Example #1
            $renderer->setRequiredTemplate('{$html}{if $required}
           		&nbsp;<span class = "formRequired">*</span>
            $renderer->setErrorTemplate('{$html}{if $error}
	            <div class = "formError">{$error}</div>
            //Set javascript error messages
            //Assign this form to the renderer, so that corresponding template code is created
            $smarty->assign('T_IMPORT_LESSON_FORM', $renderer->toArray());
            //Assign the form to the template
            if (isset($_GET['ajax']) && $_GET['ajax'] == 'lessonsTable') {
                $directionsTree = new EfrontDirectionsTree();
                $directionPaths = $directionsTree->toPathString();
                $smarty->assign("T_DIRECTIONS_PATHS", $directionPaths);
                $constraints = array('archive' => false) + createConstraintsFromSortedTable();
                $dataSource = EfrontLesson::getAllLessons($constraints);
                $totalEntries = EfrontLesson::countAllLessons($constraints);
                $tableName = $_GET['ajax'];
                $alreadySorted = 1;
                $smarty->assign("T_TABLE_SIZE", $totalEntries);
                include "sorted_table.php";
                	        	$lessons        = EFrontLesson :: getLessons();
                	        	if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise') {
                	        		$result  = eF_getTableDataFlat("lessons LEFT OUTER JOIN module_hcd_lesson_offers_skill ON module_hcd_lesson_offers_skill.lesson_ID = lessons.id","lessons.id, count(skill_ID) as skills_offered","lessons.archive=0","","id");
                	        		foreach ($result['id'] as $key => $lesson_id) {
                	        			if (isset($lessons[$lesson_id])) {
     $editLesson = new EfrontLesson($_GET['id']);
     if ($editLesson->isUserActiveInLesson($editedUser)) {
         $response['access'] = 0;
     } else {
         $response['access'] = 1;
     echo json_encode($response);
 } else {
     if (isset($_GET['ajax']) && in_array($_GET['ajax'], array('lessonsTable'))) {
         $roles = EfrontLessonUser::getLessonsRoles(true);
         $smarty->assign("T_ROLES_ARRAY", $roles);
         $directionsTree = new EfrontDirectionsTree();
         $smarty->assign("T_DIRECTION_PATHS", $directionsTree->toPathString());
         $rolesBasic = EfrontLessonUser::getLessonsRoles();
         $smarty->assign("T_BASIC_ROLES_ARRAY", $rolesBasic);
         $smarty->assign("T_EDITED_USER_TYPE", $editedUser->user['user_types_ID'] ? $editedUser->user['user_types_ID'] : $editedUser->user['user_type']);
         if (isset($_GET['ajax']) && $_GET['ajax'] == 'lessonsTable') {
             $smarty->assign("T_DATASOURCE_COLUMNS", array('name', 'directions_ID', 'completed', 'active_in_lesson', 'user_type', 'score', 'has_lesson'));
             if ($_change_lessons_) {
                 $nonLessons = array();
                 foreach ($editedUser->getNonLessons(true) as $key => $lesson) {
                     if (!$lesson->lesson['course_only']) {
                         $nonLessons[$key] = $lesson;
                 if ($independentLessons = $editedUser->getUserStatusInIndependentLessons(true)) {
                     $lessons = $independentLessons + $nonLessons;
                 } else {
  * The main functionality
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see libraries/EfrontModule#getModule()
 public function getModule()
     $smarty = $this->getSmartyVar();
     $currentUser = $this->getCurrentUser();
     $directionsTree = new EfrontDirectionsTree();
     $directionsPaths = $directionsTree->toPathString();
     $smarty->assign("T_MODULE_OUTLOOK_INVITATION_DIRECTION_PATHS", $directionsPaths);
     $temp = eF_getTableData("module_outlook_invitation as m,courses as c", "m.*,c.name,c.directions_ID", "m.courses_ID=c.id");
     $events = array();
     foreach ($temp as $value) {
         $events[$value['courses_ID']] = $value;
     if (isset($_GET['delete_event']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['delete_event'], 'id') && in_array($_GET['delete_event'], array_keys($events))) {
         try {
             $event = $events[$_GET['delete_event']];
             $course = new EfrontCourse($event['courses_ID']);
             $users = $course->getCourseUsers(array('active' => true, archive => false, 'return_objects' => false));
             $recipients = array();
             foreach ($users as $value) {
                 $recipients[] = $value['email'];
             $this->cancelInvitation($course->course['id'], $recipients);
             eF_deleteTableData("module_outlook_invitation", "courses_ID=" . $_GET['delete_event']);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             header("HTTP/1.0 500 ");
             echo $e->getMessage() . ' (' . $e->getCode() . ')';
     if ($_SESSION['s_type'] != 'administrator') {
         $userCourses = $currentUser->getUserCourses(array('archive' => 0, 'active' => true, 'return_objects' => false));
         if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise') {
             if ($_SESSION['s_current_branch']) {
                 $result = eF_getTableData("module_hcd_course_to_branch", "courses_ID", "branches_ID='{$_SESSION['s_current_branch']}'");
             } else {
                 if ($currentUser->aspects['hcd']->isSupervisor()) {
                     $result = eF_getTableData("module_hcd_course_to_branch", "courses_ID", "branches_ID in (select branches_ID from module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch where users_login='******'login']}' and supervisor=1)");
             $branchCourses = array();
             foreach ($result as $value) {
                 $branchCourses[$value['courses_ID']] = $value['courses_ID'];
             foreach ($events as $key => $value) {
                 if (!isset($branchCourses[$key]) && !isset($userCourses[$key])) {
         } else {
             foreach ($events as $key => $value) {
                 if (!isset($userCourses[$key])) {
     if (!isset($_GET['course'])) {
         $dataSource = $events;
         $tableName = 'outlookInvitationsTable';
         isset($_GET['limit']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['limit'], 'uint') ? $limit = $_GET['limit'] : ($limit = G_DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE);
         if (isset($_GET['sort']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['sort'], 'text')) {
             $sort = $_GET['sort'];
             isset($_GET['order']) && $_GET['order'] == 'desc' ? $order = 'desc' : ($order = 'asc');
         } else {
             $sort = 'login';
         $dataSource = eF_multiSort($dataSource, $sort, $order);
         $smarty->assign("T_TABLE_SIZE", sizeof($dataSource));
         if (isset($_GET['filter'])) {
             $dataSource = eF_filterData($dataSource, $_GET['filter']);
         if (isset($_GET['limit']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['limit'], 'int')) {
             isset($_GET['offset']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['offset'], 'int') ? $offset = $_GET['offset'] : ($offset = 0);
             $dataSource = array_slice($dataSource, $offset, $limit);
         $smarty->assign("T_DATA_SOURCE", $dataSource);
     } else {
         $course = new EfrontCourse($_GET['course']);
         $form = new HTML_QuickForm("import_outlook_invitation_form", "post", $this->moduleBaseUrl . "&course={$course->course['id']}&add_event=1" . (isset($_GET['popup']) ? '&popup=1' : ''), "", null, true);
         $form->registerRule('checkParameter', 'callback', 'eF_checkParameter');
         //Register this rule for checking user input with our function, eF_checkParameter
         $form->addElement('text', 'email', _SENDER, 'class = "inputText"');
         $form->addElement('text', 'location', _LOCATION, 'class = "inputText"');
         $form->addElement('text', 'subject', _SUBJECT, 'class = "inputText"');
         $form->addElement('textarea', 'description', _DESCRIPTION, 'class = "inputTestTextarea" style = "width:80%;height:6em;"');
         //$form -> addElement('checkbox', 'calendar', _MODULE_OUTLOOK_INVITATION_CREATE_CALENDAR);
         //$form -> addElement('static', 'static', _MODULE_OUTLOOK_INVITATION_INFO);
         $form->addElement('submit', 'submit_event_all', _MODULE_OUTLOOK_INVITATION_SENDALL, 'class=flatButton');
         $form->addElement('submit', 'submit_event_new', _MODULE_OUTLOOK_INVITATION_SENDNEW, 'class=flatButton');
         if (empty($events[$course->course['id']])) {
             //new invitation
             $currentEvent = null;
             $form->setDefaults(array('email' => $currentUser->user['email'], 'subject' => 'Invitation to attend training: ' . $course->course['name']));
         } else {
             //existing invitation
             $currentEvent = $events[$course->course['id']];
             $form->setDefaults(array('email' => $currentEvent['email'], 'description' => $currentEvent['description'], 'subject' => $currentEvent['subject'], 'location' => $currentEvent['location']));
         if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->validate()) {
             try {
                 $message = "";
                 // Set info to store into database
                 $permanent_info = array("courses_ID" => $course->course['id'], "email" => $form->exportValue('email') ? $form->exportValue('email') : $GLOBALS['configuration']['system_email'], "location" => $form->exportValue('location'), "subject" => $form->exportValue('subject'), "description" => $form->exportValue('description'));
                 if ($currentEvent) {
                     $permanent_info['sequence'] = $currentEvent['sequence'] + 1;
                     eF_updateTableData("module_outlook_invitation", $permanent_info, "courses_ID={$course->course['id']}");
                 } else {
                     eF_insertTableData("module_outlook_invitation", $permanent_info);
                 if ($form->exportValue('submit_event_all')) {
                     $users = $course->getCourseUsers(array('active' => true, archive => false, 'return_objects' => false));
                     $recipients = array();
                     foreach ($users as $value) {
                         $recipients[] = $value['email'];
                     $this->sendInvitation($course->course['id'], $recipients);
                 //					$smarty->assign('T_RELOAD', true);
                 if (isset($_GET['popup'])) {
                     $this->setMessageVar(_OPERATIONCOMPLETEDSUCCESSFULLY, 'success');
                 } else {
                     eF_redirect($this->moduleBaseUrl . "&message=" . urlencode(_OPERATIONCOMPLETEDSUCCESSFULLY) . "&message_type=success");
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $smarty->assign("T_EXCEPTION_TRACE", $e->getTraceAsString());
                 $this->setMessageVar($e->getMessage() . ' (' . $e->getCode() . ') &nbsp;<a href = "javascript:void(0)" onclick = "eF_js_showDivPopup(event, \'' . _ERRORDETAILS . '\', 2, \'error_details\')">' . _MOREINFO . '</a>', 'failure');
         $smarty->assign('T_MODULE_OUTLOOK_INVITATION_FORM', $form->toArray());
     $smarty->assign("T_MODULE_BASEDIR", $this->moduleBaseDir);
     $smarty->assign("T_MODULE_BASELINK", $this->moduleBaseLink);
     $smarty->assign("T_MODULE_BASEURL", $this->moduleBaseUrl);
     return true;
 private function doCategoryReports()
     $smarty = $this->getSmartyVar();
     $currentUser = $this->getCurrentUser();
     $directionsTree = new EfrontDirectionsTree();
     $directionPaths = $directionsTree->toPathString();
     $form = new HTML_QuickForm("category_form", "post", basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=module&op=module_administrator_tools&tab=category_reports&do=enterprise", "", null, true);
     $form->addElement('select', 'category', _CATEGORY, $directionPaths);
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'incomplete', _MODULE_ADMINISTRATOR_TOOLS_SHOWINCOMPLETE);
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'inactive', _MODULE_ADMINISTRATOR_TOOLS_SHOWINACTIVECOURSES);
     $form->addElement('date', 'from_timestamp', _MODULE_ADMINISTRATOR_TOOLS_COMPLETEDFROM, array('minYear' => 1970, 'maxYear' => date("Y")));
     $form->addElement('date', 'to_timestamp', _MODULE_ADMINISTRATOR_TOOLS_COMPLETEDTO, array('minYear' => 1970, 'maxYear' => date("Y")));
     $form->addElement("submit", "submit", _SUBMIT, 'class = "flatButton"');
     $form->setDefaults(array("from_timestamp" => mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") - 1, date("d"), date("Y")), "to_timestamp" => time()));
     if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->validate()) {
         $values = $form->exportValues();
         $_SESSION['from_timestamp'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $_POST['from_timestamp']['M'], $_POST['from_timestamp']['d'], $_POST['from_timestamp']['Y']);
         $_SESSION['to_timestamp'] = mktime(23, 59, 59, $_POST['to_timestamp']['M'], $_POST['to_timestamp']['d'], $_POST['to_timestamp']['Y']);
         $_SESSION['category'] = $values['category'];
         $_SESSION['incomplete'] = $values['incomplete'];
         $_SESSION['inactive'] = $values['inactive'];
         $smarty->assign("T_SHOW_TABLE", true);
     if (isset($_GET['ajax']) && $_GET['ajax'] == 'categoryUsersTable' || $_GET['ajax'] == 'xls' || $_GET['ajax'] == 'show_xls') {
         $smarty->assign("T_SHOW_TABLE", true);
         $smarty->assign("T_DIRECTIONS_TREE", $directionPaths);
         $branchesTree = new EfrontBranchesTree();
         $branchesPaths = $branchesTree->toPathString();
         $category = new EfrontDirection($_SESSION['category']);
         $directionsTree = new EfrontDirectionsTree();
         $children = $directionsTree->getNodeChildren($_SESSION['category']);
         foreach (new EfrontAttributeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($children)), array('id')) as $value) {
             $siblings[] = $value;
         $result = eF_getTableDataFlat("courses", "id", "archive = 0 && directions_ID in (" . implode(",", $siblings) . ")");
         $categoryCourses = $result['id'];
         $resultCourses = eF_getTableDataFlat("users_to_courses uc, courses c", "distinct c.id", 'c.id=uc.courses_ID ' . (!$_SESSION['inactive'] ? 'and c.active=1' : '') . ' and uc.archive=0 and uc.completed=1 and uc.to_timestamp >= ' . $_SESSION['from_timestamp'] . ' and uc.to_timestamp <= ' . $_SESSION['to_timestamp']);
         $resultEvents = eF_getTableDataFlat("events e, courses c", "distinct c.id", 'c.id=e.lessons_ID ' . (!$_SESSION['inactive'] ? 'and c.active=1' : '') . ' and e.type=54 and e.timestamp >= ' . $_SESSION['from_timestamp'] . ' and e.timestamp <= ' . $_SESSION['to_timestamp']);
         if (empty($resultEvents)) {
             $resultEvents['id'] = array();
         $result = array_unique(array_merge($resultCourses['id'], $resultEvents['id']));
         $categoryCourses = array_intersect(array_unique($categoryCourses), $result);
         //count only courses that have users completed them
         if ($_SESSION['incomplete']) {
             $constraints = array('archive' => false, 'condition' => '(to_timestamp is null OR to_timestamp = 0 OR (to_timestamp >= ' . $_SESSION['from_timestamp'] . ' and to_timestamp <= ' . $_SESSION['to_timestamp'] . '))');
         } else {
             $constraints = array('archive' => false, 'condition' => 'completed=1 and to_timestamp >= ' . $_SESSION['from_timestamp'] . ' and to_timestamp <= ' . $_SESSION['to_timestamp']);
         foreach ($categoryCourses as $courseId) {
             $course = new EfrontCourse($courseId);
             foreach ($course->getCourseUsers($constraints) as $value) {
                 $userBranches = $value->aspects['hcd']->getBranches();
                 $userSupervisors = $value->aspects['hcd']->getSupervisors();
                 $userSupervisor = end($userSupervisors);
                 $value->user['course_active'] = $course->course['active'];
                 $value->user['course_id'] = $course->course['id'];
                 $value->user['category'] = $directionPaths[$course->course['directions_ID']];
                 $value->user['course'] = $course->course['name'];
                 $value->user['directions_ID'] = $course->course['directions_ID'];
                 $value->user['branch'] = $branchesPaths[current($userBranches['employee'])];
                 $value->user['branch_ID'] = current($userBranches['employee']);
                 $value->user['supervisor'] = $userSupervisor;
                 $value->user['historic'] = false;
                 $unique = md5($value->user['to_timestamp'] . $value->user['course_id'] . $value->user['login']);
                 $courseUsers[$unique] = $value->user;
             $result = eF_getTableData("events", "*", 'type=54 and lessons_ID=' . $courseId . ' and timestamp >= ' . $_SESSION['from_timestamp'] . ' and timestamp <= ' . $_SESSION['to_timestamp']);
             foreach ($result as $entry) {
                 try {
                     $value = EfrontUserFactory::factory($entry['users_LOGIN']);
                     if (!$value->user['archive']) {
                         $userBranches = $value->aspects['hcd']->getBranches();
                         $userSupervisors = $value->aspects['hcd']->getSupervisors();
                         $userSupervisor = current($userSupervisors);
                         $value->user['course_active'] = $course->course['active'];
                         $value->user['course_id'] = $course->course['id'];
                         $value->user['category'] = $directionPaths[$course->course['directions_ID']];
                         $value->user['course'] = $course->course['name'];
                         $value->user['directions_ID'] = $course->course['directions_ID'];
                         $value->user['branch'] = $branchesPaths[current($userBranches['employee'])];
                         $value->user['branch_ID'] = current($userBranches['employee']);
                         $value->user['supervisor'] = $userSupervisor;
                         $value->user['to_timestamp'] = $entry['timestamp'];
                         $value->user['completed'] = 1;
                         $value->user['score'] = '';
                         $value->user['historic'] = true;
                         $unique = md5($value->user['to_timestamp'] . $value->user['course_id'] . $value->user['login']);
                         if (!isset($courseUsers[$unique])) {
                             $courseUsers[$unique] = $value->user;
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     /*Bypass non-existing users*/
         if ($_GET['ajax'] == 'xls') {
             $xlsFilePath = $currentUser->getDirectory() . 'category_report.xls';
             $_GET['limit'] = sizeof($courseUsers);
             $_GET['sort'] = 'category';
             list($tableSize, $courseUsers) = filterSortPage($courseUsers);
             $header = array('category' => _CATEGORY, 'course' => _NAME, 'login' => _USER, 'to_timestamp' => _COMPLETED, 'score' => _SCORE, 'supervisor' => _SUPERVISOR, 'branch' => _BRANCH, 'historic' => _MODULE_ADMINISTRATOR_TOOLS_HISTORICENTRY);
             foreach ($courseUsers as $value) {
                 $rows[] = array(_CATEGORY => str_replace("&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;", " -> ", $value['category']), _COURSE => $value['course'], _USER => formatLogin($value['login']), _COMPLETED => formatTimestamp($value['to_timestamp']), _SCORE => $value['historic'] ? '' : formatScore($value['score']) . '%', _SUPERVISOR => formatLogin($value['supervisor']), _BRANCH => str_replace("&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;", " -> ", $value['branch']), _MODULE_ADMINISTRATOR_TOOLS_HISTORICENTRY => $value['historic'] ? _YES : _NO);
             EfrontSystem::exportToXls($rows, $xlsFilePath);
         } else {
             if ($_GET['ajax'] == 'show_xls') {
                 $xlsFilePath = $currentUser->getDirectory() . 'category_report.xls';
                 $file = new EfrontFile($xlsFilePath);
             } else {
                 list($tableSize, $courseUsers) = filterSortPage($courseUsers);
                 $smarty->assign("T_SORTED_TABLE", $_GET['ajax']);
                 $smarty->assign("T_TABLE_SIZE", $tableSize);
                 $smarty->assign("T_DATA_SOURCE", $courseUsers);
     $smarty->assign("T_CATEGORY_FORM", $form->toArray());
Example #5
 private function getRssSource($source, $mode, $lesson)
     $feeds = $this->getProvidedFeeds();
     foreach ($feeds as $value) {
         if ($value['active'] && $value['mode'] == 'system') {
             $systemFeeds[$value['type']] = $value;
         } else {
             if ($value['active'] && $value['mode'] == 'lesson') {
                 $lessonFeeds[$value['type']] = $value;
     if ($mode == 'system' && !in_array($source, array_keys($systemFeeds))) {
         return array();
     } elseif ($mode == 'lesson' && !in_array($source, array_keys($lessonFeeds))) {
         return array();
     $data = array();
     switch ($source) {
         case 'announcements':
             if ($mode == 'system') {
                 $news = news::getNews(0, true);
             } elseif ($mode == 'lesson') {
                 if ($lesson) {
                     $news = news::getNews($lesson, true);
                 } else {
                     $lessons = eF_getTableDataFlat("lessons", "id, name");
                     $lessonNames = array_combine($lessons['id'], $lessons['name']);
                     $news = news::getNews($lessons['id'], true);
             $count = 1;
             foreach ($news as $value) {
                 if ($mode == 'lesson' && !$lesson) {
                     $value['title'] = $lessonNames[$value['lessons_ID']] . ': ' . $value['title'];
                     $link = G_SERVERNAME . 'userpage.php?lessons_ID=' . $value['lessons_ID'] . '&amp;ctg=news&amp;view=' . $value['id'];
                 } else {
                     $link = G_SERVERNAME . 'userpage.php?ctg=news&amp;view=' . $value['id'];
                 $data[] = array('title' => $value['title'], 'link' => $link, 'description' => $value['data']);
                     				if ($count++ == $this -> feedLimit) {
         case 'catalog':
             $constraints = array("return_objects" => false, 'archive' => false, 'active' => true);
             $result = EfrontCourse::getAllCourses($constraints);
             $directionsTree = new EfrontDirectionsTree();
             $directionPaths = $directionsTree->toPathString();
             foreach ($result as $value) {
                 $pathString = $directionPaths[$value['directions_ID']] . '&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;' . $value['name'];
                 $data[] = array('title' => $pathString, 'link' => G_SERVERNAME . 'index.php?ctg=lesson_info&amp;courses_ID=' . $value['id'], 'description' => implode("<br>", unserialize($value['info'])));
             $result = eF_getTableData("lessons", "id,name,directions_ID, info", "archive=0 and instance_source = 0 and active=1 and course_only=0", "name");
             foreach ($result as $value) {
                 $pathString = $directionPaths[$value['directions_ID']] . '&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;' . $value['name'];
                 $data[] = array('title' => $pathString, 'link' => G_SERVERNAME . 'index.php?ctg=lesson_info&amp;lessons_ID=' . $value['id'], 'description' => implode("<br>", unserialize($value['info'])));
             $data = array_values(eF_multisort($data, 'title', 'asc'));
             //Sort results based on path string
         case 'calendar':
             if ($mode == 'system') {
                 $events = calendar::getGlobalCalendarEvents();
             } elseif ($mode == 'lesson') {
                 if ($lesson) {
                     $events = calendar::getLessonCalendarEvents($lesson);
                 } else {
                     $events = calendar::getCalendarEventsForAllLessons();
             foreach ($events as $value) {
                 $value['name'] ? $title = formatTimestamp($value['timestamp']) . ' (' . $value['name'] . ')' : ($title = formatTimestamp($value['timestamp']));
                 $data[] = array('title' => $title, 'link' => G_SERVERNAME . 'userpage.php?ctg=calendar&amp;view_calendar=' . $value['timestamp'] . '&amp;type=0', 'description' => $value['data']);
                 		case 'history':
                 			$currentUser = $this -> getCurrentUser();
             				$eventObjects = array();
                 			$result = eF_getTableData("events", "*", "", "timestamp DESC limit 100");
             				foreach ($result as $value) {
             					$eventObject = new EfrontEvent($value);
             					$eventObject -> createMessage();
             		case 'history':
             			$currentUser = $this -> getCurrentUser();
         				$eventObjects = array();
             			$result = eF_getTableData("events", "*", "", "timestamp DESC limit 100");
         				foreach ($result as $value) {
         					$eventObject = new EfrontEvent($value);
         					$eventObject -> createMessage();
         case 'structure':
             if ($lesson) {
                 $contentTree = new EfrontContentTree($lesson);
                 $contentPath = $contentTree->toPathStrings();
                 foreach ($contentPath as $key => $value) {
                     $data[] = array('title' => $value, 'link' => G_SERVERNAME . 'userpage.php?lessons_ID=' . $lesson . '&amp;unit=' . $key, 'description' => $value);
         case 'forum':
             if ($mode == 'system') {
                 $result = eF_getTableData("f_messages fm JOIN f_topics ft JOIN f_forums ff LEFT OUTER JOIN lessons l ON ff.lessons_ID = l.id", "ff.title as forum_name, fm.body, fm.title, fm.id, ft.id as topic_id, ft.title as topic_title, fm.users_LOGIN, fm.timestamp, l.name as lessons_name, lessons_id as show_lessons_id", "ft.f_forums_ID=ff.id AND fm.f_topics_ID=ft.id ", "fm.timestamp desc LIMIT 100");
             } elseif ($mode == 'lesson') {
                 if ($lesson) {
                     $result = eF_getTableData("f_messages fm JOIN f_topics ft JOIN f_forums ff LEFT OUTER JOIN lessons l ON ff.lessons_ID = l.id", "ff.title as forum_name, fm.body, fm.title, fm.id, ft.id as topic_id, ft.title as topic_title, fm.users_LOGIN, fm.timestamp, l.name as lessons_name, lessons_id as show_lessons_id", "ft.f_forums_ID=ff.id AND fm.f_topics_ID=ft.id AND ff.lessons_ID = '" . $lesson . "'", "fm.timestamp desc LIMIT 100");
                 } else {
                     $result = eF_getTableData("f_messages fm JOIN f_topics ft JOIN f_forums ff LEFT OUTER JOIN lessons l ON ff.lessons_ID = l.id", "ff.title as forum_name, fm.body, fm.title, fm.id, ft.id as topic_id, ft.title as topic_title, fm.users_LOGIN, fm.timestamp, l.name as lessons_name, lessons_id as show_lessons_id", "ft.f_forums_ID=ff.id AND fm.f_topics_ID=ft.id AND ff.lessons_ID != 0", "fm.timestamp desc LIMIT 100");
             foreach ($result as $value) {
                 $value['title'] = $value['forum_name'] . ' >> ' . $value['topic_title'] . ' >> ' . $value['title'];
                 if ($mode == 'system' && $value['lessons_name'] || $mode == 'lesson' && !$lesson) {
                     $value['title'] = $value['lessons_name'] . ': ' . $value['title'];
                 $data[] = array('title' => $value['title'], 'link' => G_SERVERNAME . 'userpage.php?ctg=forum&amp;topic=' . $value['topic_id'], 'description' => $value['body']);
     return $data;
Example #6
    try {
        $avatar = new EfrontFile($editedUser->user['avatar']);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $avatar = new EfrontFile(G_SYSTEMAVATARSPATH . "unknown_small.png");
    $smarty->assign("T_AVATAR", $avatar['url_path']);
    $smarty->assign("T_EMPLOYEE_SKILLS", $skills_sorted);
    $smarty->assign("T_EMPLOYEE_SKILL_CATEGORIES", $skill_categories);
    $smarty->assign('T_EVALUATIONS', $evaluations = $editedEmployee->getEvaluations());
    $smarty->assign("T_FORM_PLACEMENTS", $jobs = $editedEmployee->getJobs());
if ($editedUser->user['user_type'] != 'administrator') {
    $directionsTree = new EfrontDirectionsTree();
    $directionsArray = $directionsTree->getFlatTree();
    $smarty->assign("T_DIRECTIONS_TREE", $directionsPathStrings = $directionsTree->toPathString());
    $studentRoles = EfrontLessonUser::getRoles();
    foreach ($studentRoles as $key => $value) {
        if ($value != 'student') {
    $constraints = array('archive' => false);
    if ($_COOKIE['setUserFormSelectedSort']) {
        preg_match("/\\d_(\\w+)--(\\w+)/", $_COOKIE['setUserFormSelectedSort'], $matches);
        in_array($matches[1], array('name', 'directions_ID', 'active_in_course', 'completed', 'score')) ? $constraints['sort'] = $matches[1] : ($constraints['sort'] = 'name');
        $matches[2] == 'desc' ? $constraints['order'] = 'asc' : ($constraints['order'] = 'desc');
    $userCourses = $editedUser->getUserCourses($constraints);
    foreach ($userCourses as $key => $value) {
        if (!in_array($value->course['user_type'], array_keys($studentRoles))) {
Example #7
//$smarty -> assign("T_MENU", eF_getMenu());
$smarty->assign("T_QUERIES", $numberOfQueries);
if ($_SESSION['s_message']) {
    $message .= urldecode($_SESSION['s_message']);
    $message_type = $_SESSION['s_message_type'];
$smarty->assign("T_MESSAGE", $message);
$smarty->assign("T_MESSAGE_TYPE", $message_type);
$smarty->assign("T_SEARCH_MESSAGE", $search_message);
$smarty->assign("T_CURRENT_USER", $currentUser);
$smarty->assign("T_CURRENT_LESSON", $currentLesson);
if (isset($currentLesson)) {
    $directions = new EfrontDirectionsTree();
    $paths = $directions->toPathString();
    $categoryPath = $paths[$currentLesson->lesson["directions_ID"]];
    //$categoryPath = str_replace("&rarr", "&raquo", $categoryPath);
    $smarty->assign("T_CURRENT_CATEGORY_PATH", $categoryPath);
    if ($currentLesson->lesson['course_only'] == 1 && $_SESSION['s_courses_ID']) {
        $currentCourse = new EfrontCourse($_SESSION['s_courses_ID']);
        $smarty->assign("T_CURRENT_COURSE_NAME", htmlspecialchars($currentCourse->course['name'], ENT_QUOTES));
        $smarty->assign("T_CURRENT_COURSE_ID", $currentCourse->course['id']);
if (G_VERSIONTYPE != 'community') {
    #cpp#ifndef COMMUNITY
    if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['facebook_api_key'] && $GLOBALS['configuration']['facebook_secret']) {
        $smarty->assign("T_FACEBOOK_USER", EfrontFacebook::userConnected());
Example #8
function askCourses()
    eF_checkParameter($_POST['preffix'], 'text') ? $preffix = $_POST['preffix'] : ($preffix = '%');
    if ($_SESSION['s_type'] == "administrator") {
        $result = eF_getTableData("courses", "id, name, directions_ID", "active=1 AND archive=0 and name like '%{$preffix}%'");
        //$constraints = array("return_objects" => false, 'archive' => false, 'active' => true, 'filter' => $preffix);
        //$result 	 = EfrontCourse :: getAllCourses($constraints);
        //$result 	 = EfrontCourse :: convertCourseObjectsToArrays($courses);
    } else {
        $result = eF_getTableData("courses c, users_to_courses uc", "c.id, c.name, c.directions_ID", "(uc.user_type = 'professor' or uc.user_type in (select id from user_types where basic_user_type = 'professor')) AND c.active=1 AND c.id = uc.courses_ID AND uc.archive=0 and c.archive=0 AND uc.users_LOGIN='******'s_login'] . "' AND c.name like '%{$preffix}%'");
        if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise') {
            #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE
            $result = eF_getTableData("courses c, users_to_courses uc", "c.id, c.name, c.directions_ID", "(uc.user_type = 'professor' or uc.user_type in (select id from user_types where basic_user_type = 'professor')) AND c.active=1 AND c.id = uc.courses_ID AND uc.archive=0 and c.archive=0 AND uc.users_LOGIN='******'s_login'] . "' AND c.name like '%{$preffix}%'");
            // Add courses from supervised branches
            $user = EfrontUserFactory::factory($_SESSION['s_login']);
            if (isset($user->aspects['hcd']) && $user->aspects['hcd']->isSupervisor()) {
                $employee = $user->aspects['hcd'];
                //Get the courses assigned to the branches supervised by this user
                $supervised_courses = $employee->supervisesCourses();
                $existing_course_ids = array_keys($supervised_courses);
                foreach ($result as $course) {
                    if (!in_array($course['id'], $existing_course_ids)) {
                        $supervised_courses[$course['id']] = $course;
                $result = array_values($supervised_courses);
                foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
                    if (stripos($value['name'], $preffix) === false && $preffix != '%') {
        } else {
            $result = eF_getTableData("courses c, users_to_courses uc", "c.id, c.name, c.directions_ID", "(uc.user_type = 'professor' or uc.user_type in (select id from user_types where basic_user_type = 'professor')) AND c.active=1 AND c.id = uc.courses_ID AND uc.archive=0 and c.archive=0 AND uc.users_LOGIN='******'s_login'] . "' AND c.name like '%{$preffix}%'");
    $courses = array();
    $directionsTree = new EfrontDirectionsTree();
    $directionPaths = $directionsTree->toPathString();
    foreach ($result as $value) {
        //for ($i = 0 ; $i < sizeof($result) ; $i ++) {
        $hiname = highlightSearch($value['name'], $preffix);
        $pathString = $directionPaths[$value['directions_ID']] . '&nbsp;&rarr;&nbsp;' . $hiname;
        $courses[] = array('id' => $value['id'], 'name' => $value['name'], 'path_string' => $pathString);
    $courses = array_values(eF_multisort($courses, 'path_string', 'asc'));
    //Sort results based on path string
    $str = '<ul>';
    for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($courses); $k++) {
        $str = $str . '<li id=' . $courses[$k]['id'] . '>' . $courses[$k]['path_string'] . '</li>';
    $str .= '</ul>';
    echo $str;
Example #9
                if (isset($_GET['id']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['id'], 'id') && isset($_GET['directions_ID']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['directions_ID'], 'id')) {
                    $course = new EfrontCourse($_GET['id']);
                    if ($_GET['directions_ID'] != $course->course['directions_ID']) {
                        $updateCourseInstancesCategory = true;
                        //This means we need to update instances to match the course's new category
                    $course->course['directions_ID'] = $_GET['directions_ID'];
                    if (isset($updateCourseInstancesCategory) && $updateCourseInstancesCategory) {
                        eF_updateTableData("courses", array("directions_ID" => $course->course['directions_ID']), "instance_source=" . $course->course['id']);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                echo $e->getMessage() . ' (' . $e->getCode() . ')';
} else {
    $directionsTree = new EfrontDirectionsTree();
    $directionsPaths = $directionsTree->toPathString(false);
    $flatTree = $directionsTree->getFlatTree();
    foreach ($flatTree as $key => $value) {
        $flatTree[$key]['pathString'] = $directionsPaths[$value['id']];
        $direction = new EfrontDirection($flatTree[$key]);
        $flatTree[$key]['lessons'] = sizeof($direction->getLessons());
        $flatTree[$key]['courses'] = sizeof($direction->getCourses());
    $smarty->assign("T_DIRECTIONS_DATA", $flatTree);