  * test_add_ticket_purchase
 public function test_add_ticket_purchase()
     // create grand total
     $total_line_item = EEH_Line_Item::create_total_line_item();
     $this->assertEquals(0, $total_line_item->total());
     // create a ticket
     $ticket = $this->new_ticket(array('dollar_surcharge' => 5, 'percent_surcharge' => 10, 'datetimes' => 2));
     // need to save ticket for other tests to work
     // two tickets plz
     $ticket_line_item = EEH_Line_Item::add_ticket_purchase($total_line_item, $ticket, 2);
     // confirm tickets
     $this->assertEquals(2, $ticket_line_item->quantity());
     $this->assertEquals(33, $ticket_line_item->total());
     // confirm subtotal
     $pre_tax_subtotal = EEH_Line_Item::get_pre_tax_subtotal($total_line_item);
     $this->assertEquals(33, $pre_tax_subtotal->total());
     // confirm taxes
     $taxes_subtotal = EEH_Line_Item::get_taxes_subtotal($total_line_item);
     $this->assertEquals(4.95, $taxes_subtotal->total());
     // confirm totals
     $this->assertEquals(37.95, $total_line_item->total());
     // one moar ticket plz
     $ticket_line_item = EEH_Line_Item::add_ticket_purchase($total_line_item, $ticket);
     // confirm tickets
     $this->assertEquals(3, $ticket_line_item->quantity());
     $this->assertEquals(49.5, $ticket_line_item->total());
     // confirm subtotal
     $this->assertEquals(49.5, $pre_tax_subtotal->total());
     // confirm taxes
     $this->assertEquals(7.43, $taxes_subtotal->total());
     // confirm totals
     $this->assertEquals(56.93, $total_line_item->total());
     // total ticket line items count? should just be one ticket line item
     $this->assertEquals(1, count(EEH_Line_Item::get_ticket_line_items($total_line_item)));
     // now add a different ticket
     $new_ticket = $this->new_ticket(array('ticket_price' => 10, 'ticket_taxable' => false, 'datetimes' => 1));
     // add one
     $new_ticket_line_item = EEH_Line_Item::add_ticket_purchase($total_line_item, $new_ticket);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $new_ticket_line_item->quantity());
     // add one moar
     $new_ticket_line_item = EEH_Line_Item::add_ticket_purchase($total_line_item, $new_ticket);
     $this->assertEquals(2, $new_ticket_line_item->quantity());
     // confirm totals
     $this->assertEquals(20, $new_ticket_line_item->total());
     $this->assertEquals(69.5, $pre_tax_subtotal->total());
     // should be same taxes as before
     $this->assertEquals(7.43, $taxes_subtotal->total());
     $this->assertEquals(76.93000000000001, $total_line_item->total());
     // total ticket ticket line items?
     $this->assertEquals(2, count(EEH_Line_Item::get_ticket_line_items($total_line_item)));
 protected function _setup_data()
     //need to figure out the running total for test purposes so... we're going to create a temp cart and add the tickets to it!
     EE_Registry::instance()->SSN->clear_session(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);
     $cart = EE_Cart::reset();
     //add tickets to cart
     foreach ($this->tickets as $ticket) {
     //setup txn property
     $this->txn = EE_Transaction::new_instance(array('TXN_timestamp' => time(), 'TXN_total' => 0, 'TXN_paid' => 0, 'STS_ID' => EEM_Transaction::incomplete_status_code, 'TXN_session_data' => NULL, 'TXN_hash_salt' => NULL, 'TXN_ID' => 999999));
     //setup reg_objects
     //note we're setting up a reg object for each attendee in each event but ALSO adding to the reg_object array.
     $this->reg_objs = array();
     $regid = 9999990;
     foreach ($this->_attendees as $key => $attendee) {
         //note we need to setup reg_objects for each event this attendee belongs to
         $regatt = $attendee['att_obj']->ID();
         $regtxn = $this->txn->ID();
         $regcnt = 1;
         foreach ($attendee['line_ref'] as $evtid) {
             foreach ($this->_events[$evtid]['tkt_objs'] as $ticket) {
                 $reg_array = array('EVT_ID' => $evtid, 'ATT_ID' => $regatt, 'TXN_ID' => $regtxn, 'TKT_ID' => $ticket->ID(), 'STS_ID' => EEM_Registration::status_id_pending_payment, 'REG_date' => time(), 'REG_final_price' => $ticket->get('TKT_price'), 'REG_session' => 'dummy_session_id', 'REG_code' => $regid . '-dummy-generated-code', 'REG_url_link' => $regcnt . '-daafpapasdlfakasdfpqasdfasdf', 'REG_count' => $regcnt, 'REG_group_size' => $this->_events[$evtid]['total_attendees'], 'REG_att_is_going' => TRUE, 'REG_ID' => $regid);
                 $REG_OBJ = EE_Registration::new_instance($reg_array);
                 $this->_attendees[$key]['reg_objs'][$regid] = $REG_OBJ;
                 $this->_events[$evtid]['reg_objs'][] = $REG_OBJ;
                 $this->reg_objs[] = $REG_OBJ;
                 $this->tickets[$ticket->ID()]['reg_objs'][$regid] = $REG_OBJ;
     //setup line items!
     $line_item_total = EEH_Line_Item::create_total_line_item($this->txn);
     //add tickets
     foreach ($this->tickets as $tktid => $item) {
         $qty = $item['count'];
         $ticket = $item['ticket'];
         EEH_Line_Item::add_ticket_purchase($line_item_total, $ticket, $qty);
     $shipping_line_item = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_name' => __('Shipping Surcharge', 'event_espresso'), 'LIN_desc' => __('Sent via Millenium Falcon', 'event_espresso'), 'LIN_unit_price' => 20, 'LIN_quantity' => 1, 'LIN_is_taxable' => TRUE, 'LIN_total' => 20, 'LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_line_item));
     EEH_Line_Item::add_item($line_item_total, $shipping_line_item);
     $this->additional_line_items = array($shipping_line_item);
     //now let's add taxes
     //now we should be able to get the items we need from this object
     $event_line_items = EEH_Line_Item::get_pre_tax_subtotal($line_item_total)->children();
     $line_items = array();
     foreach ($event_line_items as $line_id => $line_item) {
         if (!$line_item instanceof EE_Line_Item || $line_item->OBJ_type() !== 'Event') {
         $ticket_line_items = EEH_Line_Item::get_ticket_line_items($line_item);
         foreach ($ticket_line_items as $ticket_line_id => $ticket_line_item) {
             if (!$ticket_line_item instanceof EE_Line_Item) {
             $this->tickets[$ticket_line_item->OBJ_ID()]['line_item'] = $ticket_line_item;
             $this->tickets[$ticket_line_item->OBJ_ID()]['sub_line_items'] = $ticket_line_item->children();
             $line_items[$ticket_line_item->ID()]['children'] = $ticket_line_item->children();
             $line_items[$ticket_line_item->ID()]['EE_Ticket'] = $this->tickets[$ticket_line_item->OBJ_ID()]['ticket'];
     $this->line_items_with_children = $line_items;
     $this->tax_line_items = $line_item_total->tax_descendants();
     //add proper total to transaction object.
     $grand_total = $line_item_total->recalculate_total_including_taxes();
     $this->grand_total_line_item = $line_item_total;
     //add additional details for each registration
     foreach ($this->reg_objs as $reg) {
         $this->_registrations[$reg->ID()]['tkt_obj'] = $this->tickets[$reg->get('TKT_ID')]['ticket'];
         $this->_registrations[$reg->ID()]['evt_obj'] = $this->_events[$reg->get('EVT_ID')]['event'];
         $this->_registrations[$reg->ID()]['reg_obj'] = $reg;
         $this->_registrations[$reg->ID()]['ans_objs'] = $this->_attendees[$reg->get('ATT_ID')]['ans_objs'];
         $this->_registrations[$reg->ID()]['att_obj'] = $this->_attendees[$reg->get('ATT_ID')]['att_obj'];
         $this->_registrations[$reg->ID()]['dtt_objs'] = $this->tickets[$reg->get('TKT_ID')]['dtt_objs'];
     //events and attendees
     $this->events = $this->_events;
     $this->attendees = $this->_attendees;
     $this->registrations = $this->_registrations;
     $attendees_to_shift = $this->_attendees;
     //setup primary attendee property
     $this->primary_attendee_data = array('fname' => $this->_attendees[999999991]['att_obj']->fname(), 'lname' => $this->_attendees[999999991]['att_obj']->lname(), 'email' => $this->_attendees[999999991]['att_obj']->email(), 'att_obj' => $this->_attendees[999999991]['att_obj'], 'reg_obj' => array_shift($attendees_to_shift[999999991]['reg_objs']));
     //reg_info property
     //note this isn't referenced by any shortcode parsers so we'll ignore for now.
     $this->reg_info = array();
     //let's set a reg_obj for messengers expecting one.
     $this->reg_obj = array_pop($this->_attendees[999999991]['reg_objs']);
     //the below are just dummy items.
     $this->user_id = 1;
     $this->ip_address = '';
     $this->user_agent = '';
     $this->init_access = time();
     $this->last_access = time();
  * Given the grand total line item and a ticket, finds the event sub-total
  * line item the ticket's purchase should be added onto
  * @access public
  * @param EE_Line_Item $grand_total the grand total line item
  * @param EE_Ticket $ticket
  * @throws \EE_Error
  * @return EE_Line_Item
 public static function get_event_line_item_for_ticket(EE_Line_Item $grand_total, EE_Ticket $ticket)
     $first_datetime = $ticket->first_datetime();
     if (!$first_datetime instanceof EE_Datetime) {
         throw new EE_Error(sprintf(__('The supplied ticket (ID %d) has no datetimes', 'event_espresso'), $ticket->ID()));
     $event = $first_datetime->event();
     if (!$event instanceof EE_Event) {
         throw new EE_Error(sprintf(__('The supplied ticket (ID %d) has no event data associated with it.', 'event_espresso'), $ticket->ID()));
     $event_line_item = NULL;
     $found = false;
     foreach (EEH_Line_Item::get_event_subtotals($grand_total) as $event_line_item) {
         // default event subtotal, we should only ever find this the first time this method is called
         if (!$event_line_item->OBJ_ID()) {
             // let's use this! but first... set the event details
             EEH_Line_Item::set_event_subtotal_details($event_line_item, $event);
             $found = true;
         } else {
             if ($event_line_item->OBJ_ID() === $event->ID()) {
                 // found existing line item for this event in the cart, so break out of loop and use this one
                 $found = true;
     if (!$found) {
         //there is no event sub-total yet, so add it
         $pre_tax_subtotal = EEH_Line_Item::get_pre_tax_subtotal($grand_total);
         // create a new "event" subtotal below that
         $event_line_item = EEH_Line_Item::create_event_subtotal($pre_tax_subtotal, null, $event);
         // and set the event details
         EEH_Line_Item::set_event_subtotal_details($event_line_item, $event);
     return $event_line_item;
  * Gets the event line item
  * @param EE_Line_Item $grand_total
  * @param EE_Event $event
  * @return EE_Line_Item for the event subtotal which is a child of $grand_total
 public static function get_event_line_item(EE_Line_Item $grand_total, $event)
     /** @type EE_Event $event */
     $event = EEM_Event::instance()->ensure_is_obj($event, true);
     $event_line_item = NULL;
     $found = false;
     foreach (EEH_Line_Item::get_event_subtotals($grand_total) as $event_line_item) {
         // default event subtotal, we should only ever find this the first time this method is called
         if (!$event_line_item->OBJ_ID()) {
             // let's use this! but first... set the event details
             EEH_Line_Item::set_event_subtotal_details($event_line_item, $event);
             $found = true;
         } else {
             if ($event_line_item->OBJ_ID() === $event->ID()) {
                 // found existing line item for this event in the cart, so break out of loop and use this one
                 $found = true;
     if (!$found) {
         //there is no event sub-total yet, so add it
         $pre_tax_subtotal = EEH_Line_Item::get_pre_tax_subtotal($grand_total);
         // create a new "event" subtotal below that
         $event_line_item = EEH_Line_Item::create_event_subtotal($pre_tax_subtotal, null, $event);
         // and set the event details
         EEH_Line_Item::set_event_subtotal_details($event_line_item, $event);
     return $event_line_item;
  * Gets the total for all the items purchased only
  * @return float
 public function get_items_total()
     //by default, let's make sure we're consistent with the existing line item
     if ($this->is_total()) {
         $pretax_subtotal_li = EEH_Line_Item::get_pre_tax_subtotal($this);
         if ($pretax_subtotal_li instanceof EE_Line_Item) {
             return $pretax_subtotal_li->total();
     $total = 0;
     foreach ($this->get_items() as $item) {
         if ($item instanceof EE_Line_Item) {
             $total += $item->total();
     return $total;
  * @group 4710
  * @group current
 public function test_update_txn_based_on_payment__paypal_adds_taxes_and_shipping__twice()
     $ppm = $this->new_model_obj_with_dependencies('Payment_Method', array('PMD_type' => 'Paypal_Standard'));
     $ppg = $ppm->type_obj()->get_gateway();
     $ppg->set_settings(array('paypal_id' => $this->_paypal_id, 'paypal_taxes' => TRUE, 'paypal_shipping' => TRUE));
     $t = $this->new_typical_transaction();
     $old_taxable_total = $t->total_line_item()->taxable_total();
     $old_tax_total = $t->tax_total();
     $tax_in_1st_ipn = 1.8;
     $ship_in_1st_ipn = 3.0;
     $p = $this->new_model_obj_with_dependencies('Payment', array('TXN_ID' => $t->ID(), 'STS_ID' => EEM_Payment::status_id_approved, 'PMD_ID' => $ppm->ID(), 'PAY_amount' => $t->total() / 2, 'PAY_details' => array('tax' => "{$tax_in_1st_ipn}", 'mc_shipping' => "{$ship_in_1st_ipn}")));
     $p->update_extra_meta(EEG_Paypal_Standard::itemized_payment_option_name, false);
     //taxes shouldn't have been changed, despite whatever paypal says, because
     //we didnt send them an itemized total so they cant have calculated taxes right anyways
     $this->assertNotEquals($tax_in_1st_ipn, $old_tax_total, 'Its not necessarily wrong for the old tax to match the new tax; but if they match we can\'t be very sure the tax total wasnt updated');
     //check the new tax wasnt changed
     $this->assertEquals($old_tax_total, $t->tax_total());
     $this->assertNotEquals($tax_in_1st_ipn, $t->tax_total());
     //taxes shouldnt have changed
     $pre_tax_total = EEH_Line_Item::get_pre_tax_subtotal($t->total_line_item());
     $shipping1_line_item = $pre_tax_total->get_child_line_item('paypal_shipping_' . $t->ID());
     //ok now let's pretend they made another payment via paypal and added more onto the taxes.
     //but we only update taxes when paypal received an itemized payment from us, which it didn't
     $tax_in_2nd_ipn = 1.5;
     $ship_in_2nd_ipn = 8.0;
     $p2 = $this->new_model_obj_with_dependencies('Payment', array('TXN_ID' => $t->ID(), 'STS_ID' => EEM_Payment::status_id_approved, 'PMD_ID' => $ppm->ID(), 'PAY_amount' => $t->remaining(), 'PAY_details' => array('tax' => "{$tax_in_2nd_ipn}", 'mc_shipping' => "{$ship_in_2nd_ipn}")));
     $p2->update_extra_meta(EEG_Paypal_Standard::itemized_payment_option_name, false);
     //assert that the total tax is now the SUM of both IPN's tax amounts
     $this->assertEquals($tax_in_2nd_ipn, $t->tax_total());
     //verify the old shipping is still there
     $shipping1_line_item = $pre_tax_total->get_child_line_item('paypal_shipping_' . $t->ID());
 public function test_handle_payment_update__paypal_adds_taxes_and_shipping()
     $ppm = $this->new_model_obj_with_dependencies('Payment_Method', array('PMD_type' => 'Paypal_Standard'));
     $ppg = $ppm->type_obj()->get_gateway();
     $ppg->set_settings(array('paypal_id' => $this->_paypal_id, 'paypal_taxes' => TRUE, 'paypal_shipping' => TRUE));
     $t = $this->new_typical_transaction();
     $p = $this->new_model_obj_with_dependencies('Payment', array('TXN_ID' => $t->ID(), 'PMD_ID' => $ppm->ID(), 'PAY_amount' => $t->total()));
     $old_pretax_total = EEH_Line_Item::get_pre_tax_subtotal($t->total_line_item())->total();
     $old_taxable_total = $t->total_line_item()->taxable_total();
     $old_tax_total = $t->tax_total();
     //skip IPN validation with paypal
     add_filter('FHEE__EEG_Paypal_Standard__validate_ipn__skip', '__return_true');
     $ipn_args = array('e_reg_url_link' => '1-203446311152995f326e9ca81b64c95b', 'mc_gross' => $old_pretax_total + 8 + 2.8, 'protection_eligibility' => 'Eligible', 'address_status' => 'confirmed', 'item_number1' => '', 'item_number2' => '', 'payer_id' => 'DQUX5EF8CFFQ2', 'tax' => '2.80', 'address_street' => '1 Maire-Victorin', 'payment_date' => '15:21:18 Jul 04, 2014 PDT', 'payment_status' => 'Completed', 'option_selection1_2' => 'http://localhost/wp-develop/src/transactions/?e_reg_url_link=1-203446311152995f326e9ca81b64c95b&ee_payment_method=paypal_standard', 'charset' => 'windows-1252', 'address_zip' => 'M5A 1E1', 'mc_shipping' => '8.00', 'mc_handling' => '0.00', 'first_name' => 'canadaman', 'mc_fee' => '1.50', 'address_country_code' => 'CA', 'address_name' => 'canadaman eh', 'notify_version' => '3.8', 'custom' => '', 'payer_status' => 'verified', 'business' => '*****@*****.**', 'address_country' => 'Canada', 'num_cart_items' => '2', 'mc_handling1' => '0.00', 'mc_handling2' => '0.00', 'address_city' => 'Toronto', 'payer_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'verify_sign' => 'Asuc-38eoonqdqSbDHczw6533JekAJTc2w.QEYe.bLdd3C9Sk1FmgQur', 'mc_shipping1' => '0.00', 'mc_shipping2' => '0.00', 'tax1' => '0.00', 'tax2' => '0.00', 'option_name1_2' => 'NOTIFY URL', 'txn_id' => '4W884024TK795542J', 'payment_type' => 'instant', 'last_name' => 'eh', 'item_name1' => 'Free Ticket', 'address_state' => 'Ontario', 'receiver_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'item_name2' => 'DEBUG INFO (this item only added in sandbox mode', 'payment_fee' => '1.50', 'shipping_discount' => '0.00', 'quantity1' => '1', 'insurance_amount' => '0.00', 'quantity2' => '1', 'receiver_id' => '8STUBD4V9ZUUN', 'txn_type' => 'cart', 'discount' => '0.00', 'mc_gross_1' => '20.00', 'mc_currency' => 'USD', 'mc_gross_2' => '0.00', 'residence_country' => 'CA', 'test_ipn' => '1', 'shipping_method' => 'International Economy', 'transaction_subject' => '', 'payment_gross' => '30.80', 'auth' => 'A7v0XCv0MTRMLTC3ib4B4zYtTI7Wt-pU5StpnoQBIGsiMj5pXBoOr8z8kiKzYdNkeTmwiWW3xlus4rZhBUOqj6g');
     $ppg->handle_payment_update($ipn_args, $t);
     //check the new tax is correct
     $this->assertNotEquals($old_tax_total, $t->tax_total(), 'Its not necessarily wrong for the old tax to match the new tax; but if they match we can\'t be very sure the tax total was updated');
     $this->assertEquals(floatval($ipn_args['tax']), $t->tax_total());
     $tax_line_items = EEH_Line_Item::get_taxes_subtotal($t->total_line_item())->children();
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($tax_line_items));
     $only_tax = array_shift($tax_line_items);
     $this->assertEquals(__('Taxes', 'event_espresso'), $only_tax->name());
     $this->assertEquals(EEM_Payment::status_id_approved, $p->status());
     $this->assertEquals($t->total(), $p->amount());
     //check that the shipping surcharge is correct
     $items_subtotal = EEH_Line_Item::get_pre_tax_subtotal($t->total_line_item());
     $items = $items_subtotal->children();
     $first_item = array_shift($items);
     $this->assertEquals(10, $first_item->total());
     $second_item = array_shift($items);
     $this->assertEquals(8, $second_item->total());
     $this->assertEquals($old_pretax_total + 8, $items_subtotal->total());
     //check that the transaction's total got updated to match the total line item's
     $this->assertEquals($t->total_line_item()->total(), $t->total());
     //check that if we re-calculate all the prices everything is still the same
     $updated_line_item_total = $t->total_line_item()->total();
     $this->assertEquals($updated_line_item_total, $t->total_line_item()->total());