public function getDashboardItemData() { $data = array(); $emp = new Employee(); $data['numberOfEmployees'] = $emp->Count("1 = 1"); return $data; }
public function getInitData($req) { $data = array(); $employees = new Employee(); $data['numberOfEmployees'] = $employees->Count("1 = 1"); $company = new CompanyStructure(); $data['numberOfCompanyStuctures'] = $company->Count("1 = 1"); $user = new User(); $data['numberOfUsers'] = $user->Count("1 = 1"); $project = new Project(); $data['numberOfProjects'] = $project->Count("status = 'Active'"); $attendance = new Attendance(); $data['numberOfAttendanceLastWeek'] = $attendance->Count("in_time > '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-1 week")) . "'"); if (empty($data['numberOfAttendanceLastWeek'])) { $data['numberOfAttendanceLastWeek'] = 0; } $empLeave = new EmployeeLeave(); $data['numberOfLeaves'] = $empLeave->Count("date_start > '" . date("Y-m-d") . "'"); $timeEntry = new EmployeeTimeEntry(); $data['numberOfAttendanceLastWeek'] = $timeEntry->Count("in_time > '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-1 week")) . "'"); $candidate = new Candidate(); $data['numberOfCandidates'] = $candidate->Count("1 = 1"); $job = new Job(); $data['numberOfJobs'] = $job->Count("status = 'Active'"); $course = new Course(); $data['numberOfCourses'] = $course->Count("1 = 1"); return new IceResponse(IceResponse::SUCCESS, $data); }
public function deleteProfileImage($req) { $profileId = $this->getCurrentProfileId(); $subordinate = new Employee(); $subordinatesCount = $subordinate->Count("supervisor = ? and id = ?", array($profileId, $req->id)); if ($this->user->user_level == 'Admin' || $this->user->employee == $req->id || $subordinatesCount == 1) { $fs = FileService::getInstance(); $res = $fs->deleteProfileImage($req->id); return new IceResponse(IceResponse::SUCCESS, $res); } return new IceResponse(IceResponse::ERROR, "Not allowed to delete profile image"); }
public function getInitData($req) { $data = array(); $emp = new Employee(); $data['numberOfEmployees'] = $emp->Count("status = 'Active' and supervisor = ?", array($this->getCurrentProfileId())); $data['lastTimeSheetHours'] = $this->getLastTimeSheetHours($req)->getData(); $data['activeProjects'] = $this->getEmployeeActiveProjects($req)->getData(); $data['pendingLeaves'] = $this->getPendingLeaves($req)->getData(); $candidate = new Candidate(); $data['numberOfCandidates'] = $candidate->Count("1 = 1"); $job = new Job(); $data['numberOfJobs'] = $job->Count("status = 'Active'"); $attendance = new Attendance(); $data['numberOfAttendanceLastWeek'] = $attendance->Count("in_time > '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-1 week")) . "'"); $course = new Course(); $data['numberOfCourses'] = $course->Count("1 = 1"); return new IceResponse(IceResponse::SUCCESS, $data); }