Example #1
  * Retrieves the blog image to be used as the twitter image
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public static function getImage(EasyBlogPost &$blog)
     $config = EB::config();
     // First, we try to search to see if there's a blog image. If there is already, just ignore the rest.
     if ($blog->getImage('thumbnail')) {
         return $blog->getImage('thumbnail');
     // @legacy: If there's no image for this blog post, then we do this the legacy way.
     // First let's try to find for an image.
     $img = '';
     $pattern = '#<img[^>]*>#i';
     preg_match($pattern, $blog->content, $matches);
     if ($matches) {
         $img = $matches[0];
     } else {
         $text = $blog->intro;
         preg_match($pattern, $text, $matches);
         if ($matches) {
             $img = $matches[0];
     // Default image
     $source = '';
     //image found. now we process further to get the absolute image path.
     if ($img) {
         //get the img source
         $pattern = '/src=[\\"\']?([^\\"\']?.*(png|jpg|jpeg|gif))[\\"\']?/i';
         preg_match($pattern, $img, $matches);
         if ($matches) {
             $imgPath = $matches[1];
             $source = EB::image()->rel2abs($imgPath, JURI::root());
     return $source;
Example #2
 public static function getImage(EasyBlogPost &$blog, $rawIntroText = '')
     // First, we try to search to see if there's a blog image. If there is already, just ignore the rest.
     if ($blog->hasImage()) {
         return $blog->getImage('large', true, true);
     // For image posts.
     if (isset($blog->images[0])) {
         return $blog->images[0];
     // If there's no image for this blog post, then we do this the legacy way.
     // First let's try to find for an image.
     $img = '';
     $pattern = '#<img[^>]*>#i';
     preg_match($pattern, $blog->content, $matches);
     if ($matches) {
         $img = $matches[0];
     } else {
         $category = $blog->getPrimaryCategory();
         $text = $category->getParam('main_hideintro_entryview') ? $rawIntroText : $blog->intro;
         preg_match($pattern, $text, $matches);
         if ($matches) {
             $img = $matches[0];
     // Get the image source
     $pattern = '/src=[\\"\']?([^\\"\']?.*(png|jpg|jpeg|gif))[\\"\']?/i';
     preg_match($pattern, $img, $matches);
     if ($matches) {
         $imgPath = $matches[1];
         $source = EB::image()->rel2abs($imgPath, JURI::root());
         return $source;
     // Default post image if the blog post doesn't contain any image
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $override = JPATH_ROOT . '/templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/html/com_easyblog/images/placeholder-facebook.png';
     if (JFile::exists($override)) {
         $source = rtrim(JURI::root(), '/') . '/templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/html/com_easyblog/images/placeholder-facebook.png';
     } else {
         $source = rtrim(JURI::root(), '/') . '/components/com_easyblog/themes/wireframe/images/placeholder-facebook.png';
     return $source;
Example #3
  * Handles uploads from media manager.
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function upload()
     // Ensure that the user is logged in
     // Only allowed users who are allowed to upload images
     if (!$this->acl->get('upload_image')) {
         $this->output(EB::exception('COM_EASYBLOG_NOT_ALLOWED', EASYBLOG_MSG_ERROR));
     // Load up media manager
     $mm = EB::mediamanager();
     // Get uri
     $key = $this->input->getRaw('key');
     // Get the target folder
     $placeId = EBMM::getUri($key);
     // Get the file input
     $file = $this->input->files->get('file');
     // Check if the file is really allowed to be uploaded to the site.
     $state = EB::image()->canUploadFile($file);
     if ($state instanceof Exception) {
         return $this->output($state);
     // MM should check if the user really has access to upload to the target folder
     $allowed = EBMM::hasAccess($placeId);
     if ($allowed instanceof Exception) {
         return $this->output($allowed);
     // Check the image name is it got contain space, if yes need to replace to '-'
     $fileName = $file['name'];
     $file['name'] = str_replace(' ', '-', $fileName);
     // Upload the file now
     $file = $mm->upload($file, $placeId);
     // Response object is intended to also include
     // other properties like status message and status code.
     // Right now it only inclues the media item.
     $response = new stdClass();
     $response->media = EBMM::getMedia($file->uri);
     return $this->output($response);
Example #4
  * Retrieves the avatar url
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return	
 public function getAvatar($profile)
     $path = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . EB::image()->getAvatarRelativePath() . '/' . $profile->avatar;
     $image = EB::image()->getAvatarRelativePath() . '/' . $profile->avatar;
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $link = $image;
     $default = 'components/com_easyblog/assets/images/default_blogger.png';
     // Check for default overrides
     $overrides = JPATH_ROOT . '/templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/html/com_easyblog/assets/images/default_blogger.png';
     $exists = JFile::exists($overrides);
     if (!$profile->avatar) {
         if ($exists) {
             $link = 'templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/html/com_easyblog/assets/images/default_blogger.png';
         } else {
             $link = $default;
     if ($profile->avatar == 'default_blogger.png') {
         $link = $default;
     $link = rtrim(JURI::root(), '/') . '/' . $link;
     return $link;
Example #5
  * Retrieve categories avatar
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @return	string	The location to the avatar
 public function getAvatar()
     $defaults = array('cdefault.png', 'default_category.png', 'components/com_easyblog/assets/images/default_category.png', 'components/com_easyblog/assets/images/cdefault.png');
     $link = 'components/com_easyblog/assets/images/default_category.png';
     if (!in_array($this->avatar, $defaults) && !empty($this->avatar)) {
         $link = EB::image()->getAvatarRelativePath('category') . '/' . $this->avatar;
     return rtrim(JURI::root(), '/') . '/' . $link;
Example #6
 public static function getFirstImage($content)
     //try to search for the 1st img in the blog
     $img = '';
     $pattern = '#<img[^>]*>#i';
     preg_match($pattern, $content, $matches);
     if ($matches) {
         $img = $matches[0];
     //image found. now we process further to get the absolute image path.
     if (!empty($img)) {
         //get the img src
         $pattern = '/src\\s*=\\s*"(.+?)"/i';
         preg_match($pattern, $img, $matches);
         if ($matches) {
             $imgPath = $matches[1];
             $imgSrc = EB::image()->rel2abs($imgPath, JURI::root());
             return $imgSrc;
     return false;
Example #7
  * Stores the media object that is sent from the xmlrpc client
  * @since	5.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public static function uploadMedia($blogid, $username, $password, $file)
     global $xmlrpcerruser, $xmlrpcI4, $xmlrpcInt, $xmlrpcBoolean, $xmlrpcDouble, $xmlrpcString, $xmlrpcDateTime, $xmlrpcBase64, $xmlrpcArray, $xmlrpcStruct, $xmlrpcValue;
     // Login the user
     $state = self::login($username, $password);
     if ($state !== true) {
         return $state;
     // Get the config
     $config = EB::config();
     // Get the user's acl
     $acl = EB::acl();
     // Get the current user
     $my = JFactory::getUser();
     // Check if user has permissions to upload images
     if (!$acl->get('upload_image')) {
         return new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpcerruser + 2, JText::_('You do not have permissions to upload files to the site.'));
     // Get the main image storage path
     $path = rtrim($config->get('main_image_path'), '/');
     $relativePath = $path . '/' . $my->id;
     $absolutePath = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $path . '/' . $my->id;
     $absolutePath = JPath::clean($absolutePath);
     $absoluteUri = rtrim(JURI::root(), '/') . '/' . str_ireplace('\\', '/', $relativePath) . '/' . $my->id;
     // If the user's folder doesn't exist yet, create it first.
     if (!JFolder::exists($absolutePath)) {
     // Set the temporary folder
     $tmp = JPATH_ROOT . '/tmp';
     $mediamanager = EB::mediamanager();
     // Normalize the file name
     $file['name'] = $mediamanager->normalizeFileName($file['name']);
     // Write the file to the
     $tmpFile = $tmp . '/' . $file['name'];
     JFile::write($tmpFile, $file['bits']);
     // Enter some dummy data so we can run some sanity checks on the file
     $file['tmp_name'] = $tmpFile;
     $file['size'] = 0;
     $error = '';
     $allowed = EB::image()->canUploadFile($file, $error);
     // If file uploads aren't allowed for some reasons, we need to revert
     if ($allowed !== true) {
         return new xmlrpcresp(0, $xmlrpcerruser + 1, $error);
     // Ensure that the image goes through the media manager resizing format
     $result = $mediamanager->upload($file);
     // Once it's gone through media manager, delete the temporary file
     // Build the url for the xmlrpc client so that they can replace the links accordingly within the content
     $url = rtrim(JURI::root(), '/') . '/' . $relativePath . '/' . $file['name'];
     return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval(array('url' => new xmlrpcval($url)), 'struct'));
Example #8
 public static function getAndRemoveImages($content)
     //try to search for the 1st img in the blog
     $img = '';
     $pattern = '#<img[^>]*>#i';
     $result = array();
     preg_match($pattern, $content, $matches);
     if (isset($matches[0]) && !empty($matches[0])) {
         $images = $matches[0];
         if (!is_array($images)) {
             $images = array($images);
         foreach ($images as $image) {
             $content = str_ireplace($image, '', $content);
             // Get the URL to the image
             $pattern = '/src=[\\"\']?([^\\"\']?.*(png|jpg|jpeg|gif))[\\"\']?/i';
             preg_match($pattern, $image, $matches);
             if ($matches) {
                 $imgPath = $matches[1];
                 $source = EB::image()->rel2abs($imgPath, JURI::root());
                 $result[] = $source;
     $obj = new stdClass();
     $obj->content = $content;
     $obj->images = $result;
     return $obj;
Example #9
 public function uploadImage($key)
     // Load up media manager
     $mm = EB::mediamanager();
     // Get the target folder
     $placeId = EBMM::getUri($key);
     // Get the file input
     $file = JRequest::getVar('file', '', 'FILES', 'array');
     // Check if the file is really allowed to be uploaded to the site.
     $state = EB::image()->canUploadFile($file);
     if ($state instanceof Exception) {
         //add error code
         return $state;
         //return $this->output($state);
     // MM should check if the user really has access to upload to the target folder
     $allowed = EBMM::hasAccess($placeId);
     if ($allowed instanceof Exception) {
         //add error code
         return $state;
         //return $this->output($allowed);
     // Check the image name is it got contain space, if yes need to replace to '-'
     $fileName = $file['name'];
     $file['name'] = str_replace(' ', '-', $fileName);
     // Upload the file now
     $file = $mm->upload($file, $placeId);
     // Response object is intended to also include
     // other properties like status message and status code.
     // Right now it only inclues the media item.
     $response = new stdClass();
     $response->media = EBMM::getMedia($file->uri);
     //code for future use
     //header('Content-type: text/x-json; UTF-8');
     //$resp =  json_encode($response, JSON_HEX_TAG);
     return $response;
Example #10
  * Uploads a user avatar
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function upload($fileData, $userId = false)
     // Check if the user is allowed to upload avatar
     $acl = EB::acl();
     // Ensure that the user really has access to upload avatar
     if (!$acl->get('upload_avatar')) {
         return false;
     // Get the current user
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     // If there is userId passed, means this is from backend.
     // We cannot get the current logged in user because it will always be the admin.
     if ($userId) {
         $user = JFactory::getUser($userId);
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $config = EB::config();
     $path = $config->get('main_avatarpath');
     $path = rtrim($path, '/');
     $relativePath = $path;
     $absolutePath = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $path;
     // If the absolute path does not exist, create it first
     if (!JFolder::exists($absolutePath)) {
         // Copy the index.html file over to this new folder
         JFile::copy(JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_easyblog/index.html', $absolutePath . '/index.html');
     // The file data should have a name
     if (!isset($fileData['name'])) {
         return false;
     // Generate a better name for the file
     $fileData['name'] = $user->id . '_' . JFile::makeSafe($fileData['name']);
     // Get the relative path
     $relativeFile = $relativePath . '/' . $fileData['name'];
     // Get the absolute file path
     $absoluteFile = $absolutePath . '/' . $fileData['name'];
     // Test if the file is upload-able
     $message = '';
     if (!EB::image()->canUpload($fileData, $message)) {
         return false;
     // Determines if the web server is generating errors
     if ($fileData['error'] != 0) {
         return false;
     // We need to delete the old avatar
     $profile = EB::user($user->id);
     // Get the old avatar
     $oldAvatar = $profile->avatar;
     $isNew = false;
     // Delete the old avatar first
     if ($oldAvatar != 'default.png' && $oldAvatar != 'default_blogger.png') {
         $session = JFactory::getSession();
         $sessionId = $session->getToken();
         $oldAvatarPath = $absolutePath . '/' . $oldAvatar;
         if (JFile::exists($oldAvatarPath)) {
     } else {
         $isNew = true;
     $image = EB::simpleimage();
     $image->resizeToFill($width, $height);
     $image->save($absoluteFile, $image->type);
     if ($isNew && $config->get('main_jomsocial_userpoint')) {
         EB::jomsocial()->assignPoints('com_easyblog.avatar.upload', $user->id);
     return $fileData['name'];
Example #11
  * Retrieves the team blog's avatar
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @return	string
 public function getAvatar()
     // Default team blog avatar
     $link = '/components/com_easyblog/assets/images/default_teamblog.png';
     if ($this->avatar) {
         // Construct the relative path to the avatar
         $link = '/' . EB::image()->getAvatarRelativePath('team') . '/' . $this->avatar;
     // Reconstruct with the site url
     $link = rtrim(JURI::root(), '/') . $link;
     return $link;