  * Toggles whether the user is checked in or not.
  * @param \WP_REST_Request $request
  * @return \WP_Error|\WP_REST_Response
 protected function _create_checkin_checkout_object(\WP_REST_Request $request)
     $reg_id = $request->get_param('REG_ID');
     $dtt_id = $request->get_param('DTT_ID');
     $force = $request->get_param('force');
     if ($force == 'true') {
         $force = true;
     } else {
         $force = false;
     $reg = \EEM_Registration::instance()->get_one_by_ID($reg_id);
     if (!$reg instanceof \EE_Registration) {
         return $this->send_response(new \WP_Error('rest_registration_toggle_checkin_invalid_id', sprintf(__('You cannot checkin registration with ID %1$s because it doesn\'t exist.', 'event_espresso'), $reg_id), array('status' => 422)));
     if (!\EE_Capabilities::instance()->current_user_can('ee_edit_checkin', 'rest_api_checkin_endpoint', $reg_id)) {
         return $this->send_response(new \WP_Error('rest_user_cannot_toggle_checkin', sprintf(__('You are not allowed to checkin registration with ID %1$s.', 'event_espresso'), $reg_id), array('status' => 403)));
     $success = $reg->toggle_checkin_status($dtt_id, !$force);
     if ($success === false) {
         //rely on EE_Error::add_error messages to have been added to give more data about hwy it failed
         return $this->send_response(new \WP_Error('rest_toggle_checkin_failed', __('Registration checkin failed. Please see additional error data.', 'event_espresso')));
     $checkin = \EEM_Checkin::instance()->get_one(array(array('REG_ID' => $reg_id, 'DTT_ID' => $dtt_id), 'order_by' => array('CHK_timestamp' => 'DESC')));
     if (!$checkin instanceof \EE_Checkin) {
         return $this->send_response(new \WP_Error('rest_toggle_checkin_error', sprintf(__('Supposedly we created a new checkin object for registration %1$s at datetime %2$s, but we can\'t find it.', 'event_espresso'), $reg_id, $dtt_id)));
     $requested_version = $this->get_requested_version($request->get_route());
     $get_request = new \WP_REST_Request('GET', \EED_Core_Rest_Api::ee_api_namespace . $requested_version . '/checkins/' . $checkin->ID());
     $get_request->set_url_params(array('id' => $checkin->ID()));
     return Read::handle_request_get_one($get_request);
  * Calculates the checkin status for each datetime this registration has access to
  * @param array            $wpdb_row
  * @param \WP_REST_Request $request
  * @param Base             $controller
  * @return int
  * @throws \EE_Error
 public static function datetime_checkin_stati($wpdb_row, $request, $controller)
     if (is_array($wpdb_row) && isset($wpdb_row['Registration.REG_ID'])) {
         $reg = \EEM_Registration::instance()->get_one_by_ID($wpdb_row['Registration.REG_ID']);
     } else {
         $reg = null;
     if (!$reg instanceof \EE_Registration) {
         throw new \EE_Error(sprintf(__('Cannot calculate datetime_checkin_stati because the registration with ID %1$s (from database row %2$s) was not found', 'event_espresso'), $wpdb_row['Registration.REG_ID'], print_r($wpdb_row, true)));
     $datetime_ids = \EEM_Datetime::instance()->get_col(array(array('Ticket.TKT_ID' => $reg->ticket_ID())));
     $checkin_stati = array();
     foreach ($datetime_ids as $datetime_id) {
         $status = $reg->check_in_status_for_datetime($datetime_id);
         switch ($status) {
             case \EE_Registration::checkin_status_out:
                 $status_pretty = 'OUT';
             case \EE_Registration::checkin_status_in:
                 $status_pretty = 'IN';
             case \EE_Registration::checkin_status_never:
                 $status_pretty = 'NEVER';
         $checkin_stati[$datetime_id] = $status_pretty;
     return $checkin_stati;
  * @group 9179
 public function test_get_minimum_where_conditions_during_query()
     $this->new_model_obj_with_dependencies('Registration', array('REG_deleted' => true));
     $this->new_model_obj_with_dependencies('Registration', array('REG_deleted' => false));
     //count using the default where conditions, which excludes the deleted one
     $this->assertEquals(1, EEM_Registration::instance()->count());
     //count using the MINIMUM where conditions, which INCLUDES the deleted one
     $this->assertEquals(2, EEM_Registration::instance()->count(array('default_where_conditions' => 'minimum')));
  * Data that has been stored in persistent storage that was prepped by _convert_data_for_persistent_storage
  * can be sent into this method and converted back into the format used for instantiating with this data handler.
  * @param $data
  * @return mixed
 public static function convert_data_from_persistent_storage($data)
     $registration = null;
     //$data['Registration'] could be either an ID (back compat) or a registration object (prepped using old system).
     if (isset($data['Registration'])) {
         $registration = $data['Registration'] instanceof EE_Registration ? $data['Registration'] : EEM_Registration::instance()->get_one_by_ID($data['Registration']);
     $prepped_data = array(0 => $registration, 1 => isset($data['filter']) ? $data['filter'] : null);
     return $prepped_data;
  * @group 7965
 function test_delete_registrations_with_no_transaction()
     $deletable_count = 5;
     $safe_count = 8;
     $this->factory->registration->create_many($deletable_count, array('TXN_ID' => 0));
     for ($i = 0; $i < $safe_count; $i++) {
     $deleted = EEM_Registration::instance()->delete_registrations_with_no_transaction();
     $this->assertEquals($deletable_count, $deleted);
  * This returns the data property according to what is expected from the request.
  * @param $id
  * @throws EE_Error
  * @return mixed (whatever the data is returned from the message type).
 protected function _get_data_from_request($id)
     //get the EE_Registration from the token
     /** @type EE_Registration $registration */
     $registration = EEM_Registration::instance()->get_one(array(array('REG_url_link' => $this->token)));
     //if no registration then bail early.
     if (!$registration instanceof EE_Registration) {
         throw new EE_Error(__('Unable to complete the request because the token is invalid.', 'event_espresso'));
     return $this->_get_data_to_use($registration, $id);
 function test_generate_restrictions__basic_and_others()
     global $current_user;
     $current_user = $this->factory->user->create_and_get();
     //currently registrations have the 'ee_read_registrations' and 'ee_read_others_registrations' permissions
     //if that changes, this will need to be updated
     $generator = new EE_Restriction_Generator_Protected();
     $generator->_construct_finalize(EEM_Registration::instance(), EEM_Base::caps_read);
     $restrictions = $generator->generate_restrictions();
     foreach ($restrictions as $default_where_conditions) {
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('ee_read_registrations', $restrictions);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('EE_Return_None_Where_Conditions', $restrictions['ee_read_registrations']);
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('ee_read_others_registrations', $restrictions);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('EE_Default_Where_Conditions', $restrictions['ee_read_others_registrations']);
     $this->assertEquals(array(EEM_Registration::instance()->wp_user_field_name() => get_current_user_id()), $restrictions['ee_read_others_registrations']->get_default_where_conditions());
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($restrictions));
  * @group 8193
 function test_fix_reg_final_price_rounding_issue()
     $txn = $this->new_model_obj_with_dependencies('Transaction', array('TXN_total' => 2.99));
     $regs = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
         $regs[] = $this->new_model_obj_with_dependencies('Registration', array('REG_final_price' => 1, 'TXN_ID' => $txn->ID()));
     //ok so there's a 1 cent difference. The REG_final_price_sum should be 1 cent more than the transaction total
     $reg_final_price_sum = EEM_Registration::instance()->sum(array(array('TXN_ID' => $txn->ID())), 'REG_final_price');
     $this->assertEquals($txn->total() + 0.01, $reg_final_price_sum);
     $reg_processor = EE_Registry::instance()->load_class('Registration_Processor');
     $success = $reg_processor->fix_reg_final_price_rounding_issue($txn);
     $new_reg_final_price_sum = EEM_Registration::instance()->sum(array(array('TXN_ID' => $txn->ID())), 'REG_final_price');
     $this->assertEquals($txn->total(), $new_reg_final_price_sum);
     //specifically, the first reg should now be $0.99, but the others should still be $1 each
     $this->assertEquals(0.99, $regs[0]->final_price());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $regs[1]->final_price());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $regs[2]->final_price());
  * Updates the DTT_sold attribute (and saves) based on the number of registrations for this datetime (via the tickets).
  * into account
  * @return int
 public function update_sold()
     $count_regs_for_this_datetime = EEM_Registration::instance()->count(array(array('STS_ID' => EEM_Registration::status_id_approved, 'Ticket.Datetime.DTT_ID' => $this->ID(), 'REG_deleted' => 0)));
     $this->set('DTT_sold', $count_regs_for_this_datetime);
     return $count_regs_for_this_datetime;
  * This returns the total remaining spaces for sale on this event.
  * ############################
  * While included here, this method is still being tested internally, so its signature and behaviour COULD change. While
  * this comment block is in place, usage is at your own risk and know that it may change in future builds.
  * ############################
  * @uses EE_Event::total_available_spaces()
  * @return float|int  (EE_INF is returned as float)
 public function spaces_remaining_for_sale()
     //first get total available spaces including consideration for tickets that have already sold.
     $spaces_available = $this->total_available_spaces(true);
     //if total available = 0, then exit right away because that means everything is expired.
     if ($spaces_available === 0) {
         return 0;
     //subtract total approved registrations from spaces available to get how many are remaining.
     $spots_taken = EEM_Registration::instance()->count(array(array('EVT_ID' => $this->ID(), 'STS_ID' => EEM_Registration::status_id_approved)), 'REG_ID', true);
     $spaces_remaining = $spaces_available - $spots_taken;
     return $spaces_remaining > 0 ? $spaces_remaining : 0;
  *  This runs when the msg_url_trigger route has initiated.
  * @since 4.5.0
  * @param WP $WP
  * @throws EE_Error
  * @return    void
 public function run($WP)
     $sending_messenger = EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->is_set('snd_msgr') ? EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->get('snd_msgr') : '';
     $generating_messenger = EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->is_set('gen_msgr') ? EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->get('gen_msgr') : '';
     $message_type = EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->is_set('message_type') ? EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->get('message_type') : '';
     $context = EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->is_set('context') ? EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->get('context') : '';
     $token = EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->is_set('token') ? EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->get('token') : '';
     $data_id = EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->is_set('id') ? (int) EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->get('id') : 0;
     //verify the needed params are present.
     if (empty($sending_messenger) || empty($generating_messenger) || empty($message_type) || empty($context) || empty($token)) {
         EE_Error::add_error(__('The request for the "msg_url_trigger" route has a malformed url.', 'event_espresso'), __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     //get the registration: the token will always be the unique REG_url_link saved with a registration.  We use that to make sure we retrieve the correct data for the given registration.
     $registration = EEM_Registration::instance()->get_one(array(array('REG_url_link' => $token)));
     //if no registration then bail early.
     if (!$registration instanceof EE_Registration) {
         EE_Error::add_error(__('Unable to complete the request because the token is invalid.', 'event_espresso'), __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     //ensure controller is loaded
     // attempt to process message
     try {
         // retrieve the data via the handler
         //  Depending on the context and the message type data handler, the data_id will correspond to the specific data handler item we need to retrieve for specific messages
         // (i.e. a specific payment or specific refund).
         $data = $this->_get_messages_data_from_url($generating_messenger, $message_type, $registration, $data_id, $context);
         //make sure we drop generating messenger if both sending and generating are the same.
         $generating_messenger = $sending_messenger != $generating_messenger ? $generating_messenger : NULL;
         //now we can trigger the actual sending of the message via the message type.
         self::$_EEMSG->send_message($message_type, $data, $sending_messenger, $generating_messenger, $context);
     } catch (EE_Error $e) {
         $error_msg = __('Please note that a system message failed to send due to a technical issue.', 'event_espresso');
         // add specific message for developers if WP_DEBUG in on
         $error_msg .= '||' . $e->getMessage();
         EE_Error::add_error($error_msg, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
  * 		get list of registration statuses
  *		@access public
  *		@param array $exclude The status ids to exclude from the returned results
  *		@param bool  $translated If true will return the values as singular localized strings
  *		@return array
 public static function reg_status_array($exclude = array(), $translated = FALSE)
     return $translated ? EEM_Status::instance()->localized_status(self::$_reg_status, FALSE, 'sentence') : self::$_reg_status;
 public function column_attendees($item)
     $attendees_query_args = array('action' => 'default', 'event_id' => $item->ID());
     $attendees_link = EE_Admin_Page::add_query_args_and_nonce($attendees_query_args, REG_ADMIN_URL);
     $registered_attendees = EEM_Registration::instance()->get_event_registration_count($item->ID());
     return '<a href="' . $attendees_link . '">' . $registered_attendees . '</a>';
  * @param EE_Event $item
  * @return int|string
 public function column_attendees(EE_Event $item)
     $attendees_query_args = array('action' => 'default', 'event_id' => $item->ID());
     $attendees_link = EE_Admin_Page::add_query_args_and_nonce($attendees_query_args, REG_ADMIN_URL);
     $registered_attendees = EEM_Registration::instance()->get_event_registration_count($item->ID());
     return EE_Registry::instance()->CAP->current_user_can('ee_read_registration', 'espresso_registrations_view_registration', $item->ID()) ? '<a href="' . $attendees_link . '">' . $registered_attendees . '</a>' : $registered_attendees;
 public static function clean_out_junk_transactions()
     if (EE_Maintenance_Mode::instance()->models_can_query()) {
  * This method checks for registration IDs in the request via the given key and creates the messages to generate
  * objects from them, then returns the array of messages to generate objects.
  * Note, this sets up registrations for the registration family of message types.
  * @param string $registration_ids_key  This is used to indicate what represents the registration ids in the request.
  * @return EE_Message_To_Generate[]
 public function setup_messages_to_generate_from_registration_ids_in_request($registration_ids_key = '_REG_ID')
     $regs_to_send = array();
     $regIDs = EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->get($registration_ids_key);
     if (empty($regIDs)) {
         EE_Error::add_error(__('Something went wrong because we\'re missing the registration ID', 'event_espresso'), __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         return false;
     //make sure is an array
     $regIDs = is_array($regIDs) ? $regIDs : array($regIDs);
     foreach ($regIDs as $regID) {
         $reg = EEM_Registration::instance()->get_one_by_ID($regID);
         if (!$reg instanceof EE_Registration) {
             EE_Error::add_error(sprintf(__('Unable to retrieve a registration object for the given reg id (%s)', 'event_espresso'), $regID));
             return false;
         $regs_to_send[$reg->transaction_ID()][$reg->status_ID()][] = $reg;
     $messages_to_generate = array();
     foreach ($regs_to_send as $status_group) {
         foreach ($status_group as $status_id => $registrations) {
             $messages_to_generate = array_merge($messages_to_generate, $this->setup_mtgs_for_all_active_messengers(EEH_MSG_Template::convert_reg_status_to_message_type($status_id), array($registrations, $status_id)));
     return $messages_to_generate;
  * Counts total unit to process
  * @param int $event_id
  * @return int
 public function count_units_to_process($event_id)
     //use the legacy filter
     $query_params = apply_filters('FHEE__EE_Export__report_registration_for_event', array(array('OR' => array('Transaction.STS_ID' => array('NOT IN', array(\EEM_Transaction::failed_status_code, \EEM_Transaction::abandoned_status_code)), 'STS_ID' => \EEM_Registration::status_id_approved), 'Ticket.TKT_deleted' => array('IN', array(true, false))), 'order_by' => array('Transaction.TXN_ID' => 'asc', 'REG_count' => 'asc'), 'force_join' => array('Transaction', 'Ticket', 'Attendee')), $event_id);
     if ($event_id) {
         $query_params[0]['EVT_ID'] = $event_id;
     } else {
         $query_params['force_join'][] = 'Event';
     return \EEM_Registration::instance()->count($query_params);
  * Makes sure there is no rounding errors for the REG_final_prices.
  * Eg, if we have 3 registrations for $1, and there is a $0.01 discount between the three of them,
  * they will each be for $0.99333333, which gets rounded to $1 again.
  * So the transaction total will be $2.99, but each registration will be for $1,
  * so if each registrant paid individually they will have overpaid by $0.01.
  * So in order to overcome this, we check for any difference, and if there is a difference
  * we just grab one registrant at random and make them responsible for it.
  * This should be used after setting REG_final_prices (it's done automatically as part of
  * EE_Registration_Processor::update_registration_final_prices())
  * @param EE_Transaction $transaction
  * @return boolean success verifying that there is NO difference after this method is done
 public function fix_reg_final_price_rounding_issue($transaction)
     $reg_final_price_sum = EEM_Registration::instance()->sum(array(array('TXN_ID' => $transaction->ID())), 'REG_final_price');
     $diff = $transaction->total() - floatval($reg_final_price_sum);
     //ok then, just grab one of the registrations
     if ($diff != 0) {
         $a_reg = EEM_Registration::instance()->get_one(array(array('TXN_ID' => $transaction->ID())));
         $success = $a_reg instanceof EE_Registration ? $a_reg->save(array('REG_final_price' => $a_reg->final_price() + $diff)) : false;
         return $success ? true : false;
     } else {
         return true;
  * @param $elements
  * @return array
 public function dashboard_glance_items($elements)
     $events = EEM_Event::instance()->count();
     $items['events']['url'] = EE_Admin_Page::add_query_args_and_nonce(array('page' => 'espresso_events'), admin_url('admin.php'));
     $items['events']['text'] = sprintf(_n('%s Event', '%s Events', $events), number_format_i18n($events));
     $items['events']['title'] = __('Click to view all Events', 'event_espresso');
     $registrations = EEM_Registration::instance()->count(array(array('STS_ID' => array('!=', EEM_Registration::status_id_incomplete))));
     $items['registrations']['url'] = EE_Admin_Page::add_query_args_and_nonce(array('page' => 'espresso_registrations'), admin_url('admin.php'));
     $items['registrations']['text'] = sprintf(_n('%s Registration', '%s Registrations', $registrations), number_format_i18n($registrations));
     $items['registrations']['title'] = __('Click to view all registrations', 'event_espresso');
     $items = apply_filters('FHEE__EE_Admin__dashboard_glance_items__items', $items);
     foreach ($items as $type => $item_properties) {
         $elements[] = sprintf('<a class="ee-dashboard-link-' . $type . '" href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>', $item_properties['url'], $item_properties['title'], $item_properties['text']);
     return $elements;
  * _total_registrations_today
  * @access protected
  * @return int
 protected function _total_registrations_today()
     $EVT_ID = isset($this->_req_data['event_id']) ? absint($this->_req_data['event_id']) : FALSE;
     $_where = $EVT_ID ? array('EVT_ID' => $EVT_ID) : array();
     $current_date = date('Y-m-d', current_time('timestamp'));
     $time_start = ' 00:00:00';
     $time_end = ' 23:59:59';
     $_where['REG_date'] = array('BETWEEN', array(strtotime($current_date . $time_start), strtotime($current_date . $time_end)));
     $_where['STS_ID'] = array('!=', EEM_Registration::status_id_incomplete);
     return EEM_Registration::instance()->count(array($_where));
  * generates a month/year dropdown selector for all registrations matching the given criteria.  Typically used for list table filter.
  * @param  string  $cur_date     any currently selected date can be entered here.
  * @param  string  $status       Registration status
  * @param  integer $evt_category Event Category ID if the Event Category filter is selected
  * @return string                html
 public static function generate_registration_months_dropdown($cur_date = '', $status = '', $evt_category = 0)
     $_where = array();
     if (!empty($status)) {
         $_where['STS_ID'] = $status;
     if ($evt_category > 0) {
         $_where['Event.Term_Taxonomy.term_id'] = $evt_category;
     $regdtts = EEM_Registration::instance()->get_reg_months_and_years($_where);
     //setup vals for select input helper
     $options = array(0 => array('text' => __('Select a Month/Year', 'event_espresso'), 'id' => ''));
     foreach ($regdtts as $regdtt) {
         $date = $regdtt->reg_month . ' ' . $regdtt->reg_year;
         $options[] = array('text' => $date, 'id' => $date);
     return self::select_input('month_range', $options, $cur_date, '', 'wide');
 protected function _get_total_event_attendees()
     $EVT_ID = isset($this->_req_data['event_id']) ? absint($this->_req_data['event_id']) : FALSE;
     $DTT_ID = isset($this->_req_data['DTT_ID']) ? $this->_req_data['DTT_ID'] : NULL;
     $query_params = array();
     if ($EVT_ID) {
         $query_params[0]['EVT_ID'] = $EVT_ID;
     //if DTT is included we do multiple datetimes.  Otherwise we just do primary datetime
     if ($DTT_ID) {
         $query_params[0]['Ticket.Datetime.DTT_ID'] = $DTT_ID;
     $status_ids_array = apply_filters('FHEE__Extend_Registrations_Admin_Page__get_event_attendees__status_ids_array', array(EEM_Registration::status_id_pending_payment, EEM_Registration::status_id_approved));
     $query_params[0]['STS_ID'] = array('IN', $status_ids_array);
     return EEM_Registration::instance()->count($query_params);
  * This returns the primary registration object for this registration group (which may be this object).
  * @return EE_Registration
 public function get_primary_registration()
     if ($this->is_primary_registrant()) {
         return $this;
     //k reg_count !== 1 so let's get the EE_Registration object matching this txn_id and reg_count == 1
     $primary_registrant = EEM_Registration::instance()->get_one(array(array('TXN_ID' => $this->transaction_ID(), 'REG_count' => 1)));
     return $primary_registrant;
 function test_get_default_where_conditions()
     $default_where_conditions = new EE_Return_None_Where_Conditions();
     $this->assertEquals(array('Event.Registration.REG_ID' => array('<', 0)), $default_where_conditions->get_default_where_conditions('Event.Registration'));
  * This duplicates the attendee object for the given incoming registration id and attendee_id.
  * @return void
 protected function _duplicate_attendee()
     $action = !empty($this->_req_data['return']) ? $this->_req_data['return'] : 'default';
     //verify we have necessary info
     if (empty($this->_req_data['_REG_ID'])) {
         EE_Error::add_error(__('Unable to create the contact for the registration because the required paramaters are not present (_REG_ID )', 'event_espresso'), __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
         $query_args = array('action' => $action);
         $this->_redirect_after_action('', '', '', $query_args, TRUE);
     //okay necessary deets present... let's dupe the incoming attendee and attach to incoming registration.
     $registration = EEM_Registration::instance()->get_one_by_ID($this->_req_data['_REG_ID']);
     $attendee = $registration->attendee();
     //remove relation of existing attendee on registration
     $registration->_remove_relation_to($attendee, 'Attendee');
     //new attendee
     $new_attendee = clone $attendee;
     $new_attendee->set('ATT_ID', 0);
     //add new attendee to reg
     $registration->_add_relation_to($new_attendee, 'Attendee');
     EE_Error::add_success(__('New Contact record created.  Now make any edits you wish to make for this contact.', 'event_espresso'));
     //redirect to edit page for attendee
     $query_args = array('post' => $new_attendee->ID(), 'action' => 'edit_attendee');
     $this->_redirect_after_action('', '', '', $query_args, TRUE);
 public function test_alter_query_params_to_only_include_mine__across_model_chain_once()
     $this->assertEquals(array(array('Event.EVT_wp_user' => get_current_user_id())), EEM_Registration::instance()->alter_query_params_to_only_include_mine());
  * Returns the payment method used for the last payment made for a registration.
  * Note: if an offline payment method was selected on the related transaction then this will have no payment methods returned.
  * It will ONLY return a payment method for a PAYMENT recorded against the registration.
  * @param EE_Registration|int $registration_or_reg_id  Either the EE_Registration object or the id for the registration.
  * @return EE_Payment|null
 public function get_last_used_for_registration($registration_or_reg_id)
     $registration_id = EEM_Registration::instance()->ensure_is_ID($registration_or_reg_id);
     $query_params = array(0 => array('Payment.Registration.REG_ID' => $registration_id), 'order_by' => array('Payment.PAY_ID' => 'DESC'));
     return $this->get_one($query_params);
  * @group ignore
 function test_fields_on_model_in_this_version__has_reg_paid_in_47()
     $model_info = new EE_REST_API_Model_Version_Info('4.7');
     $fields_on_reg = $model_info->fields_on_model_in_this_version(EEM_Registration::instance());
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('REG_paid', $fields_on_reg);
 protected function _parser($shortcode)
     $this->_event = $this->_data instanceof EE_Event ? $this->_data : null;
     //if no event, then let's see if there is a reg_obj.  If there IS, then we'll try and grab the event from the reg_obj instead.
     if (empty($this->_event)) {
         $aee = $this->_data instanceof EE_Messages_Addressee ? $this->_data : NULL;
         $aee = $this->_extra_data instanceof EE_Messages_Addressee ? $this->_extra_data : $aee;
         $this->_event = $aee instanceof EE_Messages_Addressee && $aee->reg_obj instanceof EE_Registration ? $aee->reg_obj->event() : NULL;
     //If there is no event objecdt by now then get out.
     if (!$this->_event instanceof EE_Event) {
         return '';
     switch ($shortcode) {
         case '[EVENT_ID]':
             return $this->_event->ID();
         case '[EVENT_IDENTIFIER]':
             return isset($this->_data['line_ref']) ? $this->_data['line_ref'] : '';
         case '[EVENT]':
         case '[EVENT_NAME]':
             return $this->_event->get('EVT_name');
         case '[EVENT_PHONE]':
             return $this->_event->get('EVT_phone');
         case '[EVENT_DESCRIPTION]':
             return $this->_event->get('EVT_desc');
         case '[EVENT_EXCERPT]':
             return $this->_event->get('EVT_short_desc');
         case '[EVENT_LINK]':
             return $this->_get_event_link($this->_event);
         case '[EVENT_URL]':
             return $this->_get_event_link($this->_event, FALSE);
         case '[VIRTUAL_URL]':
             $venue = $this->_event->get_first_related('Venue');
             if (empty($venue)) {
                 return '';
             return $venue->get('VNU_virtual_url');
         case '[VIRTUAL_PHONE]':
             $venue = $this->_event->get_first_related('Venue');
             if (empty($venue)) {
                 return '';
             return $venue->get('VNU_virtual_phone');
         case '[EVENT_IMAGE]':
             $image = $this->_event->feature_image_url(array(600, 300));
             // @todo: eventually we should make this an attribute shortcode so that em can send along what size they want returned.
             return !empty($image) ? '<img src="' . $image . '" alt="' . sprintf(esc_attr__('%s Feature Image', 'event_espresso'), $this->_event->get('EVT_name')) . '" />' : '';
         case '[EVENT_FACEBOOK_URL]':
             $facebook_url = $this->_event->get_post_meta('event_facebook', true);
             return empty($facebook_url) ? EE_Registry::instance()->CFG->organization->get_pretty('facebook') : $facebook_url;
         case '[EVENT_TWITTER_URL]':
             $twitter_url = $this->_event->get_post_meta('event_twitter', true);
             return empty($twitter_url) ? EE_Registry::instance()->CFG->organization->get_pretty('twitter') : $twitter_url;
         case '[EVENT_AUTHOR_EMAIL]':
             $author_id = $this->_event->get('EVT_wp_user');
             $user_data = get_userdata((int) $author_id);
             return $user_data->user_email;
         case '[EVENT_TOTAL_SPOTS_TAKEN]':
             return EEM_Registration::instance()->count(array(array('EVT_ID' => $this->_event->ID(), 'STS_ID' => EEM_Registration::status_id_approved)), 'REG_ID', true);
             return EEH_URL::add_query_args_and_nonce(array('event_id' => $this->_event->ID(), 'page' => 'espresso_registrations', 'action' => 'default'), admin_url('admin.php'), true);
     if (strpos($shortcode, '[EVENT_META_*') !== false) {
         $shortcode = str_replace('[EVENT_META_*', '', $shortcode);
         $shortcode = trim(str_replace(']', '', $shortcode));
         //pull the meta value from the event post
         $event_meta = $this->_event->get_post_meta($shortcode, true);
         return !empty($event_meta) ? $this->_event->get_post_meta($shortcode, true) : '';
     if (strpos($shortcode, '[EVENT_TOTAL_AVAILABLE_SPACES_*') !== false) {
         $attrs = $this->_get_shortcode_attrs($shortcode);
         $method = empty($attrs['method']) ? 'current' : $attrs['method'];
         $method = $method === 'current';
         $available = $this->_event->total_available_spaces($method);
         return $available === INF ? '&infin;' : $available;
     return '';
  * delete_payment
  * 	delete a payment or refund made towards a transaction
  * @access public
  *	@return void
 public function delete_payment()
     $json_response_data = array('return_data' => FALSE);
     $PAY_ID = isset($this->_req_data['delete_txn_admin_payment'], $this->_req_data['delete_txn_admin_payment']['PAY_ID']) ? absint($this->_req_data['delete_txn_admin_payment']['PAY_ID']) : 0;
     if ($PAY_ID) {
         $delete_txn_reg_status_change = isset($this->_req_data['delete_txn_reg_status_change']) ? $this->_req_data['delete_txn_reg_status_change'] : false;
         $payment = EEM_Payment::instance()->get_one_by_ID($PAY_ID);
         if ($payment instanceof EE_Payment) {
             $REG_IDs = $this->_get_existing_reg_payment_REG_IDs($payment);
             /** @type EE_Transaction_Payments $transaction_payments */
             $transaction_payments = EE_Registry::instance()->load_class('Transaction_Payments');
             if ($transaction_payments->delete_payment_and_update_transaction($payment)) {
                 EE_Error::add_success(__('The Payment was successfully deleted.', 'event_espresso'));
                 $json_response_data['return_data'] = array('PAY_ID' => $PAY_ID, 'amount' => $payment->amount(), 'total_paid' => $payment->transaction()->paid(), 'txn_status' => $payment->transaction()->status_ID(), 'pay_status' => $payment->STS_ID(), 'delete_txn_reg_status_change' => $delete_txn_reg_status_change);
                 //if non empty reg_ids lets get an array of registrations and update the values for the apply_payment/refund rows.
                 if (!empty($REG_IDs)) {
                     $registrations = EEM_Registration::instance()->get_all(array(array('REG_ID' => array('IN', $REG_IDs))));
                     foreach ($registrations as $registration) {
                         $json_response_data['return_data']['registrations'][$registration->ID()] = array('owing' => EEH_Template::format_currency($registration->final_price() - $registration->paid()), 'paid' => $registration->pretty_paid());
                 if ($delete_txn_reg_status_change) {
                     $this->_req_data['txn_reg_status_change'] = $delete_txn_reg_status_change;
                     //MAKE sure we also add the delete_txn_req_status_change to the
                     //$_REQUEST global because that's how messages will be looking
                     //for it.
                     $_REQUEST['txn_reg_status_change'] = $delete_txn_reg_status_change;
         } else {
             EE_Error::add_error(__('Valid Payment data could not be retrieved from the database.', 'event_espresso'), __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     } else {
         $msg = __('A valid Payment ID was not received, therefore payment form data could not be loaded.', 'event_espresso');
         EE_Error::add_error($msg, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     $notices = EE_Error::get_notices(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
     echo json_encode(array_merge($json_response_data, $notices));