Example #1
  * Persist glossary properties
  * This function can be used to persist with the database
  * any changes made to the current glossary object.
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $glossary -> glossary['name'] = 'new Title';              //Change the name
  * $glossary -> persist();                                   //Make the change permanent
  * </code>
  * @since 3.6.0
  * @access public
 public function persist()
     // added to fix http://forum.efrontlearning.net/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2851&p=14715
     if (mb_substr($this->glossary['info'], 0, 3) == "<p>") {
         $this->glossary['info'] = mb_substr($this->glossary['info'], 3);
         if (mb_substr($this->glossary['info'], -4, 4) == "</p>") {
             $this->glossary['info'] = mb_substr($this->glossary['info'], 0, -4);
     EfrontSearch::removeText('glossary', $this->glossary['id'], 'data');
     EfrontSearch::insertText($this->glossary['info'], $this->glossary['id'], "glossary", "data");
     EfrontSearch::removeText('glossary', $this->glossary['id'], 'title');
     EfrontSearch::insertText($this->glossary['title'], $this->glossary['id'], "glossary", "title");
  * Send a personal message
  * This function is used to send the personal message. If $email is specified,
  * the message is also emailed to the recipients
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $pm = new eF_PersonalMessage("professor", array("professor", "student", "admin"), 'Test subject', 'Test personal message body');
  * $pm -> send();
  * </code>
  * @param boolean If true, the personal message will be send as an email as well
  * @return true on success, false on error
  * @since 1.0
  * @access public
 public function send($email = false)
     if (sizeof($this->recipients) == 0) {
         $this->errorMessage = _INVALIDRECIPIENT;
         return false;
     $timestamp = time();
     if ($email) {
         //Check if the messag should be sent as an email also. This will be sent no matter the user quotas
         $recipientsMail = array();
         foreach ($this->recipients as $recipient) {
             if ($this->userData[$recipient]['email'] != "") {
                 $recipientsMail[] = $this->userData[$recipient]['email'];
             } else {
                 $this->errorMessage .= $this->userData[$recipient]['login'] . ' ' . _HASNOTANEMAILADDRESS . '<br/>';
         $recipientsList = implode(",", $recipientsMail);
         $this->body = _THISISAPMFROMSITE . " <a href=" . G_SERVERNAME . ">" . G_SERVERNAME . "</a><br />" . $this->body;
         $emailBody = str_replace('##EFRONTINNERLINK##', 'student', $this->body);
         if (($result = eF_mail($this->userData[$this->sender]['email'], $recipientsList, $this->subject, $emailBody, $this->attachments, false, $this->bcc)) !== true) {
             $this->errorMessage .= _THEMESSAGEWASNOTSENTASEMAIL . '<br/>';
     foreach ($this->recipients as $recipient) {
         $fields_insert = array("users_LOGIN" => $recipient, "recipient" => implode(", ", $this->recipients), "sender" => $this->sender, "timestamp" => $timestamp, "title" => $this->subject, "body" => $this->body, "bcc" => $this->bcc ? 1 : 0, "f_folders_ID" => $this->userData[$recipient]['folders']['Incoming'], "viewed" => 0);
         //It is not viewed yet
         if (!empty($this->attachments) && $this->attachments[0]) {
             if ($this->checkUserQuota($recipient)) {
                 $attachment = new EfrontFile($this->sender_attachment_fileId);
                 $recipient_dir = G_UPLOADPATH . $recipient . '/message_attachments/Incoming/' . $timestamp . '/';
                 mkdir($recipient_dir, 0755);
                 $newFile = $attachment->copy($recipient_dir, false, true);
                 $fields_insert["attachments"] = $newFile['id'];
             } else {
                 $fields_insert["body"] .= '<br /><span class="failure">' . _THEREWASATTACHMENTCUTBECAUSEOFQUOTA . '</span>';
         $id = eF_insertTableData("f_personal_messages", $fields_insert);
         EfrontSearch::insertText($fields_insert['body'], $id, "f_personal_messages", "data");
         EfrontSearch::insertText($fields_insert['title'], $id, "f_personal_messages", "title");
     //it should not come here if sender has reached maximum space limit
     //if ($this -> checkUserQuota($this -> sender)) {
     $fields_insert = array("users_LOGIN" => $this->sender, "recipient" => implode(", ", $this->recipients), "sender" => $this->sender, "timestamp" => $timestamp, "title" => $this->subject, "body" => $this->body, "bcc" => $this->bcc ? 1 : 0, "f_folders_ID" => $this->userData[$this->sender]['folders']['Sent'], "viewed" => 0);
     if (!empty($this->attachments) && $this->attachments[0]) {
         $attachment = new EfrontFile($this->sender_attachment_fileId);
         $fields_insert["attachments"] = $this->sender_attachment_fileId;
     $id = eF_insertTableData("f_personal_messages", $fields_insert);
     EfrontSearch::insertText($fields_insert['body'], $id, "f_personal_messages", "data");
     EfrontSearch::insertText($fields_insert['title'], $id, "f_personal_messages", "title");
     //} else {
     if ($this->errorMessage) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
  * Create new course
  * Create a new course based on the specified $fields
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $fields = array('name' => 'new course', 'languages_NAME' => 'english');
  * $course = EfrontCourse :: createCourse($fields);
  * </code>
  * @param array $fields The new fields
  * @return EfrontCourse the new course
  * @since 3.5.0
  * @access public
 public static function createCourse($fields)
     $fields['metadata'] = self::createCourseMetadata($fields);
     $fields = self::validateAndSanitizeCourseFields($fields);
     isset($fields['creator_LOGIN']) or $fields['creator_LOGIN'] = $_SESSION['s_login'];
     $newId = eF_insertTableData("courses", $fields);
     // Insert the corresponding lesson skill to the skill and lesson_offers_skill tables. Automatic skill generation only for the educational version
     if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'educational') {
         #cpp#ifdef EDUCATIONAL
         $courseSkillId = eF_insertTableData("module_hcd_skills", array("description" => _KNOWLEDGEOFCOURSE . " " . $fields['name'], "categories_ID" => -1));
         eF_insertTableData("module_hcd_course_offers_skill", array("courses_ID" => $newId, "skill_ID" => $courseSkillId));
     EfrontSearch::insertText($fields['name'], $newId, "courses", "title");
     $course = new EfrontCourse($newId);
     return $course;
 private function importUnitFromXML($unitelement, $parentid)
     $fields = array();
     $fields['name'] = (string) $unitelement->name;
     $fields['data'] = (string) $unitelement->data;
     $fields['ctg_type'] = (string) $unitelement->ctg_type;
     $fields['parent_content_ID'] = $parentid;
     $uid = ef_insertTableData("content", $fields);
     EfrontSearch::insertText($fields['name'], $uid, "content", "title");
     EfrontSearch::insertText($fields['data'], $uid, "content", "data");
     if ($fields['ctg_type'] == 'tests') {
         $testfields = array();
         $testfields['content_id'] = (string) $unitelement->id;
         $testfields['duration'] = (string) $unitelement->test[0]->duration;
         $testfields['redoable'] = (string) $unitelement->test[0]->redoable;
         $testfields['onebyone'] = (string) $unitelement->test[0]->onebyone;
         $testfields['answers'] = (string) $unitelement->test[0]->answers;
         $testfields['description'] = (string) $unitelement->test[0]->description;
         $testfields['shuffle_questions'] = (string) $unitelement->test[0]->shuffle_questions;
         $testfields['shuffle_answers'] = (string) $unitelement->test[0]->shuffle_answers;
         $testfields['given_answers'] = (string) $unitelement->test[0]->given_answers;
         $tid = ef_insertTableData("tests", $testfields);
     //import the subunits
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($unitelement->unit); $i++) {
  * Store database values
  * This function is used to store changed lesson properties
  * to the database.
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $lesson = new EfrontLesson(4);           //Instantiate lesson with id 4
  * $lesson -> lesson['name'] = 'new name';  //Change a lesson's property, for example its name
  * $lesson -> persist();                    //Store any changed values to the database
  * </code>
  * @since 3.5.0
  * @access public
 public function persist()
     $localeSettings = localeconv();
     $fields = array('name' => $this->lesson['name'], 'directions_ID' => $this->lesson['directions_ID'], 'info' => $this->lesson['info'], 'price' => str_replace($localeSettings['decimal_point'], '.', $this->lesson['price']), 'active' => $this->lesson['active'], 'duration' => $this->lesson['duration'] ? $this->lesson['duration'] : 0, 'access_limit' => $this->lesson['access_limit'] ? $this->lesson['access_limit'] : 0, 'share_folder' => $this->lesson['share_folder'] ? $this->lesson['share_folder'] : 0, 'show_catalog' => $this->lesson['course_only'] ? 1 : $this->lesson['show_catalog'], 'options' => serialize($this->options), 'languages_NAME' => $this->lesson['languages_NAME'], 'metadata' => $this->lesson['metadata'], 'course_only' => $this->lesson['course_only'], 'certificate' => $this->lesson['certificate'], 'publish' => $this->lesson['publish'] ? 1 : 0, 'max_users' => $this->lesson['max_users'] ? $this->lesson['max_users'] : null, 'from_timestamp' => $this->lesson['from_timestamp'] ? $this->lesson['from_timestamp'] : 0, 'to_timestamp' => $this->lesson['to_timestamp'] ? $this->lesson['to_timestamp'] : 0, 'shift' => $this->lesson['shift'], 'archive' => $this->lesson['archive'], 'created' => $this->lesson['created']);
     if (!eF_updateTableData("lessons", $fields, "id=" . $this->lesson['id'])) {
         throw new EfrontUserException(_DATABASEERROR, EfrontUserException::DATABASE_ERROR);
     EfrontSearch::removeText('lessons', $this->lesson['id'], 'title');
     //Refresh the search keywords
     EfrontSearch::insertText($fields['name'], $this->lesson['id'], "lessons", "title");
  * Function reBuiltIndex()
  * This function is used to built the keywords from scratch
  * @since 3.5.0
  * @access public
 public static function reBuiltIndex()
     //Delete old search terms
     //		eF_deleteTableData("search");
     $GLOBALS['db']->Execute("truncate table search_invertedindex");
     //Courses Data
     $courses = eF_getTableData("courses", "id,name");
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($courses); $i++) {
         EfrontSearch::insertText($courses[$i]['name'], $courses[$i]['id'], "courses", "title");
     //Lesson Data
     $lessons = eF_getTableData("lessons", "id,name");
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($lessons); $i++) {
         EfrontSearch::insertText($lessons[$i]['name'], $lessons[$i]['id'], "lessons", "title");
     //Content Data
     $content = eF_getTableData("content", "id,name,data");
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($content); $i++) {
         EfrontSearch::insertText($content[$i]['name'], $content[$i]['id'], "content", "title");
         EfrontSearch::insertText(strip_tags($content[$i]['data']), $content[$i]['id'], "content", "data");
     //Forum Messages
     $forum_messages = eF_getTableData("f_messages", "id, title, body");
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($forum_messages); $i++) {
         EfrontSearch::insertText(strip_tags($forum_messages[$i]['body']), $forum_messages[$i]['id'], "f_messages", "data");
         EfrontSearch::insertText($forum_messages[$i]['title'], $forum_messages[$i]['id'], "f_messages", "title");
     $forums = eF_getTableData("f_forums", "id, title, comments");
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($forums); $i++) {
         EfrontSearch::insertText($forums[$i]['title'], $forums[$i]['id'], "f_forums", "title");
         if (strlen($forums[$i]['comments']) > 3) {
             EfrontSearch::insertText(strip_tags($forums[$i]['comments']), $forums[$i]['id'], "f_forums", "data");
     //Forums Topics
     $f_topics = eF_getTableData("f_topics", "id, title, comments");
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($f_topics); $i++) {
         EfrontSearch::insertText($f_topics[$i]['title'], $f_topics[$i]['id'], "f_topics", "title");
         if (strlen($f_topics[$i]['comments']) > 3) {
             EfrontSearch::insertText(strip_tags($f_topics[$i]['comments']), $f_topics[$i]['id'], "f_topics", "data");
     //Forums Polls
     $f_poll = eF_getTableData("f_poll", "id, title, question");
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($f_poll); $i++) {
         EfrontSearch::insertText($f_poll[$i]['title'], $f_poll[$i]['id'], "f_poll", "title");
         if (strlen($f_poll[$i]['question']) > 3) {
             EfrontSearch::insertText(strip_tags($f_poll[$i]['question']), $f_poll[$i]['id'], "f_poll", "data");
     //Personal Messages
     $personal_messages = eF_getTableData("f_personal_messages", "id, title, body");
     //Get all the personal messages
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($personal_messages); $i++) {
         EfrontSearch::insertText($personal_messages[$i]['body'], $personal_messages[$i]['id'], "f_personal_messages", "data");
         EfrontSearch::insertText($personal_messages[$i]['title'], $personal_messages[$i]['id'], "f_personal_messages", "title");
     $questions = eF_getTableData("questions", "id, text");
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($questions); $i++) {
         EfrontSearch::insertText(strip_tags($questions[$i]['data']), $questions[$i]['id'], "questions", "data");
     //Glossary terms
     $glossary = eF_getTableData("glossary", "id, name, info");
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($glossary); $i++) {
         EfrontSearch::insertText(strip_tags($glossary[$i]['info']), $glossary[$i]['id'], "glossary", "data");
         EfrontSearch::insertText($glossary[$i]['name'], $glossary[$i]['id'], "glossary", "title");
Example #7
  * Persist news properties
  * This function can be used to persist with the database
  * any changes made to the current news object.
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $news -> news['title'] = 'new Title';              //Change the news title
  * $news -> persist();                                   //Make the change permanent
  * </code>
  * @since 3.6.0
  * @access public
 public function persist()
     EfrontSearch::removeText('news', $this->news['id'], 'data');
     EfrontSearch::insertText($this->news['data'], $this->news['id'], "news", "data");
     EfrontSearch::removeText('news', $this->news['id'], 'title');
     EfrontSearch::insertText($this->news['title'], $this->news['id'], "news", "title");
  * Import files to filesystem
  * This function imports the specified files (in $list array) to the filesystem,
  * by creating a corresponding database representation. The $list
  * array should contain full paths to the files. The function returns an array
  * of the same size and contents as $list , but this time the file ids being the keys
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $list = array('/var/www/text.txt', '/var/www/user.txt');
  * $newList = FileSystemTree :: importFiles($list);
  * </code>
  * @param array $list The files list
  * @param array $options extra options to set for the files, such as whether they should be renamed, or the proper permissions
  * @return array An array with the new file ids
  * @access public
  * @since 3.0
  * @static
 public static function importFiles($list, $options = array())
     if (!is_array($list)) {
         $list = array($list);
     $allFiles = eF_getTableDataFlat("files", "path");
     //Get all files, so that if a file already exists, a duplicate entry in the database won't be created
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($list); $i++) {
         $list[$i] = EfrontFile::encode($list[$i]);
         if (!in_array($list[$i], $allFiles['path']) && strpos(dirname($list[$i]), rtrim(G_ROOTPATH, "/")) !== false) {
             $fileMetadata = array('title' => basename($list[$i]), 'creator' => $GLOBALS['currentUser']->user['name'] . ' ' . $GLOBALS['currentUser']->user['surname'], 'publisher' => $GLOBALS['currentUser']->user['name'] . ' ' . $GLOBALS['currentUser']->user['surname'], 'contributor' => $GLOBALS['currentUser']->user['name'] . ' ' . $GLOBALS['currentUser']->user['surname'], 'date' => date("Y/m/d", time()), 'type' => 'file');
             $fields = array('path' => str_replace(G_ROOTPATH, '', $list[$i]), 'users_LOGIN' => isset($_SESSION['s_login']) ? $_SESSION['s_login'] : '', 'timestamp' => time(), 'metadata' => serialize($fileMetadata));
             isset($options['access']) ? $fields['access'] = $options['access'] : null;
             $fileId = eF_insertTableData("files", $fields);
             if ($fileId) {
                 $newList[$fileId] = $list[$i];
                 foreach ($fileMetadata as $key => $value) {
                     EfrontSearch::insertText($value, $fileId, "files", "data");
     return $newList;
Example #9
  * Create a new question
  * This function is used to create a new question
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $fields = array('text' => 'new questions', 'type' => 'multiple_one', 'content_ID' => 10);
  * $question = Question :: createQuestion($fields);
  * </code>
  * @param array $question The new question attributes
  * @return Question the new question object or false
  * @since 3.5.0
  * @access public
  * @static
 public static function createQuestion($question)
     !isset($question['difficulty']) ? $question['difficulty'] = 'medium' : null;
     if ($newId = eF_insertTableData("questions", $question)) {
         EfrontSearch::insertText(eF_addSlashes($question['text']), $newId, "questions", "title");
         return QuestionFactory::factory($newId);
     } else {
         return false;
Example #10
  * @param $fields
  * @return unknown_type
 public static function create($fields = array())
     $new_id = eF_insertTableData("f_poll", $fields);
     EfrontSearch::insertText($fields['title'], $new_id, "f_poll", "title");
     if (mb_strlen($fields['question']) > 3) {
         EfrontSearch::insertText(strip_tags($fields['question']), $new_id, "f_poll", "data");
     $post_lesson_id = $post_lesson_name = null;
     $result = eF_getTableData("lessons l, f_forums f", "l.id,l.name", "l.id=f.lessons_ID and f.id={$fields['f_forums_ID']}");
     if (!empty($result)) {
         $post_lesson_id = $result[0]['id'];
         $post_lesson_name = $result[0]['name'];
     // Timelines add event
     EfrontEvent::triggerEvent(array("type" => EfrontEvent::NEW_POLL, "users_LOGIN" => $_SESSION['s_login'], "lessons_ID" => $post_lesson_id, "lessons_name" => $post_lesson_name, "entity_ID" => $new_id, "entity_name" => $fields['title']));