $phase->actions);
     $engine = new Engine();
     $result = $engine->executeSinglePhase($phase);
     $this->assertEquals(false, $result);
 public function GetQuestionByArrayId($aArrayId, $aOrder = null)
     if (!is_array($aArrayId) || count($aArrayId) == 0) {
         return array();
     if (!is_array($aOrder)) {
         $aOrder = array($aOrder);
     $sOrder = '';
     foreach ($aOrder as $key => $value) {
         $value = (string) $value;
         if (!in_array($key, array('question_id', 'question_category_id', 'question_date_add', 'question_user_ip'))) {
         } elseif (in_array($value, array('asc', 'desc'))) {
             $sOrder .= " {$key} {$value},";
     $sOrder = trim($sOrder, ',');
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.receptiondesk_questions') . " WHERE question_id IN(?a) ORDER BY { FIELD(question_id,?a) }";
     if ($sOrder != '') {
         $sql .= $sOrder;
     $aQuestion = array();
     if ($aRows = $this->oDb->select($sql, $aArrayId, $sOrder == '' ? $aArrayId : DBSIMPLE_SKIP)) {
         foreach ($aRows as $aRow) {
             $aQuestion[] = Engine::GetEntity('PluginReceptiondesk_ModuleQuestion_EntityQuestion', $aRow);
     return $aQuestion;
Example #5
 function call()
     if (Config::get("require_login", 0) && $this->_action != 'login' && $this->_session->requireLogin()) {
Example #6
 function _smarty_include($params)
     if (isset($params['smarty_include_tpl_file'])) {
         $params['smarty_include_tpl_file'] = Engine::getInstance()->Plugin_GetDelegate('template', $params['smarty_include_tpl_file']);
 public function GetSubscribes($aFilter, $aOrder, &$iCount, $iCurrPage, $iPerPage)
     $aOrderAllow = array('id', 'date_add', 'status');
     $sOrder = '';
     foreach ($aOrder as $key => $value) {
         if (!in_array($key, $aOrderAllow)) {
         } elseif (in_array($value, array('asc', 'desc'))) {
             $sOrder .= " {$key} {$value},";
     $sOrder = trim($sOrder, ',');
     if ($sOrder == '') {
         $sOrder = ' id desc ';
     if (isset($aFilter['exclude_mail']) and !is_array($aFilter['exclude_mail'])) {
         $aFilter['exclude_mail'] = array($aFilter['exclude_mail']);
     $sql = "SELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t*\n\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t" . Config::Get('db.table.subscribe') . "\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t1 = 1\n\t\t\t\t\t{ AND target_type = ? }\n\t\t\t\t\t{ AND target_id = ?d }\n\t\t\t\t\t{ AND mail = ? }\n\t\t\t\t\t{ AND mail not IN (?a) }\n\t\t\t\t\t{ AND `key` = ? }\n\t\t\t\t\t{ AND status = ?d }\n\t\t\t\tORDER by {$sOrder}\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT ?d, ?d ;\n\t\t\t\t\t";
     $aResult = array();
     if ($aRows = $this->oDb->selectPage($iCount, $sql, isset($aFilter['target_type']) ? $aFilter['target_type'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, isset($aFilter['target_id']) ? $aFilter['target_id'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, isset($aFilter['mail']) ? $aFilter['mail'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, (isset($aFilter['exclude_mail']) and count($aFilter['exclude_mail'])) ? $aFilter['exclude_mail'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, isset($aFilter['key']) ? $aFilter['key'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, isset($aFilter['status']) ? $aFilter['status'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, ($iCurrPage - 1) * $iPerPage, $iPerPage)) {
         foreach ($aRows as $aRow) {
             $aResult[] = Engine::GetEntity('Subscribe', $aRow);
     return $aResult;
  * Edit image
  * @param PluginLsgallery_ModuleImage_EntityImage $oImage
  * @return boolean
 public function UpdateImage($oImage)
     $oImageOld = $this->GetImageById($oImage->getId());
     /* @var $oAlbum PluginLsgallery_ModuleAlbum_EntityAlbum */
     $oAlbum = $this->PluginLsgallery_Album_GetAlbumById($oImage->getAlbumId());
     $this->Cache_Clean(Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_MATCHING_TAG, array("image_update"));
     if ($oImage->getImageTags() != $oImageOld->getImageTags()) {
          * Обновляем теги
         $aTags = explode(',', $oImage->getImageTags());
         if ($oAlbum->getType() == PluginLsgallery_ModuleAlbum_EntityAlbum::TYPE_OPEN) {
             foreach ($aTags as $sTag) {
                 $oTag = Engine::GetEntity('PluginLsgallery_ModuleImage_EntityImageTag');
     return true;
Example #9
 public function Init()
     $this->oMapper = Engine::GetMapper(__CLASS__);
     //get me my DB link baby
     $this->oUserCurrent = $this->User_GetUserCurrent();
     //do I need this?
 public function run($template)
     if (file_exists(TEMP_CONFIG_FILE)) {
  * Запуск обработки
 public function Exec()
     $sEntity = $this->GetParam('entity');
     $oTarget = $this->GetParam('target');
     $sTargetType = $this->GetParam('target_type');
     if (!$oTarget) {
         $oTarget = Engine::GetEntity($sEntity);
     $aBehaviors = $oTarget->GetBehaviors();
     foreach ($aBehaviors as $oBehavior) {
         if ($oBehavior instanceof ModuleCategory_BehaviorEntity) {
              * Если в параметрах был тип, то переопределяем значение. Это необходимо для корректной работы, когда тип динамический.
             if ($sTargetType) {
                 $oBehavior->setParam('target_type', $sTargetType);
              * Нужное нам поведение - получаем список текущих категорий
             $this->Viewer_Assign('categoriesSelected', $oBehavior->getCategories(), true);
              * Загружаем параметры
             $aParams = $oBehavior->getParams();
             $this->Viewer_Assign('params', $aParams, true);
              * Загружаем список доступных категорий
             $this->Viewer_Assign('categories', $this->Category_GetCategoriesTreeByTargetType($oBehavior->getCategoryTargetType()), true);
Example #12
 protected function EventAjaxSet()
     if (!F::isPost('url')) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->CheckSeopackFields()) {
         return false;
     $sUrl = E::ModuleSeopack()->ClearUrl(F::GetRequest('url'));
     if (!($oSeopack = E::ModuleSeopack()->GetSeopackByUrl($sUrl))) {
         $oSeopack = Engine::GetEntity('PluginSeopack_ModuleSeopack_EntitySeopack');
     if (F::GetRequest('title_auto') && F::GetRequest('description_auto') && F::GetRequest('keywords_auto')) {
     $oSeopack->setTitle(F::GetRequest('title_auto') ? null : strip_tags(F::GetRequest('title')));
     $oSeopack->setDescription(F::GetRequest('description_auto') ? null : strip_tags(F::GetRequest('description')));
     $oSeopack->setKeywords(F::GetRequest('keywords_auto') ? null : strip_tags(F::GetRequest('keywords')));
     if ($oSeopack->Save()) {
         if ($oSeopack->getTitle()) {
             E::ModuleViewer()->AssignAjax('title', $oSeopack->getTitle());
 * Показывает блоки определенно группы
 * @param unknown_type $params
 * @param unknown_type $smarty
 * @return unknown
function smarty_function_show_blocks($aParams, &$oSmarty)
    if (!array_key_exists('group', $aParams)) {
        trigger_error("show_blocks: missing 'group' parameter", E_USER_WARNING);
    $sGroup = $aParams['group'];
    $aBlocks = Engine::getInstance()->Viewer_GetBlocks(true);
    $sResult = '';
    if (isset($aBlocks[$sGroup]) and is_array($aBlocks[$sGroup])) {
        foreach ($aBlocks[$sGroup] as $aBlock) {
            if ($aBlock['type'] == 'block') {
                $sResult .= smarty_insert_block(array('block' => $aBlock['name'], 'params' => isset($aBlock['params']) ? $aBlock['params'] : array()), $oSmarty);
            } elseif ($aBlock['type'] == 'template') {
                $sResult .= $oSmarty->getSubTemplate($aBlock['name'], $oSmarty->cache_id, $oSmarty->compile_id, null, null, array('params' => isset($aBlock['params']) ? $aBlock['params'] : array()), Smarty::SCOPE_LOCAL);
    if (!empty($aParams['assign'])) {
        $oSmarty->assign($aParams['assign'], $sResult);
    } else {
        return $sResult;
Example #14
    public function GetTopicsByArrayId($aArrayId)
        $oUserCurrent = PluginLib_ModuleUser::GetUserCurrent();
        $sAccessWhere = $oUserCurrent->isAdministrator() ? '' : ' AND ' . PluginAccesstotopic_ModuleAccess::GetAccessWhereStatment($oUserCurrent->getId());
        if (!is_array($aArrayId) or count($aArrayId) == 0) {
            return array();
        $sql = 'SELECT 
					' . Config::Get('db.table.topic') . ' as t	
					JOIN  ' . Config::Get('db.table.topic_content') . ' as tc ON t.topic_id=tc.topic_id
					t.topic_id IN(?a)
					' . $sAccessWhere . '
				ORDER BY FIELD(t.topic_id,?a) ';
        $aTopics = array();
        if ($aRows = $this->oDb->select($sql, $aArrayId, $aArrayId)) {
            foreach ($aRows as $aTopic) {
                $aTopics[] = Engine::GetEntity('Topic', $aTopic);
        return $aTopics;
  * Create topic with default values
  * @param int $iBlogId
  * @param int $iUserId
  * @param string $sTitle
  * @param string $sText
  * @param string $sTags
  * @param string $sDate
  * @return ModuleTopic_EntityTopic
 private function _createTopic($iBlogId, $iUserId, $sTitle, $sText, $sTags, $sDate)
     $this->aActivePlugins = $this->oEngine->Plugin_GetActivePlugins();
     $oTopic = Engine::GetEntity('Topic');
     /* @var $oTopic ModuleTopic_EntityTopic */
     list($sTextShort, $sTextNew, $sTextCut) = $this->oEngine->Text_Cut($oTopic->getTextSource());
     $oTopic->setTextHash(md5($oTopic->getType() . $oTopic->getTextSource() . $oTopic->getTitle()));
     //with active plugin l10n added a field topic_lang
     if (in_array('l10n', $this->aActivePlugins)) {
     // @todo refact this
     return $oTopic;
Example #16
 public function isMatch($URL)
     //Check if we're forcing a new URL
     $forcingNewAnalysis = $URL == $this->getNewAnalysisURL();
     //Are they matching the URL?
     $isMatchingURL = $URL == $this->getURL() || $forcingNewAnalysis;
     //Are they logged in?
     $isLoggedIn = $this->user->isLoggedIn();
     if ($isMatchingURL && $isLoggedIn) {
         //Only start considering if it's a match here as we need to query the database after this.
         $dbh = Engine::getDatabase();
         //If this user exists in the database, they have used our application
         //before and an analysis would have been created on authentication
         $this->userExists = $dbh->query("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE User_ID=" . $this->user->id)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) != null;
         if (!$forcingNewAnalysis && $this->userExists) {
             header("Location: " . Engine::getRemoteAbsolutePath((new Account())->getURL()));
         if (!$this->userExists) {
             $dbh->exec("INSERT INTO Users (User_ID, Name, Email) VALUES ('" . User::instance()->id . "', '" . User::instance()->name . "', '" . User::instance()->email . "')");
         //Otherwise, we are a new user and we don't need to force a new analysis
         return true;
     } else {
         if ($isMatchingURL && !$isLoggedIn) {
             //Go back home as we're not authenticated.
             require 'login.php';
         } else {
             //Wasn't a match at all.
             return false;
Example #17
 private function authenticate()
     //Try gaining access to the Facebook PHP SDK
     try {
         $accessToken = SDK::instance()->helper->getAccessToken();
     } catch (Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
         throw new Exception("Graph returned an error: " . $e->getMessage());
     } catch (Facebok\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
         throw new Exception("Facebook SDK returned an error: " . $e->getMessage());
     //Assuming it went well, let's process our login state
     if (!is_null($this->getToken()) || isset($accessToken)) {
         //This if statements means that it doesn't matter if the session token is set or not,
         //as long as we have the access token either by request or by session, we can use the session
         if (is_null($this->getToken())) {
             $this->setToken((string) $accessToken);
             header("Location: " . Engine::getRemoteAbsolutePath((new Analyse())->getURL()));
         //Get basic user profile information such as user id, name and email to test whether the session works
         try {
         } catch (Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
             if (strpos($e->getMessage(), "The user has not authorized application") > -1) {
                 header("Location: " . Engine::getRemoteAbsolutePath((new Home())->getURL()));
             } else {
                 throw $e;
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Example #18
 public static function initInstance($engineType = null)
     if (self::$engine != null) {
         return self::$engine;
     $parser = ModuleOperations::get_instance()->get_module_instance('Parser');
     if ($engineType == null) {
         $engineType = $parser->GetPreference('default_engine', Engine::$PARSDOWN);
     self::$process_smarty_security = $parser->GetPreference('process_smarty_security', true);
     self::$process_security = $parser->GetPreference('process_security', true);
     self::$process_quote = $parser->GetPreference('process_quote', true);
     self::$process_img = $parser->GetPreference('process_img', true);
     self::$process_codepre = $parser->GetPreference('process_codepre', true);
     if (Engine::$MICHELF == $engineType) {
         include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Engines/class.MichelfEngine.php';
         self::$engine = new MichelfEngine();
     } else {
         if (Engine::$MICHELF_EXTRA == $engineType) {
             include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Engines/class.MichelfExtraEngine.php';
             self::$engine = new MichelfExtraEngine();
         } else {
             if (Engine::$PARSDOWN == $engineType) {
                 include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Engines/class.ParsedownEngine.php';
                 self::$engine = new ParsedownEngine();
     return self::$engine;
Example #19
 public function Add(ModuleUser_EntityUser $oUser)
     if ($nUser = parent::Add($oUser)) {
         $sId = $nUser->getId();
         $aMhb = $this->PluginMHB_ModuleMain_GetAllMhb();
         foreach ($aMhb as $oMhb) {
             if ($oMhb->getAutoJoin()) {
                 if ($oBlog = $this->Blog_GetBlogById($oMhb->getBlogId())) {
                     $oBlogUserNew = Engine::GetEntity('Blog_BlogUser');
                     $bResult = $this->Blog_AddRelationBlogUser($oBlogUserNew);
                     if ($bResult) {
                         $oBlog->setCountUser($oBlog->getCountUser() + 1);
                         $this->Stream_write($sId, 'join_blog', $oBlog->getId());
                         $this->Userfeed_subscribeUser($sId, ModuleUserfeed::SUBSCRIBE_TYPE_BLOG, $oBlog->getId());
         return $nUser;
     return false;
  * Запуск обработки
 public function Exec()
     $sEntity = $this->GetParam('entity');
     $oTarget = $this->GetParam('target');
     $sTargetType = $this->GetParam('target_type');
     if (!$oTarget) {
         $oTarget = Engine::GetEntity($sEntity);
     $aBehaviors = $oTarget->GetBehaviors();
     foreach ($aBehaviors as $oBehavior) {
          * Определяем нужное нам поведение
         if ($oBehavior instanceof ModuleProperty_BehaviorEntity) {
              * Если в параметрах был тип, то переопределяем значение. Это необходимо для корректной работы, когда тип динамический.
             if ($sTargetType) {
                 $oBehavior->setParam('target_type', $sTargetType);
             $aProperties = $this->Property_GetPropertiesForUpdate($oBehavior->getPropertyTargetType(), $oTarget->getId());
             $this->Viewer_Assign('properties', $aProperties, true);
Example #21
 public function __construct($params = [])
     $this->ENGINE = Engine::Instance();
     $this->component = get_called_class();
     $this->PARAMS = $params;
     $this->USER =& $_SESSION['USER'];
Example #22
 public static function get_instance()
     if (!self::$instance) {
         self::$instance = new Engine();
     return self::$instance;
  * Инициализация модуля. Это обязательный метод
 public function Init()
      * Создаем объект маппера PluginExample_ModuleExample_MapperExample
     $this->oMapper = Engine::GetMapper(__CLASS__);
Example #24
 protected function SubmitSaveSeopack()
     $this->sMainMenuItem = 'content';
     if (!$this->CheckSeopackFields()) {
         return false;
     $sUrl = E::ModuleSeopack()->ClearUrl(F::GetRequest('url'));
     if (!F::GetRequest('seopack_id')) {
         if (!($oSeopack = E::ModuleSeopack()->GetSeopackByUrl($this->GetUri($sUrl)))) {
             $oSeopack = Engine::GetEntity('PluginSeopack_ModuleSeopack_EntitySeopack');
     } elseif (!($oSeopack = E::ModuleSeopack()->GetSeopackBySeopackId(F::GetRequest('seopack_id')))) {
         $oSeopack = Engine::GetEntity('PluginSeopack_ModuleSeopack_EntitySeopack');
     $oSeopack->setTitle(F::GetRequest('title_auto') ? null : strip_tags(F::GetRequest('title')));
     $oSeopack->setDescription(F::GetRequest('description_auto') ? null : strip_tags(F::GetRequest('description')));
     $oSeopack->setKeywords(F::GetRequest('keywords_auto') ? null : strip_tags(F::GetRequest('keywords')));
     if ($oSeopack->Save()) {
     } else {
Example #25
 function call()
     if ($this->_session->requireLogin()) {
 * Plugin for Smarty
 * @param   array                    $aParams
 * @param   Smarty_Internal_Template $oSmartyTemplate
 * @return  string|null
function smarty_function_widget_template($aParams, $oSmartyTemplate)
    if (!isset($aParams['name'])) {
        trigger_error('Parameter "name" does not define in {widget ...} function', E_USER_WARNING);
        return null;
    $sWidgetName = $aParams['name'];
    $aWidgetParams = isset($aParams['params']) ? $aParams['params'] : array();
    $oEngine = Engine::getInstance();
    // Проверяем делигирование
    $sTemplate = E::ModulePlugin()->GetDelegate('template', $sWidgetName);
    if ($sTemplate) {
        if ($aWidgetParams) {
            foreach ($aWidgetParams as $sKey => $sVal) {
                $oSmartyTemplate->assign($sKey, $sVal);
            if (!isset($aWidgetParams['params'])) {
                /* LS-compatible */
                $oSmartyTemplate->assign('params', $aWidgetParams);
            $oSmartyTemplate->assign('aWidgetParams', $aWidgetParams);
        $sResult = $oSmartyTemplate->fetch($sTemplate);
    } else {
        $sResult = null;
    return $sResult;
  * Отправляет пользователю сообщение о добавлении его в друзья
  * @param ModuleUser_EntityUser $oUserTo
  * @param ModuleUser_EntityUser $oUserFrom
  * @param string $sText
 public function SendUserMarkImageNew(ModuleUser_EntityUser $oUserTo, ModuleUser_EntityUser $oUserFrom, $sText)
      * Если в конфигураторе указан отложенный метод отправки,
      * то добавляем задание в массив. В противном случае,
      * сразу отсылаем на email
     if (Config::Get('module.notify.delayed')) {
         $oNotifyTask = Engine::GetEntity('Notify_Task', array('user_mail' => $oUserTo->getMail(), 'user_login' => $oUserTo->getLogin(), 'notify_text' => $sText, 'notify_subject' => $this->Lang_Get('plugin.lsgallery.lsgallery_marked_subject'), 'date_created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'notify_task_status' => self::NOTIFY_TASK_STATUS_NULL));
         if (Config::Get('module.notify.insert_single')) {
             $this->aTask[] = $oNotifyTask;
         } else {
     } else {
          * Отправляем мыло
         $this->Mail_SetAdress($oUserTo->getMail(), $oUserTo->getLogin());
 public function initEngine()
     if (!$this->oEngine) {
         $this->oEngine = Engine::getInstance();
  * Добавление новой записи
 protected function EventAdd()
      * Устанавливаем title страницы
      * Проверяем авторизован ли пользователь
     if (!$this->User_IsAuthorization()) {
         $this->Message_AddErrorSingle($this->Lang_Get('not_access'), $this->Lang_Get('error'));
         return Router::Action('error');
      * Запускаем проверку корректности ввода полей.
      * Дополнительно проверяем, что был отправлен POST запрос.
     if (!$this->checkTestimonialFields()) {
         return false;
      * Если все ок, заполняем свойства
     $oTestimonial = Engine::GetEntity('PluginTestimonials_Testimonials');
      * Парсим текст на предмет разных ХТМЛ тегов
     $sText = $this->Text_Parser(getRequestStr('text'));
     $oTestimonial->setDateAdd(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
      * Проверяем права на постинг
     if (!$this->PluginTestimonials_ACL_CanAddTestimonial($this->oUserCurrent)) {
         $this->Message_AddErrorSingle($this->Lang_Get('plugin.testimonials.create_error_noallow'), $this->Lang_Get('error'));
         return false;
      * Проверяем разрешено ли постить по времени
     if (isPost('submit_testimonial_save') and !$this->PluginTestimonials_ACL_CanPostTestimonialTime($this->oUserCurrent)) {
         $this->Message_AddErrorSingle($this->Lang_Get('topic_time_limit'), $this->Lang_Get('error'));
      * Добавляем запись
     if ($this->PluginTestimonials_Testimonials_AddTestimonial($oTestimonial)) {
          * Добавляем событие в ленту
         $this->Stream_write($oTestimonial->getUserId(), 'add_testimonial', $oTestimonial->getId());
     } else {
 public function ClearComments()
     $sql = "SELECT co.comment_id FROM " . Config::Get('db.table.comment_online') . " AS co\n                LEFT JOIN " . Config::Get('db.table.topic') . " AS t ON co.target_type='topic' AND co.target_id=t.topic_id\n                WHERE t.topic_id IS NULL";
     if ($aCommentId = $this->oDb->selectCol($sql)) {
         Engine::getInstance()->Comment_DeleteCommentOnlineByArrayId($aCommentId, 'topic');
     return true;