  * Callback for AHEE__Extend_Registrations_Admin_Page___newsletter_selected_send trigger
  * @since   4.3.0
  * @param 	string 	$registration_message_trigger_url
  * @param 	EE_Registration $registration
  * @param string 	$messenger
  * @param string 	$message_type
  * @return 	string
 public static function registration_message_trigger_url($registration_message_trigger_url, EE_Registration $registration, $messenger = 'html', $message_type = 'invoice')
     // whitelist $messenger
     switch ($messenger) {
         case 'pdf':
             $sending_messenger = 'pdf';
             $generating_messenger = 'html';
         case 'html':
             $sending_messenger = 'html';
             $generating_messenger = 'html';
     // whitelist $message_type
     switch ($message_type) {
         case 'receipt':
             $message_type = 'receipt';
         case 'invoice':
             $message_type = 'invoice';
     // verify that both the messenger AND the message type are active
     if (EEH_MSG_Template::is_messenger_active($sending_messenger) && EEH_MSG_Template::is_mt_active($message_type)) {
         //need to get the correct message template group for this (i.e. is there a custom invoice for the event this registration is registered for?)
         $template_query_params = array('MTP_is_active' => TRUE, 'MTP_messenger' => $generating_messenger, 'MTP_message_type' => $message_type, 'Event.EVT_ID' => $registration->event_ID());
         //get the message template group.
         $msg_template_group = EEM_Message_Template_Group::instance()->get_one(array($template_query_params));
         //if we don't have an EE_Message_Template_Group then return
         if (!$msg_template_group instanceof EE_Message_Template_Group) {
             // remove EVT_ID from query params so that global templates get picked up
             //get global template as the fallback
             $msg_template_group = EEM_Message_Template_Group::instance()->get_one(array($template_query_params));
         //if we don't have an EE_Message_Template_Group then return
         if (!$msg_template_group instanceof EE_Message_Template_Group) {
             return '';
         // generate the URL
         $registration_message_trigger_url = EEH_MSG_Template::generate_url_trigger($sending_messenger, $generating_messenger, 'purchaser', $message_type, $registration, $msg_template_group->ID(), $registration->transaction_ID());
     return $registration_message_trigger_url;
  * This does some validation of incoming params gets the url trigger from the defined method in the specific child class and then filters the results.
  * @param string          $context           The message type context
  * @param string          $sending_messenger The sending messenger
  * @param EE_Registration $registration      Registration object
  * @return string          generated url
 public function get_url_trigger($context, $sending_messenger, EE_Registration $registration)
     //validate context
     //valid context?
     if (!isset($this->_contexts[$context])) {
         throw new EE_Error(sprintf(__('The context %s is not a valid context for %s.', 'event_espresso'), $context, get_class($this)));
     //valid sending_messenger?
     $not_valid_msgr = FALSE;
     foreach ($this->_with_messengers as $generating => $sendings) {
         if (empty($sendings) || array_search($sending_messenger, $sendings) === FALSE) {
             $not_valid_msgr = TRUE;
     if ($not_valid_msgr) {
         throw new EE_Error(sprintf(__('The given sending messenger string (%s) does not match a valid sending messenger with the %s.  If this is incorrect, make sure that the message type has defined this messenger as a sending messenger in its $_with_messengers array.', 'event_espresso'), $sending_messenger, get_class($this)));
     return EEH_MSG_Template::generate_url_trigger($sending_messenger, $this->_active_messenger->name, $context, $this->name, $registration, $this->_GRP_ID, $this->_get_id_for_msg_url($context, $registration));
  * This does some validation of incoming params, determines what type of url is being prepped and returns the
  * appropriate url trigger
  * @param EE_message_type $message_type
  * @param EE_Message $message
  * @param EE_Registration | null $registration  The registration object must be included if this
  *                                              is going to be a registration trigger url.
  * @param string $sending_messenger             The (optional) sending messenger for the url.
  * @return string
  * @throws EE_Error
 public static function get_url_trigger(EE_message_type $message_type, EE_Message $message, $registration = null, $sending_messenger = '')
     //first determine if the url can be to the EE_Message object.
     if (!$message_type->always_generate()) {
         return EEH_MSG_Template::generate_browser_trigger($message);
     //if $registration object is not valid then exit early because there's nothing that can be generated.
     if (!$registration instanceof EE_Registration) {
         throw new EE_Error(__('Incoming value for registration is not a valid EE_Registration object.', 'event_espresso'));
     //validate given context
     $contexts = $message_type->get_contexts();
     if ($message->context() !== '' && !isset($contexts[$message->context()])) {
         throw new EE_Error(sprintf(__('The context %s is not a valid context for %s.', 'event_espresso'), $message->context(), get_class($message_type)));
     //valid sending messenger but only if sending messenger set.  Otherwise generating messenger is used.
     if (!empty($sending_messenger)) {
         $with_messengers = $message_type->with_messengers();
         if (!isset($with_messengers[$message->messenger()]) || !in_array($sending_messenger, $with_messengers[$message->messenger()])) {
             throw new EE_Error(sprintf(__('The given sending messenger string (%1$s) does not match a valid sending messenger with the %2$s.  If this is incorrect, make sure that the message type has defined this messenger as a sending messenger in its $_with_messengers array.', 'event_espresso'), $sending_messenger, get_class($message_type)));
     } else {
         $sending_messenger = $message->messenger();
     return EEH_MSG_Template::generate_url_trigger($sending_messenger, $message->messenger(), $message->context(), $message->message_type(), $registration, $message->GRP_ID());