Example #1
            $mail->bodyAdd("Dear {$first_name} {$last_name}");
            $mail->bodyAdd("Thank you for registering with Fast Food Jobs but as we take your privacy seriously, we just wanted to check you did register with our site.");
            $mail->bodyAdd("In order to gain access to all of the web site functionality please click on here: {$url}");
            $mail->bodyAdd("If you should not have received this e-mail, please click on the e-mail link below and just put \"remove\" in the heading and we will remove your details from our system.");
            $mail->bodyAdd("The Fast Food Jobs Team");
            $mail->bodyAdd("Tel: 0845 644 8252");
            $adminMail = new Emailer();
            $adminMail->setSubject("New Sign up");
            $adminMail->bodyAdd("Dear admin,");
            $adminMail->bodyAdd("Just to let you know that new member");
            $adminMail->bodyAdd("Name: " . $first_name . " " . $last_name);
            $adminMail->bodyAdd("Emai: {$email}");
            $adminMail->bodyAdd("Role: {$role}");
            $adminMail->bodyAdd("has just joined Fast Foods.");
            header("Location: register_thankyou.php");
    $errorText = "<ul>" . $errorText . "</ul>";
$data = mysql_fetch_row($results);
$cv_first_name = $data[0];
$cv_last_name = $data[1];
$cv_email = $data[2];
if ((bool) $_POST["submitting"]) {
    $jobId = (int) $_POST["jobIds"];
    $queryJob = $db->Query("SELECT contact_email FROM job WHERE jobid='{$jobId}'");
    if ($db->Rows() <= 0) {
        // shouldn't really ever get here
    $data = mysql_fetch_row($queryJob);
    $job_contact_email = $data[0];
    $mail = new Emailer();
    $mail->setSubject("An employer wishes to contact you");
    $mail->bodyAdd(generateEmail($cv_first_name, $cv_last_name, $jobId, $job_contact_email));
    header("Location: cv_contact_success.php");
$queryJob = $db->Query("SELECT jobid, position, location, contact_email FROM job WHERE onlineuser_onlineuserid='" . $user->onlineuserId . "' AND dt_expire>'" . date("Y-m-d") . "'");
if ($db->Rows() <= 0) {
    // you will only reach here if the current user does not have a live job
$jobCount = $db->Rows();
if ($jobCount == 1) {
    $jobId = mysql_fetch_row($queryJob);