  * @param array  $props_n_values
  * @param string $timezone
  * @param array $date_formats incoming date formats in an array.  First value is the date_format, second is time format.
  * @return EE_Message
 public static function new_instance($props_n_values = array(), $timezone = null, $date_formats = array())
     $has_object = parent::_check_for_object($props_n_values, __CLASS__);
     //if object doesn't exist, let's generate a unique token on instantiation so that its available even before saving to db.
     if (!$has_object) {
         $props_n_values['MSG_token'] = EEH_URL::generate_unique_token();
     return $has_object ? $has_object : new self($props_n_values, false, $timezone, $date_formats);
  *	Private constructor to prevent direct creation.
  * @param string $timezone string representing the timezone we want to set for returned Date Time Strings (and
  *                         any incoming timezone data that gets saved).  Note this just sends the timezone info to the
  *                         date time model field objects.  Default is null (and will be assumed using the set timezone
  *                         in the 'timezone_string' wp option)
  * @return EEM_Message
 protected function __construct($timezone = null)
     $this->singular_item = __('Message', 'event_espresso');
     $this->plural_item = __('Messages', 'event_espresso');
     //used for token generator
     $this->_tables = array('Message' => new EE_Primary_Table('esp_message', 'MSG_ID'));
     $allowed_priority = array(self::priority_high => __('high', 'event_espresso'), self::priority_medium => __('medium', 'event_espresso'), self::priority_low => __('low', 'event_espresso'));
     $this->_fields = array('Message' => array('MSG_ID' => new EE_Primary_Key_Int_Field('MSG_ID', __('Message ID', 'event_espresso')), 'MSG_token' => new EE_Plain_Text_Field('MSG_token', __('Unique Token used to represent this row in publicly viewable contexts (eg. a url).', 'event_espresso'), false, EEH_URL::generate_unique_token()), 'GRP_ID' => new EE_Foreign_Key_Int_Field('GRP_ID', __('Foreign key to the EEM_Message_Template_Group table.', 'event_espresso'), true, 0, 'Message_Template_Group'), 'TXN_ID' => new EE_Foreign_Key_Int_Field('TXN_ID', __('Foreign key to the related EE_Transaction.  This is required to give context for regenerating the specific message', 'event_espresso'), true, 0, 'Transaction'), 'MSG_messenger' => new EE_Plain_Text_Field('MSG_messenger', __('Corresponds to the EE_messenger::name used to send this message. This will also be used to attempt any resending of the message.', 'event_espresso'), false, 'email'), 'MSG_message_type' => new EE_Plain_Text_Field('MSG_message_type', __('Corresponds to the EE_message_type::name used to generate this message.', 'event_espresso'), false, 'receipt'), 'MSG_context' => new EE_Plain_Text_Field('MSG_context', __('Context', 'event_espresso'), false), 'MSG_recipient_ID' => new EE_Foreign_Key_Int_Field('MSG_recipient_ID', __('Recipient ID', 'event_espresso'), true, null, array('Registration', 'Attendee', 'WP_User')), 'MSG_recipient_type' => new EE_Any_Foreign_Model_Name_Field('MSG_recipient_type', __('Recipient Type', 'event_espresso'), true, null, array('Registration', 'Attendee', 'WP_User')), 'MSG_content' => new EE_Maybe_Serialized_Text_Field('MSG_content', __('Content', 'event_espresso'), true, ''), 'MSG_to' => new EE_Maybe_Serialized_Text_Field('MSG_to', __('Address To', 'event_espresso'), true), 'MSG_from' => new EE_Maybe_Serialized_Text_Field('MSG_from', __('Address From', 'event_espresso'), true), 'MSG_subject' => new EE_Maybe_Serialized_Text_Field('MSG_subject', __('Subject', 'event_espresso'), true, ''), 'MSG_priority' => new EE_Enum_Integer_Field('MSG_priority', __('Priority', 'event_espresso'), false, self::priority_low, $allowed_priority), 'STS_ID' => new EE_Foreign_Key_String_Field('STS_ID', __('Status', 'event_espresso'), false, self::status_incomplete, 'Status'), 'MSG_created' => new EE_Datetime_Field('MSG_created', __('Created', 'event_espresso'), false, time()), 'MSG_modified' => new EE_Datetime_Field('MSG_modified', __('Modified', 'event_espresso'), true, time())));
     $this->_model_relations = array('Attendee' => new EE_Belongs_To_Any_Relation(), 'Registration' => new EE_Belongs_To_Any_Relation(), 'WP_User' => new EE_Belongs_To_Any_Relation(), 'Message_Template_Group' => new EE_Belongs_To_Relation(), 'Transaction' => new EE_Belongs_To_Relation());