<?php require_once 'class.einzahlungsschein.php'; require_once 'fpdf/fpdf.php'; $amount = "150.20"; //Create a new pdf to create your invoice, already using FPDF //(if you don't understand this part you should have a look at the FPDF documentation) $pdf = new FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(0, 0); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9); $pdf->Cell(50, 4, "Example red Einzahlungsschein (see bottom of this pdf)"); //now simply include your Einzahlungsschein, sending your pdf instance to the Einzahlungsschein class $ezs = new Einzahlungsschein(196, 0, $pdf); $ezs->setType('red'); $ezs->setPaymentReason('Invoice 34345'); $ezs->setBankData("Berner Kantonalbank AG", "3001 Bern", "01-200000-7"); $ezs->setRecipientData("My Company Ltd.", "Exampleway 61", "3001 Bern", "CH100023000A109822346"); $ezs->setPayerData("Heinz Müller", "Beispielweg 23", "3072 Musterlingen"); $ezs->setPaymentData($amount); $ezs->createEinzahlungsschein(false, true); $pdf->output();
<?php require_once 'class.einzahlungsschein.php'; require_once 'fpdf/fpdf.php'; $amount = "150.20"; $ref = "5000001195"; //Create a new pdf to create your invoice, already using FPDF //(if you don't understand this part you should have a look at the FPDF documentation) $pdf = new FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(0, 0); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 9); $pdf->Cell(50, 4, "Just some dummy text."); //now simply include your Einzahlungsschein, sending your pdf instance to the Einzahlungsschein class $ezs = new Einzahlungsschein(196, 0, $pdf); $ezs->setBankData("Berner Kantonalbank AG", "3001 Bern", "01-200000-7"); $ezs->setRecipientData("My Company Ltd.", "Exampleway 61", "3001 Bern", "123456"); $ezs->setPayerData("Heinz Müller", "Beispielweg 23", "3072 Musterlingen"); $ezs->setPaymentData($amount, $ref); $ezs->createEinzahlungsschein(false, true); $pdf->output();