Example #1

include "../../class.dumper.php";
$fp = fopen(__FILE__, "r");
$a = array('first' => $fp, 'last' => new bar(), 'null_var' => NULL, 'float' => pi(), 'bool' => true, ' leading_space' => 6 * 8, 'trailing_space ' => 'grapes', 'middle space' => 'Mt. Rushmore', 'phones' => array(5036541278, 8714077831, 'x253'), 'long_str' => "This is a really long string full of a\n bunch of crap that should eventually wrap. There once was a man from New Mexico...", 'empty_arr' => array(), 'func_str' => 'preg_replace', 'address' => array('street' => '123 Fake Street', 'city' => 'Portland', 'state' => 'Maine'), 'unixtime' => 1231241234, 'microtime' => microtime(1));
if (isset($_GET['short'])) {
    Dumper::$expand_all = 1;
print "<h2>Dumper capture</h2>\n";
$str = k(array('foo' => 'bar'), KRUMO_CAPTURE);
print $str;
print "<h2>Dumper</h2>\n";
k(array('likes', 'kittens', 'and', 'dogs'));
print "<h2>Dumper passing multiple args</h2>\n";
k('likes', 'kittens', 'and', 'dogs');
print "<h2>Dumper + die()</h2>\n";
print "If you see this something is broken";
$k = new Dumper();
class bar
    public $b = 'bb';
    public $a = 'aa';
    function foo()
        return 'bar';