Example #1
class rubberDuck extends Duck
    public function __construct()
        $this->sound = "Squeek Squeek";
class decoyDuck extends Duck
    public function __construct()
        $this->sound = "";
$darkwing = new Duck("Drake Mallard");
$darkwing->speak("I am the terror that flaps in the night.");
$bill = new rubberDuck("bad Brig");
$bill->speak("You're the one");
$decoy = new decoyDuck();
try {
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    echo "failed";
echo "<br>";
// function add($x,$y){
// 	if(is_numeric($x)){
// 		if(is_numeric($y)){
// 			return $x + $y;
Example #2
function testDuck(Duck $duck)
 public function fly()
     if (rand(0, 4) == 0) {
Example #4
| It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to
| and give it the Closure to execute when that URI is requested.
Route::get('/', function () {
    return Redirect::to('ducks');
Route::get('ducks', function () {
    return View::make('duck-form');
    // dd(App::environment());
// route to process the ducks form
Route::post('ducks', function () {
    $rules = array('name' => 'required', 'email' => 'required|email|unique:ducks', 'password' => 'required', 'password_confirm' => 'required|same:password');
    $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);
    if ($validator->fails()) {
        $messages = $validator->messages();
        return Redirect::to('ducks')->withErrors($validator);
    } else {
        $duck = new Duck();
        $duck->name = Input::get('name');
        $duck->email = Input::get('email');
        $duck->password = Hash::make(Input::get('password'));
        if ($duck->save()) {
            return Redirect::to('ducks');
        } else {
            return "There was an error with your entry. Please refresh the page and try again.";
Example #5
class NoQuack implements QuackBehavior
    public function quack()
        echo "I don't even quack";
class Duck
    public $fly_behavior;
    public $quack_behavior;
    public function swim()
        echo "swimming duck";
    public function display()
        echo "be a duck";
    public function performQuack()
    public function performFly()
$duck = new Duck();
$duck->quack_behavior = new MakeNoise();
Example #6
 public function display()

class Duck
    private $name;
    protected $sound;
    public function __construct($name)
        echo "I am alive";
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->sound = "UNKNOWN";
    public function speak()
        echo "I can speak " . $this->sound;
class rubberDuck extends Duck
    public function __construct()
        $this->sound = "Squeek Squeek";
$darkwing = new Duck("Drake Mallard");
$bill = new rubberDuck("bad Brig");