Example #1
  * Attaches the open graph tags in the header
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function addOpenGraphTags(EasyBlogPost &$post)
     if (!$this->config->get('main_facebook_opengraph')) {
     // Get the absolute permalink for this blog item.
     $url = $post->getExternalPermalink();
     // Get the image of the blog post.
     $image = self::getImage($post);
     // Add the blog image.
     $this->doc->addCustomTag('<meta property="og:image" content="' . $image . '"/> ');
     // If app id is provided, attach it on the head
     $appId = $this->config->get('main_facebook_like_appid');
     $adminId = $this->config->get('main_facebook_like_admin');
     if ($appId) {
         $this->doc->addCustomTag('<meta property="fb:app_id" content="' . $appId . '"/> ');
     if ($adminId) {
         $this->doc->addCustomTag('<meta property="fb:admins" content="' . $adminId . '"/>');
     // Convert double quotes to html entities.
     $title = htmlspecialchars($post->title, ENT_QUOTES);
     // Add the title tag
     $this->doc->addCustomTag('<meta property="og:title" content="' . $title . '" />');
     // Load any necessary meta data for the blog
     $meta = $post->loadMeta();
     // If there's a meta set for the blog, use the stored meta version
     $description = !empty($post->description) ? $post->description : $post->getIntro();
     // Remove unwanted tags
     $description = EB::stripEmbedTags($description);
     // Remove newlines
     $description = str_ireplace("\r\n", "", $description);
     // Replace &nbsp; with spaces
     $description = JString::str_ireplace('&nbsp;', ' ', $description);
     // Remove any html tags
     $description = strip_tags($description);
     // Ensure that newlines wouldn't affect the header
     $description = trim($description);
     // Replace htmlentities with the counterpert
     // Perhaps we need to explicitly replace &nbsp; with a space?
     $description = html_entity_decode($description);
     // Remove any quotes (") from the content
     $description = str_ireplace('"', '', $description);
     // If there's a maximum length specified, we should respect it.
     $max = $this->config->get('integrations_facebook_blogs_length');
     if ($max) {
         if (JString::strlen($description) > $max) {
             $description = JString::substr($description, 0, $max) . JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_ELLIPSES');
     $this->doc->addCustomTag('<meta property="og:description" content="' . $description . '" />');
     $this->doc->addCustomTag('<meta property="og:type" content="article" />');
     $this->doc->addCustomTag('<meta property="og:url" content="' . $url . '" />');
     return true;
Example #2
  * Attaches the Twitter card into the page header
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	EasyBlogTableBlog
  * @return
 public static function addCard(EasyBlogPost &$blog)
     $config = EB::config();
     $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
     // Check if the current settings would want to display the twitter cards
     if (!$config->get('main_twitter_cards')) {
     // Get the absolute permalink for this blog item.
     $url = $blog->getExternalPermalink();
     // Get the image of the blog post.
     $image = self::getImage($blog);
     if ($image) {
         $doc->addCustomTag('<meta property="twitter:image" content="' . $image . '"/>');
     // @task: Get Joomla's document object.
     $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
     // Convert double quotes to html entity in blog title.
     $title = htmlspecialchars($blog->title, ENT_QUOTES);
     // Add card definition.
     $doc->addCustomTag('<meta property="twitter:card" content="summary" />');
     $doc->addCustomTag('<meta property="twitter:url" content="' . $url . '" />');
     $doc->addCustomTag('<meta property="twitter:title" content="' . $title . '" />');
     // Retrieve the stored meta for the blog post
     $meta = $blog->loadMeta();
     // If there's a meta set for the blog, use the stored meta version
     $description = !empty($meta->description) ? $meta->description : $blog->getIntro();
     // Remove unwanted tags
     $description = EB::stripEmbedTags($description);
     // Add any slashes
     $description = addslashes($description);
     // Remove any html tags
     $description = strip_tags($description);
     // Ensure that newlines wouldn't affect the header
     $description = trim($description);
     // Replace htmlentities with the counterpert
     // Perhaps we need to explicitly replace &nbsp; with a space?
     $description = html_entity_decode($description);
     // Remove any quotes (") from the content
     $description = str_ireplace('"', '', $description);
     // Twitter's card maximum length is only set to 137
     $maxLength = 137;
     if (JString::strlen($description) > $maxLength) {
         $description = JString::substr($description, 0, $maxLength) . JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_ELLIPSES');
     $doc->addCustomTag('<meta property="twitter:description" content="' . $description . '" />');
     return true;
Example #3
  * Sends a ping to pingomatic servers
  * @since	5.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function ping(EasyBlogPost &$post)
     // If this is disabled, don't do anything
     if (!$this->config->get('main_pingomatic')) {
         return false;
     // Get the title of the blog post
     $title = EB::string()->escape($post->title);
     // Get the permalink to the post
     $link = $post->getExternalPermalink();
     $link = urlencode($link);
     // Construct the xml content to send to pingomatic
     $content = '<?xml version="1.0"?>' . '<methodCall>' . ' <methodName>weblogUpdates.ping</methodName>' . '  <params>' . '   <param>' . '    <value>' . $title . '</value>' . '   </param>' . '   <param>' . '    <value>' . $url . '</value>' . '   </param>' . '  </params>' . '</methodCall>';
     $headers = "POST / HTTP/1.0\r\n" . "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.1) Gecko/20090624 Firefox/3.5 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)\r\n" . "Host: rpc.pingomatic.com\r\n" . "Content-Type: text/xml\r\n" . "Content-length: " . strlen($content);
     $request = $headers . "\r\n\r\n" . $content;
     $response = "";
     $fs = fsockopen('rpc.pingomatic.com', 80, $errno, $errstr);
     if ($fs) {
         fwrite($fs, $request);
         while (!feof($fs)) {
             $response .= fgets($fs);
         if ($debug) {
             echo "<xmp>" . $response . "</xmp>";
         preg_match_all("/<(name|value|boolean|string)>(.*)<\\/(name|value|boolean|string)>/U", $response, $ar, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($ar[2]); $i++) {
             $ar[2][$i] = strip_tags($ar[2][$i]);
         return array('status' => $ar[2][1] == 1 ? 'ko' : 'ok', 'msg' => $ar[2][3]);
     } else {
         if ($debug) {
             echo "<xmp>" . $errstr . " (" . $errno . ")</xmp>";
         return array('status' => 'ko', 'msg' => $errstr . " (" . $errno . ")");
Example #4
  * Notifies the site owners when a new report is made on the site
  * @since	5.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return	
 public function notify(EasyBlogPost &$post)
     $config = EB::config();
     // Send notification to site admins when a new blog post is reported
     $data = array();
     $data['blogTitle'] = $post->title;
     $data['blogLink'] = $post->getExternalPermalink();
     // Get the author of this reporter
     $author = $this->getAuthor();
     $data['reporterAvatar'] = $author->getAvatar();
     $data['reporterName'] = $author->getName();
     $data['reporterLink'] = $author->getProfileLink();
     $data['reason'] = $this->reason;
     $data['reportDate'] = EB::date()->format(JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC2'));
     // If blog post is being posted from the back end and SH404 is installed, we should just use the raw urls.
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     if ($app->isAdmin() && EBR::isSh404Enabled()) {
         $data['blogLink'] = JURI::root() . 'index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=' . $post->id;
     // Set the title of the email
     $subject = JString::substr($post->title, 0, $config->get('main_mailtitle_length'));
     $subject = JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_EMAIL_TITLE_NEW_REPORT', $subject) . ' ...';
     // Get the notification library
     $notification = EB::notification();
     $recipients = array();
     // Fetch custom emails defined at the back end.
     if ($config->get('notification_blogadmin')) {
         if ($config->get('custom_email_as_admin')) {
         } else {
     if (!empty($recipients)) {
         $notification->send($recipients, $subject, 'post.reported', $data);
Example #5
  * Posts a message on linkedin
  * @since	5.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function share(EasyBlogPost &$post, EasyBlogTableOAuth &$oauth)
     // Get the content
     $content = $post->getIntro(EASYBLOG_STRIP_TAGS);
     // Get the blog image
     $image = $post->getImage('thumbnail', true, true);
     // If there's no blog image, try to get the image from the content
     if (!$image) {
         $fullcontent = $post->getContent('entry');
         $image = EB::string()->getImage($fullcontent);
     // If there's still no image, just use the author's avatar
     if (!$image) {
         $image = $post->getAuthor()->getAvatar();
     $options = array('title' => $post->title, 'comment' => $oauth->message, 'submitted-url' => $post->getExternalPermalink(), 'submitted-image-url' => $image, 'description' => $content, 'visibility' => 'anyone');
     // Satisfy linkedin's criteria
     $options['description'] = trim(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(stripslashes($options['description']))));
     $options['comment'] = htmlspecialchars(trim(strip_tags(stripslashes($options['comment']))));
     // Linkedin now restricts the message and text size.
     // To be safe, we'll use 380 characters instead of 400.
     $options['description'] = trim(JString::substr($options['description'], 0, 395));
     $options['comment'] = JString::substr($options['comment'], 0, 256);
     // Share to their account now
     $status = parent::sharePost('new', $options, true, false);
     // Determines if we should auto post to the company pages.
     if ($oauth->system && $this->config->get('integrations_linkedin_company')) {
         $companies = trim($this->config->get('integrations_linkedin_company'));
         if (!empty($companies)) {
             $companies = explode(',', $companies);
             foreach ($companies as $company) {
                 $status = parent::sharePost('new', $options, true, false, array($company));
     return true;