Example #1
File: S.php Project: hfw/h
  * Initialize a new session for a user, such as for a login.
  * Registers a listener for the `error` event to reset the session to its initial state.
 public static function start()
     self::$reset = $_SESSION;
     E::listen('error', function () {
Example #2
File: H.php Project: hfw/h
  * Bootstraps a few INI settings, error handling, and enables direct output.
  * - `session.serialize_handler` is set to `php_serialize`
  * - `session.cookie_httpOnly` is enabled.
  * - `display_errors` and `display_startup_errors` is set to boolean of whether we are running in the CLI server.
  * - `log_errors` is enabled.
  * - PHP's internal output buffer is disabled.
  * All content is sent directly over the wire unless buffering functions are used.
  * This means that views ({@link \H\V}) and other dynamic content will have no `Content-Length` header unless explicitly set (see {@link \H\O}).
  * - [error_reporting()](http://php.net/error-reporting) is set to non-informational errors and warnings. `E_STRICT` is ignored.
  * - [set_error_handler()](http://php.net/set-error-handler) to throw an [ErrorException](http://php.net/ErrorException)
  * for errors in [error_reporting()](http://php.net/error-reporting), thus "reporting" becomes synonymous with "throwing".
  * All uncaught exceptions find their way to the `error` event (see below).
  * Excluded error levels are not thrown, but do get sent to the `log` event (see below), unless silenced with `@`.
  * - [set_exception_handler()](http://php.net/set-exception-handler) to notify the `log` and `error` events (see below).
  * {@link \H\X} is not given to the `log` event, as it is intended for error slippage and can contain potentially large payloads for the user.
  * - Puts a listener on the `error` event. The listener sets a response code and **exits gracefully**.
  * This event should *only* be notified by the global exception handler, you should not notify it manually.
  * Because event listeners are called in LIFO order (see {@link \H\E}), this listener is always called last,
  * so you can pile on additional listeners and exit *more* gracefully.
  * The listener behaves as follows:
  * If the exception is {@link \H\X} then its code and message are used for the response.
  * Otherwise the response code is set to `503` and a generic message is used including the request ID
  * so the user at least has a reference for the failure (see {@link \H\I::id()}).
  * If you attach a listener to the `error` event you can expect an `Exception` as the only argument, or a `Throwable` if in PHP 7.
  * {@link \H\X} must be treated as a JSON encoded HTTP error for the user, and *not* as a server error.
  * You can simply `return` from your listener if you encounter {@link \H\X} so it can find its way to this listener.
  * - Puts a listener on the `log` event.
  * The listener formats a message including the error code, client IP, request method, and request URI, and gives it to [error_log()](php.net/function.error-log).
  * The listener can be trumped by attaching a new listener and returning `false` from it (see {@link \H\E::notify()}).
  * The `log` event can be manually notified with the following arguments:
  * - `string $message`
  * - `int $type` (optional)
  * As a rule of thumb, HTTP status codes can be used for custom log types, since they don't collide with any
  * [error constants](http://php.net/errorfunc.constants) (powers of 2),
  * and the numeric categories of HTTP codes provide context for the nature of the log.
  * Listeners should assume the type is `100` (informational/verbose) if not given.
  * The framework doesn't notify the `log` event except for error reporting.
  * The `log` event is for broadcasting logs only and should **not** output user content or exit.
 public static function init()
     // in case of problems with init. made quieter below.
     ini_set('log_errors', true);
     // directly output
     header('X-Request-ID: ' . I::id());
     $dev = php_sapi_name() === 'cli-server';
     ini_set('display_errors', $dev);
     ini_set('display_startup_errors', $dev);
     ini_set('session.cookie_httpOnly', true);
     ini_set('session.serialize_handler', 'php_serialize');
     E::listen('error', function ($thrown) {
     E::listen('log', function ($message, $type = 100) {
         self::onLog($message, $type);
     set_error_handler(function ($code, $message, $file, $line) {
         self::phpErrorHandler($code, $message, $file, $line);
     set_exception_handler(function ($thrown) {