$smarty->assign('has_previous_page', $pagination->has_previous_page());
$smarty->assign('total_pages', $pagination->total_pages());
$smarty->assign('has_next_page', $pagination->has_next_page());
$smarty->assign('next_page', $pagination->next_page());
$offset = $pagination->offset();
$sql = " SELECT * FROM " . TBL_JOB;
$sql .= " LIMIT {$per_page} ";
$sql .= " OFFSET {$offset} ";
$lists = Job::find_by_sql($sql);
$manage_lists = array();
if ($lists && is_array($lists)) {
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($lists as $list) {
        if (!empty($list->fk_employer_id) && $list->fk_employer_id != 0) {
            $employer = Employer::find_by_id($list->fk_employer_id);
        $manage_lists[$i]['id'] = $list->id;
        $manage_lists[$i]['job_title'] = $list->job_title;
        $manage_lists[$i]['spotlight'] = $list->spotlight == "Y" ? "Spotlight Job" : "Standard Job";
        $manage_lists[$i]['created_at'] = strftime(DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($list->created_at));
        $manage_lists[$i]['employer_name'] = empty($employer) ? 'Employer not found' : $employer->full_name();
        $manage_lists[$i]['employer_id'] = $employer->id;
        $manage_lists[$i]['employer_username'] = $employer->username;
        $manage_lists[$i]['views_count'] = $list->views_count;
        $manage_lists[$i]['apply_count'] = $list->apply_count;
        $manage_lists[$i]['is_active'] = $list->is_active == "Y" ? "Active" : "Not Active";
        $manage_lists[$i]['job_status'] = $list->job_status;
    $smarty->assign('manage_lists', $manage_lists);
        $page = "job_by_company";
    } else {
        $page = "not_found";
switch ($page) {
    case "company":
        $jobcompany = Job::list_job_by_employer();
        if ($jobcompany) {
            $company = array();
            $i = 1;
            foreach ($jobcompany as $job_by_company) {
                $employer_id = $job_by_company->fk_employer_id;
                $total_jobs = Job::total_job_by_employer($employer_id);
                $company[$i]['total'] = $total_jobs;
                if ($employer = Employer::find_by_id($employer_id)) {
                    $name = $employer->company_name;
                    /**check length of text */
                    $names = strlen($employer->company_name) > 60 ? substr($employer->company_name, 0, 30) . " ... " : $employer->company_name;
                    $company[$i]['name'] = $names;
                    $company[$i]['employer_id'] = $employer_id;
                    $company[$i]['var_name'] = $employer->var_name;
            $smarty->assign('company', $company);
        $html_title = SITE_NAME . " - " . format_lang('page_title', 'BrowseBYCompany');
        //$meta_description = "";
        $smarty->assign('message', $message);
        $smarty->assign('rendered_page', $smarty->fetch('company.tpl'));
Example #3
 $smarty->assign('career', $career_name);
 $experiences = Experience::find_by_id($jobs->fk_experience_id);
 $smarty->assign('experiences', $experiences);
 $experience_name = !empty($experiences) ? $experiences->experience_name : format_lang('not_provided');
 $smarty->assign('experience_var_name', $experiences->var_name);
 $smarty->assign('experience', $experience_name);
 $smarty->assign('spotlight', $jobs->spotlight);
 if (!empty($jobs->job_salary) && !empty($jobs->salaryfreq)) {
     $job_salary = $jobs->job_salary . format_lang('per') . $jobs->salaryfreq;
 } else {
     $job_salary = format_lang('not_provided');
 $smarty->assign('job_salary', $job_salary);
 //$smarty->assign('salaryfreq', 		$jobs->salaryfreq );
 $employer = Employer::find_by_id($jobs->fk_employer_id);
 $company_name = $employer->company_name;
 $employer_var_name = $employer->var_name;
 $smarty->assign('employer_var_name', $employer_var_name);
 $smarty->assign('company_name', $company_name);
 $smarty->assign('company_logo', $employer->company_logo);
 $smarty->assign('contact_name', $jobs->contact_name);
 $telephone = !empty($jobs->contact_telephone) ? $jobs->contact_telephone : format_lang('not_provided');
 $smarty->assign('contact_telephone', $telephone);
 $link = !empty($jobs->site_link) ? $jobs->site_link : format_lang('not_provided');
 $smarty->assign('site_link', $link);
 //$smarty->assign('poster_email', 	$jobs->poster_email );
 $smarty->assign('views_count', $jobs->views_count);
 $smarty->assign('apply_count', $jobs->apply_count);
 $start_date = !empty($jobs->start_date) ? $jobs->start_date : format_lang('not_provided');
 $smarty->assign('start_date', $start_date);

$user = Employer::find_by_id($user_id);
$email = $user->email_address;
$validated = $user->is_active;
$username = $user->username;
$smarty->assign('current_email', $email);
$smarty->assign('is_validated', $validated);
if (isset($_POST['bt_email'])) {
    $error = array();
    $email_address = $_POST['txt_email_address'];
    $con_email = $_POST['txt_confirm_email_address'];
    if (!check_email($email_address)) {
        $error[] = format_lang('error', 'incorrect_format_email');
    $email_found = Employer::check_email($email_address);
    if ($email_found) {
        $error[] = format_lang('error', 'email_already_existed');
    if (sizeof($error) == 0) {
        $user = Employer::change_email_address($username, $email_address);
        if ($user) {
            $change_key = Employer::change_key($username);
            if ($change_key) {
                $mess = "<p>To confirm your profile addition, please click the link below. Or, \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif the link is not clickable, copy and paste it into address bar of your \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tweb browser, to directly access it.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>";
                $mess .= "<p>#Link#/confirm_reg/{$reg_key}/</p><p>&nbsp;</p>";
                $mess .= "<p>If you still have the final step of the registration wizard open, \r\n\t\t\t\t\tyou can input your confirmation code on that screen.</P><p>&nbsp;</p>";
                $mess .= "<p>Your confirmation code is: {$reg_key}</p><p>&nbsp;</p>";
            $message = "<div class='success'>" . format_lang('success', 'update_email') . "</div>";
        } else {
    if (isset($_POST['spotlight_credit_all']) && !empty($_POST['txt_credits'])) {
        foreach ($_POST['employer_id'] as $key => $value) {
            if ($value != "") {
                $username = Employer::find_by_id($value);
                $employer->username = $username->username;
                $employer->spotlight_qty = (int) $_POST['txt_credits'];
                if ($employer->add_more_spotlight_job_post()) {
                    $success = true;
    if (isset($_POST['job_credit_all']) && !empty($_POST['txt_credits'])) {
        foreach ($_POST['employer_id'] as $key => $value) {
            if ($value != "") {
                $username = Employer::find_by_id($value);
                $employer->username = $username->username;
                $employer->job_qty = (int) $_POST['txt_credits'];
                if ($employer->add_more_job_post()) {
                    $success = true;
    if ($success) {
        $session->message("<div class='success'>Credit(s) has been added</div>");
Example #6
function process_payment($invoice_id = null, $params)
    $success = false;
    $invoice = PackageInvoice::find_by_id($invoice_id);
    // process payment
    $clint = Employer::find_by_id($invoice->fk_employer_id);
    if ($invoice->cv_views == "Y") {
        $clint->cv_qty = $invoice->posts_quantity;
        $success = true;
    if ($invoice->spotlight == "Y") {
        $clint->spotlight_qty = $invoice->posts_quantity;
        $success = true;
    if ($invoice->standard == "Y") {
        $clint->job_qty = $invoice->posts_quantity;
        $success = true;
    } else {
    if ($success) {
        $invoice->package_status = 'Completed';
        $invoice->processed_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
        $invoice_item = new Invoice();
        /* start **/
        		$param['payment_status'] = ""; //what is the status of the payment
        		$param['amount'] = ""; // how much was paid for this total amount for each item
        		$param['currency'] = ""; //what currecy they used to pay for this
        		$param['receiver_id'] = ""; // what is the id of person who is paying
        		$param['payment_email']; // what email have they used to pay
        		$param['txn_id'] = ""; // txt id
        		$param['txn_type'] = ""; // how are they pay for this web or ext.
        		$param['payer_status'] = ""; //is user verfied by the method they pay from
        		$param['residence_country'] = ""; //which country does user belogn to
        		//$param['origin'] = ""; //where is the payment come from
        		$param['payment_method'] = ""; // what methoid of payment they used e.g. paypal, ccbill
        		$param['payment_vars'] = ""; //get all var which are return from online site.
        		$param['payment_type'] = ""; //how they pay for this
        		$param['reason'] = ""; // if they cancel then tell user why
        $invoice_item->fk_invoice_id = $invoice_id;
        $invoice_item->payment_status = $params['payment_status'];
        $invoice_item->payment_type = $params['payment_type'];
        $invoice_item->amount = $params['amount'];
        $invoice_item->currency = $params['currency'];
        $invoice_item->receiver_id = $params['receiver_id'];
        $invoice_item->payment_email = $params['payment_email'];
        $invoice_item->txn_id = $params['txn_id'];
        $invoice_item->txn_type = $params['txn_type'];
        $invoice_item->payer_status = $params['payer_status'];
        $invoice_item->residence_country = $params['residence_country'];
        $invoice_item->payment_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
        $invoice_item->reason = $params['reason'];
        $invoice_item->origin = $params['payment_method'];
        $invoice_item->payment_vars = $params['payment_vars'];
        if ($invoice_item->save()) {
            /** EMAIL TEXT **/
            $email_template = get_lang('email_template', 'confirm_order');
            $subject = str_replace("#SiteName#", SITE_NAME, $email_template['email_subject']);
            $body = $email_template['email_text'];
            $body = str_replace("#FullName#", $clint->full_name(), $body);
            $body = str_replace("#SiteName#", SITE_NAME, $body);
            $body = str_replace("#InvoiceId#", $invoice_id, $body);
            $body = str_replace("#Qty#", $invoice->posts_quantity, $body);
            $body = str_replace("#Amount#", $invoice->amount, $body);
            $body = str_replace("#PayMethod#", 'None', $body);
            $body = str_replace("#Domain#", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $body);
            $body = str_replace("#ContactUs#", ADMIN_EMAIL, $body);
            $body = str_replace("#Link#", BASE_URL, $body);
            $to = array("email" => $clint->email_address, "name" => $clint->full_name());
            $from = array("email" => NO_REPLY_EMAIL, "name" => SITE_NAME);
            /** end email text **/
            $mail = send_mail($body, $subject, $to, $from, "", "");
            return $mail;
    return false;

$records = Job::gorup_jobs_by_dates();
$i = 0;
if (!empty($records)) {
    $record_array = array();
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($records as $record) {
        $rows = Job::get_group_job($record->created_at);
        $created_at = date("d M", strtotime($record->created_at));
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $city = City::find_by_code($row->country, $row->state_province, $row->county, $row->city);
            $city_name = empty($city) ? $row->city : $city->name;
            $company_namer = Employer::find_by_id($row->fk_employer_id);
            $company_name = $company_namer->company_name;
            $body = $row->job_description;
            $record_array[$created_at][$i]['job_title'] = $row->job_title;
            $record_array[$created_at][$i]['location'] = $city_name;
            $record_array[$created_at][$i]['job_description'] = subtrack_string($body, 120);
            $record_array[$created_at][$i]['var_name'] = $row->var_name;
            $record_array[$created_at][$i]['company_name'] = $company_name;
    $smarty->assign('gorup_jobs_by_dates', $record_array);
    unset($record_array, $i, $record, $row);
 case "delete_logo":
     $employer = new Employer();
     $employer->company_logo = $user->company_logo;
     $employer->username = $user->username;
     if ($employer->destroy_logo()) {
         $session->message("<div class='success'>" . format_lang('success', 'deleteLogo') . "</div>");
     } else {
         $session->message("<div class='error'>" . format_lang('error', 'deleteLogo') . "</div>");
     redirect_to(BASE_URL . 'employer/account/');
     if (isset($_POST['bt_update'])) {
         $employer = new Employer();
         $remove_logo = Employer::find_by_id((int) $user_id);
         //$remove_logo->company_logo = $employer->company_logo;
         //$remove_logo->username = $employer->username;
         $employer->id = (int) $user_id;
         $employer->company_name = $company_name = $_POST['txt_company_name'];
         $employer->var_name = $employer->mod_write_check($_POST['txt_company_name'], $user->company_name);
         $employer->contact_name = $contact_name = $_POST['txt_contact_name'];
         $employer->site_link = $site = $_POST['txt_site'];
         $employer->company_desc = $company_desc = allowedTags($_POST['txt_company_desc']);
         $employer->email_address = $email = $_POST['txt_email'];
         $employer->username = $username = $user->username;
         $employer->address = $address = $_POST['txt_address'];
         $employer->address2 = $address2 = $_POST['txt_address2'];
         $_SESSION['loc']['citycode'] = $employer->city = $_POST['txtcity'];
         $_SESSION['loc']['countycode'] = $employer->county = $_POST['txtcounty'];
         $_SESSION['loc']['stateprovince'] = $employer->state_province = $_POST['txtstateprovince'];
Example #9
 public static function recommendedJob($user_id = 0, $cvjob_title = null, $cvjob_title2 = null, $cvjob_city = null, $cvjob_county = null, $cvjob_state = null, $cvjob_country = null)
     global $database, $db;
     $select = " SELECT job_title, city, county, state_province, country, fk_employer_id,var_name, created_at ";
     $select .= ", match( job.job_title, job.job_description ) against ('" . $cvjob_title . "' '+" . $cvjob_title2 . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE) as relevance ";
     $from = " FROM " . self::$table_name . " AS job ";
     $where = " WHERE job.id NOT IN ( SELECT job_h.fk_job_id from " . TBL_HISTORY . " as job_h WHERE job_h.fk_employee_id={$user_id}) ";
     $where .= " AND job.is_active='Y' AND job.job_status='approved' AND job.id > 0 ";
     //$where .= " AND var_name <> '".$old."' ";
     $where .= " AND match( job.job_title, job.job_description ) against ('" . $cvjob_title . "' '+" . $cvjob_title2 . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE)";
     $where .= " AND  DATE_ADD( job.created_at, INTERVAL " . JOBLASTFOR . " DAY ) > NOW() ";
     //$where .= " AND city='{$cvjob_city}' ";
     $where .= " AND county='{$cvjob_county}' ";
     $where .= " AND state_province='{$cvjob_state}'";
     $where .= " AND country='{$cvjob_country}'";
     $order = " ORDER BY relevance, created_at DESC ";
     $limit = " LIMIT 10 ";
     //SELECT job.job_title, job.city, job.county, job.state_province, job.country
     //FROM jobberland_job AS job
     //WHERE job.id NOT IN (SELECT job_h.fk_job_id from jobberland_job_history as job_h WHERE fk_employer_id = 1)
     $sql = $select . $from . $where . $order . $limit;
     //echo $sql;
     $result = $database->query($sql);
     $num_rows = $database->num_rows($result);
     if ($num_rows > 0) {
         $i = 1;
         $temp = array();
         while ($row = $database->fetch_object($result)) {
             $temp[$i]['job_title'] = $row->job_title;
             $temp[$i]['var_name'] = $row->var_name;
             $temp[$i]['created_at'] = strftime(DATE_FORMAT, strtotime($row->created_at));
             $country_arry = Country::find_by_code($row->country);
             $country_name = $country_arry->name;
             $state = StateProvince::find_by_code($row->country, $row->state_province);
             $state_name = empty($state) ? $row->state_province : $state->name;
             $county = County::find_by_code($row->country, $row->state_province, $row->county);
             $county_name = empty($county) ? $row->county : $county->name;
             $city = City::find_by_code($row->country, $row->state_province, $row->county, $row->city);
             $city_name = empty($city) ? $row->city : $city->name;
             $temp[$i]['location'] = $city_name . ", " . $county_name . ", " . $state_name . ", " . $country_name;
             $employer = Employer::find_by_id($row->fk_employer_id);
             $company_name = $employer->company_name;
             $temp[$i]['company_name'] = $company_name;
             //$temp[$i]['job_title'] = $row->job_title;
             //$temp[$i]['job_title'] = $row->job_title;
         return $temp;
     return false;
$employer = Employer::find_by_id($jobs->fk_employer_id);
$country_arry = Country::find_by_code($jobs->country);
$country_name = $country_arry->name;
$city = City::find_by_code($jobs->country, $jobs->state_province, $jobs->county, $jobs->city);
$city_name = empty($city) ? $jobs->city : $city->name;
$smarty->assign('apply_for', $jobs->job_title . " " . strtolower(format_lang('at')) . " " . $employer->company_name . " " . strtolower(format_lang('in')) . " " . $city_name . ", " . $country_name);
unset($employer, $city, $country_arry);
//Congratulations! You've applied for:
//IT Manager at IT Lab in London EC1A 9PT
if ($jobs) {
    $job_s = array();
    $i = 1;
    $job_suggestions = Job::apply_suggestion($jobs->job_title, $var_name);
    foreach ($job_suggestions as $job_suggestion) {
        $employer = Employer::find_by_id($job_suggestion->fk_employer_id);
        $country_arry = Country::find_by_code($job_suggestion->country);
        $country_name = $country_arry->name;
        $state = StateProvince::find_by_code($job_suggestion->country, $job_suggestion->state_province);
        $state_name = empty($state) ? $job_suggestion->state_province : $state->name;
        $county = County::find_by_code($job_suggestion->country, $job_suggestion->state_province, $job_suggestion->county);
        $county_name = empty($county) ? $job_suggestion->county : $county->name;
        $city = City::find_by_code($job_suggestion->country, $job_suggestion->state_province, $job_suggestion->county, $job_suggestion->city);
        $city_name = empty($city) ? $job_suggestion->city : $city->name;
        $job_s[$i]['id'] = $job_suggestion->id;