     * Logs the user in eZPublish taking the data from the ESB
     * /!\ Does not check login / password. This check needs to be done before!!!!!
     * @param string $uuid
     * @param ESBResult $esbResult
     * @param boolean $rememberMe
     * @param boolean $context
     * @return array destUrl or null if error
    public static function esbLogin( $uuid, $esbResult, $rememberMe = false, $context = false )
        $localizedLoginApplication = CacheApplicationTool::buildLocalizedApplicationByIdentifier( 'login' );

        $validationStatus = $esbResult->getValidationStatus();
        if ( $validationStatus == 'PV' && $localizedLoginApplication->getCustomParameter( 'RestrictPendingUsers' ) == 1 )
            $redirectURL = eZINI::instance( 'site.ini' )->variable( 'SiteSettings', 'PendingUserStaticPage' );
            if( SolrSafeOperatorHelper::featureIsActive( 'GoogleAnalytics' ) )
                $redirectURL = $redirectURL . '#?vs=PV';
            header( "Location: $redirectURL" );
        else if ( $validationStatus == 'RP' && $localizedLoginApplication->getCustomParameter( 'RestrictRejectedUsers' ) == 1 )
            $redirectURL = eZINI::instance( 'site.ini' )->variable( 'SiteSettings', 'RejectedUserStaticPage' );
            if( SolrSafeOperatorHelper::featureIsActive( 'GoogleAnalytics' ) )
                $redirectURL = $redirectURL . '#?vs=RP';
            header( "Location: $redirectURL" );

        if( is_null($esbResult->countryOfRegistration))
            $esbResult->countryOfRegistration = eZINI::instance()->variable( 'RegionalSettings', 'CountryOfRegistration' );

        if( is_null($esbResult->userSpecialty) )
            self::logError( $uuid, null, $esbResult->toTicket(), 'Missing main specialty' );
            return null;

        if( is_null( $esbResult->customerType ) )
            self::logError( $uuid, null, $esbResult->toTicket(), 'Missing Customer type' );
            return null;

        // temporary fix to parse forced string prepended with A
        $userSpeciality = $esbResult->userSpecialty = preg_replace( '#^A#', '', $esbResult->userSpecialty );
        $customerType = $esbResult->customerType = preg_replace( '#^A#', '', $esbResult->customerType );

        if( !preg_match('#^216\.#', $userSpeciality) )
            self::logError( $uuid, null, $esbResult->toTicket(), "Invalid User specialty: $userSpeciality" );
            return null;
        if( !preg_match( '#^102\.#', $customerType ) )
            self::logError( $uuid, null, $esbResult->toTicket(), "Invalid Customer type: $customerType" );
            return null;

        $esbResult->userName = $uuid;
        $esbResult->rememberMe = $rememberMe;
        $decodedContext = urldecode(urldecode($context));

        // If we need to check the Terms of Use for the cluster, we need to skip my-newsletters app for legal reasons (1-click unsubscribe).
        $toUToCheck = (    eZINI::instance( 'merck.ini')->hasVariable( 'LoginSettings', 'ToUCheck')
            && eZINI::instance( 'merck.ini' )->variable( 'LoginSettings', 'ToUCheck') == 'enabled'
            && !strpos($decodedContext, 'my-newsletters')

        if( $toUToCheck ){
            $toUValidated = ( $esbResult->termsOfUse );
            $toUValidated &= ( $esbResult->privacyPolicy );

            if( $esbResult->forceToUValidated )
                $toUValidated = true;

            $esbResult->toUValidated = (bool)$toUValidated;

        // Check if we need to check the autologin status for the cluster
        if( SolrSafeOperatorHelper::featureIsActive('RestrictAutologgedInUsers') && SolrSafeOperatorHelper::feature('RestrictAutologgedInUsers', 'Restricted')
            && in_array( $esbResult->autologin, array( 1, "yes" ) ))
            $esbResult->autologin = true;
            $esbResult->autologin = false;

        if ( self::loginUser( $esbResult->toTicket() ) )
            $user = MMUsers::getCurrentUserObject();

            $destUrl = ContextTool::instance()->contextUrl( $context );

            if( $toUToCheck && !$user->toUValidated() )
                if( preg_match('#^(?:https?://[^/]+)'.eZINI::instance()->variable('SiteSettings', 'ToUAgreementPage').'?#', $destUrl) )
                    $destUrl = '/';
                $destUrl = preg_replace('#^https?://([^?]+)//#', '\1', $destUrl);
                $destUrl = eZINI::instance()->variable('SiteSettings', 'ToUAgreementPage')

            // Store user action in mm_front_user_action table
            $mmFrontUserAction = MMFrontUserAction::fetchByUsername( $esbResult->userName );
            if ( $mmFrontUserAction instanceof MMFrontUserAction )
                $mmFrontUserAction->LastVisitDate = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
                $mmFrontUserAction->Processed = MMFrontUserAction::PROCESSED;
                $mmFrontUserAction->store(array('processed', 'last_visit_date'));
                $mmFrontUserAction = MMFrontUserAction::create( array(
                        'id' => null,
                        'username' => $esbResult->userName,
                        'country_registration' => $esbResult->countryOfRegistration,
                        'processed' => MMFrontUserAction::PROCESSED,
                        'last_visit_date' => date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ),
                ) );

            if ( $rememberMe )
                $userKey = !is_null($esbResult->userId) ? $esbResult->userId : $uuid;
                $cookieExpiration = time() + eZINI::instance( 'merck.ini' )->variable( 'TIBCOCookieSettings', 'TIBCOCookieExpiration' );
                //fix to remove the old cookie for new sso cluster #39800
                $splitDepth = eZINI::instance('merck.ini')->variable( 'CookieSettings', 'CookieDomainSplitDepth' );
                $splitDepth= 0;
                if( $splitDepth == 0 ) {
                    $cookieDomain = preg_replace('#^(https?://)?([^.]+.){1}#', '', contextTool::instance()->domain() );
                    $cookieExpirationToDelete = time() - 2000;
                    setcookie( 'remember_me', '', self::encryptText(json_encode($userKey)), $cookieExpirationToDelete, '/', $cookieDomain );
                }//end fix
                setcookie( 'remember_me', self::encryptText(json_encode($userKey)), $cookieExpiration, '/', CookieTool::getCookieDomain() );
                $cookieExpiration = 0;

            // Set cookie
            $esbSessionId = $esbResult->sessionID;
            $countryCode = '';
            if ( !empty( $esbSessionId ) )
                $cookieName   = eZINI::instance( 'merck.ini' )->variable( 'TIBCOCookieSettings', 'TIBCOCookieName' );
                $esbSessionId = str_replace( ' ', '+', '"'.urldecode($esbSessionId).'"' );
                setrawcookie( $cookieName, $esbSessionId, $cookieExpiration, '/', CookieTool::getCookieDomain() );
            // set residenceCountry country code for google tag manager
            $countryOfResidence = $esbResult->othersParams['countryOfResidence'] ? $esbResult->othersParams['countryOfResidence'] : ($esbResult->othersParams['Country_of_residence'] ? $esbResult->othersParams['Country_of_residence'] : null );
                if($countryOfResidence > 2)
                    $countries = SolrSafeOperatorHelper::clusterIni('CountryCode','CountryCode','merck.ini');
                    $countryCode = $countries[$esbResult->othersParams['Country_of_residence']];
                $countryCode = $esbResult->countryOfRegistration;
            $esbResult -> setResidenceCountry($countryCode);
            return array(
                'destUrl' => $destUrl,
                'params'  => $esbResult->toTicket(),

        return null;