Example #1
 public function checkForDuplicates()
     // show warning if duplicate products found
     $om = new EbayOrdersModel();
     $duplicateOrders = $om->getAllDuplicateOrders();
     if (!empty($duplicateOrders)) {
         // built message
         $msg = '<p><b>Warning: ' . __('There are duplicate orders for', 'wplister') . ' ' . join(', ', $duplicateOrders) . '</b>';
         $msg .= '<br>';
         $msg .= 'This can happen when the scheduled order update is triggered twice at the same time - which is a rare <a href="http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/122805" target="_blank">race condition issue</a> in the WordPress scheduling system WP-Cron.';
         $msg .= '<br><br>';
         $msg .= 'To prevent this from happening again, it is highly recommended to use an ';
         $msg .= '<a href="http://docs.wplab.com/article/99-external-cron-job-setup" target="_blank">external cron job</a> ';
         $msg .= 'instead of relying on WP-Cron to trigger background actions for WP-Lister. ';
         $msg .= 'Please read that FAQ article, then set the update interval to "use external cron job" and follow the instructions. If you are still having issues after doing so, you might have to move to a better hosting provider.';
         $msg .= '</p>';
         // built message
         $msg .= '<p>';
         // table header
         $msg .= '<table style="width:100%">';
         $msg .= "<tr>";
         $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>Date</th>";
         $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>Order ID</th>";
         $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>Total</th>";
         $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>Items</th>";
         $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>Last modified</th>";
         // $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>eBay ID</th>";
         // $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>Stock red.</th>";
         // $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>New Stock</th>";
         $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>Status</th>";
         $msg .= "<th style='text-align:left'>&nbsp;</th>";
         $msg .= "</tr>";
         // table rows
         foreach ($duplicateOrders as $order_id) {
             // $transactions = $tm->getAllTransactionsByTransactionID( $order_id );
             $last_order_id = false;
             $orders = $om->getAllOrderByOrderID($order_id);
             foreach ($orders as $order) {
                 // get column data
                 // $qty     = $order['quantity'];
                 // $stock   = $order['stock'] . ' x ';
                 // $title   = $order['auction_title'];
                 // $post_id = $order['post_id'];
                 // $ebay_id = $order['ebay_id'];
                 // build links
                 // $ebay_url = $order['ViewItemURL'] ? $order['ViewItemURL'] : $ebay_url = 'http://www.ebay.com/itm/'.$ebay_id;
                 // $ebay_link = '<a href="'.$ebay_url.'" target="_blank">'.$ebay_id.'</a>';
                 // $edit_link = '<a href="post.php?action=edit&post='.$post_id.'" target="_blank">'.$title.'</a>';
                 // check if stock was reduced
                 // list( $reduced_product_id, $new_stock_value ) = $tm->checkIfStockWasReducedForItemID( $order, $order['item_id'] );
                 // color results
                 $color_id = 'silver';
                 if ($order_id != $last_order_id) {
                     $color_id = 'black';
                     $last_order_id = $order_id;
                 $color_status = 'auto';
                 if ($order['CompleteStatus'] == 'Completed') {
                     $color_status = 'darkgreen';
                 if ($order['CompleteStatus'] == 'Cancelled') {
                     $color_status = 'silver';
                 // built buttons
                 $actions = '';
                 // if ( $order['status'] != 'reverted' && $order['CompleteStatus'] != 'Completed' ) {
                 $button_label = 'Remove';
                 $url = 'admin.php?page=wplister-orders&action=wpl_delete_order&ebay_order=' . $order['id'];
                 $actions = '<a href="' . $url . '" class="button button-small">' . $button_label . '</a>';
                 // }
                 // build table row
                 $msg .= "<tr>";
                 $msg .= "<td>" . $order['date_created'] . "</td>";
                 $msg .= "<td style='color:{$color_id}'>" . $order['order_id'] . "</td>";
                 $msg .= "<td>" . woocommerce_price($order['total']) . "</td>";
                 $msg .= "<td>" . count($order['items']) . "</td>";
                 $msg .= "<td>" . $order['LastTimeModified'] . "</td>";
                 // $msg .= "<td>".$order['item_id']."</td>";
                 // $msg .= "<td>".$reduced_product_id."</td>";
                 // $msg .= "<td>".$new_stock_value."</td>";
                 $msg .= "<td style='color:{$color_status}'>" . $order['CompleteStatus'] . "</td>";
                 $msg .= "<td>" . $actions . "</td>";
                 // $msg .= "<td>$edit_link (ID $post_id)</td>";
                 // $msg .= "<td>$qty x </td>";
                 // $msg .= "<td>$ebay_link</td>";
                 $msg .= "</tr>";
         $msg .= '</table>';
         $msg .= '<br>';
         // $msg .= $table;
         // $msg .= '<br>';
         // $msg .= 'This is caused by...';
         // $msg .= '<br><br>';
         // $msg .= 'To fix this... ';
         $msg .= '</p>';
         $this->showMessage($msg, 1);