public function actionIndex()
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->condition = '`file`<>:null';
     $criteria->params = array(':null' => '');
     $roles = Rights::getAssignedRoles(Yii::app()->user->id);
     // check for single role
     $user_roles = array();
     foreach ($roles as $role) {
         $user_roles[] = '"' . $role->name . '"';
     $teacher = Employees::model()->findByAttributes(array('uid' => Yii::app()->user->id));
     $batches = Batches::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('employee_id' => $teacher->id));
     foreach ($batches as $classteacher) {
         $batch[] = $classteacher->id;
     $timetable = TimetableEntries::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('employee_id' => $teacher->id));
     foreach ($timetable as $period) {
         $batch[] = $period->batch_id;
     $unique_batch = array_unique($batch);
     if (count($unique_batch) > 0) {
         $criteria->condition .= ' AND (`placeholder`=:null OR `created_by`=:user_id OR (`placeholder` IN (' . implode(',', $user_roles) . ')) AND (`batch` IS NULL OR `batch` IN (' . implode(',', $unique_batch) . '))) ';
     } else {
         $criteria->condition .= ' AND (`placeholder`=:null OR `created_by`=:user_id) OR (`placeholder` IN (' . implode(',', $user_roles) . '))';
     $criteria->params[':user_id'] = Yii::app()->user->id;
     $criteria->order = '`created_at` DESC';
     $files = FileUploads::model()->findAll($criteria);
     if (isset($_POST['Downfiles'])) {
         $selected_files = $_POST['Downfiles'];
         $slfiles = array();
         foreach ($selected_files as $s_file) {
             $model = FileUploads::model()->findByPk($s_file);
             if ($model != NULL) {
                 $slfiles[] = 'uploads/shared/' . $model->id . '/' . $model->file;
         $zip = Yii::app()->zip;
         $fName = $this->generateRandomString(rand(10, 20)) . '.zip';
         $zipFile = 'compressed/' . $fName;
         if ($zip->makeZip($slfiles, $zipFile)) {
             $fcon = file_get_contents($zipFile);
             header('Content-disposition:attachment; filename=' . $fName);
             echo $fcon;
         } else {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', 'Can\'t download');
     $this->render('/fileUploads/index', array('files' => $files));
 public function Employeenotassigned($id, $sub)
     $results = array();
     $emp = Employees::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('employee_department_id' => $id));
     if ($emp != NULL) {
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($emp as $emp1) {
             if (EmployeesSubjects::model()->findByAttributes(array('employee_id' => $emp1->id, 'subject_id' => $sub)) == NULL) {
                 $results[$i] = $emp1;
     return $results;
  * Creates a new model.
  * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
 public function actionSendtogroup()
     $model = new Sms();
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     if (isset($_POST['Sms'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['Sms'];
         if ($model->validate()) {
             if ($model->uid == 'parent') {
                 $userlist = Guardians::model()->findAll();
             if ($model->uid == 'teacher') {
                 $userlist = Employees::model()->findAll();
             if ($userlist != NULL) {
                 foreach ($userlist as $user) {
                     if ($user->mobile_phone) {
                         // $status = SmsSettings::model()->sendSms($user->mobile_phone,0,$model->message) ;
                         $mobile_phone = $user->mobile_phone;
                     } else {
                         $status = 0;
                         $mobile_phone = 0;
                     $Sms = new Sms();
                     $Sms->uid = $user->uid;
                     $Sms->phone_number = $mobile_phone;
                     $Sms->message = $model->message;
                     $Sms->status = $status;
     $this->render('create', array('model' => $model));
Example #4
 <div class="emp_cont_left">
    <div class="empleftbx">
<div class="empimgbx" style="height:128px;">
$employee = Employees::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $_REQUEST['id']));
if ($employee->photo_file_name) {
    echo '<img  src="' . $this->createUrl('DisplaySavedImage&id=' . $employee->primaryKey) . '" alt="' . $employee->photo_file_name . '" width="170" height="140" />';
    // echo '<img class="imgbrder" src="'.$this->createUrl('DisplaySavedImage&id='.$employee->primaryKey).'" alt="'.$employee->photo_file_name.'" width="170" height="140" />';
} else {
    echo '<img class="imgbrder" src="images/super_avatar.png" alt=' . $employee->first_name . ' width="170" height="140" />';
    <li class="img_text">
    	<div style="line-height:9px; margin:20px 0px 5px 0px; font-size:14px"><?php 
echo ucfirst($employee->first_name) . '&nbsp;' . ucfirst($employee->last_name);
        <a style="font-size:12px; color:#C30; padding-top:6px; display:block" href="#"><?php 
echo $employee->email;
    <div class="clear"></div>
    <div class="clear"></div>
Example #5
        echo Yii::t('Batch', 'Employees');
     <div class="clear"></div>
	<div class="namelist">
        echo '<strong>' . Yii::t('Batch', 'Class Teacher : ') . '</strong>';
        $employee = Employees::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $batch->employee_id));
        if ($employee != NULL) {
            echo $employee->first_name . ' ' . $employee->middle_name . ' ' . $employee->last_name;
            <!--<li><strong>Class Teacher:</strong>Mary Symon</li>
            <li><strong>Class Teacher:</strong>Mary Symon</li>-->
     <div class="clear"></div>
        $time = 'nt_red';
        $week = Weekdays::model()->findByAttributes(array('batch_id' => $batch->id));
 public function actionEmpindividualpdf()
     $employee_name = Employees::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $_REQUEST['employee']));
     $pdf_name = ucfirst($employee_name->first_name) . ' ' . ucfirst($employee_name->last_name) . ' Employee Attendance Report.pdf';
     # HTML2PDF has very similar syntax
     $html2pdf = Yii::app()->ePdf->HTML2PDF();
     $html2pdf->WriteHTML($this->renderPartial('empindividualpdf', array(), true));
 public function actionDeleteLeave()
     $flag = true;
     $delete = EmployeeAttendances::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $_REQUEST['id']));
     $model = EmployeeAttendances::model()->DeleteAllByAttributes(array('id' => $_REQUEST['id']));
     $employee = Employees::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $delete->employee_id));
     $settings = UserSettings::model()->findByAttributes(array('user_id' => 1));
     if ($settings != NULL) {
         $date = date($settings->displaydate, strtotime($delete->attendance_date));
     //Adding activity to feed via saveFeed($initiator_id,$activity_type,$goal_id,$goal_name,$field_name,$initial_field_value,$new_field_value)
     ActivityFeed::model()->saveFeed(Yii::app()->user->Id, '28', $delete->employee_id, ucfirst($employee->first_name) . ' ' . ucfirst($employee->middle_name) . ' ' . ucfirst($employee->last_name), $date, NULL, NULL);
     if ($flag) {
         Yii::app()->clientScript->scriptMap['jquery.js'] = false;
         $this->renderPartial('update', array('model' => $model, 'day' => $_GET['day'], 'month' => $_GET['month'], 'year' => $_GET['year'], 'emp_id' => $_GET['emp_id']), false, true);
Example #8
    <div class="clear"></div>
    <div class="emp_right_contner">
    <div class="emp_tabwrapper">
    <div class="emp_tab_nav">
    <div class="clear"></div>
    <div class="emp_cntntbx" >
$employeelist = Employees::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'uid=:x and is_deleted=:y', 'params' => array(':x' => 0, ':y' => 0), 'limit' => '1000', 'order' => 'id ASC'));
    <div align="center" style="font-size:16px; font-style:bold; padding:10px 0px;">
if (count($employeelist) != 0) {
    echo Yii::t('importcsv', 'You have not created user accounts for ') . count($employeelist) . '         employees   ' . CHtml::submitButton(Yii::t('importcsv', 'Create Now'), array('confirm' => 'Are you sure?', 'name' => 'employeeuser', 'value' => 'Create Now', 'class' => 'formbut'));
} else {
    echo Yii::t('importcsv', 'No data available');
echo CHtml::activeDropDownList($model, 'subject_id', array(), array('prompt' => 'Select', 'id' => 'subject_id', 'ajax' => array('type' => 'POST', 'url' => CController::createUrl('EmployeesSubjects/current'), 'update' => '#current')));

	<div id="current"></div> 
$data = CHtml::listData(EmployeeDepartments::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'name DESC')), 'id', 'name');
echo 'Departments';
echo CHtml::dropDownList('did', '', $data, array('prompt' => 'Select', 'ajax' => array('type' => 'POST', 'url' => CController::createUrl('EmployeesSubjects/employee'), 'update' => '#employee_id', 'data' => 'js:$(this).serialize()')));
echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';

$data1 = CHtml::listData(Employees::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'first_name DESC')), 'id', 'first_name');
	<div class="row">
echo $form->labelEx($model, 'Select Employee');
echo CHtml::activeDropDownList($model, 'employee_id', $data1, array('prompt' => 'Select', 'id' => 'employee_id'));
echo $form->error($model, 'employee_id');

 public function actionEmployee()
     if (isset($_POST['employeeuser'])) {
         $employees = Employees::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'uid=:x and is_deleted=:y', 'params' => array(':x' => 0, ':y' => 0), 'limit' => '1000', 'order' => 'id ASC'));
         if ($employees != NULL) {
             foreach ($employees as $employee) {
                 $user = new User();
                 $profile = new Profile();
                 if ($employee->email != NULL) {
                     //adding user for current student
                     $user = new User();
                     $profile = new Profile();
                     $user->username = substr(md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)), 0, 10);
                     $user->email = $employee->email;
                     $user->activkey = UserModule::encrypting(microtime() . $employee->first_name);
                     $password = substr(md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)), 0, 10);
                     $user->password = UserModule::encrypting($password);
                     $user->superuser = 0;
                     $user->status = 1;
                     if ($user->save()) {
                         //assign role
                         $authorizer = Yii::app()->getModule("rights")->getAuthorizer();
                         $authorizer->authManager->assign('teacher', $user->id);
                         $profile->firstname = $employee->first_name;
                         $profile->lastname = $employee->last_name;
                         $profile->user_id = $user->id;
                         //saving user id to students table.
                         $employee->saveAttributes(array('uid' => $user->id));
                         UserModule::sendMail($employee->email, UserModule::t("You are registered from {site_name}", array('{site_name}' => Yii::app()->name)), UserModule::t("Please login to your account with your email id as username and password {password}", array('{password}' => $password)));
                         $flash = "User created successfully";
                         $type = 'success';
                 } else {
                     $flash = "No email id given";
                     $type = 'error';
         Yii::app()->user->setFlash($type, $flash);
     } else {
Example #11
        echo Yii::t('employees', 'Sl. No.');
        if (!isset($_REQUEST['dep']) or isset($_REQUEST['dep']) and $_REQUEST['dep'] == NULL) {
            $_REQUEST['dep'] = '';
        foreach ($emp_electsub as $emp_electsub_1) {
            $emp_detail = Employees::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $emp_electsub_1->employee_id));
            echo $emp_detail->first_name . '  ' . $emp_detail->middle_name . '  ' . $emp_detail->last_name;
            $deptname = EmployeeDepartments::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $emp_detail->employee_department_id));
            if ($deptname != NULL) {
                echo $deptname->name;
            } else {
 <td>-</td> <?php 
Example #12
    $empid = EmployeesSubjects::model()->findByAttributes(array('subject_id' => $subject_id->subject_id));
    if (count($empid) > 0) {
        $subject_teacher = Employees::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $empid->employee_id));
        echo Yii::t('examination', 'Subject Teacher');
: </strong><?php 
        echo $subject_teacher->first_name . ' ' . $subject_teacher->last_name;
    $is_classteacher = Batches::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $batch_id));
    $classteacher = Employees::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $is_classteacher->employee_id));
    if (Yii::app()->controller->action->id == 'update' and $_REQUEST['allexam'] != 1 and $classteacher->id != $employee_id) {
        // Redirecting if action ID is classexam and the employee is not classteacher
    if (count($classteacher) > 0) {
        echo Yii::t('examination', 'Class Teacher');
: </strong><?php 
        echo $classteacher->first_name . ' ' . $classteacher->last_name;
 public function actionDynamiccities()
     //please enter current controller name because yii send multi dim array
     $data = EmployeesSubjects::model()->findAll('subject_id=:sub_id', array(':sub_id' => (int) $_POST['TimetableEntries']['subject_id']));
     echo CHtml::tag('option', array('value' => ''), CHtml::encode('Select Employee'), true);
     $data = CHtml::listData($data, 'id', 'employee_id');
     foreach ($data as $value => $name) {
         $emp_name = Employees::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $name));
         echo CHtml::tag('option', array('value' => $emp_name->id), $emp_name->first_name . ' ' . $emp_name->last_name, true);
Example #14
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer the ID of the model to be loaded
 public function loadModel($type, $id)
     if ($type == 'Employees') {
         $model = Employees::model()->findByPk($id);
     } elseif ($type == 'Hardware') {
         $model = Hardware::model()->findByPk($id);
     } elseif ($type == 'Facilities') {
         $model = Facilities::model()->findByPk($id);
     } elseif ($type == 'CustomResources') {
         $model = CustomResources::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
 public function actionDeletes()
     $model = Employees::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $_REQUEST['id']));
     $model->saveAttributes(array('is_deleted' => '1'));
     //Adding activity to feed via saveFeed($initiator_id,$activity_type,$goal_id,$goal_name,$field_name,$initial_field_value,$new_field_value)
     ActivityFeed::model()->saveFeed(Yii::app()->user->Id, '25', $model->id, ucfirst($model->first_name) . ' ' . ucfirst($model->middle_name) . ' ' . ucfirst($model->last_name), NULL, NULL, NULL);
     echo $val;
Example #16
    <td valign="top">
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <td valign="top" width="75%"><div style="padding-left:20px;">
<h1>Reports Dashboard</h1>
<div class="clear"></div>
  <div style="margin-top:20px; width:80%" id="container"></div>
if ($list != NULL) {
    //$sub = Employees::model()->findAll("is_deleted=:x", array(':x'=>0));
    $data = '';
    $empy = EmployeeDepartments::model()->findAll();
    foreach ($empy as $empy_1) {
        $emp_number = Employees::model()->findAll("employee_department_id=:x", array(':x' => $empy_1->id));
        $data .= '{name:"' . $empy_1->name . '",
			y:' . count($emp_number) . ',
			sliced: true,
			selected: true,},';
    //echo $data;
  <div class="pdtab_Con" style="width:97%">
                <div style="font-size:13px; padding:5px 0px"><strong><?php 
    echo '<strong>' . Yii::t('report', 'Recent Employee Admissions') . '</strong>';
                <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                    <tr class="pdtab-h">
Example #17
 public function actionEmanage()
     if (Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) {
         $name = '';
         $bat = '';
         $ad = '';
         $model = new Employees();
         $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
         $criteria->compare('is_deleted', 0);
         $criteria->condition = 'is_deleted=:is_del';
         $criteria->params = array(':is_del' => 0);
         if (isset($_REQUEST['val'])) {
             $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'first_name LIKE :match';
             $criteria->params[':match'] = $_REQUEST['val'] . '%';
         if (isset($_REQUEST['ename']) and $_REQUEST['ename'] != NULL) {
             $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'first_name LIKE :name';
             $criteria->params[':name'] = $_REQUEST['ename'] . '%';
             $name = $_REQUEST['ename'];
         if (isset($_REQUEST['employeenumber']) and $_REQUEST['employeenumber'] != NULL) {
             $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'employee_number LIKE :employeenumber';
             $criteria->params[':employeenumber'] = $_REQUEST['employeenumber'] . '%';
             $ad = $_REQUEST['employeenumber'];
         if (isset($_REQUEST['Employees']['employee_department_id']) and $_REQUEST['Employees']['employee_department_id'] != NULL) {
             $model->employee_department_id = $_REQUEST['Employees']['employee_department_id'];
             $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'employee_department_id = :employee_department_id';
             $criteria->params[':employee_department_id'] = $_REQUEST['Employees']['employee_department_id'];
             $bat = $_REQUEST['Employees']['employee_department_id'];
         if (isset($_REQUEST['Employees']['employee_category_id']) and $_REQUEST['Employees']['employee_category_id'] != NULL) {
             $model->employee_category_id = $_REQUEST['Employees']['employee_category_id'];
             $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'employee_category_id = :employee_category_id';
             $criteria->params[':employee_category_id'] = $_REQUEST['Employees']['employee_category_id'];
         if (isset($_REQUEST['Employees']['employee_position_id']) and $_REQUEST['Employees']['employee_position_id'] != NULL) {
             $model->employee_position_id = $_REQUEST['Employees']['employee_position_id'];
             $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'employee_position_id = :employee_position_id';
             $criteria->params[':employee_position_id'] = $_REQUEST['Employees']['employee_position_id'];
         if (isset($_REQUEST['Employees']['employee_grade_id']) and $_REQUEST['Employees']['employee_grade_id'] != NULL) {
             $model->employee_grade_id = $_REQUEST['Employees']['employee_grade_id'];
             $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'employee_grade_id = :employee_grade_id';
             $criteria->params[':employee_grade_id'] = $_REQUEST['Employees']['employee_grade_id'];
         if (isset($_REQUEST['Employees']['gender']) and $_REQUEST['Employees']['gender'] != NULL) {
             $model->gender = $_REQUEST['Employees']['gender'];
             $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'gender = :gender';
             $criteria->params[':gender'] = $_REQUEST['Employees']['gender'];
         if (isset($_REQUEST['Employees']['marital_status']) and $_REQUEST['Employees']['marital_status'] != NULL) {
             $model->marital_status = $_REQUEST['Employees']['marital_status'];
             $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'marital_status = :marital_status';
             $criteria->params[':marital_status'] = $_REQUEST['Employees']['marital_status'];
         if (isset($_REQUEST['Employees']['blood_group']) and $_REQUEST['Employees']['blood_group'] != NULL) {
             $model->blood_group = $_REQUEST['Employees']['blood_group'];
             $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'blood_group = :blood_group';
             $criteria->params[':blood_group'] = $_REQUEST['Employees']['blood_group'];
         if (isset($_REQUEST['Employees']['nationality_id']) and $_REQUEST['Employees']['nationality_id'] != NULL) {
             $model->nationality_id = $_REQUEST['Employees']['nationality_id'];
             $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'nationality_id = :nationality_id';
             $criteria->params[':nationality_id'] = $_REQUEST['Employees']['nationality_id'];
         if (isset($_REQUEST['Employees']['dobrange']) and $_REQUEST['Employees']['dobrange'] != NULL) {
             $model->dobrange = $_REQUEST['Employees']['dobrange'];
             if (isset($_REQUEST['Employees']['date_of_birth']) and $_REQUEST['Employees']['date_of_birth'] != NULL) {
                 if ($_REQUEST['Employees']['dobrange'] == '2') {
                     $model->date_of_birth = $_REQUEST['Employees']['date_of_birth'];
                     $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'date_of_birth = :date_of_birth';
                     $criteria->params[':date_of_birth'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_REQUEST['Employees']['date_of_birth']));
                 if ($_REQUEST['Employees']['dobrange'] == '1') {
                     $model->date_of_birth = $_REQUEST['Employees']['date_of_birth'];
                     $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'date_of_birth < :date_of_birth';
                     $criteria->params[':date_of_birth'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_REQUEST['Employees']['date_of_birth']));
                 if ($_REQUEST['Employees']['dobrange'] == '3') {
                     $model->date_of_birth = $_REQUEST['Employees']['date_of_birth'];
                     $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'date_of_birth > :date_of_birth';
                     $criteria->params[':date_of_birth'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_REQUEST['Employees']['date_of_birth']));
         } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['Employees']['dobrange']) and $_REQUEST['Employees']['dobrange'] == NULL) {
             if (isset($_REQUEST['Employees']['date_of_birth']) and $_REQUEST['Employees']['date_of_birth'] != NULL) {
                 $model->date_of_birth = $_REQUEST['Employees']['date_of_birth'];
                 $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'date_of_birth = :date_of_birth';
                 $criteria->params[':date_of_birth'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_REQUEST['Employees']['date_of_birth']));
         if (isset($_REQUEST['Employees']['joinrange']) and $_REQUEST['Employees']['joinrange'] != NULL) {
             $model->joinrange = $_REQUEST['Employees']['joinrange'];
             if (isset($_REQUEST['Employees']['joining_date']) and $_REQUEST['Employees']['joining_date'] != NULL) {
                 if ($_REQUEST['Employees']['joinrange'] == '2') {
                     $model->joining_date = $_REQUEST['Employees']['joining_date'];
                     $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'joining_date = :joining_date';
                     $criteria->params[':joining_date'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_REQUEST['Employees']['joining_date']));
                 if ($_REQUEST['Employees']['joinrange'] == '1') {
                     $model->joining_date = $_REQUEST['Employees']['joining_date'];
                     $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'joining_date < :joining_date';
                     $criteria->params[':joining_date'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_REQUEST['Employees']['joining_date']));
                 if ($_REQUEST['Employees']['joinrange'] == '3') {
                     $model->joining_date = $_REQUEST['Employees']['joining_date'];
                     $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'joining_date > :joining_date';
                     $criteria->params[':joining_date'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_REQUEST['Employees']['joining_date']));
         } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['Employees']['joinrange']) and $_REQUEST['Employees']['joinrange'] == NULL) {
             if (isset($_REQUEST['Employees']['joining_date']) and $_REQUEST['Employees']['joining_date'] != NULL) {
                 $model->joining_date = $_REQUEST['Employees']['joining_date'];
                 $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'joining_date = :joining_date';
                 $criteria->params[':joining_date'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_REQUEST['Employees']['joining_date']));
         if (isset($_REQUEST['Employees']['status']) and $_REQUEST['Employees']['status'] != NULL) {
             $model->status = $_REQUEST['Employees']['status'];
             $criteria->condition = $criteria->condition . ' and ' . 'is_active = :status';
             $criteria->params[':status'] = $_REQUEST['Employees']['status'];
         $criteria->order = 'first_name ASC';
         $total = Employees::model()->count($criteria);
         //$pages = new CPagination($total);
         //$pages->applyLimit($criteria);  // the trick is here!
         $posts = Employees::model()->findAll($criteria);
         $this->renderPartial('user_panel', array('model' => $model, 'list' => $posts, 'item_count' => $total, 'name' => $name, 'ad' => $ad, 'bat' => $bat));
	<!-- End Header -->

if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
    <br /><br />
    <span align="center"><h4>INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE ATTENDANCE REPORT</h4></span>
    $individual = Employees::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $_REQUEST['employee'], 'employee_department_id' => $_REQUEST['id']));
    $department_name = EmployeeDepartments::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $_REQUEST['id']));
    <!-- Individual Details -->
     <div style="border:#CCC 1px; width:700px; padding:10px 10px; background:#E1EAEF;">
            <table style="font-size:14px;">
                    <td style="width:100px;">
    echo Yii::t('report', 'Name');
                    <td style="width:10px;">
Example #19
	<!-- End Header -->

if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
    <br /><br />
    <span align="center"><h4>EMPLOYEES MONTHLY ATTENDANCE REPORT</h4></span>
    $employees = Employees::model()->findAll("employee_department_id=:x and is_deleted=:y", array(':x' => $_REQUEST['id'], ':y' => 0));
    $department_name = EmployeeDepartments::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $_REQUEST['id']));
    <!-- Department details -->
    <div style="border:#CCC 1px; width:700px; padding:10px 10px; background:#E1EAEF;">
        <table style="font-size:14px;">
            	<td style="width:100px;"><b><?php 
    echo Yii::t('report', 'Department');
                <td style="width:10px;">:</td>
                <td style="width:250px;"><?php 
    echo ucfirst($department_name->name);
 public function actionSearch()
     $model = new Students();
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->condition = 'first_name LIKE :match or middle_name LIKE :match or last_name LIKE :match';
     $criteria->params = array(':match' => $_POST['char'] . '%');
     $criteria->order = 'first_name ASC';
     $total = Students::model()->count($criteria);
     $pages = new CPagination($total);
     // the trick is here!
     $posts = Students::model()->findAll($criteria);
     $emp = new Employees();
     $criteria_1 = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria_1->condition = 'first_name LIKE :match or middle_name LIKE :match or last_name LIKE :match';
     $criteria_1->params = array(':match' => $_POST['char'] . '%');
     $criteria_1->order = 'first_name ASC';
     $tot = Employees::model()->count($criteria_1);
     $pages_1 = new CPagination($total);
     // the trick is here!
     $posts_1 = Employees::model()->findAll($criteria_1);
     $this->render('search', array('model' => $model, 'list' => $posts, 'posts' => $posts_1, 'pages' => $pages, 'item_count' => $total, 'page_size' => 10));
     //$stud = Students::model()->findAll('first_name LIKE '.$_POST['char']);
     //echo count($stud);
Example #21
 public function scorelabel($data, $row)
     $employee = Employees::model()->findByAttributes(array('uid' => Yii::app()->user->id));
     $is_teaching = TimetableEntries::model()->countByAttributes(array('subject_id' => $data->subject_id, 'employee_id' => $employee->id));
     if ($is_teaching > 0 or Yii::app()->controller->action->id == 'classexam') {
         return "Manage Scores";
     } else {
         return "View Scores";
Example #22
                    echo CHtml::link(ucfirst($feed->goal_name), array('examination/exams/update', 'sid' => $goal->id, 'exam_group_id' => $goal->exam_group_id, 'id' => $examgroup->batch_id));
                    //echo $feed->goal_name;
                } else {
                    echo $feed->goal_name;
            } elseif ($feed->activity_type >= 20 and $feed->activity_type <= 22) {
                $goal = ExamScores::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $feed->goal_id));
                if ($goal != NULL) {
                    $exam = Exams::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $goal->exam_id));
                    $examgroup = ExamGroups::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $exam->exam_group_id));
                    echo CHtml::link(ucfirst($feed->goal_name), array('examination/examScores/update', 'sid' => $goal->id, 'examid' => $goal->exam_id, 'id' => $examgroup->batch_id));
                } else {
                    echo $feed->goal_name;
            } elseif ($feed->activity_type >= 23 and $feed->activity_type <= 28) {
                $goal = Employees::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $feed->goal_id));
                if ($goal != NULL and $goal->is_deleted != 1) {
                    echo CHtml::link($feed->goal_name, array('employees/employees/view', 'id' => $goal->id));
                } else {
                    echo $feed->goal_name;
            // End Employee Activities
        // Update values
        if (in_array($feed->activity_type, $update_array)) {
            if ($feed->initial_field_value == '' and $feed->new_field_value != '' and $feed->activity_type != 9 and $feed->activity_type != 27) {
                echo ' as <strong>' . $feed->new_field_value . '</strong>';
Example #23
                        <td align="center"><?php 
    echo Yii::t('Courses', 'Class Teacher');
                        <td align="center"><?php 
    echo Yii::t('Courses', 'Actions');
    foreach ($batches_id as $batch_id) {
        echo '<tr id="batchrow' . $batch_id->id . '">';
        echo '<td style="text-align:center; padding-left:10px; font-weight:bold;">' . $batch_id->coursename . '</td>';
        $teacher = Employees::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $batch_id->employee_id));
        echo '<td align="center">';
        if ($teacher) {
            echo $teacher->first_name . ' ' . $teacher->last_name;
        } else {
            echo '-';
        // Count if any exam timetables are published in a batch.
        $exams_published = ExamGroups::model()->countByAttributes(array('batch_id' => $batch_id->id, 'is_published' => 1));
        // Count if any exam results are published in a batch.
        $result_published = ExamGroups::model()->countByAttributes(array('batch_id' => $batch_id->id, 'result_published' => 1));
        echo '<td align="center">';
        if ($exams_published > 0 or $result_published > 0) {
            echo CHtml::link(Yii::t('examination', 'View Examinations'), array('/teachersportal/default/classexam', 'bid' => $batch_id->id));
        } else {
            echo Yii::t('examination', 'No Exam Scheduled');
Example #24
echo $form->labelEx($model, 'Teacher');
$criteria = new CDbCriteria();
$criteria->condition = 'is_deleted=:is_del';
$criteria->params = array(':is_del' => 0);
echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'employee_id', CHtml::listData(Employees::model()->findAll($criteria), 'id', 'concatened'), array('empty' => Yii::t('Batch', 'Select Class Teacher')));
echo $form->error($model, 'employee_id');
 public function actionEmployee()
     $data = Employees::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'first_name DESC', 'condition' => 'employee_department_id=:id', 'params' => array(':id' => (int) $_POST['did'])));
     $data = CHtml::listData($data, 'id', 'first_name');
     foreach ($data as $value => $name) {
         echo CHtml::tag('option', array('value' => $value), CHtml::encode($name), true);
Example #26
<div class="edit_bttns" style="width:550px; top:40px; left:30px;">
    	<!-- For attendence -->
if (Yii::app()->controller->action->id == 'attendance' or Yii::app()->controller->action->id == 'studentattendance') {
    echo CHtml::link('<span>' . 'View My Attendance' . '</span>', array('/teachersportal/default/employeeattendance'));
$employee = Employees::model()->findByAttributes(array('uid' => Yii::app()->user->id));
$is_classteacher = Batches::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('employee_id' => $employee->id));
if ($is_classteacher != NULL) {
    if (Yii::app()->controller->action->id == 'attendance' or Yii::app()->controller->action->id == 'employeeattendance') {
        echo CHtml::link('<span>' . 'Manage Student Attendance' . '</span>', array('/teachersportal/default/studentattendance'));
if (count($is_classteacher) > 1 and Yii::app()->controller->action->id == 'studentattendance' and isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
    echo CHtml::link('<span>' . 'Change Batch' . '</span>', array('/teachersportal/default/studentattendance'));
        <!-- End For attendence -->
Example #27
																<div class="tt-subject">
																<div class="subject">';
                $set = TimetableEntries::model()->findByAttributes(array('batch_id' => $_REQUEST['id'], 'weekday_id' => $weekdays[6]['weekday'], 'class_timing_id' => $timing[$i]['id']));
                if (count($set) == 0) {
                    $is_break = ClassTimings::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $timing[$i]['id'], 'is_break' => 1));
                    if ($is_break == NULL) {
                        echo CHtml::ajaxLink(Yii::t('weekdays', 'Assign'), $this->createUrl('TimetableEntries/settime'), array('onclick' => '$("#jobDialog' . $timing[$i]['id'] . $weekdays[6]['weekday'] . '").dialog("open"); return false;', 'update' => '#jobDialog' . $timing[$i]['id'] . $weekdays[6]['weekday'], 'type' => 'GET', 'data' => array('batch_id' => $_REQUEST['id'], 'weekday_id' => $weekdays[6]['weekday'], 'class_timing_id' => $timing[$i]['id']), 'dataType' => 'text'), array('id' => 'showJobDialog' . $timing[$i]['id'] . $weekdays[6]['weekday']));
                    } else {
                        echo Yii::t('weekdays', 'Break');
                } else {
                    $time_sub = Subjects::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $set->subject_id));
                    if ($time_sub != NULL) {
                        echo $time_sub->name . '<br>';
                    $time_emp = Employees::model()->findByAttributes(array('id' => $set->employee_id));
                    if ($time_emp != NULL) {
                        echo '<div class="employee">' . $time_emp->first_name . '</div>';
                    echo CHtml::link('', array('timetableEntries/remove', 'id' => $set->id, 'batch_id' => $_REQUEST['id']), array('confirm' => 'Are you sure?', 'class' => 'delete'));
                echo '</div>
																<div id="jobDialog' . $timing[$i]['id'] . $weekdays[6]['weekday'] . '"></div>
<!--timetable_td -->
Example #28
		<div class="panel" id="user_panel_handler">
    $model = new Employees();
    $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
    $criteria->order = 'first_name ASC';
    $_REQUEST['val'] = 'A';
    $criteria->condition = 'first_name LIKE :match AND is_deleted=:is_del';
    $criteria->params = array(':match' => $_REQUEST['val'] . '%', ':is_del' => 0);
    $total = Employees::model()->count($criteria);
    //echo $criteria->condition;
    //$pages = new CPagination($total);
    //$pages->applyLimit($criteria);  // the trick is here!
    $posts = Employees::model()->findAll($criteria);
    $this->renderPartial('user_panel', array('model' => $model, 'list' => $posts, 'item_count' => $total, 'name' => '', 'ad' => '', 'bat' => ''));
if (!isset($_REQUEST['widget']) or isset($_REQUEST['widget']) and $_REQUEST['widget'] != NULL and $_REQUEST['widget'] != 1) {
		<div class="panel">
    $this->renderPartial('batch_panel', array());
Example #29
    echo Yii::t('attendance', 'Date');
    echo Yii::t('attendance', 'Halfday');
    echo Yii::t('attendance', 'Fullday');
    $data = Employees::model()->findAll("employee_department_id=:x", array(':x' => $_REQUEST['id']));
    if ($data) {
        foreach ($data as $data1) {
            echo '<tr>';
            echo '<td>' . $data1->first_name . '</td>';
            echo '<td>';
            $date = EmployeeAttendances::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('employee_id' => $data1->id));
            $fullday = 0;
            $halfday = 0;

            foreach ($date as $date1) {
                $attd_month = date('m', strtotime($date1->attendance_date));
                $attd_year = date('y', strtotime($date1->attendance_date));
                $crrnt_month = date('m');
Example #30
<!--<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>-->
$this->breadcrumbs = array($this->module->id);
if ($list != NULL) {
    //$sub = Employees::model()->findAll("is_deleted=:x", array(':x'=>0));
    $data = '';
    $empy = EmployeeDepartments::model()->findAll();
    foreach ($empy as $empy_1) {
        $emp_number = Employees::model()->findAll("employee_department_id=:x and is_deleted=:y", array(':x' => $empy_1->id, ':y' => 0));
        $data .= '{name:"' . $empy_1->name . '",
			y:' . count($emp_number) . ',
			sliced: true,
			selected: true,},';
    //echo $data;
<script type="text/javascript">
var chart;
$(document).ready(function() {
	chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
		chart: {
			renderTo: 'container',
			plotBackgroundColor: null,
			plotBorderWidth: null,
			plotShadow: false
		title: {
			text: 'Employee Strength'
		tooltip: {
			formatter: function() {