Example #1
  * 视图渲染函数,
  * @param $data,这是要传到html文件中使用的参数
  * @return null
  * */
 public static function render($tpl, $data = null)
     //增加这一个循环将传过来的$data数组中的变量array(index => value)通过 $index就可以访问到,兼容之前的$data['index']也能访问到
     if (!empty($data)) {
         foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
             ${$key} = $value;
     $tplPath = VIEW_FRONT_PATH . $tpl . '.php';
     if (!file_exists($tplPath)) {
         EException::throwException('The template file: ' . $tpl . '.php in ' . $tplPath . ' does not exist!');
     include $tplPath;
Example #2
  * 路由管理器函数
  * index.php?r=controllerName/funcName 这个url会去到controllerName这个类执行funcName这个函数
  * */
 public static function urlManager()
     //在new Abcontroller 或者new Abmodel的时候会触发autoload函数,而autoload函数对前后台做了区分,
     if (IS_ADMIN) {
         //如果没有指定控制器则默认去到 site/index
         $service = empty($_GET['r']) ? 'default/index' : $_GET['r'];
     } else {
         $service = empty($_GET['r']) ? 'site/index' : $_GET['r'];
     $arr = explode('/', $service);
     //ucfirst() 首字母大写函数
     $className = ucfirst($arr[0]) . 'controller';
     //如果没有指定函数则去到 index函数
     if (isset($arr[1])) {
         $methodName = trim($arr[1]) ? $arr[1] : 'index';
     } else {
         $methodName = 'index';
     //正则表达式验证url是否合法 这里的controllerName,funcName只能是26个字母
     if (!preg_match('/([a-zA-Z])\\/([a-zA-Z])/', $className . '/' . $methodName)) {
         EException::throwException('Illegal url!');
     if (!class_exists($className)) {
         if (defined('CMS_DEGUB') && CMS_DEGUB) {
             EException::throwException('The ' . $className . ' class does not exit!');
         } else {
             $className = IS_ADMIN ? 'Defaultcontroller' : 'Sitecontroller';
     if (!method_exists($className, $methodName)) {
         if (defined('CMS_DEGUB') && CMS_DEGUB) {
             EException::throwException('The method ' . $methodName . ' does not exit in class ' . $className . '!');
         } else {
             $methodName = 'index';
     $classObject = new $className();
     call_user_func(array($classObject, $methodName));
Example #3
 public static function catchException(EException $e)
     $logger = new Logger();
     $logger->error($e->getMessage(), ['code' => $e->getCode(), 'info' => $e->getInfo(), 'trace' => array_shift($e->getTrace())]);
     $e->view->message = $e->getMessage();
     $e->view->display($e->path . 'exception.php');
Example #4
  *  pdo 执行多条insert update delete语句
  * @param string $sqlParamsArr, 传递过来的sql和参数数组
  * array (
  *          array('sql' => 'sql string', 'params' => array('placeholder' => 'paramValue'))  或者 array('sql string', array('placeholder' => 'paramValue')) ,
  *          array(),
  *          ...
  *        )
  * @return boolean ,执行成功返回真,执行失败返回flase
  * */
 public function multipleExecute($sqlParamsArr)
     if (!(is_array($sqlParamsArr) && count($sqlParamsArr))) {
         EException::throwException('the second arguemnts of fetchOne() function is not correct');
     $pdo = DB::getPDO();
     foreach ($sqlParamsArr as $sqlParams) {
         if (!(is_array($sqlParams) && count($sqlParams))) {
             EException::throwException('the second arguemnts of fetchOne() function is not correct');
         $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sqlParams['sql']);
         if (is_array($sqlParams['params']) && count($sqlParams)) {
             foreach ($sqlParams['params'] as $key => $value) {
                 $stmt->bindValue($key, $value);
                 //bindValue和bindParam的区别!bindValue()直接将变量的值绑定到语句中, 而bindParam将变量作为引用进行绑定,并只在 PDOStatement::execute() 被调用的时候才取其值。
         if (!$stmt->rowCount()) {
             return false;
     return true;
Example #5
  *  pdo 执行多条insert update delete语句
  * @param string $sqlParamsArr, 传递过来的sql和参数数组
  * array (
  *          array('sql' => 'sql string', ['params' => array('placeholder' => 'paramValue')]) ,
  *          array(),
  *          ...
  *        )
  * @return boolean ,执行成功返回真,执行失败返回flase
  * */
 public function multipleExecute($sqlParamsArr, $rollBack = true, &$errorRowArr = array(), &$affectedRows = 0)
     if (!(is_array($sqlParamsArr) && count($sqlParamsArr))) {
         EException::throwException('the first arguemnts of multipleExecute() function is not correct');
     $pdo = DB::getPDO();
     foreach ($sqlParamsArr as $sqlParams) {
         if (!(is_array($sqlParams) && count($sqlParams))) {
             EException::throwException('the second arguemnts of multipleExecute() function is not correct');
         $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sqlParams['sql']);
         if (isset($sqlParams['params']) && is_array($sqlParams['params']) && count($sqlParams)) {
             foreach ($sqlParams['params'] as $key => $value) {
                 $stmt->bindValue($key, $value);
                 //bindValue和bindParam的区别!bindValue()直接将变量的值绑定到语句中, 而bindParam将变量作为引用进行绑定,
                 //并只在 PDOStatement::execute() 被调用的时候才取其值。
         if (!$stmt->rowCount() && $sqlParams['userFlag'] == false) {
             if (!$rollBack) {
                 $errorRowArr[] = array('sql' => $sqlParams['sql'], 'sheetName' => $sqlParams['sheetName'], 'row' => $sqlParams['row']);
             } else {
                 return false;
         } else {
             if ($sqlParams['userFlag'] == false) {
                 $affectedRows = $affectedRows + 1;
     return true;