Example #1
    // Creating new form and giving the var it needs to pass.
    $editcommentform = new EditCommentForm(null, array('text' => $editingcomment->text, 'cmid' => $cm->id, 'commentid' => $commentid));
    // Condition of form cancelation.
    if ($editcommentform->is_cancelled()) {
        $action = "list";
    } else {
        if ($fromform = $editcommentform->get_data()) {
            // Setup of var record to update record in moodle DB.
            $editingcomment->text = $fromform->comment['text'];
            $editingcomment->markerid = $USER->id;
            // Updating the record.
            $DB->update_record('emarking_predefined_comment', $editingcomment);
            echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('changessaved', 'mod_emarking'), 'notifysuccess');
            $action = "list";
        } else {
// Action actions on "list".
if ($action == 'list') {
    // Create button url.
    $urlcreate = new moodle_url('/mod/emarking/marking/predefinedcomments.php', array('id' => $cm->id, 'action' => 'create'));
    $predefinedcomments = $DB->get_records('emarking_predefined_comment', array('emarkingid' => $emarking->id));
    // Creating list.
    $table = new html_table();
    $table->head = array(get_string('comment', 'mod_emarking'), get_string('creator', 'mod_emarking'), get_string('actions', 'mod_emarking'));
    foreach ($predefinedcomments as $predefinedcomment) {
        $deleteurlcomment = new moodle_url('', array('action' => 'delete', 'id' => $cm->id, 'commentid' => $predefinedcomment->id));
        $deleteiconcomment = new pix_icon('t/delete', get_string('delete'));
        $deleteactioncomment = $OUTPUT->action_icon($deleteurlcomment, $deleteiconcomment, new confirm_action(get_string('questiondeletecomment', 'mod_emarking')));
Example #2
  * Edit comment.
  * @param $commentId int
 function editComment($paper, $comment, $reviewId)
     if (!HookRegistry::call('ReviewerAction::editComment', array(&$paper, &$comment, &$reviewId))) {
         $commentForm = new EditCommentForm($paper, $comment);
         $commentForm->setData('reviewId', $reviewId);
         $commentForm->display(array('reviewId' => $reviewId));
Example #3
  * Save comment.
  * @param $commentId int
 function saveComment($article, &$comment, $emailComment)
     if (!HookRegistry::call('Action::saveComment', array(&$article, &$comment, &$emailComment))) {
         $commentForm = new EditCommentForm($article, $comment);
         if ($commentForm->validate()) {
             // Send a notification to associated users
             $notificationManager = new NotificationManager();
             $notificationUsers = $article->getAssociatedUserIds(true, false);
             foreach ($notificationUsers as $userRole) {
                 $url = Request::url(null, $userRole['role'], 'submissionReview', $article->getId(), null, 'editorDecision');
                 $notificationManager->createNotification($userRole['id'], 'notification.type.submissionComment', $article->getLocalizedTitle(), $url, 1, NOTIFICATION_TYPE_SUBMISSION_COMMENT);
             if ($emailComment) {
         } else {
Example #4
  * Save comment.
  * @param $commentId int
 function saveComment($article, &$comment, $emailComment, $request)
     if (!HookRegistry::call('Action::saveComment', array(&$article, &$comment, &$emailComment))) {
         $commentForm = new EditCommentForm($article, $comment);
         if ($commentForm->validate()) {
             // Send a notification to associated users
             $notificationManager = new NotificationManager();
             $notificationUsers = $article->getAssociatedUserIds(true, false);
             foreach ($notificationUsers as $userRole) {
                 $notificationManager->createNotification($request, $userRole['id'], NOTIFICATION_TYPE_SUBMISSION_COMMENT, $article->getJournalId(), ASSOC_TYPE_ARTICLE, $article->getId());
             if ($emailComment) {
                 $commentForm->email($commentForm->emailHelper(), $request);
         } else {
Example #5
if ($action == "delete") {
    //geting record to delete
    $DB->delete_records('emarking_predefined_comment', array('id' => $deleteid));
    $action = "list";
// action action on edit
if ($action == "edit") {
    echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('editcomment', 'mod_emarking'));
    //getting record to edit
    $comment_edition = $DB->get_record('emarking_predefined_comment', array('id' => $deleteid));
    //creating a var which contains the message to adit
    $comment_var = $comment_edition->text;
    //Creating new form and giving the var it needs to pass
    $newcommentform = new EditCommentForm(null, array('text' => $comment_var, 'id' => $cm->id, 'deleteid' => $deleteid));
    //Dislay of the form
if ($action == "edited") {
    //Creating new form and giving the var it needs to pass
    $newcommentform = new EditCommentForm(null, array('text' => "", 'id' => $cm->id, 'deleteid' => $deleteid));
    //condition of form cancelation
    if ($newcommentform->is_cancelled()) {
        $action = "list";
    } elseif ($fromform = $newcommentform->get_data()) {
        $record = new stdClass();
        //geting previous data, so we can reuse it
        $comment_setup = $DB->get_record('emarking_predefined_comment', array('id' => $fromform->delete));
        //setup of var record to update record in moodle DB
        $record->id = $comment_setup->id;
        $record->emarkingid = $comment_setup->emarkingid;
        $record->text = $fromform->comment['text'];