Example #1
include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/txn.php';
include '../lib/eps-express.php';
$id = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
$amount = $_REQUEST['amount'];
if (!$id || !$amount) {
    die_jsonp("Either transaction or amount was not specified.");
$person_id = (int) $_REQUEST['person'];
$person = $person_id ? person_load($db, $person_id) : false;
$account = $person['payment_account_id'];
if (!$person_id || !$person || !$account) {
    die_jsonp("No person specified or no card stored for person.");
$eps = new EPS_Express();
$response = $eps->CreditCardSalePaymentAccount($id, $amount, $account);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response);
if ($xml->Response->ExpressResponseCode != 0) {
    die_jsonp((string) $xml->Response->ExpressResponseMessage);
$method = 'credit';
$cc = array();
$cc['cc_txn'] = $xml->Response->Transaction->TransactionID;
$cc['cc_approval'] = $xml->Response->Transaction->ApprovalNumber;
$cc['cc_type'] = $xml->Response->Card->CardLogo;
$txn = new Transaction($db, $id);
try {
    $payment = $txn->addPayment($method, $amount, $cc);
} catch (Exception $e) {
Example #2

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/eps-express.php';
$person = (int) $_REQUEST['person'];
$payment_account_id = $_REQUEST['payment_account_id'];
if (!$person) {
    die_jsonp("Person was not specified.");
$ReturnURL = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? "https://" : "http://") . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '/cc-attach-finish.php';
$eps = new EPS_Express();
if ($payment_account_id) {
    $response = $eps->PaymentAccountUpdateHosted($person, $payment_account_id, $ReturnURL);
} else {
    $response = $eps->PaymentAccountCreateHosted($person, $ReturnURL);
$payment = $db->escape($response->Transaction->TransactionSetupID);
$valid = $db->escape($response->TransactionSetup->ValidationCode);
$q = "INSERT INTO hostedpayment_txn\n        SET txn = {$person},\n            hostedpayment = '{$payment}',\n            validationcode = '{$valid}',\n            created = NOW()";
$db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
$url = "https://certtransaction.hostedpayments.com/?TransactionSetupID=" . $response->Transaction->TransactionSetupID;
echo jsonp(array('url' => $url, 'response' => $response));
Example #3

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/txn.php';
include '../lib/eps-express.php';
$id = (int) $_REQUEST['txn'];
$payment = (int) $_REQUEST['payment'];
if (!$id) {
    die_jsonp("Transaction not specified.");
if (!$payment) {
    die_jsonp("Payment to reverse from not specified.");
$q = "SELECT cc_txn, amount FROM payment WHERE id = {$payment}";
list($cc_txn, $cc_amount) = $db->get_one_row($q) or die_jsonp("Unable to find transaction information.");
$eps = new EPS_Express();
$response = $eps->CreditCardVoid($id, $cc_txn);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response);
if ($xml->Response->ExpressResponseCode != 0) {
    die_jsonp((string) $xml->Response->ExpressResponseMessage);
$method = 'credit';
$cc = array();
$cc['cc_txn'] = $xml->Response->Transaction->TransactionID;
$cc['cc_approval'] = $xml->Response->Transaction->ApprovalNumber;
$cc['cc_type'] = $xml->Response->Card->CardLogo;
$txn = new Transaction($db, $id);
try {
    $payment = $txn->addPayment($method, bcmul($cc_amount, -1), $cc);
} catch (Exception $e) {
Example #4
include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/txn.php';
include '../lib/eps-express.php';
$id = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
$amount = $_REQUEST['amount'];
$from = (int) $_REQUEST['from'];
if (!$id || !$amount) {
    die_jsonp("Either transaction or amount was not specified.");
if (!$from) {
    die_jsonp("Payment to return from not specified.");
$q = "SELECT cc_txn FROM payment WHERE id = {$from}";
$cc_txn = $db->get_one($q) or die_jsonp("Unable to find transaction information.");
$cc_amount = bcmul($amount < 0 ? -1 : 1, $amount);
$eps = new EPS_Express();
$response = $eps->CreditCardReturn($id, $cc_txn, $cc_amount);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response);
if ($xml->Response->ExpressResponseCode != 0) {
    die_jsonp((string) $xml->Response->ExpressResponseMessage);
$method = 'credit';
$cc = array();
$cc['cc_txn'] = $xml->Response->Transaction->TransactionID;
$cc['cc_approval'] = $xml->Response->Transaction->ApprovalNumber;
$cc['cc_type'] = $xml->Response->Card->CardLogo;
$txn = new Transaction($db, $id);
try {
    $payment = $txn->addPayment($method, $amount, $cc);
} catch (Exception $e) {
Example #5

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/txn.php';
include '../lib/eps-express.php';
$id = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
$amount = $_REQUEST['amount'];
$partial = (int) $_REQUEST['partial'];
if (!$id || !$amount) {
    die_jsonp("Either transaction or amount was not specified.");
$txn = new Transaction($db, $id);
if (!$txn->canPay('credit', $amount)) {
    die_jsonp("Amount is too much.");
$ReturnURL = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? "https://" : "http://") . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '/cc-paid.php';
$eps = new EPS_Express();
$response = $eps->CreditCardSaleHosted($id, $amount, $partial, $ReturnURL);
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response);
$payment = $db->escape($xml->Response->Transaction->TransactionSetupID);
$valid = $db->escape($xml->Response->TransactionSetup->ValidationCode);
$q = "INSERT INTO hostedpayment_txn\n        SET txn = {$id},\n            hostedpayment = '{$payment}',\n            validationcode = '{$valid}',\n            created = NOW()";
$db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
$url = "https://certtransaction.hostedpayments.com/?TransactionSetupID=" . $xml->Response->Transaction->TransactionSetupID;
$dom = dom_import_simplexml($xml);
$dom->ownerDocument->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom->ownerDocument->formatOutput = true;
echo jsonp(array('url' => $url, 'xml' => $dom->ownerDocument->saveXML()));
Example #6
include '../lib/txn.php';
include '../lib/eps-express.php';
$id = (int) $_REQUEST['txn'];
$payment = (int) $_REQUEST['payment'];
if (!$id) {
    die_jsonp("Transaction not specified.");
if (!$payment) {
    die_jsonp("Payment to reverse from not specified.");
$q = "SELECT cc_txn, amount FROM payment WHERE id = {$payment}";
list($cc_txn, $cc_amount) = $db->get_one_row($q) or die_jsonp("Unable to find transaction information.");
if ($cc_amount < 0) {
    die_jsonp('Unable to reverse a reversal.');
$eps = new EPS_Express();
$response = $eps->CreditCardReversal($id, $cc_txn, bcmul($cc_amount, 1));
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($response);
if ($xml->Response->ExpressResponseCode != 0) {
    die_jsonp((string) $xml->Response->ExpressResponseMessage);
$method = 'credit';
$cc = array();
$cc['cc_txn'] = $xml->Response->Transaction->TransactionID;
$cc['cc_approval'] = $xml->Response->Transaction->ApprovalNumber;
$cc['cc_type'] = $xml->Response->Card->CardLogo;
$txn = new Transaction($db, $id);
try {
    $payment = $txn->addPayment($method, bcmul($cc_amount, -1), $cc);
} catch (Exception $e) {
Example #7

include '../scat.php';
include '../lib/person.php';
include '../lib/eps-express.php';
$person_id = (int) $_REQUEST['person'];
$person = $person_id ? person_load($db, $person_id) : false;
if (!$person_id || !$person || !$person['payment_account_id']) {
    die_jsonp("No person specified or no card stored for person.");
$eps = new EPS_Express();
$response = $eps->PaymentAccountDelete($person['payment_account_id']);
if ($response->ExpressResponseCode != 0) {
    die_jsonp((string) $response->ExpressResponseMessage);
// remove payment account info from person
$q = "UPDATE person\n        SET payment_account_id = NULL\n      WHERE id = {$person_id}";
$r = $db->query($q) or die_query($db, $q);
echo jsonp(array('person' => person_load($db, $person_id), 'response' => $response));